Wednesday, 1 April 2015

I've been published!


That's right, my friends. You heard it correctly and you heard it here first...

What's that, Peepers? You think that my readers might not have first heard my big news right here on my blog? You think they might have heard it already?  They might have heard it elsewhere? Awww....  MOUSES!

Anywho...  That doesn't really matter, I suppose. What does matter is that...  I'VE BEEN PUBLISHED!

And no, this is not a joke for April Fools.  Again I must say, MOUSES!

Now back to me.

Have you ever wondered how I, Nerissa the Cat, came to live here in this house with my very own peeps?  Well wonder no more, my friends, 'cause my very own rescue story appears in the possibly-soon-to-be-best-seller (got my paws crossed on that one) Rescued:  The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes published by FitCat Publishing.  MOUSES!

In the book you'll read all 'bout how I was born out in the wilds of Nova Scotia.  Uh scratch that. You'll read all 'bout how I was born in a neighbour's wood pile in our subdivision.  You'll also learn how I eventually came to meet my peeps.  How I learned to trust 'em and how they fell in love with me.  Basically, you'll learn all 'bout my early and formative months.  Bet you never knew half of that stuff before.

But my rescue story isn't the only one in the book.  No Sirree...  There is a total of twelve cats featured in the Rescued book, each with a differed story to tell.  A whole year's worth of rescue stories all in one book.  The deal of the century, that is, for sure.  MOUSES!

Are you intrigued?  You want your very own copy?  Then you're in luck 'cause the book Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes is available on Amazon.  Click here to be magically transported to the page where you can order it in print form or on Kindle.  Also, your local bookseller can order the book in for you, too.  Local booksellers are great and so very helpful and always more than happy to oblige with such things.

(Note to self:  Make sure my pal Lori at our local bookstore knows 'bout this here wonderful book.)

But this month is April and April is super important 'cause this is my birthday month!

What's that Peepers?  Oh yeah... Sorry 'bout that.

April is important 'cause each cat featured in Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes got to pick a rescue to receive the 'donation' portion of all book sales for a particular month and my month is April.  No, I'm not receiving the donations but the rescue of my choice is.  Isn't that wonderful?

And the answer to that would be yes.

Durin' the month of April, a portion of all Rescued book sales will go to Anjellicle Cats Rescue in New York.  Anjellicle Cats Rescue is very near and dear to my heart on account of the fact that they save the lives of so many kitties who need rescuing just as I once did before I met my peeps.

Those of you who know me on Facebook and Twitter, know that I daily help network the cats on death row at the New York City ACC.  Every day the ACC posts a list of cats.  A list of cats who will be killed the very next day.  These cats are adoptable.  Sometimes they're in perfect health.  So very often they're super scared bein' at the ACC but will calm down once they're in a loving foster home.

A number of rescues do what we call, pulling.  Peeps from Anjellicle Cats Rescue go to the ACC as often as possible and pull as many cats as they can afford to pull.  These babies may need some medical attention and foster homes will need to be found.  In foster care, they'll receive lots and lots of tender lovin' care before bein' adopted out into loving, forever homes of their very own. In other words, officially rescued.

The Anjellicle Cats Rescue helps rescue cats in New York City, daily.  It is a "no-kill, all-volunteer, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organisation" and a "member of the Mayor's Alliance and a New Hope Partner with the New York Animal Care & Control (ACC)."  Their "goal is to help make New York City a no kill city" and "for over ten years, [their] Hell's Kitchen-based organisation has been a lifeline for abandoned, stray, and neglected cats and kittens."  They "work closely with the ACC to pull out those who are in danger of being euthanized. Each one is welcomed with kindness and medical attention, with the goal of placement into a permanent, loving home."

The above quotes are straight from the Anjellicle Cats Rescue's Facebook page but if you wanna know even more about them, just click on their name, Anjellicle Cats Rescue, to be teleported to their website.

Are you back yet?  Back from their website?  Good.

One last thing.  Christmas is less then nine months away.  I know, seems likes forever but believe-you-me, before we know it, peeps'll be out there shoppin', for sure. How 'bout tuckin' away a few copies of Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes for Christmas gifts?  Or for birthdays or Hanukkah or... Or maybe 'cause you simply feel like givin' someone a gift filled with love?

The book is extremely well priced and with a donation with every purchase goin' to help rescue animals, it's a win-win situation, for sure.

So there you have it, my friends.  My big news. I've been published.  Gonna go celebrate with some nip and a nap and maybe some cuddles with the peep. Or maybe just an extra-long nap.  Or maybe some extra-strong nip?  I'll decide later.  Yup, I'll decide after I have that nip and uh, maybe a snack.  Hmmm...  Mmmm...



