Wednesday 2 December 2015

hey everybody!

Hey everybody!  How are you doing?  What's up?

How am I doing, you ask? What is up with me? What is new and interesting in my life?


I'm just sitting here at my computer, wondering what on earth I should be writing about for today's blog post 'cause quite frankly, my life has been pretty darn boring, the last few days.  MOUSES!

I'm so bored, I could win a most bored kitty award.

No, seriously though.  I'm so bored, the most important thing going through my mind right now is whether or not I should have capitalized the word earth when I used it in the phrase, what on earth, in the above paragraph.  I'm thinking that maybe I should have but really, I'm really not sure at all.

I mean, earth is the name of a planet and when used as such, it should be capitalized, right? Venus and Mars are capitalized.  But earth is also another name for soil or even the ground and in those cases, no upper case letters are required.

Now I'm wondering if in the phrase, what on earth, earth means the planet Earth or just the ground upon which I'm standing.  Well the ground upon which my house is standing, in which my chair is standing, upon which I am sitting but you get my drift, I am sure.

Now I'm wondering whether or not it's worth looking up.

Now I'm wondering about how the phrase get my drift, might relate to the Earth and Continental Drift and wondering if the earth upon which my house is standing is drifting and if so, in which direction would that drifting be and whether or not my chair is drifting as well.

Now I'm wondering if my concern over earth versus Earth matters at all because seriously, one little capital letter can't be nearly as important as continents drifting around in the oceans.

And now I'm wondering how my mind can drift from one thing to another like it does without making me dizzy.  MOUSES!

Bottom line is, my life right now is pretty darned boring.  MOUSES!

Peep #1 has been elfing.  She does this kind of thing every year.  Knitting up nip mice and biff bags and stuff.  I watched her for a bit but she was keeping a tight reign on the ol' yarn and I couldn't get at it.  What's more, I was too bored to even think about slobbering all over it which was really more Nissy's thing than mine.  I'm not the slobbering on yarn kind, you see.

Now had the peep brought out the bag of nip, I could have found some excitement in that, but she didn't and so excitement was not mine to be had.  MOUSES!

I watched Peep #1 playing with Mason and Andy, last night.  Mason was all jumping up in the air and catching that mouse on a string, batting it this way and that and giving it a good thumping with her hind paws.  Anderson, on the other paw, rolled over once, missed the mouse, and fell asleep due the exertion of rolling over onto his side.  I wasn't in the mood for mousing, myself, so after seeing Andy falling asleep like that, it put me in the mood for a nap and I went on up to bed.  Maybe I'll play with a wand toy tonight.

Nosey-Neighbour-Cat has been over a lot.  So much, in fact, that his peep even brought over a big bag of food for all of us to share.  MOUSES!

Normally the presence of Nosey-Neighbour-Cat provides a little excitement and light entertainment but to tell you the truth, he's been over here so much, I'm even bored with that.  MOUSES!

Oh, and last night, it rained.

I know, the rain has nothing to do with Nosey Neighbour Cat or the fact that I'm bored but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Better rain than snow, right?

Peep #1 got all her bags of leaves emptied out and into the garden.  Anderson supervised for a bit until he, too, got bored and found something better to do.  I think he took a nap.  Again.  It's kind of what he does.  MOUSES!

But to tell you the truth, I'm thinking this being bored thing might actually be rather fortuitous after all.  I mean, it is December and in just over three weeks, Santa will be coming.  If I'm lazing about being bored and everything, at least I'm not getting into trouble.  Excitement and trouble often go paw-in-paw at my house, if you know what I mean.  I wonder why that is.

But now that I think about it some more, boredom and trouble are frequently friendly, too.  Those idle paws with nothing to do...

Seems to me, trouble seeks out bored and not bored kitties, alike.  Not good news at this time of year, to be sure.


Maybe I should see if there's some trouble...  I mean, mischief...  No, I mean good ol' honest excitement to be found.  Shake off this rut of boredom that has enveloped me.

On the other paw, maybe I'll just take a nap.  Close my eyes and allow myself to drift off to sleep.

OH MY MOUSES!  What if the continent upon which I am sleeping drifts off the edge of the Earth?

Just kidding.  I know, continents can't drift that fast.  MOUSES!


