Sunday, 31 August 2014

a labour of love

Here in Canada, this is Labour Day Weekend.  To the south of us in the United States of America, it's Labor Day Weekend.

Notice the difference? The Americans have dropped the letter u in the word labour.  On the other paw, maybe we Canadians added one. Don't know, for sure.

But I do know that I don't wanna labour over the addin' or droppin' of a silly little letter 'cause truth be told, that conversation would be somewhat, laborious.  MOUSES!

Anywho...  Tomorrow, Monday, is the official holiday but lots of peeps celebrate all weekend long.

Peep #1 says she remembers how Labour Day Weekend was the official end to the summer and summer holidays, when she was growin' up.  You know, way back in ancient times when dinosaurs roamed the earth and before our current-day mountains had fully formed.

What's that, Peepers?  That's too far back?  Really?  You sure 'bout that?  REALLY?

Anywho...  Way back in olden times, Labour Day Weekend was the last weekend of fun in the sun before everybody headed off back to school and whatnot.  Still is, in fact.  At least it still is around here.

At my house, we'll be celebratin' Labour Day tomorrow, too.  Personally, I'm gonna take the day off regarding my supervisory duties.  Usually, I have to supervise the peeps' movements.  It's a very demanding, full-time job.  Those peeps get into way too much mischief if unsupervised, you see.

I know...  I know...  You're probably all thinkin' that if I take the day off from supervisin', I'll end up payin' for it later, cleanin' up all the messes those peeps made while bein' unsupervised.  Well I've got that covered.  I've got my paws crossed that the peeps will both take a break from their mischief makin' on account of it bein' Labour Day Monday and all.  Don't know if they'll oblige but I sure am hoping.  If not, I don't wanna even think about the troubles that will be facin' me come Tuesday mornin'.  I can only imagine...  NO.  I don't wanna imagine that, at all.  MOUSES!

Somethin' Peep #1 will not be takin' off tomorrow on account of Labour Day Monday is her work assistin' me on my blog.  The first peep takes time off from bein' my official IT support on a daily basis.  She doesn't need a holiday in order to do that.  In fact, sometimes I wonder if she does any work for me at all.

Have I mentioned before that Peep #1 makes for pretty lousy IT support?  Well if I haven't, I'm mentioning it now.  When it comes to IT support, Peep #1 is the worst of the worst.  Can't really blame her, though.  She is somewhat technologically impaired.  Did I say somewhat?  My mistake. The woman is a technologically impaired duffer, for sure.

Why-oh-why did I ever hire Peep #1 as my IT support?  WHY?  Oh yeah...   I remember now.  She was the only peep I could find willin' to work for cuddles.  When you're payin' staff in cuddles instead of cash, you can't always hire the cream of the crop, if you know what I mean.  MOUSES!

Cream of the crop...  Cream....  I love cream.

What a weird expression though, huh? Cream of the crop.  Cream isn't a crop. Cream has nothin' to do with crops. But corn is a crop and you can cream corn. Personally, however, I prefer my cream straight up.  No corn required.

Yeah, yeah...  the expression is about the cream risin' to the top of the milk. Like I said, I prefer my cream straight up.  No milk required, either.

But wouldn't it be neat if you could grow cream as a crop?  If you could grow a field of cream?  If I ever see a field of cream it will be a mouses moment, for sure.

But I digress...  Back to the labourin' or rather, lack of labourin', on account of tomorrow bein' Labour Day Monday.

In honour of Labour Day I, Nerissa the Cat, will be takin' a break from the labours of the world. There shall be no supervisory duties for me, tomorrow.  I shall also be takin' a break from any eggbeater-whisk time travelling-teleportation research activities my brother Seville might have planned.  And I shall be unavailable for any picture takin' Ol' Peepers might have in mind.

No, tomorrow will be a day reserved for nappin' and nippin' followed by nippin' and nappin'.  I'm gonna be bathin' in sunpuddles, if the sun should so happen to cooperate.  If not, I'll have to nap on the couch or somethin', I suppose.  Or maybe a bed.  Or perhaps the dinin' room table.

I'm gonna be spendin' leisure time with the peeps and all the members of my fur-fam.  Gettin' some chin tickles and tummy rubs and maybe play with a wand toy or two.  And, of course, there will be breaks for snackin'.  What's a holiday without snacks?

I shall not, however, be takin' the day off from my bloggin' duties.  Workin' on my blog is a labour of love and when you're talkin' labours of love, you don't wanna take a break 'cause your labourin' really isn't labour, at all.

Besides, I have stuff to do.  I have a big day planned for Wednesday and I'm still workin' on that new blog feature.  Got some readin' to do for that.  Got some very special research readin' to do for that, for sure.  And I'll probably wanna visit some pals, as well.

