Sunday 5 April 2015


What do you mean I can't...?  Awww... MOUSES!

So there you have it, my friends.  I'm grounded. And for me, this grounding is of a double-whammy nature, for sure. Not only am I not allowed outside at the mo, but I'm also not allowed to do any teleportin' as teleportin' involves flyin' and apparently flies in the face of bein' grounded. Again I must say, MOUSES!

As you may have heard, I've been havin' some issues with my health.  This, of course, is the reason for my grounding.  One might think it makes sense and one might even be right about that but still, a kitty has gotta have some fun, you know?  Of course you know.  MOUSES!

So on account of my grounding, there are no Easter adventures, for me, this year.  Of all the rotten luck.  MOUSES!

What's that, Peepers?  You think I'm sayin' MOUSES! too much?  Yeah, you're probably right about that.  Awww.....  M...   Um....  Never mind.  I probably should stop sayin' MOUSES! at least for today.  You know, on account of this bein' Easter Sunday and all.

I will instead give you all an update on my health.

As you know, I was losin' some weight.  I wasn't dieting or anythin' like that.  In fact, my appetite was as good as always.  Maybe even better.  Actually, maybe too good.  At times, I was ravenous and yet, I was still losin' weight.

My doctor ordered up a series of blood tests checkin' my thyroid, kidney function and to see if I had diabetes.  The only thing even a little bit off was my thyroid so the next thing I knew, I was takin' little pink pills, daily.  At first, they seemed to be workin' but then, all of a sudden, I was weak and feelin' even worse than before.

Some more blood work showed that I had an elevated white blood cell count, or somethin' like that. So I was off the little pink pills and onto some little blue ones.  No, I wasn't takin' those little blue pills that my stalker, Mr. Anonymous Spam, is always flogging.  The ones I was taking were antibiotics, I do believe.

I had just finished my last day of the little blue pills when suddenly, I could couldn't walk on one leg.  Hmmm... Perhaps I should rephrase that.  I wasn't tryin' to hop around the house on one paw and findin' I couldn't but rather, one of my legs was too sore for me to put any weight on it at all.  It was so sore, in fact, I was cryin' in pain.

The leg in question was - and still is - my leg with the bionic knee implants so the peeps were extra concerned that my bionics were failing.  I was then whisked off for an emergency doctor visit that night, only to be told that my bionics were fine but I had likely pulled or sprained somethin' and was sent home with more pills. This time, they were white.  Pain meds and whatnot.

First thing the next week, I went back to the hospital to visit my doctor who had bionicized my knee.  She took some x-rays and found the bionics to be intact.  In fact, my leg looked just fine but there was somethin' wonky goin' on in my belly.  Next thing I knew, they were shavin' off all my tummy fur and leavin' my belly bare!  I was bein' prepared for a sonogram but totally unprepared for barin' my belly.  This isn't bikini weather.  MOUSES!

Well after that, there was a great deal of discussion goin' on in the exam room between my doctor and Peep #1.  I missed most of it on account of my plottin' revenge on the shavin' of my belly fur. Still haven't quite figured out what to do 'bout that but I'm thinkin' I should do somethin' before my fur has all grown back.

Long story short, I have been diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.  Basically, my body isn't makin' the enzymes necessary to digest my food any more.  So even though I was eatin' up a storm, I wasn't gettin' proper nutrition and that is why I lost so much weight.

So from now until forever, I have to have this special powder mixed into my food, about twenty minutes before I eat.  The enzymes in the powder start digestin' the food so that when I eat it, my body can handle it.

It's kind of gross.  I mean, REALLY, it is.  What do they think I am?  A BIRD?  I'm a cat for goodness sakes!  I shouldn't be fed partially digested food.  MOUSES!

Apparently Rushton, Anderson, Mason and Tobias all disagree with me 'cause they're always tryin' to eat the food with my meds.  I, on the other paw, am always tryin' to eat theirs.  We're keepin' the peeps on their toes, for sure.

Peep #1 says that if we can just get through the next few weeks, we'll have a schedule all sorted out.  I say, DON'T COUNT ON IT PEEPERS.  This is war and I'm prepared to use chemical weapons.

The other day, I managed to score some of someone else's food.  Peeps don't know how it happened but I did it.  A little while later, I used the newly installed private bathroom - litter box - in my office and suffice it to say, I cleared the room.  You see, I have found, eatin' unmedicated food kinda gives me gas.  Mouses that was strong.

