Well they're not so much new as... hmmm... uh... different. Yeah, different. Different from what they were before.
You see, we used to have these three big ol' cedar thingies in the front yard, right up by the house. Bit by bit, Ol' Peepers has been gettin' rid of 'em and finally, last week, the peeps had someone come over and take away the roots. They're gone now. Outta here. Never to be seen again.
Truth be told, I was sorry to see the cedars goin', at first. I loved those cedars. As a kitten, I used to play in those cedars and hang out in them, waitin' for Peep #1 to come out and talk to me and say nice things to me and teach me how to play with nip mice and whatnot.
That was when I was still livin' outside with my mama and fur-sibs. When I was still feral but beginnin' to learn that my Peep #1 wasn't evil or anythin'. Good times. I remember them like they were yesterday even though they were actually eleven years ago.
Anywho... Since Ol' Peepers took like... A YEAR to get rid of the cedars completely, I've had plenty of time to get used to the idea. In fact, in the past few months, I've been quite anxious for the beds to be cleared out properly. They were lookin' pretty messy with half a cedar, here, and a quarter of one, there. It was embarrassing. Nosey-neighbour-cat didn't have partial cedars scattered around at his house. He was mockin' me over the whole affair. "You've got messy cedars... You've got messy cedars..." he would taunt.
Then last Friday, the last of the cedars' bits and pieces were removed and the upper bed was free from all plants and the soil, levelled off. The lower bed still had some stuff like honeysuckle in it but in the biggest corner where the third cedar had been, it was all cleared out. Those beds were lookin' pretty good. They were ready for plantin'.
Of course, my first reaction to the beds was... NIP! The peep is gonna plant us up a nice big ol' nip garden right here in the front yard, I thought. I was gettin' really excited about the idea.
I tried to explain to Mason that these were flower beds and not a big ol' loo. Then I got to thinkin'. Maybe it was our new loo. We lost our old one when Mason was supposed to be supervisin' the peep and allowed Ol' Peepers to plant it up with primroses.
And if these beds were meant as the new loo, it was a way better loo than the previous one. Upper and lower levels. Very spacious. Nice, soft earth free from plants and whatnot that would only get in our way. "Wow!" I exclaimed to Mason. "I think you're right about this. Ol' Peepers has built us a deluxe model loo. EXCELLENT."
I was bettin' the peep built the new loo in order to celebrate the publishing of my 300th blog post which, by the way, is this here post I'm publishin', today. A super-duper, deluxe model, multi-level, brand-spankin' new loo would be a great way to celebrate that, for sure.
Long story short, by nightfall, several of us had used the new loo as... well... a loo. I happened to use it myself. Biggest outdoor litter box I had ever seen, much less used.
The next mornin', I was informed by the peep that the super-duper, deluxe model, multi-level, brand-spankin' new loo was not, in fact, a loo but rather, a couple of flower beds. MOUSES!
But all was not lost 'cause if it wasn't the best outdoor litter box that ever-there-was, it would still make a really nice nip bed. Ah.... nip. The glorious plant that is the nip. Flower beds that size would hold a whole whack of nip plants, I thought to myself. Life was good.
That's about when I saw that the peep had some newly purchased tulip and hyacinth bulbs. "What are you gonna do with those?" I asked her.
"You're gonna what?" I cried. MOUSES!
You guessed it, Ol' Peepers was intendin' on plantin' the tulips and hyacinths in my nip bed. Right there in my nip bed. MY nip bed. My NIP bed. My bed meant for nip. Not only that, there was talk of delphiniums and phlox, too.
Needless to say, the peep was not impressed by my lessons in horticulture. At least not favourable, anyway.
Bottom line is, the loo is not a loo and the nip beds are not for nip. They're for flowers. Flowers that are not nip. MOUSES!
What? It isn't a loo? I beg to differ though, at least for when you need to go number two. Then you can go and enrich the soil, making those flowers grow huge. Win win.
ReplyDeleteSounds like some human needs to get her priorities straight
ReplyDeleteTulips and stinkycinths? What the heck?
