Wednesday, 1 January 2014



Can you believe it?  It's 2014 already. Another year has arrived.

We said goodbye to 2013 last night around midnight.  Thankfully, last year did not go out with a bang.  The peep says that's a good thing 'cause when things go bang at our house it's usually 'cause a cat knocked somethin' down and whatever that somethin' was went bang when it broke into teeny tiny pieces.  Hmmm...  Perhaps we cats have already broken all the breakables? Could be.  Or maybe we were just bein' especially good last night.  Time will tell, I suppose.  All depends on whether the peeps find that... uh...  um...  never mind.

Anywho...  so much stuff happened last year.  So much stuff happened that I had a hard time fittin' it all in.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, such as what I refer to as incompetent peepage, I accidentally neglected to do some stuff I should have done way back in 2013.  MOUSES!

This incompetent peepage is the main reason I have 2013 awards leaking out into 2014.  That and somethin' to do with the time lines being affected by the use of Seville's refurbished whisks, I do believe.  Yeah, it's true.  I still need to accept a few awards that I was awarded last year.  Again I say, MOUSES!

So without further ado, let's get on with the show.

Have you heard of the Cracking Crispmouse Bloggywog Award?  It's a beaut, for sure.  My pal Pillster who writes the amazin' blog, Catnip Capers gave me this gorgeous award just before Christmas.  The Cracking Crispmouse Bloggywog Award is Pillster's very own creation and what a magnificent creation it is.  I'm so honoured to have been one of the very first recipients.  Thank you Pillster!  I love the award very much.

In acceptin' the Cracking Crispmouse Bloggywog Award, there are some rules.  But the rules are easy peasy and are as follows...

1.  To be eligible for the award, a bloggywog must spread one or more of joy, peace, hope and love.
2.  Anyone receiving the award may, if they wish, pass it on to any other anipal bloggywogger whose
     bloggywog satisfies rule number one.
3.  There is no minimum or maximum limit on the number of furiends you can pass the award onto:
     you can be as Scroogy or as generous as you like.

See?  Easy peasy, for sure.

I would very much like to pass this award on to pretty much everyone but I know I should leave some blogs for the next batch of recipients to pass it along to so, as difficult as it was, I narrowed it down to seven.

- Nellie at The Cat from Hell
- Sammy at onespoiledcat
- Savvy at Savannah's Paw Tracks
- the staff at DashKitten
- Tex at Texas, a Cat in Austin
- Loupi & Zorro at Swiss Cat Blog
- Kizzie at Kizzie Cat

And now for award number two!  This next award celebrates that which is the box.  Gosh, I love boxes.  Turns out that I love this incredible award celebratin' the box, too.  It's called the Share the Love, Share the Box Award.  What a great idea.

My pal Tex, author of the world-famous blog, Texas, a Cat in Austin created this gorgeous award and handed it out for the very first time on December 26th...  Boxing Day.  Pretty appropriate, huh?  Tex, thank you so very much for honouring me as one of the very first recipients.  It's a super award and I absolutely love it.  Thank you!

Anywho...  in acceptin' the Share the Love, Share the Box Award, there are some rules but again, super easy rules, for sure.

1.  Thank the blogger who awarded you the award.
2.  Post the award on your blog.
3.  Share the award with five bloggers and let them know they have received it.
4.  Go find a box and have fun with it.  Rule number four is optional but highly recommended.

And now to announce the five winners of this spectacular award.  Drum roll, please...

- Loupi & Zorro at Swiss Cat Blog
- Kizzie at Kizzie Cat
- Pillster at Catnip Capers
- Herman at It's a Wonderpurr Life
- Spitty at Spitty Speaks

Please note that I, Nerissa the Cat, took rule number four to heart and immediately found a box and had some fun with it. In fact, I spent most of Boxing Day morning nappin' in that box.  It was an excellent nappin' box, for sure.

Finally, I have one more award to accept.  My great pal Nellie over at Cat from Hell awarded me with my third star for the Blog of the Year 2013 Award.  I was so pleased to receive this.  Three stars down... three to go.  Can I do it? Don't know.  2013 is long gone but I'm pretty sure we can continue to award stars if need be.  Hint, hint...

In acceptin' the Blog of the Year 2013 Award, there are rules and those rules may be found over on the page belonging to the creator of this award, The Thought Palette.  You'll wanna check that out, for sure.

Clearly, there are a whole whack of blogs out there deserving of more stars but again, sadly, I must restrain myself and not give it to everybody 'cause we'd all be here from now until 2015 if I did. So what I'm gonna do is award the Blog of the Year 2013 Award to everyone to whom I gave either one or both of the above awards.  And the winners are...

- Nellie at The Cat from Hell
- Sammy at onespoiledcat
- Savvy at Savannah's Paw Tracks
- the staff at DashKitten
- Tex at Texas, a Cat in Austin
- Loupi & Zorro at Swiss Cat Blog
- Kizzie at Kizzie Cat
- Pillster at Catnip Capers
- Herman at It's a Wonderpurr Life
- Spitty at Spitty Speaks

Whew!  What a lot of awards.  CONGRATULATIONS everyone!  Just think, receiving awards today, on the very first day of the new year, bodes extremely well for receiving awards all year long.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!

