Wednesday, 30 September 2015

let me tell you

Let me tell you about my peep.  This morning, Peep #1 updated her Facebook status with a comment that really took me by surprise.

Yeah, I know.  What's taking all of you by surprise is that the peep is on Facebook. It sometimes surprises me, too. Surprises me she's allowed over there as let's face it, she's just not all that interesting.  Unlike me, of course.

As you might have guessed, the peep's uninteresting nature is why she doesn't have a fan page as I do.  She doesn't have a fan page like me because she's not famous or anything.

Infamous, maybe..  Nah, just kidding. Bottom line is, the peep doesn't have a fan page because she doesn't have any fans. No need for a fan page when you're fanless, you know?  Of course you do. MOUSES!

What's that, Peepers?  Fanless isn't a word?  Sure it is!  I just invented it right now.  MOUSES!

But back to that status.  On Facebook, the peep described what is known as the Coffee Paradox and she described it almost perfectly.  She said something like, sometimes she needs a cup of coffee to get out of bed in the morning but unfortunately, she needs to get out of bed in order to get the coffee.  See?  A perfect paradox, indeed.

Well almost perfect.  As I so kindly pointed out to Peep #1, her paradox would be even more perfect had it been about nip.  As a cat, I don't drink coffee but nip on the other paw...  You get my point, I am sure.

But then on the other other paw - luckily, as a cat, I have four - if the paradox were about nip and not coffee, it wouldn't be called the Coffee Paradox.  It would be called the Nip Paradox, I suppose. I'll have to think about this one, a little more.

The thing is though, for a brief moment there, I said to myself, "My gosh, Peep #1 really can be quite profound."

Then I answered myself with, "Profound!  The Peep?  Didn't even know she was anti-lost never mind pro found.  MOUSES!"  Well I said something to that effect, I do believe.

Not quite sure what I said on account of my having been nipped, at the time.  MOUSES!

Hey!  It's not my fault that nip mouse was lying there on the floor next to my office chair.  Yes, I may have left it there, last night, but I didn't order it to stay.  MOUSES!

But do you know who really was very profound?  Nissy.  My brother Nissy was the most profound kitty around.

It has been five months, today, since Nissy left us to romp through the great nip fields of Heaven, chasing butterflies.  Five long months.  And his best friend, Herman Tattlecat, wrote the most beautiful tribute to Nissy and published it today, in honour of what he calls Nissy's five month Angelversary. Angelversary...  I like that.  Nissy was an angel on earth so up in Heaven, he'll be one of the finest angels, for sure.

The peep has been a little sad since yesterday, when she started thinking about the fact that it was five months ago when Nissy left us.  She says it seems like just yesterday when she could scoop him up into her arms for cuddles but at the same time, it feels like he's been gone for so very long.  Far too long.  She says that seeing Nissy used to make her heart smile but now, her heart hasn't smiled in a very long time.

But Peep #1 was ever-so-touched by Herman's blog post.  It made her cry, a bit, but that's only because she loved Nissy so much and misses him terribly.  And from reading Herman's blog post, it's very clear that he loved Nissy, too.  They were best pals.  Besties.  Bestest besties, for sure.

Herman's post, "Tribute to Nerissa the Cat," can be found right here on the blog, Kimberley Koz. That's the blog Herman shares with his mum.

I've been thinking about Nissy a lot lately, too.  As you know, Niss and I signed up for Professor Lyon's Kitty Lit. 101 course, last year, and going to school with my brother was such fun.  Now I'm taking the course with my other two brothers, Anderson and Rushton.  Thing is, because those two long-haired marmies are newbies regarding the literary lessons thing, I have to be the big brother now.  The responsible one.  I have to be like Nissy.

And being the big brother is hard when you're supposed to be the big brother to two long-haired marmies who are part Coon.  They're huge!  I'm a fairly good-sized dude, myself, but Andy and Rushy?  Like I said, HUGE.  And they have all that floofy floof, too.  MOUSES!

Sometimes Peep #1 wonders if Anderson really is big cat or instead, a rather small lion.  She says it could go either way.  MOUSES!

But speaking of Professor Lyon's Kitty Lit. course, you are all remembering to enter my giveaway, are you not?  It's easy peasy to do and the prize is absolutely great.  One very lucky reader is going to WIN an AUTOGRAPHED COPY of Fillet of Murder, Linda Reilly's fantabulous book.

All you need do to enter is leave a comment on my post, "fish and chips with a side of trouble," by midnight, Atlantic Time, on Sunday October 4th. Leaving a comment is easy!  Like I said, easy peasy, for sure.  Just remember to do so before Sunday's deadline, okay?

And if, by chance, you are wondering about that side of trouble business, let me put it this way... You've met my two marmie brothers, haven't you?  MOUSES!


  1. Herman's momma has da same name as my momma - even spelled da same way! Which are very unusual here in da US, usually it are Kimberly not Kimberley. My momma wuz so eggcited, she are such a weirdo.

    1. Hehehehe... I think my peeps are kind of weirdos, too. They like lemons. Could you believe it? MOUSES!

  2. My late Brother Ivan was pure Maine Coon and he was sure big. Hey, I don't have a paradox, I only have one, does that count?

