Now you might be wondering why my Peep #1 was playing with marbles in the first place and certainly wondering why-oh-why she didn't take better care of 'em, while playing, so as not to lose 'em. I know I was wondering that, myself. Yup, first thing I thought, when I caught wind of those missing marbles, was exactly that. It's true!
Actually, that's not true. Truth is, I didn't even know the peep had marbles to lose. Mason was going on about Peep #1 having lost her marbles and I said to Mason, "The peep has marbles? Where does she keep 'em? And how come she doesn't play with them with us?"
Now as this here is a family-friendly blog, I am not allowed to repeat how Mason responded. MOUSES!
So after watching Mason stomp off in a huff, I set to work finding Peep #1's missing marbles. I grabbed a couple of knitting needles and some yarn and donned my Miss Marple disguise, figuring that if anyone could find those missing marbles, it would be Miss Marple, for sure.
And I looked just like Miss Marple, too, except for the fact that Miss Marple was a lady and I am a boy. And, of course, I'm a cat while Miss Marple was a peep. A peep who often wore hats and I, although a cat, have never worn a hat. Nope, never have been a cat in a hat kind of cat at all. But other than that, no one would ever be able to tell us apart. MOUSES!
An hour or so later, it was discovered that the marbles in question were figurative marbles at best. Figures. MOUSES!
So after I did a few figure eights on the kitchen floor, just because figure eights seemed like an appropriate thing to do, I set about looking for what the peep had actually lost. Apparently, it was some stupid ol' piece of paper.
Need I say it?
Of course I do.
Turned out, Peep #1 had this piece of paper thingy that she really, really needed. One moment she had it in her hand. The next moment she had placed it carefully on the desk. And the next moment? Well the next moment, it was lost. MOUSES!
Eventually the peep gave up her search for the missing paper and went to the post office to get a new one. I'm telling you, had I known she could have just gotten a new piece of paper at the post office, I would have sent her there in the first place, long before she went and made all that mess.
Of course, at that point, when she was just beginning to make the messiest mess of all messes, I was still searching for the missing marbles. MOUSES!
Now losing things is not new to my peep. No sirree. Peep #1 is a pro when it comes to losing stuff she needs. Not an hour goes by...
Okay, that might be a tad of an exaggeration.
Not a day goes by when something belonging to the peep doesn't get lost. Yesterday, it was the paper thingy from the post office. The day before? The day before it was something else. That something else has still yet to be found, too. MOUSES!
It's like there's a raging epidemic of things going missing at my house and if I'm not careful, I'll start missing stuff, too.
And to be perfectly honest, I'm still not convinced that the peep wasn't missing actual marbles, that were not at all figurative, all along. Nor am I convinced that Miss Marple wouldn't have been the one peep able to find those missing marples. I mean, marbles. I mean... Awww... MOUSES!
Once, a very long time ago, I heard Mason say that the peep needed something - although truth be told, at this very moment I cannot remember what that something was - like she needed a hole in her head. So was my sister Mason suggesting that the peep actually did need a hole in her head for if she were, and the peep managed to get that hole, well then all these figurative and non-figurative marbles alike could have fallen through that hole in the peep's head and lo and behold, it would certainly explain all those marbles that may or may not have gone missing.
It would not, however, explain the missing piece of paper.
Or the other missing thing from the day before.
Unless, of course, those future missing items turned out to be marbles.
Yes, those peeps can be particular about their paper thingies. Ours is, too. Some peeps buy their cats catfood and litter and toys and stuff with their paper thingies. Ours prefers plastic thingies. But whichever. Terrible to misplace them. MOUSES!
ReplyDeletePeeps and their papers. MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteIt WAS pretty entertaining for me, I must say. purrs
DeleteWell all we can hope for is that all the missing items turn up somewhere. We know the peeps hope that too. You all have a great evening.
ReplyDeleteNo sign of 'em yet. MOUSES!
DeleteMOUSES! My Dad used to only have 1 marble, but who knows where it went off to!
ReplyDeleteOnly one to start? MOUSES!
DeleteWe understand peeps loosing things. The "office" is a mess, the "sewing room" is a mess & the "hobby room" is a mess. We are surprised that some of us cats don't go missing. Our peep has to count noses twice a day to make sure we are all here.