But I do wanna take this moment to wish everybody a VERY HAPPY LABOUR DAY.  I hope you're all havin' a great weekend and that tomorrow you will enjoy a day filled with lots of rest and relaxation.  I know that that's what I'm plannin' for tomorrow, for sure.


  1. Isn't it amazin' Nissy da hoomans cweate a holiday b'out Labor and then do no laborin' on it. MOL Weez nevew unnewstood dat. Oh well, weez will be duin' da same as evewy udder day. :)

    Luv ya'


  2. We don't know Labour or Labor Day here ; we wish you a great holiday ! Purrs

  3. We is enjoying the Labour Day weekend here today, having naps in the sunpuddles (while they last). The only issue is the mom bean is going to start yelling at the noisy box in about an hour so we 'spect our naps are going to be interrupted. Sigh, beans are sure a nuisance!

    At least she's getting her yelling done today, and we'll try to get her to hang out and relax with us tomorrow.

    Have a great day tomorrow and Happy Labour Day!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. We think you totally deserve some time off! And the peeps.. well.. let's hope they don't make too big a mess.

  5. I think like Dezi that humans where strange when they created Labor day and made it to a non working day :)
    Wish you a Happy Labour Day !


  6. My human says that since I am in management, I don't get to have Labor (or Labour) Day off! Oh well, neither does she.

  7. wHew! I sure am glad you will still be blogging -you had me worried! What ever you celebrate -labour or labor -have. A good one pal.

  8. Happy Labour Day Nissy. You spell it the same way as we do in the UK.

  9. Well Nissy, I have to say I am delighted that some people over the pond there still keep to the old traditions. What's the world coming to when folk can drop the u for no apparent reason!!! It's a slipping of standards that's what it is!!! Happy LaboUr day, buddy xox

  10. careful Nissy my pal, not snoopervisin' can cause you some serious problems down the road...or is that 'down the egg beater teleport tunnel'???...hmmmm

  11. That is quite interesting Nerissa about the U in Labor or no U in Labour. I know one thing, we are all sure glad U are here blogging with us!

  12. Happy Labour/Labor Day to you too- good thing we don't spell Mouses without the u too :)

  13. You have a very lovely Labour day and your American friends will have a lovely Labor day. Either way we'll all have a nice day, eh? (eh was a joke, and mommy apologizes. Sometimes her jokes are weird).

  14. Well Happy Labor day to all of you too. Hope you have a wonderful and nice easy day. Take care.

  15. A famous blogger like yourself should get some R&R whenever he wants. Nipping and napping sounds like the purrfect occupation for tomorrow. Enjoy! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. We are enjoying our Labour Day weekend .
    We have been getting extra scritches and belly rubs :)
    WE think we will all be lazy tomorrow too!
    Have a good Labour Day !
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  17. Hi Nissy, it has been a while. You look pretty still.

  18. Happy Labo(u)r Day! All dat cream talk made me hungry.

  19. Here where we live there are going to be some very big BOOMS. We have a party down on the Ohio River front in Cincinnati, Ohio to celebrate Labor Day. We can hear the big booms a little where we live, but to where they scare us. Hope everyone has a grear weekend.

  20. Happy Labo(u)r Day!

    The Florida Furkids

  21. lol the humans never were very good at naming things, or spelling for that matter, hope yours is grand and we never stop blogging in our land

  22. Hope you had a great Labour Day weekend!!!! We sure did!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  23. Well Nissy, whether it's "labor" or "labour" I'm not doing ANY of that today - I'm doing extra naps and just hanging out enjoying what I hope is a nice sunny QUIET Monday! Hope you have one too!

    Hugs, Sammy

  24. Sounds Like a plan Nissy,loung back and relax my friend,xx Speedy

  25. MOUSES, it's the end of summer! Where did it go, other than Australia???

  26. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado, te invito a ver el mío, esta semana las mascotas son las protagonistas, nos hacen compañía y sacan lo mejor de nosotros mismos. Deseo que te guste y si es así y no eres seguidora espero que te hagas, gracias por visitarme.

  27. Well, it may be Labor Day here, but we can tell you, there's not much laboring going on. Happy Labour (yes, we'll give you the U) Day! :)

  28. Happy Labour Day, Nissy (spell check does not like this spelling)! I hope you and your Peeps and all the members of your fur-fam had a great weekend! I hope you got those chin scratches and play time and plenty of snacks!

  29. Celebrating Labor Day with your cats is one of the best things ever! Hope you had a great one! Thanks for sharing! :)

  30. Nissy, theese one is a good one: "When you're payin' staff in cuddles instead of cash, you can't always hire the cream of the crop, if you know what I mean"! Hope your Labour Day was very relaxing!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.