I'm not into nose kisses, myself. Oh sure, like the peep says, I have a cute little button nose and all but I don't go 'round kissin' everybody with it! My sister, Constance, on the other paw...
For the last few months, Connie has been kissin' up to the peep, BIG time.
At first, that's exactly what I thought she was doin'... kissin' up. I had noticed how she had put on a few extra ounces so I was pretty sure she was gettin' extra treats and whatnot. I figured she must have been kissin' up to Peep #1 with all those nose kisses and gettin' more than her fair share of the treats. The first peep is a real sucker for that kind of thing. MOUSES!
Connie denied it, of course. Again I say... MOUSES!
But the fact remained that Constance continued to constantly give the peep nose kisses.
When Peep #1 picks me up, I stay in her arms for as long as there are chin tickles and behind-the-ear scritches on the go. Once the peep has tired of givin' me scritches, I get all squirmy. I squirm and I worm until she puts be back down onto the floor. I never - and I repeat, NEVER - reach out and kiss her on the nose with mine. NEVER. I'm just not into that kind of thing.
Constance, on the other paw, can't seem to help herself. Peep #1 picks her up and the first thing she's doin' is tappin' her nose up against the peep's. MOUSES!
And it doesn't stop there. Connie has taken to sleepin' right up by Peep #1's face. THEY USE THE SAME PILLOW! Never seen the like of it, myself. I, Nerissa the Cat, would never do such a thing. Might get peep cooties or somethin', doin' stuff like that. But not Connie... Connie gets right up there and the next thing you know, she's givin' the peep nose kisses over and over and over again until finally, Peep #1 tells her to stop it 'cause it's keepin' the peep awake.
I know. I've watched from a distance. A safe distance, mind you. Don't want any of those peep cooties comin' my way.
Turns out, it's all the peep's fault. Of course.
I think the peeps think that by usin' such things, they won't look their age of somethin'. Considerin' the fact that Peep #1 is as old as the hills - in other words, ancient - her use of facial cream might very well be necessary although truth be told, she's gonna need more than that to knock off a few millenia.
Anywho... a few months ago, the first peep started usin' this new kind of cream on her face. It smells all flowery and whatnot. Smells like jasmine.
Now don't get me wrong. Nothin' wrong with the smell of jasmine. It's no nip, mind you, but still nice enough. Not nice enough to make me wanna do nose kisses but nice enough, I guess.
Now if it were nip... Well then. Well then that would be a totally different story. But it doesn't smell like nip so it's just the same ol' story and that story isn't worth riskin' bein' contaminated by cooties by kissin' the noses of peeps. End of story.
But apparently, Constance disagrees.
She says the cream smells especially nice. She says it smells yummy.
I say, THAT'S THE WRONG KIND OF CREAM, CONNIE! You want cream? Go get yourself some cream from the fridge. Pour a little whippin' cream into a bowl. Proper cream comes from cartons stored in the fridge. Its does not - and I repeat, NOT - come from jars next to the bathroom sink.
But Connie just won't listen to me. She says she's really into this jasmine stuff. Could you believe it? I know. It's really kind of unbelievable. She's so into this jasmine cream that she can't seem to help herself. It's not that she wants to go 'round kissin' the peep on the nose. She just wants to smell the jasmine.
I'm thinkin'... it must a girl thing. Constance is a girl. Peep #1 is a girl. Yeah.. that must be it.
But all this nose kissin' business has got me worried. What if Peep #1 decides that she's not satisfied with gettin' nose kisses from only Connie? What if she decides she wants nose kisses from me, as well? MOUSES!
I can easily - and I repeat, EASILY - resist the lure of the jasmine cream but what if the peep were to... Oh my gosh... MOUSES!
Probably not. You all know how I am around nip. MOUSES!
So I'm thinkin' that I should start encouraging the peep to go out and buy more of this jasmine-scented facial cream. I should encourage her to buy it by the case so that she has a lifetime supply of the stuff. The more of the jasmine cream she has to use, the less likely she will be to start smearin' tuna and catnip all over her face. 'Cause truth me told, even I, Nerissa the Cat, would never be able to resist that. MOUSES!
By the way, VOTIN' for the Petties Awards is still goin' on. You can VOTE once a day, EVERY DAY, from now until August 7th. Won't you please vote for me? I'd really appreciate it a lot. purrs
I (Leia) am really into rubbing noses with the Mom. So I totally get Connie wanting to do that too. But I understand it's not for every kitteh.
ReplyDeleteMOL. We are pretty sure your Peep #1 will stick with Jasmine cream. Am quite certain she won't be plastering her face with TUNA. Catnip and cream, perhaps. But not tuna. Haha.
ReplyDeleteMommy used a new Coconut Oil and milk based moisturizer for her legs and guess what? Tutu burrowed under her blanket and started to lick her legs raw. She's stopped using that moisturizer now...