ReplyDeleteWith my Peep #1? Stuff goes missing the most when she tidies stuff up. MOUSES!
DeleteMaybe there's a big pile of paper thingees, marbles and other stuff somewhere, just waiting to be found! MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteHanging out with the missing socks, I suspect. purrs
DeleteMy human loses stuff frequently, mainly because she's a slob and whatever it is gets buried under other stuff. No marbles about it.
ReplyDeleteDoes the missing stuff bury other missing stuff? Inquiring minds need to know. purrs
DeleteMy peeps marbles are always going missing, must be the same make, huh? Anyways, peep says they should make them another shape so they will stay put... purrs Erin
ReplyDeleteIt's true! Round objects roll like no others. MOUSES!
DeleteWe hope that your peeps find all the missing items ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteNot yet but I have my paws crossed she finds the stuff soon. purrs
Deletedood....18 centz anda sackz oh friez say de missin peace oh paper hada list on it oh what yur peep kneaded ta due, shulda done, mite save til later... and de act shoo ul cost oh marbles...tho we troo lee due knot think de postal servizz coulda helped with that one... now we think bout it.... { we bet her waz talkin like mason tho bout de missin paper huh !!! } ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteAnd on that list, perhaps one of the things she needed to do was... Pick up a new bag of marbles! MOUSES! purrs
DeleteAs Grumpy cat says, you may not have lost all your marbles, but there is definitely a hole in the bag- I think that phrase will work on your peep too.
ReplyDeleteI love that! PURRS
Deleteour the mom would lose her head if it were not attached - and we think that she could actually lose WHILE it's attached!
ReplyDeletecome on ofur to our house for some french toast
Known fact that that is what necks are for. MOUSES!
DeleteFigurative marbles are not as much fun. On the other hand figurative "ants in your pants" are much better than real ones.
Figurative ants in your pants? MOUSES!
DeleteMARBLES!!! Did you say 'MARBLES' Sivvers?? Why I thought those round thingies were just..ya pills...hmmm...maybe that's why Mom L has been jumpin' around a lot lately...I think I may have your Peep #1's marbles
ReplyDeleteThose are Mexican jumping beans, I do believe. purrs
DeleteOh Lordy... can we ever relate. Our human lost a piece of paper the other day and she spend HOURS looking for it. Looking everywhere... even in places she had never been before... like behind the refrigerator. She even looked in the same place, over and over, in case it magically showed up there. She finally did find the darn thing... thank goodness... because without her marbles, she is no fun to be around! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey kitties
ReplyDeleteYour mum found her paper? Ever lucky. So far, no sign of my peep's paper. I was SURE it would turn up soon as she got a new one at the post office but nothing yet. MOUSES!
DeleteMom is always doing that. She'll have something in her hand, set it down, turn around and it is gone! I don't know how that happens. Seems the humans lose a lot of things!
ReplyDeleteIt's like magic or something. Sometimes I wonder if it might be due to one of us cats... MOUSES!
DeleteSeville, peep #1 sounds like the lady. She loses stuff (including her marbles) all the time. We think Miss Marple could've found your peep's marbles and the paper.
I think so too! I mean... Marbles... Miss Marple... Sounds like a match, for sure. purrs
DeleteMy humans lose stuff all the time but then they forget they lost whatever it was anyway so...
ReplyDeleteHave a super Sunday!
Noodle and crew
Yeah, that's their one blessing 'round here, too. purrs
DeleteSounds like my human is like yours.
ReplyDeleteShe keeps on losing "important" pieces of paper. In my opinion it's normal. Her desk is a real mess. She needs a secretary. The problem is ... when she works she is an Admin.... I wonder how her boss manages to survive !
Yours too? My Peep #1 keeps MY desk as messy as messy can be. I try my best to keep it neat but then she comes along and messes it right up again. MOUSES!
DeleteSeville, I think this losing marbles thingy is what the peeps call a you for mizzum! At least I think that's what it is!! Anyway beats me why they are always losing things! If they had all four paws down like us, then they'd be much better off!!
ReplyDeleteYou're preaching to the choir, my friend. Preaching to the choir! purrs