Sunday 4 January 2015

copy that

Copy that, copycat.

You ever watch those shows on television where the police listen to someone on their radio and in response they say, "copy that."  There was a show filmed in Toronto that used to do that all the time.  I guess it's a thing that the police do or somethin'.

Even though they say, copy that, I don`t think it`s about copying at all.  I don't think anyone is copyin' anythin' and I don't think there are any photocopiers involved.  I think it's more about recognising that the other person was heard.  Like when a stage manager in a theatre expects the actors to say thank you after he or she tells 'em somethin'.  It's not about bein' polite.  He just needs to know he was heard. Of course, there's nothin' wrong with bein' polite.  Nothin' wrong with that, at all.

And I don't think that when the police in those television shows say, copy that, it has anythin' to do with manners although imitation is a form of flattery and copyin' is like imitatin' and flattery is... well...  nice but since no one is actually copyin' anyone else, it can't really be 'bout that.

MOUSES!  This copyin' stuff sure can be confusin'.

Copy that.

And why-oh-why do peeps talk about copycats?  Copy cats?  What is it about cats that peeps connect with copyin'?  I, Nerissa the Cat, am a cat and I don't copy anythin'.  I don't even own a photocopier.  MOUSES!

Okay, I admit it.  Some cats do copy stuff.  A couple of years ago, one of us cats started climbin' up onto the car.  Prior to that, none of us had ever done that before.  To be honest, I'm not even sure which one of us it was who started it all.  I'm thinkin' that maybe it wasn't even a cat livin' in my house.  I'm thinkin' that maybe it was Carson, the cat who came back.  Yeah, I'm thinkin' he was the one who started climbin' up there on top of the car.

Anywho...  Although none of us had ever shown any interest in usin' the car as a lookout before, after the one - who may very well have been Carson - started goin' up there, we all did the same. Seein' a cat up there gave us ideas.  So I guess we are capable of bein' copycats.

Eventually, even I was goin' up on the car.  Gettin' up wasn't so hard but gettin' down was a totally different story.  It's not all that high and yes, we could jump down from the side but for some reason, we all liked to climb down the windshield.

You know what happens when you try to climb down a windshield?  Ever heard that song called Slip, Slidin' Away?  Well let's just say that that song could have been written 'bout me, slippin' and slidin' down the windshield of our car.  MOUSES!

And one must always be careful that one does not bump one's nose on the hood of the car after slidin' down its windshield.  Again I must say...  MOUSES!

I never go up on the car any more.  In fact, I don't even remember the last time I did that.  Seville still likes hoppin' up there, though, and he has the bumps on his nose to prove it.

Personally, I think dogs are far more inclined to copy stuff than cats and yet, one never hears 'bout copydogs, do they?  Weird.

Quite often a dog in the neighbourhood will start barkin' and the next thing you know, ALL the dogs in the neighbourhood start barkin'.  It's like they can't help themselves or somethin'.  You ever been witness to that?

Did you know that some dogs are such copycats that they'll even copy a peep?  Yup, it's true.  As a little experiment, my first peep once barked like a dog out the back door.  You know what happened?  The dogs livin' in a house on the next street all started barkin' back.  Sometimes I wonder 'bout my peep.

Peeps are great at copying, too.  You see one peep walkin' their dog down the street without their dog wearin' a leash and the next thing you know, you see all sorts of peeps walkin' their dogs down the street without their dogs wearin' leashes.  The dogs are runnin' about all over the place, totally out of control and barkin' up a storm.  Then the peeps start barkin' at the dogs only they're not actually barkin' but rather, barkin' orders for the dogs to come back to 'em and stop barkin'.  Between the barkin' dogs and the yellin' peeps it's awfully hard for a kitty like me to get his work done.  Even harder to take a nap, if you know what I mean.

Just the other day, I was workin' on my blog when I saw a golden coloured dog running about out on the street, in front of my house.  Next thing I knew, there were two more dogs runnin' about out there and the three of 'em started barkin'.  Eventually, two peeps appeared and the male peep was barkin' orders at the barkin' dogs.

Not wantin' to be left out of the mayhem, I had my paw poised to set off the car alarm if any of those dogs actually came into my yard.  Luckily for them, they didn't but I missed out on all the fun. MOUSES!

It's too bad that these copycat peeps couldn't learn to copy the law-abidin' peeps who have their dogs on leashes when they're out and about on the street.  Wonder why they all wanna copy the ones breakin' the leash laws and not the ones obeyin' them.  I should investigate this phenomenon further.   Might make an interestin' blog post or somethin'.

