Sunday, 13 April 2014

a change of plans

What's that, Peepers?  What?  WHAT?

What do you mean, we have to change our plans?

But I don't want to.

Awww...   FINE.  MOUSES!

As many of you know, I was waitin' and waitin' and waitin' with great anticipation for the moment I hit one hundred thousand visits to my blog.  I was so excited and the peep said we could do somethin' special for the event. I had such plans...

First of all, I was gonna introduce a new award 'cause nothin' says celebrating like bling.  Well, bling and nip.  And speakin' of nip, I was gonna do a giveaway and yes, nip toys were to be involved.

Then came the flood.

For those of you who haven't heard, between all the snow meltin' and the torrential rain last Tuesday, the basement of my house is now a swimmin' pool.  That's right.  I have an indoor swimmin' pool in my house but, I assure you, there is to be no swimmin' in that pool.  This is not a pool party kind of situation, if you know what I mean.

But that's not the worst part.  The worst part is that on Wednesday mornin', the water came up high enough to knock out the furnace.  No furnace means no heat and no heat means no hot water. MOUSES!

Nothin' can be done about the furnace until the water table drops another eight inches or so.  At that point, the peeps will find out if the furnace can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced but none of that can be done until all that nasty ol' water recedes.  It's a waitin' game for now and as you all know, games that do not involve nip or wand toys are no fun at all.

We're all okay and that's the important thing, I think.  We still have power, too.  Thank goodness for that.  But I've got my paws full with a couple of super cranky peeps and I don't know WHAT I'm gonna do with them.  The first peep keeps sayin' somethin' about her feeling like she's living in the nineteenth century which really, isn't so bad.   I mean, I've travelled there myself, usin' egg beater-whisk time travelling-teleportation technology and seriously, there are worse places to travel to.

Anywho...  Back to the change of plans.

Peep #1 says that I can still introduce my new award but the giveaway has to be put on hold.  Put on hold until we have a working furnace, heat, hot water and the mess in the basement has been all cleaned up.  I don't exactly know how long it's gonna take but I've got my paws crossed that it won't be too long although knowin' my peeps...   MOUSES!  And I sure could do with all my pals out there crossing their paws for us, too.  I think that at times like this, the more crossed paws, the better.

In the meantime, let's talk bling.

My new award is called the Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO! Award which, as you know, is one of my favourite sayings.  It's a saying just made for celebratin' and that's exactly what we're gonna do today.

The rules for acceptin' the Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO! Award are pretty simple.
- Firstly, post the award on your blog and thank the blogger who gave it to you.
- Secondly, visit at least three of the blogs that are receiving the award along with you and leave a
- Thirdly, tell us all three things you have to celebrate.  You know, three things for which you are
- Lastly, pass along the award to seven other bloggers and let them know you have done so.

Pretty easy, huh?

Oh, I need to list three things I have to celebrate.  Let's see...  Hmmm...

Well first of all, I'm celebrating having reached one hundred thousand visits to my blog.  Secondly, I'd like to celebrate the fact that unlike the peeps, this lack of hot water business has not affected MY bathin' schedule.  And thirdly, I'd like to celebrate that on Tuesday I'll be turnin' eleven.  That's right, Tuesday is my birthday although, truth be told, I'm thinkin' it's not gonna be much of one what with the indoor not-a-pool-party swimmin' pool in my basement thing goin' on.  MOUSES!

So without further ado, the first ever winners of the Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO! Award are....

WAIT!!!  I have to mention that as this is the introduction, I shall be nominatin' twenty-one blogs, rather than seven 'cause I really wanna make sure the award gets off to a really good start.

And the nominees are....
- Savvy at Savannahs Paw Tracks
- the staff at Dash Kitten
- Herman at It's a Wonderpurr Life
- Sparkle at Sparkle the Designer Cat
- Crepes at Cat in the Fridge
- the Kitties Blue at The CAT on my HEAD
- Sammy at onespoiledcat
- the gang at Owned by a Husky
- Spitty at Spitty Speaks
- Speedy at Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny
- Hisiableue at Bleue comme Aby
- Nylablue at Nylablue & Sherriellen's Purrfect Pad
- Austin at CATachresis
- Brian at Brian's Home
- Derby & Ducky at Derby and Ducky
- Hailey & Zaphod at The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles
- Marty at MusingsbyMartyManx
- Whipple & Pepper at Whipple & Pepper
- Archie, Oscar & Henry at My Three Moggies
- Maxwell, Faraday & Allie at a tonk's tail
- Mario at Mario's Meowsings

CONGRATULATIONS EVERYBODY!  You're all winners, for sure.

