Wednesday, 6 April 2016

she fits, she sits

Tobias says that if she fits, she sits.

On the other paw, maybe not.  MOUSES!

My sister, Tobias, is a pretty little cat.  Yup, she's pretty and she's little.  She's pretty little, too.  MOUSES!

The peeps are always saying that even though Tobias is all grown up and everything, she's really just the size of a kitten.  A kitten that might be about five or six months old, they say.

Of course, my doctor has been known to say otherwise.  My doctor says that Tobias is actually of normal size.  Thing is, when a normal-sized kitty is compared to marmalade cats like those two long-haired brothers of mine, the normal-sized kitty ends up looking pretty little no matter how big she really is.

You noticed how I didn't say Tobias looked small when compared to me, huh?  Yeah, well...  Well... Well never mind.  MOUSES!

Anyway, 'bout an hour ago or so, while I was sitting at my desk staring at my computer, dreaming of nip mice and wondering what-oh-what I should blog about today, on account of my having gone through my whole list of upcoming blog post topics and not finding a single one that I wanted to tackle at the mo, my sister Tobias hopped down from the windowsill and trotted across the floor. She was heading straight for a box Peep #1 had so carelessly left on the floor, over in the corner.

I'm not sure what had been in the box before.  Something for the peep, I'm guessing.  It wasn't nip. I'm positive of that.  Had there ever been nip in that there box, I would know.  The shipping of nip in cardboard boxes always leaves a slightly nippy scent, you see.  A scent I can readily detect with my nip-detecting nose.  MOUSES!

But whatever had been in that box, it must have been small, for the box itself was small and therefore capable of only holding small things.

And that brings me back to my sister, Tobias.

Now like I said, Tobias is little.  Little as little can be.  Little like that little cardboard box.

NO, I wasn't thinking of putting Tobias in the box and shipping her anywhere although truth be told...

What's that, Peepers?  What did you say?

FINE.  I have been informed that we don't ship cats places in cardboard boxes.  That no matter how much cats might like cardboard boxes, they don't wanna be in 'em while the boxes are being shipped. I really wasn't gonna ship my sister anywhere, anyway.  Wasn't even thinking 'bout it.  MOUSES!

But maybe Tobias was.

Actually, Tobias was just thinking about getting herself inside that box.  She wasn't thinking of going anywhere in it.

So Tobias approached the box.  Tobias got up close and personal with the box.  She wanted to become one with the box.  She eyed it.  She sniffed it.  I think she might have even licked it!  She gave it the once-over, for sure.

The fact that the box wasn't as long as Tobias, didn't stop her.  The fact that the box wasn't as tall as Tobias, didn't stop her, either.  She put in one paw and then the next and then the...

It was about the time when Tobias decided to put a third paw into the box, that she began to realize there might be a problem.  Nevertheless, the third paw went into that box.

When Tobias decided to put her fourth paw inside the box, she knew she had a problem.  You see, the fourth paw wouldn't fit.  Well technically, the paw itself fit.  It was just all the Tobias in between those four paws for which there was no room.

Tobias stood there with all four paws inside that ol' box, while most of the rest of her protruded out of its top.  She stood there for a few minutes and then...  Then she must have decided that maybe - just maybe - the box wasn't big enough for her, after all.  That's when she started to move.

Did I say move?  I meant, sway.

So Tobias started to sway to her right and as she swayed, so did the box.

She swayed a little further and again, so did the box.

A little bit more and...

Long story short, there is now a small box lying on its side on the floor, in the corner of my office, and Tobias is back up on the windowsill, washing her face, looking like nothing ever happened at all. MOUSES!

So we can safely say that that ol' adage of she fits, she sits might be better worded as, she fits nots, she sways LOTS and luckily for me, I now have a topic for my blog post today.  Yay!!!  Thanks Tobias. You are one good sister to have.  If I need your help on Sunday, I'll let you know, for sure. MOUSES!