I don't like any of the gunk my human puts on HER face - bleagh! She is lucky I give her head butts.
ReplyDeleteI hate to burst your bubble pal, but I give M kisses now and then. Not every day, but maybe once a month. I has to be in the right mood tho and I like to surprise her.
ReplyDeleteYou do? MOUSES! purrs
DeleteOh we hate the stuff Mom puts on her face and it gets on her hands too..blech! We are still trying to picture your human with catnip and tuna on her face...MOL
ReplyDeleteYou might be onto something there pal? NipCream would be difficult to resist!
ReplyDeleteThat would be silly, to have catnip, tuna cream. That Mom would get lots of kisses with that kind of cream. Too funny. Hope you all have a great day.
ReplyDeleteI'm not convinced nose kisses is just a girl thing. CJ likes giving me nose kisses (and head butts) and he's definitely a mancat!
ReplyDeleteNissy, I'll let you in on a little secret. If you can get up close and personal to the peep, jasmine or no jasmine, you just might get a few extra treats!! Just meowing!! Constance seems to have made the connection. Not saying you're thick or anything, but the fact that Constance is carrying a couple of extra pounds might get you past Ewwww and into Mewwwwww! ;) xox
ReplyDeleteSorry Nissy, but my brother Ralphie loves to give Mom nose kisses too. He only does this in the mornings when they have their morning "bonding time". No lotion, no idea......
ReplyDeleteYou have embarrassed me now because I rub noses with my mum all the time. I even wake her at night to give her headbutts.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Flynn. I didn't MEAN to embarrass you. I'm sure that when YOU do nose taps, you do it in a very manly way. purrs
DeleteMaybe it is a girlcat thing. Ashton gives lots of kisses, but we mancats stand strong and don't do the kissy thing. No way.
ReplyDeleteI think a tuna face cream sounds like a great idea.
ReplyDeleteFaraday: I'm with YOU. Girly-wurly NOSE kisses - blech! Keep the cream STINKY!
ReplyDeleteNerissa, you seem a little upset with all the times you said mouses and all. You should try a nose kiss-they are fun.
ReplyDeleteWell... I'm beginnin' to think that Connie might be showin' me up a little with all those nose taps. Like I said, Peep #1 is a sucker for things like that. purrs
DeleteHaha!!! Oh no! Nose kisses? Ah who am I kidding, nose kisses are the bestest!!! I'm sorry Niss, but to have a kitties fuzzy little nose touch mine is just to cute for words!
ReplyDeleteMaybe your right, it must be a girl thing!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
We rub heads with humans in this house and Henry likes to wipe his nose on their hands YUK :-). Hope all is well x
ReplyDeleteBOL that's a scary thought, and your paw neighbours how would they react to a lady walking down the road with whipped cream, tuna and nip on her face? Although I think part of me would like to find out - try it, try it, try it! BOL
ReplyDeleteNose kisses huh? We more do head butts over here so nose kisses sound a bit more gentle :-)
ReplyDeleteMew do have a furry cute nose #Nissy4Senate, it's no wonder they want to up close and purrsonal!!! MOL
ReplyDeleteBestest purrs
Basil xox
dood...unless yur mom iz rollin in perch ore wearin a perch hat....for get a bout it....N de look on connie's face iz price less !! ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteMOUSES, we had no idea such things as pillow sharing go on at your house. Your peeps could try a spritz of catnip juice as a toner and see what happens.
ReplyDeleteWe hope your tuna is safe!
ReplyDeleteHey Nissy, we just want you to know that we are voting for you ever day! Good luck, we hope you win.
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much, my friends. I'm gettin' kind of worried... I'm so hopin' to win that Pettie for the kitties at the Homeless Animal Lifeline. On the one paw, I don't wanna harass my pals with too many reminders 'bout votin' but on the other paw, I CAN'T DO THIS ON MY OWN. It's quite a predicament, for sure. Knowin' that you're votin' daily for me makes me feel a LOT better though. It really does, for sure. Again, thank you so much. purrs
DeleteCoucou Nissy,
ReplyDeleteShame on me. I have been away from your blog since …. I don’t remember.
Not my fault. My human had some surgery to be done to her eyes. It’s over … for the moment.
You are right, must be a girl thing. I love to give kisses and to taste the cream that my human puts on her face. It’s so good.
yeah, I'm with you Nissy, no peep cooties are gonna be touching my nose. Now The Kid Sage...she is all over that nose kissin' stuff. I am sure she gets extra treats
ReplyDeleteMisty May sleeps on Mom's pillow efurry night and even lies across her face, and gives her head butts and nose kisses. Like you said, it must be a girl thing. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteYeah Nissy I am with you. No nose kisses from Manly Man Cats. Now I may give Dad a hug when we lay in bed reading but that is way different. It is a manly Man Cat hug and not a girly Girl Cat nose kiss. Yep its a girl thing alright