What's that, Peepers?  You have to go out this afternoon? Where are you goin', lookin' like that?

Oh, you're headin' over to a motel to take a shower.  Well thank goodness for that.  I was gonna say somethin' before but didn't wanna hurt your feelings or anything but since you've managed to figure it out all own your own...  Well, I'll see you when you return, all nice and clean.  In the meantime, I'm gonna take a nap.


  1. Awww Nissy we're keeping our paws and fingers crossed for everything to get back to normal for you and your Peeps,Congrats on 100,000 visits that is fantastic news,And thanks you so much for passing it on to me,we both like the bling don't we,xx Speedy

  2. It's a good thing you didn't have to go to the motel for a shower too Nissy as that might have made you blush if you had to share with your Peeps.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. OH dear Nissy we are sorry about the water tables and the furnace and the cold water. YIKES!! Our hoomans like to take warm baths too so we understand. Great new award!

  4. Mowzers, Nissy - perhaps they need to learn to bathe Properly *lick*lick*lickety*lick* (MOL!)
    Seriouslies - we do hope that water table drops overnight and that life returns to normal VERY soon.

    Thank you sooo much for passing the award on to us - and HUGE concats on 100,000 visits! Hey, Maxie's birthday is tomorrow - you guys are both celebratin' this week! YAY!

  5. Wow Nissy, thanks for the award. We are WooHoo over this.

    We hopes you get heat, hot water and all the good stuff back. Plus the indoor swimming pool goes away.

  6. OMC that sounds horrible, Nerissa. I hope it will all resolved soon. Good luck!!
    Congratulations on you 100,000 hits. Yoo-Hoo :) Pawkisses :)

  7. Gosh, that must be quite a mess in your basement with all that water! We hope the water recedes quickly and that the furnace can be repaired.

  8. OMC !
    Do you have a swimmingpool in the basement ?!
    Sure hope it will go away real quick !
    A BIG ConCATulation to 100.000 visitors !
    Hey it's my birthday too on Tuesday , I'm going to be 4 years :)

  9. Concatulations on your 100000 hits ! I hope for your mom that hot water will be back very soon ! The Yoo-Hoo ! YOO-HOO ! Award is really cool, concatulations on the winners ! Purrs, Zorro

  10. Wow 100.000 visits, congrats. And your poor people, how sad they can't have a bath. I hope your basement and your house will go back to normal soon.

  11. An award fer litttle ole ME??? Oh Nerissa phanka so much!! Mum sayz she iz gonna do a blog today fer da award!! (Iz rainin here so diz will cheer us up).
    100,000 hitz iz like a bazillion izn't it???
    Pawsum Nerissa!
    We iz sowwy ya has a pool in da basemint tho'....we hopez all diz mess getz sorted soon n yer peepz get back to normal life!! Bet they wish they were 'self cleanin' like us???
    Much lub frum me Nylablue <3 <3

  12. Aww Niss!!!! Thanks so much for thinking of us!!!! We are truly grateful for your kitty furiendship!! So sorry about the flood....the weather has messed up everything this year! :(
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. Quick question Niss, where is the award we are to post? Is it the pic that says 100,000?

  14. Gosh Nissy....sounds like you should have gotten your peeps to get that ark finished so you don't have to worry about floating away! I hope that you get things fixed up SOON - heaven forbid bathing is on hold (hahaha). THANK YOU for the award my friend.......You're the bestest at inventing new ones....I'm happy you thought of me. I'll get to work on spreading it throughout the land too!

    Hugs, Sammy

  15. Thank you for the neat award. We are crossing our paws for you and hoping basement water goes away and you get heat and hot waters again.

  16. Woah, thanks, Nissy!!!! We love it! It's so colorful, we noticed it earlier on facebook. It's beautiful!! - Crepes.

  17. Wow thank you so much Nissy! Really excited to be part of your new award! Concats on 100,000+ visits to your blog! So sorry about the flooding....Mouses :( Heading off to work on my post!!!!
    Purrs, crossed paws and fingers
    Marty and Mom

  18. Wow, Nissy that sounds horrible about your basement flooding. That is not good. Hope things get back to normal really soon for you. That is such a pretty award. Sending lots of purrs to ya for everything to get fixed really soon.