Again, you can order your very own copy (or two!) of Rescued:  The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes through your friendly local bookseller or right here on Amazon and please remember that during the month of April, a portion of all sales will go to help Anjellicle Cats Rescue save even more cats' lives.  purrs


  1. Woohoo ! Concatulations Nissy ! That's a great book for a great cause ! Purrs

    1. Yup, Anjellicle Cats Rescue is a super great cause, for sure. purrs

  2. Great GREAT post!! We will share like mad this month!!!!

    1. Awww... Thanks so much! I really appreciate that a lot. purrs

  3. Hoorah and Wowzer! Plus your in electrical download form for Kitties...oops sorry for Kindles! What a wonderful way to help Charities too. Purrs

    1. Sometimes it IS easier for kitties to read stuff electronically. Turnin' pages can be tricky, you see. purrs

  4. best best fishes fora bazillion sales for yur shelter...N yea...thiz izza cauz ta sell a brate with nip, nip cat grass, nip cake, & nip !!! ♥♥♥♥

    1. How 'bout a lovely fish fillet with a creamy nip sauce? purrs

  5. I noticed a few weeks ago already. I haven't read the book just yet, but it's on my TBR list. Congratulations.

  6. CoonCats Nissy dats wunnewful. Weez very purroud of you fur all da nice fings you do to helpp udders. We bet yous stowry is gweat. Hope yous have a pawsum week.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I'm workin' on it although, truth be told, this medical condition of mine kinda sucks. Hopin' the Easter Bunny will bring me some nip. purrs

  7. Nissy I am ashamed that I didn't order it yet, but now I am glad because I want to support your group- I am going to order it right now.

    1. Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!! Thanks so very much and I sure do hope you enjoy it. purrs

  8. Awesome news indeed, congrats on getting in and having your story told.

  9. Pawsome!!!!!
    You kitties rock :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. As do you! I'm so very happy to be able to call you all my friends. purrs

  10. Pawsome!!! Concatulations! We're very excited for you.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm pretty excited 'bout this too. purrs

  11. We are in such awe. I'm gonna see that Mommy puts some green papers aside and maybe we can get this book!
    We love you, Nissy. You are a hero of ours.

    1. Awww.. Thanks so much, Quinn. You're a hero. I mean, heroine, of mine, too. purrs

  12. How awesome! We already think you are a hero, but you are really and truly a giving sweet mancat!

  13. We love, love, love that Nissy and that is a darn good book. We all highly recommend it to everyone!

  14. Oh Nissy, that is awesome, we are very proud of you and hope that lots of copies sell during April to help out your rescue, what an awesome rescue they are! Congrats dear buddy!

    1. They ARE a great rescue! I'm hopin' for lots of book sales, for sure. purrs

  15. Congrats, Nissy! The mom can't wait to get her copy of Rescued.

  16. ConCATulations, Nissy! We can hardly wait to read our copy of Rescued. We are SO proud of you, and all of our other friends in the book. :)

    1. Each and every one of the cats is special, for sure. purrs

  17. We cannot wait to get our copy of this book and read the stories of our furiends. That sounds like a really terrific rescue you have selected. Hope the book sells lots and lots of copies this month. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. I'm hopin' so, too. Got all four paws crossed, for sure. purrs

  18. Wowza! That's awesome! Can't wait to get my paws on that book!

    1. Hope you enjoy it! I'm pretty sure that you will. purrs

  19. Paws up, Nissy! I hope Rescued sells LOTS of books this month because we are big fans of Anjellicle Cats Rescue!

    1. I'm a big fan of them, too. Got all paws crossed that we do super well. purrs

  20. Concats Nissy! We've heard this is a VERY awesome book too - nothing is more wonderful than hearing how our friends were rescued and found their forevers!!

    Love, Sammy

    1. Yup, findin' forever homes makes for great readin', for sure. purrs

  21. Nissy, our peep's birthday month is April, too!! Our peep is anxiously awaiting her copy of the book, and the more hers hears about it, the more hers wants to read it RIGHT NOW!!

    Your chosen shelter sounds so wonderful. We hope lots and lots of people buy books this month to help support them!

    1. It is? When? My birthday is on the 15th and I'm gonna be twelve. purrs

  22. You got your own chapter and your photo is on the book too!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

    1. Thank you, my friend. And I wrote my chapter all by myself! 'Cause you know, I always write all my own stuff. purrs

  23. Oh my dog! Oh my cat! Oh!!! This is FAB news!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. You have a donkey? MOUSES! I honestly never knew... purrs

  24. Rescued is absolutely wonderful, and we loved reading your story :)

    1. Awww.. Thanks so very much. Just reportin' the facts of the story at paw. purrs

  25. Congrats! We love this book and your story was a highlight!

  26. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Layla! I really appreciate your doin' that, a lot. purrs

  27. Congratulations!! Can't wait to read your book! You chose such a great Rescue to receive part of the book sales:) Amazon here I come!

    1. They really are a great rescue. Super happy I can help Anjellicle Cats in this way. purrs

  28. Congratulations!! I can't wait to read your book!! Amazon here I come!

    1. Sorry 'bout that. Comment moderation is on and sometimes it acts up a bit. purrs

  29. Congratulations Nissy. That's great news!
    Come to bring also Pawkisses for an eggstra Happy Easter and hope your Easter Bunny Day is filled with fun in every way :) <3

  30. Bought it Nissy! Best of good fortune to earning some green papers for Anjellicle Cat Rescue. I will do what I can to promote for you

    1. Thank you so much, my friend. Thank you so very, very much. purrs

  31. COngratulations darling handsome Nissy. xoxox

    1. Awww... thanks. *blushes* Oops! My ears just went bright pink. purrs

  32. I'm impatiently waiting for my copy to arrive. I didn't know you were in it when I ordered the book. Now I'm even more excited!
    The Anjellicle Cats Rescue sounds like a very wonderful organization.

  33. Woohoo Nissy I saw it,that is so cool my friend,xx Speedy

    1. Thanks Speedy! I think it's pretty cool, too. purrs

  34. Super congratulations!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  35. Congratulations Nissy. That is awesome. We really enjoyed the stories of our friends in that book. It is a pawsome. Book.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.