And seriously, would it not be easier to put a leash on your dog than to be yellin' at him to come back when he gets out of control and is runnin' out and about on the street?  Or, as they say in some parts, oot and aboot?  MOUSES!

I'm thinkin' that copycat peeps should consider stuff like that.

And speakin' of copying peeps, let me tell you what happened yesterday.

Here in my part of Nova Scotia, we have garbage collection once every two weeks.  This year, our normal garbage day fell on Christmas so we had to have an alternate date.  No one should be expected to work on Christmas Day except, of course, for Santa and his reindeer but they don't seem to mind doin' that 'cause it's sort of their thing.  Kind of their day, if you know what I mean.

Anywho...  Our day was switched to the Saturday before Christmas.  Boxin' Day pick-ups were switched to the Saturday after Christmas and New Year's Day pick-ups were scheduled for the Saturday after that which was yesterday.  This was all explained in the calendar the waste management peeps sent out at the beginning of last year.

Two Saturdays ago, our garbage was picked up.  We were the only ones on my street who had any out.  Last Saturday, a number of peeps put out garbage even though there was no pick-up for our neighbourhood that day.  And yesterday, four of the seven houses on my street had garbage out, plus a house at the end of the next street that can be seen from the end of my driveway.  And it wasn't just my street, either.  Peep #1 had to run to the store and on her way back, she counted twenty-five houses with their garbage out.  Twenty-five of 'em!  Of course, since yesterday wasn't our day, all that garbage is still sittin' out there, today.

Now here's the copyin' part...  On Friday night, only one house on my street had garbage out.  By Saturday mornin', all those other houses had put stuff out, too.  Clearly, they were copyin' the first house.  Too bad they were copyin' peeps who had the wrong date.

You know, I think there's a lesson to be learned 'bout all of this copyin' stuff.  If you're gonna copy, copy the right answer and not the wrong.  Copyin' the wrong answers can lead to nothin' but trouble I think.

And speakin' of copyin' answers, I've heard of peeps copyin' other peeps on tests in school but I've NEVER heard of a cat doin' such a dastardly deed.  It seems to me that peeps do an awful of copyin'.  So why don't they say copypeep?  Why do peeps insist on sayin' copycat?  WHY?

Do peeps secretly wanna be cats?

Hmmm....  Maybe they do.  Maybe they wanna copy more than just what we do.  Maybe they wanna copy what we are, too.

Copy that, copycat.  Hehehehee....


  1. Mostly we kitties are too smart to copy anybody! Except Boodie. She copys what Binga does, except she's not very good at it.

    1. What kind of stuff does Binga do that Boodie wants to copy? purrs

    2. Nissy, you are so wise and so thoughtful. Mom gaffed about those peeps copying the ones who put their garbage out on the wrong day.

    3. The big question is... Will they remember to put it out this Thursday when it really is our garbage day? One never knows... MOUSES! purrs

  2. Everybody wants to be a cat (we are copying a song). Lady works with people with autism and says copying isn't so easy for everyone and is very important. Copy that! teehee

    1. Well... a cat sure is a good thing to be. We're awfully cute, you see. Plus, we get nip. purrs

  3. Cats don't need to copy as we do our own thing. We especially don't need to copy crazy mutts as they go around sniffing human butts, off leash or on leash haha

    1. Dogs do do that, don't they. Ewww... Sure am glad I'm a cat. purrs

  4. Hmmm! Food for thought there, Nissy!! That garbage (we call rubbish) thing over Christmas and New Year had most of the peeps round here scratching their heads. The schedule the council sent round was in Welsh and English, except the English print was very small (I think they were making a point!) and it wasn't clear which day the rubbish should go out, so the peeps waited and watched to see when the neighbours put theirs out and then copied them!!! So I have copypeeps too!! MOL

    1. Did your peeps get the right day when they copied? Peep #1 circles all twenty-six garbage days on the kitchen calendar, every January, when the waste management calendar comes out. That's how she knew the right day for us. She has already circled the days for 2015 so we're all set for the entire year!

  5. Nissy, you are always thinking deep thoughts when we are content to just nap and lick our butts. We never notice the things you do. You are indeed a special cat, which is why some want to copy you! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Awww... What a super nice thing to write. Bet lots of cats and peeps would like to copy all of you, too. purrs

  6. Copy that pal MOL! Oh yea, those peeps will copy just about anything, right or wrong!

    1. Yup, I've even heard of peeps copyin' the wrong answers on a test. Hehehehe... Serves 'em right, I should think. purrs

  7. You make some very good points Nissy. I agree that dogs and humans do a lot more copying than cats do. Cats have minds of their own and do their own thing. Do you have a special lady cat? If not, My Phoebe is looking for a smart , handsome mancat like you.