  19. Dear Nissy.I sincerely hope all water problems won't stop you celebrating your special day.I'd like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and thank you for all the joy you bring to a sometimes sad world.If you lived with me you'd get a whole chicken for yourself!!!Keep up the good work Mouses!!XXX

  20. oh cool, the Sibes asked the same question I was gonna I know "THAT" is the award. THank you ever so much Nissy, I will luvluvluv accepting this award and sharing it on my Thursday Purrsday post as I have lots to be purring about, paw pats, Nana

  21. Concats on your 100,000 hits. I hope the flood goes down quickly and you can all get back to normal.

  22. Yoo Hoo!!!! ConCats Nissy. You are 100,000 times the BEST! Thanks for including me in the recipients even though I am not blogging much :( Do you know, I think I will be coming up to my 100,000 visitor pretty soon too!! :)))

    I am so sorry about the not-a-pool-party flood type thing you've got going on!! That's pooey for sure. Hope you get dried out soon and all that. Love and purrs and headbonks, Austin xox

  23. Thanks so much for the award, Nerissa! But man, that is really a bummer about your not-supposed-to-be-there indoor swimming pool! I hope that water table goes down very soon!

  24. Conga-rats Nerissa on the Big 100K! And fank you for the award--my Human's Spring Break starts Thursdy afternoon so I am going to make her catch up on all things awardie-related right away!

    Meanwhile, guess who has a personal haiku composed specially for him at my blog????

  25. Oh pal, I am so sorry the water came and made a mess of thanks. thanks so much for sharing that wonderful award with us.

  26. Concats on 100,000! We hope your peeps got a nice shower at the hotel then hurried back to keep you warm.

  27. Well I award you the WHOOHOO AWARD to celebrate with you, and the big onety-one on Tuesday?? (Geo will be 6 Tuesday!) well, those of us who are in mid-restructuring so are holding a *CLOSED FOR RENOVATION* sign, give you the MOUSES! Award!

  28. Mommy says a basement flood sounds totally HORRIFYING.

    We are gonna focus on the positive and say WOOHOO for all the GOOD stuff!

  29. We are so sorry to hear about all that flooding, Nissy. We hope things get better soon.

    ConCATS on 100,000 site visits!

  30. Cripes! A not-a-swimming-pool-swimming-pool-basement-party-celebration! What better way to celebrate 100k visitors? :D

  31. I wish i was still running my blog so i could participate! Hopefully i will have up and running again soon. i miss blogging. It's good for relieving stress!

  32. Ugh, my mum saw your pikture and started gushing about how 'gorgeous' you are, she made me come over to say 'hi' hi, I'm Winston. Hope you gets that water out of your house soon!

  33. What an amazing award - it is possibly my most favourite award I have ever seen. Congrats to all of the very worthy recipients! Sorry to hear the water still hasn't gone down - I have paws crossed for you!!

    1. Thanks! I did think about addin' the name of the award right onto the award as it's a little confusing without it there but I was worried I might mess up the award's appearance. I really like the colours. purrs

  34. Hey everybody! If you need a smaller version of the award and can't get your blog to shrink yours, just let me know. I have one on paw. purrs

  35. OH no, terrible about the flooding! But great news on the 100,000 hits and congrats to the winners!

  36. Nissy, thank you so much. This is a wonderpurr award, and we look forward to posting it and giving it to our furiends. That is an amazing number of visitors. Concatulations! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  37. Oh gosh....and e almost forgot: We hope your indoor swimming pool recedes really soon, and we are purring bunches and bunches that you don't need a new furnace. That could seriously cut into the treat budget. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  38. Thanks so much for the award. We will formally accept it later this week.

  39. Wow, sorry to hear about the flood. But glad there's been such a flood of cats and peeps enjoying your blog!

  40. dood....happee one hundred bazillion visitors ta yur blog posts N wish yur peepz had one hundred bazillion $$$ sew they could put a reel for shirley N troo lee pond in de basemint sted oh that fake one... coz we noe eggs act lee what kinda mess a fake pool causes.....hope ya get dried out N bak ta hot water N heat N all that stuff...♥

  41. 100000 .. it is unbelievable ! You really have to make a big celebration.
    The not a swimming pool in your basement does not sound great ! I hope that the table of water will soon disappear. People need hot water. They cannot live without it !
    Thank you so much for the nice award. It’s a great idea.