How strong was it?  It was so strong that both Peep #1 and I had to exit the room.  Peep went back in, gas mask in tow.  Actually, she didn't really use a gas mask but only 'cause she didn't have one to use.

You know, when we discovered that Andy was lactose intolerant, he was given the title Sir Fartsalot but to be perfectly honest, I think that title is now mine.

Seville is busy plottin' and plannin', wonderin' if I've discovered an alternative fuel source that might be compatible with our eggbeater-whisk time travellin'-teleportation technology. So far, he hasn't found a way to capture the fuel.

And speakin' of eggbeater-whisk time travellin'-teleportation technology...   Remember last year at Easter when Seville and I were called in to help save the day?  Well since we don't get to have an adventure this year, I thought it might be nice to reminisce about our adventure last year.  There were two posts in all.  We started off with "a request for assistance" and then Seville and I ended up "savin' Easter morning."  Remember that?  If not, just click on the titles of those two posts and you'll be magically transported back in time.  And even if you do remember, you might still wanna revisit.

Anywho...  That's pretty much what's goin' on at my house.  I'm hopin' to be able to have some fun pretty soon.  Hopin' to get back to teleportin' and whatnot.  Have an adventure or two.  Until then, it's theoretical teleportation technology for me, for sure.

But before I forget, I just wanna wish everyone a very happy Easter.  HAPPY EASTER!  May the Easter Bunny be good to you all and may all your baskets be filled with the nip.


And please remember that throughout the month of April, a portion of all sales of the book Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes will go to the wonderful Anjellicle Cats Rescue of New York, helpin' them to help save cats' lives.  You can purchase your very own copy at your local book store or on Amazon by clicking right HERE.  You'll wanna stock up for holiday gift-giving, for sure.  PURRS.


  1. Geez, Nerissa, you got poked, prodded, and messed with! I hope the digestive meds help you to feel better soon! Um, you ARE actually eating that food and not just doing a Binga and stealing everyone else's, right?

    1. I'm resistin' - a LOT - but Peep #1 has a new trick up her sleeve. She brings my food into my office and makes me eat there. MOUSES! purrs

  2. Nerissa, I am sorry to hear about all your health woes and really hope they have finally found out the problem and a solution. Happy Easter to all your family, human and furry.

    1. I'm hopin' this powder does the trick 'cause seriously, I've got more bloggin' to do! purrs

  3. OMB Nissy! No adventures?That's it I'm paying you a visit,I'll be there in a jiffy so keep an eye open for me ,xx SPeedy

    1. I'll get the Peep to whip up a salad for your visit. Extra carrots, for sure. purrs

  4. P.S Hoppy Easter My friend,see you in a mo,xx Speedy

  5. Pawcrossed for you Narrisa, Hope da pawder does da trick !
    Purrs for you & Happy Easter !

  6. Wishes for a most blessed Easter – purrs and hugs from Deb and the Zee and Zoey kitties!

  7. Nissy, we are sorry to hear of your recent medical troubles! We hope it all gets sorted soon so you can have a normal life again. Happy Easter! PS: we are very extra sorry to hear there is no teleporting adventure possible right now. MOUSES!!!

  8. Sometimes those vets can take forever to find out the situation, hopefully they finally cracked it and your tip top shape in no time.

  9. we hope yor innerds are feeling betters. I also cleared to room wif a poop dis mornin.

  10. Dang Nissy, I'm so sorry you have having this problem but you must eat the proper food and no cheating. We love ya pal. Happy Easter from all of us.

  11. Awwww.....You can never have too many Mouses! (or Mousses). Is this a conspiracy by the Canadian Cheese Consortium to get you off their tail maybe? Happy Easter Nerissa. Purrs

  12. Hope you feel all better really soon Nerissa.
    Wishing you a very blessed Easter
    ~Annabelle, Boo, Ping & Mr Jinx

  13. Happy Easter to your whole family! And Nerissa, extra headbumpies!

  14. Nerissa, we is sorry you had to go through all the prodding and poking but we is glad to hear the ebil v e t was able to find out what was going wrong. Our cousin woofie, Luna has the same problem and she gets that stuff on her food too. Sometime she's bad though and eats the garbage...which is even more disgusting than partially digested food.