PS.  An a well-educated cat and the world's leading expert on eggbeater-whisk time travelling-teleportation technology (not to mention kitty physics), I am aware that continents can't drift off the Earth as the Earth is not flat.  MOUSES!


  1. Peep says there's an electrical earth too, and is just a capital E! Very confusing for sure. Mouses!

    1. There's an electrical earth? An E? Hmmm... MOUSES! I mean, what else can I say but that? purrs

  2. dood...ewe haz mor goin on at yur place than we due in trout towne way mor

    ....ewe wanna talk bored...we iz sew bord we can put R selves ta sleep thinkin oh R selves we iz that kinda bord

    N de last naybor kitteh we saw waz runnin cross de earth sew fast that may bee de Earth wuz gonna split on that dee vide thing....

    then again.... it waz burd day when we saw her.... & if it smelled in her houz like it did ourz { like rotten cooked bass terd turkee burd carcazz }

    we wooda been runnin two....cept for de fax we iz trapped inn side N canna ever even get out side ta stand on sum earth !!! ♥♥♥

    1. Sounds like you all might be in the running for the Bored Kitty Award, too. purrs

  3. Hi Seville, sorry you are so bored. Sounds like a good nap is in order. Good to see you.

    1. It's true, napping is ALWAYS a good thing to do. purrs

  4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ha ha - whoops, i was supposed to pay attention wasn't I? Just kidding pal. I did read it and could relate. That's why i don't post very often - very boring here all the time. Maybe it's better this way tho than too lively. I'd probably fall asleep anyway.

    1. I know! Got to stir up some trouble around here if I'm going to have anything to post about tomorrow. MOUSES!

  5. Replies
    1. Me too. Tomorrow is a posting day! I need some dirt and I need it fast. MOUSES!

  6. I feel the earth move under my feet! Oops, sorry, wrong song. Tis the season to be jolly...

    1. You into the nip, Brian? Don't worry, I'm not judging. I'm into a little, myself. purrs

  7. Seville, we feel you. But just when things get boring, something comes along to get our attention. We hope that happens for you, soon!

    1. Oh, I sure do. Hope something exciting happens soon, I mean. I have a post to write for tomorrow and need a topic, for sure. MOUSES!

  8. Goodness Seville we nodded off just thinking about your boredom.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. Hehehehee... Glad I could help out with your beauty sleep. purrs

  9. Well, consider yourself lucky that you are bored! We live in southern California, and things have been exciting here, and not in a good way!

    Fortunately, we are at least an hour or so from the site of the shooting.

    1. I heard about that! Nope, not in a good way, at all. MOUSES!

  10. Poor Seville, you do sound bored. Have you written your letter to Santa? Maybe you could help all your brothers and sisters with their letters too being that you are the writer in the family.

  11. Mowzers, Seville, maybe it's time to stir up a little trou-- err, add a little excitement into the peeps' lives?

    1. I think maybe it's a time to do that, for sure. Oh Nosey-Neighbour-Cat... You still here? PURRS

  12. We hopes you find something to get into or up to relieve that boredom. We mean a kitty can sleep so many hours in a day, right?

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. I know! If I nap too much, I'll get too much beauty sleep which will make me even more irresistible when it comes to peeps wanting hugs. MOUSES!

  13. Oh dear... it truly seems there really is much ado about nothing... Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

    1. Yup, I heard Shakespeare had the same trouble. MOUSES!

  14. Boring = NO FUN!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. Yeah, well, Sivvers, be ever so grateful that the earth does NOT SHIFT under your paws...not a pleasant feeling...nope, no way no how

    1. I bet it isn't. Never had that happen except, of course, if the peeps move a piece of furniture upon which I am napping. purrs

  16. BUT! Maybe the continents could start moving about the oceans and Canada could wind up at the South Pole region, or in the Pacific ocean! What about that concern???

    1. OH MY MOUSES! I never even thought about that. MOUSES!!!!

  17. You need an adventure!
    Have an adventurous and happy Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  18. Seville, I enjoyed reading your post and wasn't bored at all. Plus, napping, in my book, is always a great option.



  19. Seville, I was just saying to someone that it is ENTIRELY possible that bits of the U.K. will fall off and float over to Nova Scotia!! We've had so much rain!! So I think it definitely can happen!! I could come over without the aid of the egg whisk telly thingie!!

    1. Come on over! We shall prepare the landing pad, now. purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.