  1. Oh my, the image of what happened to Tobias will be with me for a while, a fine post my dear pal. You know it's the same with peeps and clothes, they just have to fit into a size that's aspirational rather than rational. purrs

    1. The origin of the muffin top, I do believe. MOUSES!

  2. stars girl, I so know you MEANT to do that; tip the box on its side and you just needed the precise angle and trajectory and timing... so I applaud you for having accomplished; said task....hugs girl from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥♥

    1. Well if that was her intent, she did it VERY well. MOUSES!

  3. Seems like Tobias is not quite as tiny as she thought!

  4. Oh, my, I can just picture all of that. My Mom tells me that one of the cats that came before me, Smudge, once managed to fit himself into a not so large shoebox. Looked rather like a rectangular muffin, with the muffin spillage out the sides and all. What is it with cats and boxes?

  5. ROFL!!!!!!

    OH man you made us LAUGH!!!!!!! Seville mate, poor Tobias * grin *

    1. I think that next time she'll try out a bigger box. purrs

  6. I hope no boxes were hurt during Tobias' attempt to fit in one!

    1. Don't worry. I think the box survived the ordeal better than Toby's ego. purrs

  7. Ha ha - that sure was a good one too. You owe Tobias big time for that idea - complete with picture. I could use some of her help too - does she hire out?

    1. I do owe her - BIG - for sure. I was in dire need of a blog topic. Without her doing what she did, I wouldn't have known what to do! purrs

  8. I wish you would have gotten a photo of hr swaying in the box. She is very cute

    1. Peep #1 and I were to busy smirking to even think of getting a photo and truth be told, knowin' the peep's photographic skills, she likely would have just gotten a picture of the back of Toby's head or something, anyway. MOUSES!

  9. Your new saying is quite funny and appropriate. But we cats just can't get enough of our boxes. MOUSES! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Trick is to get a properly sized box, I think. purrs

  10. Wow, a box that didn't fit even a small(ish) kitty? I didn't think it was possible!

    1. I know. What's the point of even making boxes that small? MOUSES!

  11. sometimes a girl just has to try these things out,xx Speedy

  12. MOL... Tobias made sure that the box did fix...MOL :D Pawkisses :) <3

    1. Guess she fit what she could fit inside of that box. Trouble was the parts that didn't fit. purrs

  13. Well it's best to try out all boxes - even if they might be a tad too never wouldn't want to pass up a good one just because you THOUGHT it wouldn't work out. Good for Tobias giving that box a whirl.

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. You might have a point there. Every box should be given a chance, I suppose. Yup, every box, for sure. purrs

  14. Tobias must be a tiny girl. The images of her getting into that box are priceless

    1. She IS pretty small. Peeps think she had her first litter very young and stopped growing, herself. She was born feral, you know. purrs

  15. Trying to fit in a tiny box is fun - we do it a lot. Thanks for stopping by today. It means so much to us.

    1. Hope you're doing okay. Anniversaries of that kind can be hard. I know. purrs

  16. I think Tobias is very kind to have given that box something to write home about! I mean if she hadn't, that box might have remained unfurred and lonely stuck out there all on its own!!

    1. It's true. A box ignored by all cats is a very lonely and sad box, for sure. purrs

  17. Tobias, aren't you glad you could be so helpful?

    1. I think she IS quite pleased with herself, for sure. purrs

  18. Sisfurs have to be good for something Seville, even if it's just for blog ideas. - Sasha & Saku

    You boys are mean for laffing at poor little Tobias! - Sami

    1. Hey, I didn't MAKE her go inside the box. I only reported the facts. MOUSES!

  19. Maybe Tobias should go on a diet!

    1. Hehehehee... I'm gonna tell her you said that! purrs

  20. Hey, tiny is in the paw of the beholder!

  21. Tobias reminds mes of Kozmo. hes is a HUGE cat and he THINKS hes the same size as mes.
    And Seville, mes would comes and cuddles and naps with yous too!

  22. Even kitties do 'body positive'!

  23. Maybe she was just testing physics? MOL!

    1. In a rather scientific way? Could be... Could be... MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.