Sort of.
My very first Canada Day on the job as Chief Blogger of the Family and I've already messed up. MOUSES!
Although technically, it was not I who messed up. It was the peep and boy-oh-boy, did she ever make a mess of my blog. MOUSES!
I had this big adventure type of post planned for today. It was big. It was super big.
You see, my sister Mason... Oops! I had better not tell you about the actual adventure, just in case I can salvage something for a future post.
What I can tell you is the following... PEEP #1 MESSED UP BIG TIME! (No mouses required.)
Nissy used to always say he had the worst IT support on the planet and let me tell you, I had never really believed him until yesterday but now I know for a fact that what he claimed was absolutely true.
Perhaps I should start from the beginning...
The other day, something really exciting happened at my house and I wanted to tell you all about it so I wrote the most amazing blog post to let you all in on this exciting event. Then I called out, "Oh Peepers... I need a few pictures for my blog post . You want to whip up a paw full for me?" Well the peep got working on those pictures right away. She did act quite promptly, I have to give her that.
But then the next thing I knew, there was fur flying all over the place. Okay it wasn't exactly fur. It was more like hair. Peep hair. She was practically yanking it out of her head in frustration. And there were some words said, too, which I will not repeat here as Nerissa's Life is a family-friendly blog but let me put it this way... THEY WERE A WHOLE LOT STRONGER THAN MOUSES. MOUSES!
I tried to console the peep. May I get you some coffee? Tea? Cake?
Now an offer of cake usually puts a gleam in Peep #1's eye but ever since I ordered those cakes on-line and offered her some, the gleam has been a bit dull. You see, the peep thought I was offering her Black Forest Cake or Lemon Chiffon or something like that but really, they were fishcakes. What did she expect? I'm a cat. I'm not allowed chocolate and I don't like lemon so of course I was going to go the fishcake route. MOUSES!
Anyway, the peep turned down the coffee, tea and fishcakes. I think she was looking for something stronger.
Apparently, the site Peep #1 always used when doing up pictures for Nissy has changed a whole whack of stuff. She can't Google images to be used as stickers anymore or maybe she can but doesn't know how.
But back to those pictures. Peep #1 got to thinking and thought she had figured it out. If she went to a second site she sometimes used, she could grab a picture of what she needed, there. She knew she'd have to cut out the image to turn it into a sticker once back on the first site. And she knew she'd have to do that every single time she wanted to use it. Not the best of situations but she figured she had no choice.
So after grabbing the image, the peep went back to the first site and started my picture all over again but alas, that image she had grabbed to make into a sticker? It had gone missing! Peep says it's somewhere in the computer in some unknown file or something but I'm thinking it took one look at her pulling out her hair and ran away as fast as it could. The peep looked really scary.
Once resigned to not being able to use the stickers she had wanted to use, the peep went back to work on my picture, starting from the beginning, once more. She then started working on making a sticker of me.
FIVE TIMES she had to cut out that picture of me. FIVE TIMES!!! In her frazzled state, she kept making mistakes. Even the fifth attempt wasn't great but at least it was something. MOUSES!
Eventually she ended up with this stupid picture of me alongside two measly little stickers. The edges of my beautiful marmalade fur are all hazy because the peep wasn't seeing clearly due to the state she was in. I think she was shedding a few tears.
Basically, the picture sucks. Sucks big time. It's the suckiest picture I ever have seen. MOUSES!
So I told the peep to take a break and come back to the picture-making later because I still needed at least another three of them, you see, and I was hoping they wouldn't suck as badly as the first. I went outside for a stroll with her where I raced across the front yard and climbed right up the big linden tree. Then I allowed her to assist in my decent as climbing up is always less scary than climbing back down. Don't worry, I didn't make the peep climb the tree or anything. She just had to reach up and grab me once I found my way to a low branch. Then we went inside to get back to work.
And that's when there was no Internet connection. MOUSES!
About half an hour later, the Internet was back on-line, as was the peep. She briefly attempted a second picture but again, it just wasn't working. Finally, she gave up. What a peep.
Okay I will admit that even I was feeling sorry for the peep at this point. I've never seen such a pathetic, despondent, bedraggled looking peep in my life. She was a mess.
Beginning to feel a little sorry for myself, too, I went into the kitchen to see if there were any of those fishcakes left. Nothing. MOUSES!
So here I am, moping about on Canada Day, late afternoon. I have no special Canada Day post. No nice pictures. No adventure. Basically, I have nothing. Nothing but a technologically challenged peep.