    Happy Easter to you, your fursibs and your beans!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  15. Maybe those little pink, blue, white (mm, any yellow ones?) pills were really Easter candies, do ya think? Just mebbe?
    Oh well, is the powder purrty colors and tasty, too? Hopin (er hoppin) so ...
    Be well, sweetie.
    PS we made a purrs 'n' prayers badge for you, but don't know where to send it, cause we don't have any email for you, you can email us for it ... zoolatry at gmail dot com

  16. You poor baby!!! Praying and purring that you're back to 100% in no time at all! Happy Easter, sweet friend.

  17. Aw, Nissy, we're sorry you have been having so many health problems, but glad they figured out what it is.

    Happy Easter to you and your peeps.

  18. We're so sorry to hear about your tummy troubles, Nerissa. We sure hope this powder does the trick for you.

    Wishing you a very happy Easter!
    Katie, Waffles & Glogirly

  19. Oh Nissy, we sure are sorry you are so sick. That sure stinks. We hope that new medicine before your meals works for you. We sure send some mighty big purrs. We all have our paws crossed for you.

  20. Poor Neeissa! We didn't know you had been through all this, but now we know we are sending big fat rumbly purrs and love to you.

    Hope that powder tastes ok

    Mungo & Jet
    & The Ape xx

  21. Sweet Nissy we are so sorry. We are sending lots of purrs, prayers, hugs and nose kisses for you to all well very soon. Happy Easter to you and all your family.

  22. Oh Nissy weez so sowry yous not feelin' well. Weez'll fur sure say sum extwa purrayers fur ya'. Sis Lexi can tell ya' it's no fun bein' sick at all. We sure do hope yous learn to like yous new powder. Maybe yous peep kuld feed it to youo in sum butter like sissy takes. She just luvs butter and since it be a fat da medince can get to where it' gooin' wiffout bweakin' down furst. anyways, weez purrayiin' and a very happy and blest Easter to you tooo.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  23. We are praying for you ! Happy Easter!

  24. I hope that powder works well for you Nissy. Those little pink pills made me much worse than I was before too, but not as bad as the first little white ones I had. I am purring for you.
    Happy Easter!

  25. Nissy my friend it sounds to me like you are having to put up with a whole lotta STUFF right now - some of it is NOT fun for sure.....I must say I'm glad that you actually have been diagnosed so that they can treat what's wrong with you instead of just doing experiments on you (Dr. Frankennissy!) but I really am sorry you have what you do. Sounds like having your food pre-digested for you is the trick so you MUST cooperate with the program. Sometimes it's tough but we hafta do what we hafta do my friend OK? Don't take anyone else's food - eat only your food and I just bet we'll have you in tip-top shape in no time! I hope so anyway.....why? Because I love you my friend.

    Hugs, Sammy
    p.s. Happy Easter to ALL of you!!

  26. Hoppy Chocolate Bunny day to all of you ^,,^

    I do hope the new meds help you. Sounds yucky and we don't want to get what you have. That is for sure.

    JC and The Purr and Fur Gang
    (Big Al, Jasmine Marie, Ashton Rosevelt, Riley Andrew, Meredith Ann and the others .. dogs .. Jodie Belle and Sally Jean)

  27. Awww... Nissy. You certainly have been keeping the peeps on their toes with all those symptoms and vet visits. I sure hope the solution has been found and you're feeling better soon.
    Purrs and crossed paws!

  28. Happy Easter to you and your family!
    We are all purring very hard that this powder helps you get well.
    WE purr you get used to it and will eat it willingly.
    We want you well Nissy !
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  29. Ugh, it certainly doesn't sound fun at your home right now, Nerissa. Lots of purrs and purrayers from us that this gross med stuff actually helps you. Hugs and head butts.

    Nicki and Derry

  30. Sweet Nerissa!! Awww we continue to purr up a healing and healthy storm for you! We hope your belly settles in with this powder! Have a restful Easter! Take care

  31. Poor Nerissa, you have been through a lot. I pray for you daily. I am sorry you are sick, but relieved to read that it is something treatable. I will keep praying for you and you keep resting. By the way, I bought Rescued on Amazon a few days ago so your chairty will benefit. I can't wait to read your story. Sending you love and hugs.

  32. Nissy, we too hope and purr that those enzymes will help you and you will start feeling better pronto, sending lots of purrs your way buddy. Happy Easter to you all, may you get tons of nip today!

  33. Nissy, mommy has a saying for when one of get friends gets sick. She says her friend is "up on the rack again" referring to car lifts when cars get fixed, so YOU stay off that rack and get better.