  3. What an awesome tribute by Herman! No wonder it touched your human. I bet it touched a lot of Nissy's fans.

    1. Yeah, Herman really knows how to write from the heart. purrs

  4. I can't believe its been that long already Sivvers *sniff*,Herman's tribute was pawsome,christmas won't be the same without Nissy to go on an adventure with,xx Speedy

    1. This is going to be my first Christmas without Nissy. Going to be very different and kind of sad, for sure. purrs

    2. Know that awful feeling. I still miss Admiral like that too. xxxooo

    3. Can be almost paralysing at times. purrs

  5. Yes Summer is so right, an awesome tribute. Hmm.... a coffee paradox, I'm sure that Dr Who peep has those all the time, so maybe you could help your peep with your whisk teleportation technology? purrs

    1. So you think that the peep could go back in time, before getting up, grab her cup of coffee and leave it on the nightstand and then go forward in time and have it waiting for her when she gets up? Hmmm.. Or maybe she could go forward in time, make the coffee and bring it back to the nightstand and then go back in time and go back to bed and... Oh my mouses. This is more complicated than I thought. Hmmm... Maybe the Doctor could just make the coffee for her and bring her a cup. MOUSES!

  6. That is a wonderful tribute by Herman for Nissy. It doesn't seem possible that it is 5 months already. I send purrs to your peep, and my mum sends (((hugs))).

    1. Yes, another paradox. Seems like yesterday and yet, at the same time, is way too long. Thanks so much for those purrs and hugs, my friend. The peep really needs them, for sure. purrs

    2. Ooops, put the fish and chips in the wrong place. Heeeee.

    3. That's okay, Katie. I copied and pasted your comment so that you'd be entered in the draw. purrs

  7. dood, that IZ an awesum post for yur brother nissy...mouses.... & we NOE...him loved it two....

    itz oh kay for yur mom ta haz sum sadz......even if her wants ta haz sum sadz 5 monthz frum now even...itz oh kay ta haz sum sadz....troo lee ~~~~~~ hugs two her

    N we iz knot sure if thiz qual a fiez for pro found...but if yur mom had her coffee makin masheen on de nite stand thing a what cha call it....her could haz her coffee & stay in bed two....noe wait....her could haz her cake & eat it cake.....may bee even !!!!

    heerz two a frigate mackerull kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    1. Coffee maker right next to the bed, huh? Hmmm... GENIUS! purrs

  8. Fish and Chips with a side of trouble!

    Seville, I LOVE that picture of you in your picture there and seeing Nissy made me smile. I miss him. And seeing him made me realize even more than I miss him. Thank you for the post Seville. Yu do a wonderful job for us and Nissy.

    1. And thank YOU, Katie, for loving Nissy as you do. purrs

  9. Herman wrote a pawsome tribute to Nerissa ! Purrs

    1. Herman really does know how to write from the heart. purrs

  10. Yup we now the paradox or love and loss. It's Merlin's birthday and it's a happy/sad day.

  11. I hope you got my supportive email just now for Marmalade Monday. I had been logged out and had to go log in. So hope it wasn't all in vain.

  12. I meant comment. My mom was half asleep. At least that's what she says. *looks accusingly at mom*

    1. Don't worry about that. I often have peep problems, too. purrs

  13. Five months already? Our mom feels like yours. It seems like it was just yesterday or years ago. You are working very hard to fill Nissy's shoes, Sivvers. And we appreciate you taking on this very difficult task. MOUSES! You are doing a great job. Purrs and prayers for your entire family as you continue to mourn Nissy. He surely is an angel. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thank you so much for those purrs and prayers. Thank you so very, very much. purrs

  14. Sorry I am late this week, I will read the tribute to sweet Nissy. You are doing a fine job Seville, but I miss Nissy. I bet he is helping my Lucy get adjusted at the bridge. Sending hugs to your peep. And the answer to the coffee problem is Peep#2 needs to bring peep#1 her coffee on the morning, that is what we do :) Then I have the energy to make breakfast for both of us and feed all the kitties. XO

    1. I bet Nissy IS up in Heaven with Lucy. They're probably romping together through vast fields of nip, chasing butterflies. purrs

  15. Seville, you have a pair of tocks for Tocktober, right? Ya know, we miss Nissy too. We have a pic of him on the blog and we say a prayer every time we see it! I don't know about coffee, but I'm with you on the nip!!! Chow, Sivvers xxxx

    1. I 'guess' I have tocks. Not sure. Let me check. Yup, I think so. Tocks are NOT what I lost you-know-when, right? purrs

  16. *leaky eyes* a wonderful tribute to my pal Nissy. And I know those Marmie bro's of yours are humongous! And trouble makers too

    1. Oh they are. They are! Real troublemakers, for sure. And as for their size, well, Rushton is exactly one pound heavier than me and Andy? Peep says he's even heavier but not sure by how much. I also heard her saying something about when he goes in for his check-up, she's sure Dr. Teresa will want to put him on a diet. Andy, of course, wasn't listening. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.