But instead, I'm spending Canada Day in my office, typing up a blog post to use as a less-than-perfect, fill-in post because I can't use the good adventure one I planned to use. This is not how I had intended on spending Canada Day. MOUSES!
I sure do hope you're all having a way better Canada Day than I. And I sure do hope that next year, I'll do better. Maybe by then the peep will have figured out how to make me some pictures. MOUSES!
dood....well, sinz de food serviss gurl her in TT noes nothin a bout all most everee thing we can understand wear yur comin frum with peep one...tho if her findz de files for de fotoz for de stickerz two de picture thatz lost in de computer coz sum fishcakes are sticked inn side de hard drive...well......we bet her wont bee usin harsher werds than mouses... but.... her will bee sayin...happee canada day everee one...just a day ore sew late !! ♥♥♥ happee canada day guys !!!! pee ezz...ya noe, de fotoz on this post R rockin by de way ~~~~ ♥
ReplyDeleteHappy Canada Day Seville and Peep #1! I saw your collage on FB & wasn't that bad! You know some days are just destined not to work when it comes to Blogs and IT, and Nip tea is the only answer, oh and cake too! Purrs
ReplyDeleteHappy Canada Day!
ReplyDeleteHope you work out all your technology issues!
Hi Seville. We feel your pain.... This was a great NOT BLOG! *giggles* Our Grammy used to go through similar painful activities in creating the images we need.... BUT, if you have her PM us or Grammy directly she can give her some good news. Yes, that program has stopped us doing Google searches for stuff... but there are some things she can help Peep 1 with. Still trying to find out about the earthquake though. ???
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry things didn't go the way you'd planned...Happy Canada Day anyways!
ReplyDeleteSev, don't fret. Me and my mom are pretty good at making pikchures. We can teech your peep how to wrangle them into shape.
ReplyDeleteMy human is even MORE challenged when it comes to creating pictures, which means if we don't use the picture just the way it comes from the camera, we don't have a picture at all. Looking forward to reading about the adventure some time soon.
ReplyDeleteHappy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day Seville and all your sibs
ReplyDeleteHappy Canada Dat asn Seville, your post is purrfect, it is funny, it has pictured and wes always LOVES to hears about technically challenged peeps...
ReplyDeleteBTW, yous knows, yous can always emails us for pictures. My Monkey is pretty good at making silk purses out of cows ears.
Happy Canada Day dear friends!
ReplyDeleteThe life of a blogging cat can be very difficult as we are sure Nerissa told you. Having to rely on inept PA's is a bane for us all. We hope you can salvage your adventure post and share it with us in the future. Happy Canada Day! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteHappy Canada Day! Actually, we think this turned out to be a pretty good Canada Day post. :)
ReplyDeleteAw, the Peeps certainly do try, Seville, and we are sorry the whole ordeal was so frustrating for yours. Happy Canada Day to you and the crew!
ReplyDeleteDem technological ishoes shre can stink! I say get some nip and celebrate Canada Day all week long. ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy Canada Day to our fellow Canucks! Sorry to hear about the picture woes!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should hire an assistant to help your human with all that technological stuff - are any of your siblings good with IT?
ReplyDeleteHope you and your furrramily had a super duper Canada Day Seville! We're getting ready for July 4......nice to have "country pride" isn't it????!!
ReplyDeleteLove, Sammy
Mee-you Seville yur fotoss' are grate an wee did enjoy yur bloggie!!!! LadyMum iss techno challeneged also an mee tries not to push her too much! WerdPress changed sum fingss on their site a few dayss ago an LadyMum said sum berry innterestin werdss...mee young kitt ears were burnin mee can tell you!!! Mew mew mew...
ReplyDeleteDid you hear any firewerkss where you are?? Mee could hear them butt thee doors muffled them enuff that mee not scared an thee litess inn thee sky were pawtastick!
Happy Canada Day to you an thee gang!!!
***paw patss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx
Happy belated Canada Day Seville and efurrybody. We didn't even get to post at all for Canada Day because the mom bean was being furry lazy (as usual). She'd be no help with the pictures thingies either, as the best she knows how to do is to re-size and crop (whatever that means).
ReplyDeleteSasha, Sami, & Saku
Happy Belated Canada Day! I am sorry that you didn't have a nice day. You are welcome to celebrate our 4th of July instead. Have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh, Seville, what a pain!! SO hard to get good staff these days... *sigh*