  42. Yay for the awardies! Yay! :)


    Angel Keisha

  43. It's already the 15th in the UK so a very,very Happy Birthday to my favourite cat blogger extraordinaire and connoisseur of the nip!Have a wonderful day, sweetheart, make sure your peeps spoil you and the feline family. Lots of love and hugs to NissyXXX

    1. Awww... Thanks so very much. purrs & purrs & purrs then purrs some more

  44. So very sorry to hear about the flood, Nissy.
    But BIG congrats on 100K!!! WooHoo!

    ...and psssst! Happy Birthday!
    : ) Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

  45. Happy Birthday! Congrats on the big number, all that writing! Your paws must hurt by now, but don't quit!

  46. Nerissa this is helping Archie heal sooner :-) thank you for thinking of us xxx A big happy birthday with lots of virtual hugs from the UK xxxx

  47. Oh my goodness, you've been through the wringer havent you! Poor kitty!
    Love the new award!
    Happy birthday Nerissa!

  48. Happy Birthday Nerissa !!!!!

    We are so sorry about your house getting flooded, how very scary and aggravating. We hopes everything is all fixed soon.

  49. Happy birthday, dear! Hope you get lots of presents and nip and treats!

  50. Happy birthday sweet friend. Hope you are having a fun filled day!!!! So sorry that things are messed up at the house. That is not good. Hope all will be fixed soon.

  51. I am sitting by my front door, crossing my paws for you all. Oh, wait, there aren't any sunpuddles here.
    I am sitting on the daybed, crossing my paws for you all. Very nice sunpuddles! Much nicer place to cross paws!

  52. Wow ... lots going on here ... well, we congratulate you on this achievement, we are sorry 'bout your flooding ... but mostly we wishes you a pawsomely happy birthday!

  53. Oh, dear, sorry things are in upheaval at your house. It doesn't sound like a fun place to be right now. We send lots of purrs and tail wags to your peeps, on account of we think they can use them.

  54. Oh, we forgot to say Happy Birthday, Nerissa!

  55. Happy HAPPY Birthday to Nerissa!!

    Birthdays and gotcha days ... best days of all!

    Marilynn, Grace & Company

  56. Niss, first of are the bestest blogger I know. I'm in total awe of your prolific paws, always coming up with fantastic stories and adventures. So concatulations on all your successes.

    Second -- you don't look a day over 5, so you wear your 11 years very very well. Happy Birfday, my Bestie!

    Now Thirdly...this flood you haz in your basement. I am shaking my head wif befuddlement on why hoomans don't schedule those type of things when you don't haz important events to celebrate. I purrsonally don't see what the hoo-ha is all about when it comes to baffs. A few licks and I'm all done for the week.

    Hugs! Herman!!!

  57. Happy birthday, Nissy! We love you, pal!

  58. Oh did we miss your purrthday, like Mom almost missed poor Toot's ?? We hope you had a great one and that water needs to be teleported away we thinks!

    1. Nope. You're right on time 'cause my birthday is today. purrs

  59. Happy Birthday to you!! I hope that indoor swimming pool doesn’t lead to mold. That could be dangerous for everybody. We know that was the worst part of everybody’s houses after Superstorm Sandy. Hope everything works out. Oh, and concats on 100,000.

  60. And one more time here! HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY NISSY!!!!!!!! You are the CATS MEOW!!!
    Marty and the Gang

  61. A very fine Award I must Meow my furend. We will purr that the your nasal passages do not become overloaded with that Peep fragrance. Even with a visit to the motel it may be a bit much as the clothes and all take it on MOL
    Congrats on the Big 11 too my furend. Where is the nip and cake? Oh thats in tomorrows post. OK I better head on over

  62. Hello again! Thanks for visiting my blog, my mummy is new to blogging and didn't know how to get 'a follow by email' thingy....but I helped her and you can now follow me by email, the button is on the top right of my page. See you soon! xx

  63. Congrats on your 100,000, Nissy! Cool award you made! Sorry to hear about the flooding in your house, sending you all purrs and hoping that all is okay.

  64. Great award, and nice to finally visit your blog!

    Lots of Woofs from Earl an I at Earl's World!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.