  34. Poor Nissy, we're so sorry to hear about your health problems ! We hope that the powder fixes it, and send you tons of purrs. Happy Easter ! Purrs

  35. OMC! Just one thing after another for you Nerissa! Tummy troubles are no fun and as you say, are quite smelly, too! We hope things smooth out inside you soon and that even if you can't eat mousses any more, you can dream about them!

  36. Nissy, we have EVERYTHING crossed that:

    a) you feel better,
    b) revenge is Most Excellent!

  37. Nissy, I am really really gutted (no pun intended!) that you are struggling with this nasty thing! I am getting a choir of megapurrs going just for you, buddy!! Me and The Staff Person wish you all Happy Easter and pray that you will be better in two shakes. ... xoxox

  38. Nerrisa! That is awful news, but yous seems to bes handling it A-OK! But then us Canadians is a hardy lot! Hoppy Easter to alls of yous from alls of us!
    LOves and KiSSes

  39. Nissy, we're sorry about all those health issues. We are purring and praying that you will end up getting used to that powder, and that it will work the way it's supposed to.

    Bug hugs to you, and Happy Easter to you and your family.

  40. I hugs u. Please get all better very soon. :) xoxoxoxoxo


    Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

  41. Nissy, we're sorry to hear you're having some health issues. We're purring for you and hope you're back to your ol' shenanigans real soon.

  42. Purrs and prayers for you to feel better and get used to your food and for your peeps sake, stay away from the peeps food. mol purrrrrrrrrrrrs

  43. Nerissa, My good ManCat! What an OUTRAGE has been perpetrated upon you with pink and blue pills before you gotted the good WHITE ones! Well, I know those Humans are only doing "what's best" for you, but that doesn't mean you have to take it lying down, Buddy! That nuclear poop was a FANTASTIC move! That'll show 'em! Still and all, you *do* need to get the nutrition outta your foodz, Pal, so probably just as well to cooperate so you can start travellin' again. Hope you all had a good Easter Day! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

  44. MOUSES, that's a hell of an Easter but thank COD you got a proper diagnosis. Sending combo Canuck/America puuuuuuuurrrrrrrs for a quick response to the meds.

  45. We hope you will be feeling much better with the powder mixed in your food now Nerissa.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  46. Lots of love and healing purrs for you, Narissa!
    Maggie May

  47. We heard you aren't feeling well, Nissy! Get better! Happy easter! Hugs! - Crepes.

  48. Oh Nissy, we hopes you are all better soon and get ungrounded. Hope you had a Happy Easter in spite of all the multi colored pills.

  49. Nissy, this is a pawful state of affairs. We are so sorry to hear of your health issues. We will be purring and praying 24/7 at full force for you. Happy belated Easter to you, your fursibs and your peeps. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  50. I am embarrassed that I did not know you were having so many health issues Nissy. Peep #1 did not mention in all our FB chats. So so sorry you have the Fartsalot title now

  51. all wayz, de manee blessings oh st francis two ewe.....sorree ya haz tummy trubullz & we hope de new medisin haz ya feelin 1000 purr cent better in record time sew ya can get bax ta whiskz, nip, nipped out whiskz & whiskz that due nothin but whisk nip !! ♥♥♥

  52. Nissy - get well, stabilise and we are all here for you. Love you lots mate.


  53. I think Peter was spotted by a kitteh or two so I guess he made his bail. I don't really trust him, though.

  54. We're sorry you're not feeling well Nissy, hope you are much better soon and that the multi-coloured pills do their job!

  55. I hope the powder in the food helps you, Nerissa. The kitties are all purring for you.

  56. Nissy, we are so sorry to hear bout all your tummy problems! We are purring that you are feeling much better now. Hope to hear from you soon!

  57. PICKERELL!!!! Nerissa that Pancreatic purroblem soundss sum seereuss!! Wee iss sorry yur goin thru thiss an wee iss hopin you can adapt to yur food so you can live furevurr!!! All tho' mee not know you a long time mee finkss of you as a furend an mee wantss you here fur yeerss to come!!
    Pleeze know wee is purrayin fur you ;)
    Sinseerlee Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum

  58. Nissy, we are so sorry you are unwell. We hope you'll be well enough to make it to Our Pawty but if not, we'll save some Treats for you and teleport over with them. Then you can add those meds and enjoy them as much as possible.
    Pee Ess: Are you allowed to have nip?

  59. Nerissa
    I hope you and your humans had a very nice Easter even though you were grounded. We pray that you are getting better each and every day. Hugs and prayers for you.

    Cleopatra and Mom


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.