    1. Well... A couple of years I went to the #anipalprom with my lovely pal, LBK. That count? purrs

  8. Copy That Nissy!
    Our garbage was the same, wes gets pickup on Wednesday, but they change it to Monday - last week and this week, because there is another company that picks up on Friday, The Wednesday guy came by about 2 hours early because everybody forgot, but Friday guy was late!
    You know why? He had to read all the stickers on the garbage bags to make sure he was not picking up the Wednesday Guy's garbage!
    What me wants to know is if there is only 700 peoples in our village, why we has a garbage guy on Wednesday and a different garbage guy on Fridays?
    Does yous think the Friday guy was copying the Wednesday guy?

    1. Oh gosh... Your garbage day sounds even more confusin' than ours. I don't think the peeps in my neighbourhood could ever have figured it out! And yes, I do believe there must have been some Wednesday-Friday copyin' goin' on 'cause peeps are peeps and they do like to copy. purrs

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks! Those are the goggles I wore for my laser treatments after havin' my knee bionicized back in 2013. purrs

  10. Very deep thoughts to begin the year Nissy ! We bet humans want to be cats ! Purrs

  11. Mouses! Then there's copyright (copywrong?) too!

    1. As a bloggin' kitty, I'm ALL INTO the copyright thing, for sure. purrs

  12. Sometimes Nissy I worry you will strain your brain from pondering such complex observations. But I do have to tell ya that Mom laughed out loud, yep, she did....right here in bed at 11PM...just envisioning those humans putting out their bins just cuz someone else did...what a hoot!!!

    1. You know what? When Peep #1 counted twenty-five houses with the garbage out on the wrong day 'cause of all that copyin', she laughed, too. purrs

  13. Humans are, cars, test papers, hair styles - they see another human and want to look/be like that! We kitties have minds of our own - we are in the forefront of EVERYTHING - we go our own way and like it that way. I think the term should be "copyhumans" and not "copycats" don't you??????

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Too true. We kitties are the trend SETTERS, for sure. Copyhumans? Works for me. Sounds more appropriate, too. purrs

  14. This is all so true. People love to copy what the other guy or cat is doing no matter what. Which to us is so silly.
    Great post Nissy.

    1. Yup. Mindless copyin'. My peeps can be like that, too. Thank goodness I'm a cat and can see sense. purrs

  15. Purrty interesting stuff about copying that goes about. Peeps seem to have a lot of poor copy behavior and seems that one wrong deed will cause many.
    Hey got your card! Today. Think our and your post peeps were out copyin!

    1. So glad the card arrived! Peep #1 was very negligent on the card sendin' front... AGAIN. She got 'em out before Christmas but not in nearly enough time for them to arrive in time for the big day. Good thing Santa keeps a better schedule than my peep. MOUSES! purrs

  16. The Mom and Dad say they always want to nap and laze around like we do -- so they would LIKE to be copy cats :) Copying sure is a confusing thing. Sometimes it is seen as flattery, and then other times it makes people angry. It's a good thing us kitties don't have to worry about all that stuff! We just nap and play and nap and bathe and nap and eat and eat and eat. If anyone wants to copy that, fine by us!!! :D

    1. And enjoy a little of the nip! One must never forget 'bout enjoyin' the nip. purrs

  17. Nerissa, you are a lovely genius! Yes, it should be copypeeps. Our Mumsy often shakes her head (in a not good way) over the peeps that choose to copy dumb peeps. It's sad. A friend one time said, "if only cats ruled the world..." and Mumsy said, "they are smart enough to not want to." Yup.
    Hugs to you!

    1. If only cats ruled the world, the world would be a far, far better place. Plus, there'd be way more nip. purrs

  18. Mommy has spent many years with "did you copy?" and "Copy that!" and "Roger" and so on. She understands. xxoo

    1. I had totally forgot about that Roger guy everyone seems to know on the radio. Hmmm... Wonder if he knows me. purrs

  19. Replies
    1. You, my friend, can copy me any time you like. And perhaps I can copy you, too? purrs

  20. Peeps are very strange at times Nissy!Hey you have the same garbage day as strange is that Nissy,xx Speedy

    1. That IS weird! Hmmm... Wonder if we have the very same peeps collectin' it, too. purrs

  21. Yep, we think you're onto them Nissy...we think they do want to be cats! Funny about the neighbors and the garbage. And we can only imagine the sight of you kitties sliding down the windshield of the car!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.