ReplyDelete*Thinking* Hmmmmm,but chipmunks and teeny weeny tasty birdies might be attracted to the plants!
All is not lost!
The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx
WHAT is your human thinking??? That is so wrong!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Happy 300th blog post!
Oh Nissy so sowwy yous missed out on a new loo and a nip bed too. Dat's just not wight. Yous peeps shuld reward yous by givin' yous boff. MOL Good luck.
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Oooops me furgot, Concats on yous 300 blog postys. Dat's zackly why yous peep shuld reward yous. :)
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
dood...conga ratz on yur 300,000 th post furst off N 9) sorree bout de wood be loo
ReplyDelete3) even if flowers get put in ya can rip em out H ) nip WOOD look better tho then ya wood knot wanna use de loo... aza loo & T ) enjoy yur nite !! ♥
No nip and no giant loo??? Dat are just unfair!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 300th post!!!! If you can't have a giant loo, the least they can give you is some nip.
ReplyDeleteI like to sniff flowers.
ReplyDeleteHow disappointing for you. There is no loo better than a freshly dug flowerbed. Concats on your 300 posts.
ReplyDeleteHappy 300th bloggie post Nerissa!! Ya Rock!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe waz so eggcited finkin ya wuud get a hole 'nip garden to yerselvez..too bad ye cuud not find a Hu'Man to sprinkle sum seedz of 'nip in 'tween dem smelley flowerz ;)
Maybee ya haz to ask nicelee or else poop on da flower garden to make a point???
Lub Nylablue =^,,^=
we are gonna call the ASPCA on yer peeps! that is just WRONG!
ReplyDeletePoor Nissy!!!!!
ReplyDelete(congrats on #300, though!)
Humans can sure confuse things up a bit or two Nerissa!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds totally pawful. Sorry that your loo isn't a loo and your flower beds are not nip beds, but purrlease accept our concatulations on your 300th post. That is a huge accomplishment. Here's to many more years of entertaining us. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteConcats on your 300th post Nerissa! We just got here a little while ago, but we're gonna make mom bean read us efurry one. Well, we will as soon as we can get her to come back home. ;(
ReplyDeleteSorry about your nip bed/new loo. You has to tell your peep there has to be a little room there for 'nip. (AND here's a secret, when you grows nip it self-seeds all over the place...you should see our back yard, MOL)
Sasha, Sami, & Saku
Outrageous!!! We demand a new loo and nip immediately! (ConCats on your 300th post by the way!!)
ReplyDeleteThose humans of yours need to get their priorities straight, Nissy!
ReplyDeleteThis is just disappointing news all around Niss!! Sheesh!
ReplyDeleteღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
300th blog WOW dat just pawtabulus!! Concatulations!! *impressed ears* Hope your peep will changed her mind and put some nip in for you. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteGood grief, why not plant nip in the new beds. Think about the aroma coming off the beds next summer. WOW - you'd be the envy of every cat in the blogosphere! What get into humans anyway!
ReplyDeleteStage a protest! This must not be allowed
ReplyDeleteWe think flower beds filled with lovely flowers would still make a nice loo. Maybe you can somehow sneak in at least one nip plant too. After all with more than one flowerbed there should be plenty of room. Hugs and nose kisses
ReplyDeleteOne nip bed and a loo can't be to much to ask for your 300th post can it? Concats Nissy! What an accomplishment!!! I say did up those bulbs until the nip is planted!
Concats on your 300th blog post Nissy!
ReplyDeleteWith an accomplishment like that you would think the peeps could find room for at least one itty bitty nip plant. Bummer!
Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
Congrats on your 300th post, Nissy! A fancy new loo would have been a great way to celebrate or a nip bed...but I guess the peep has other plans....Happy Caturday!
ReplyDeleteWell... maybe if you are extra nice and sweet the humans will decide to add just a tiny patch of the garden dedicated to the nip. Paws crossed for you on that and concats on the 300th post!
ReplyDeleteMOUSES not a loo? Maybe in a pinch when no one is looking? Congrats on 300 stellar posts!