Again I say...  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I wish all my pals a wonderful and glorious 2014.  May this coming year be our best year ever.


  1. Wishing you all the best for 2014! Lee and Phod

  2. Wow wow wow Nissy ! We are so, so happy : while we were reading your post, we saw the first award and we thought "Hey, great !" ; then we saw our name a second time and we thought "Twice ? Yeah, it rocks !" ; we continue to read and the third time we thought "Incredible !!" and we ran to fetch Mum and show her the awards. Thank you ! Purrs and headbutts

  3. We are thrilled to see 2013 go bye-bye. Congrats on all the nice awards too. From all our hearts right to your door, we wish you the best for two oh one four!

  4. Wow, Nissy, you won lots of awards. Congrats to you. We sure wish you a very Happy New year. Have a great day too..

  5. WoW you won a lot of awards!!! Congrats!!!!! Hope this will be a great year for you and all of us this 2014 !!!!!

  6. Congratulations on all the fun awards, sweetie!...We hope you enjoy great health, wonderful joys and unconditional love throughout 2014 and beyond!...Happy New Year, dear friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  7. Congrats Nissy you deserve all the bling,Happy New Year,xx Speedy

  8. Woo hoo concats on all of those fabulous award and may 2014 be filled with happiness and mousies for you Nissy!

  9. ConCATS on those awesome awards, NIssy! And Happy New Year!

  10. 。❊ * 。❊ 。 ❊ _█_ ❊ 。 * ❊
    _Π_____ (•.•) * 5☆★☆★☆
    ❊ /______/~\ ( ♥ ) ❊ Happy first Day ❊
    |田 田 |門| ( ♥ ) New Year 2014❊

  11. Those are great and well deserved awards!
    Happy New Year!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. It's the first day of 2014 and you are already having an award-winning year, Nerissa! Paws up!

  13. You have been busy, Nissy!! ConCats on your awards. Very well deserved! I think BTW that we all have problems with peepage!! Mouses!!! Happy New Year, buddy xox

  14. Wow, those are some cool awards, Nissy. Congrats! And Happy New Year to you!!

  15. Wowsers, TONS of awards and TONS of pawesome people to give them to! Happy Mew Year to all you guys up North of us!!

  16. Happy New Year, Nerissa, to you and your entire family!!
    I hope 2014 brings you many boxes (loved that pic of you in the box ;-), tons of high quality nip, and all the happiness possible!
    Concats on your awards! And thank you so furry much for nominated me!!
    Lots of purrs

  17. Happy New Year Nissy! Hope that 2014 is pawsome!

  18. These are some absolutely incredible awards, two of which we were unfamiliar. They are so cool. I hope they make it around to us. Concats on your third star. We are sure you will get all six. Happy, happy New! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Hey my awardie-giving Buddy! I thank you from the bottom of my flinty little heart--The Human has a terrible record of doing award bloggies on time but we are starting to have a little backlog ourselves so we'll get going on it . . .soon ;-)

    Hey--Hope you are all having a great New Years (well, we guess it might be over in your time zone now that we look at the clock!) We are so happy to be your furiend, Nissy--you are just the BEST! So have a wonderful 2014!!!

  20. Concatulations on your awards. Wishing you and your family a very Happy & Prosperous New Year. May all your dreams come true in 2014. Have a tremendous Thursday and we hope you had an awesome start to the new year.
    Best wishes Molly

  21. CongratulationsNissy! The kittehs & I are happy for you getting all those awards. We also happy you gave our cousin Herman (Tattle Cat) awards. Happy New Year!

  22. Yoo Hoo!! Thank you Nissy for adding another star for me. And I love the Cracking Crispmouse award. And congrats to you for getting all those warded to you. Lots of appreciation going around for sure

  23. Now there are some awards worth awarding!

  24. That's a lot of awards to start off the New Year! Congratulations, Nissy!

  25. Nissy our response goes uo this eve at!!!!!

  26. Concatulations and Happy Mew Year! Here's to another great ride around the sun. Hugs!! ~Willy~

  27. Pawesome post Nissy, many congrats on all the new Blog Bling!

    Bestest Mew Years Purrs

    Basil xx

  28. Just poppin' in to say HAPPY MEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's to a great 2014!

  29. Congrats on the awards!!
    Happy New Year and wishing u all the best in 2014!!!
    ((Husky hugz))
    "Love is being owned by a husky"

  30. As always, Niss, you deserve every award you receive. And that you honored me with not one but two awards...I am blessed to have you for my bestie. *wipes leaky eyes with floofy tail.* I haz to go put my awards on display now. Pawhugs!

  31. Nerissa! Mes finally gots a chance to use the computer!!! And the firstest blog me looked at was yours! Once mes gots over the Fainties from looking at scrumptious yous in that box, Mes discovered yous had gived me the Cracking Crispmouse Bloggywog Award!! me is so furry honoured!!!
    Thanks yous! And extra concatulations to yous on the Boxes Award and the Blog of the year Award!!!

  32. hey Nissy you goyt another star at my place,xx Speedy

  33. Thank you for these lovely awards, looking forward to passing them on.

  34. Happy New Year, dear Nerissa. That's a good way to start of the new year with so many awards. Congratulations and lots of Pawkisses :)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.