Sunday, 1 December 2013

let's ALL do our bit

Peeps like to complain.  Peeps like to complain a lot.  They do it all the time.  My peeps complain about all sorts of stuff.  I hear them mornin', noon and night.  I hear them in my sleep!  Okay, maybe that's a wee bit of an exaggeration but I bet that I could hear 'em complaining in my sleep if I was listening and not busy bein' asleep and all.

Sometimes they complain 'cause one of us - my Auntie Blossom - is yellin' at 'em.  Sometimes they complain 'cause one of us - not me - missed the litter box.  Sometimes they complain about the weather.  Actually, they complain about the weather a lot but then, I often complain about the weather myself so I can't really hold that one against them.  Oh, and sometimes they complain about other people complaining.  Interesting...

You see, my two personal peeps aren't the only peeps who complain.  Peeps all over the world complain about all sorts of things.  Sometimes I have to wonder how the peep population ever gets anything done.  I mean...  if they're so preoccupied with complaining, how do they ever have any energy left over to solve whatever the problem is about which they're complaining?  Perhaps that's part of the problem.

Have you ever noticed how a lot of peeps like to complain about homeless cats?  They complain and complain and complain.  They complain so much that you'd think, by now, this problem would have been solved.  There are so many peeps out there who spend so much time and energy complaining about homeless cats that you'd think, by now, all those complainin' peeps would have adopted a cat or two, had them spayed and neutered and really made a dent in the homeless cat population.  Or if they couldn't actually adopt a kitty themselves, they could have helped someone else do so or helped a rescue raise money for finding kitties homes or fostered kitties that needed fostering or volunteered with a local TNR program or...  or...  the list goes on and on.  There are so many ways in which these complainin' peeps could help but far too many of 'em would rather just complain. 

My gosh, some of these complaining peeps even complain about the peeps who are workin' hard to solve the problem!  They're just never happy, I guess but I can understand why.  If all the homeless kitties had homes, about what would these complaining peeps complain?  The weather?

I suspect these types of peeps are the same types of peep who are always tryin' to miss buses.  You've heard that sayin', haven't you?  That sayin' about the peep who was never happier than when she missed the bus?  I guess that for some peeps, complaining about missin' the bus is more fun that gettin' on that bus and going where they wanted to go.  MOUSES!

Anywho...  I know that peeps who read my blog are not the complainin' type.  At least not the complaining about homeless kitties type.  My readers are far more of the doin' type.  The type of peeps who direct their energies into doin' good and making things better for all the kitties out there who need our help.

And as luck would have it, I just happen to have a way for all my readers to help out in a really productive way and do a whole lot of good for a whole lot of kitties.

There's this group of peeps right here in Nova Scotia called Emily's Place Spay and Neuter Outreach Society.  I've never met 'em as they're in Amherst which is pretty far away but I've heard amazing things about 'em.  They help other peeps get their kitties spayed and neutered.  Sometimes peeps need help payin' for the operation.  Well, Emily's Place helps them do that.  Sometimes peeps need help gettin' their kitties to the doctor to have the operation.   Well, Emily's Place helps 'em do that, too.  They do whatever it takes to help the peeps in their community help the kitties.  It's WONDERFUL!

The peeps at Emily's Place Spay and Neuter Outreach Society created an amazin' video explaining exactly what their group does.  I'm so pleased that they said it would be okay for me to share it with everyone.  You have got to check it out.  I think it's gonna be an Oscar contender for sure.

Lately, I've been doin' my bit to help out at Emily's Place.  Once I found out that they were in the running for a grant from the AVIVA Fund, I started helpin' them right away 'cause that's what a civic-minded kitty such as myself does...  help.    And all I had to do was vote for them.  AND VOTE I DID.  I voted every single day and asked my pals to vote for 'em, too and before I knew it, Emily's Place Spay and Neuter had made it into the semi-finals.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!

But now, Emily's Place has to make it through the next round which is the hardest round so far so they really need the help and support of all of us in the blogosphere.  The semi-finals begin tomorrow and they've gotta be in the top ten, vote-wise, to get into the finals.  They need our votes now more than they ever needed 'em before.

But it's so easy to help.  So very, very easy.  All you need do is vote!  How easy is that?

Starting tomorrow, December 2nd, you can VOTE DAILY for Emily's Place Spay and Neuter Outreach Society.  All it takes is a click or two.  A click or two, every day for ten days.  That's all.  That's it.  It's as easy as pie.  Just click on this here word, AVIVA to vote or go to the Emily's Place Spay and Neuter's FACEBOOK PAGE and link up from there.  Either way, you're gonna have to "register" to vote but don't worry, it's not hard.  Believe you me, if my peep could figure it out, ANYONE could figure it out.  You can register either through Facebook or your regular e-mail and Aviva will send you a confirmation e-mail back so you'll wanna check out your junk and spam folders 'cause stuff that sometimes gets put in those.  Don't know why.  It just does.

Anywho...  I'm asking, pleading and begging here.  I'm begging that all my pals vote for Emily's Place Spay and Neuter Outreach Society, DAILY for ten days, starting tomorrow.  Amherst, Nova Scotia is a small community in a small province so we really need help from peeps all over the world to make it to the finals.  Please-oh-please-oh-please...  Please vote for Emily's Place and get your pals to do so, too.  It's such a great cause.  Your votes will make a world of difference for the kitties of Amherst.  They really will.  Really and truly.  Your votes will make a difference, for sure.


  1. Sounds like a great cause to vote for. Thanks for letting us know!

  2. I'm on it Nissy! I will have a post it on my iPad so I go vote every day...and I'll get something up for my readers too...paws crossed the peeps stop complaining and do something for the homeless cats

  3. Nissy, we'll be glad to help out and will start our daily voting when the polls open. The group our mom works with has been able to do so much of his through grant money, and so she knows how important the cause is. Have a great easy Sunday. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  4. We've put a note on Mommy's desk so she remembers to vote on our behalf. :)

  5. There is lots of complaining in the world isn't there?! I agree!

  6. Do you mind if I re-blog this? I believe this is an important message, and I would like to help you help as much as I can.

    1. I would LOVE it if you re-blogged this. Thank you!!! purrs

  7. Yes, you've got it, Nissy! The problem of homeless kitties is just the saddest thing and here's something we can do that takes such little efforts. Thank you!

  8. Thanks for telling us about this awesome group, Nerissa! I wish EVERY city and town had humans like them.

  9. Peeps are so silly! You are pawesome though Nissy! Me-Ommmmmmm

  10. You are a precious loving purrson, Nissy.

  11. Some Peeps are just so silly and complain efurry day in there life !
    I shall go and vote from tomorrow :)

  12. Peeps moan, its the way they are made and it oddly makes them happy - and they say they don't understand cats!

    Will pop over and vote and please remind us to pop over each day.

    1. I'll be doin' daily reminders on Twitter and Facebook. Hmmm... I wonder if there are other ways I can remind everyone, too. Gotta think about that. purrs

  13. Hey Nerissa, TEAM TNR in Annapolis County will be sending this out to all our friends to vote as well. Worthwhile cause, we know. We do the same thing here in Annapolis County, a little differently but the same thing. We help people get their own pets spay/neutered for a more reasonable cost. We have spay/neutered almost 1600 cats now since 2006. We also do TNR for barn and feral cats. We don't do door to door service but most people are very happy to bring the cats out to the drop off location and pick them up again after vet day. Annapolis County persons can drop off their recycles at the Recycle place in Annapolis Royal and say it is for TEAM TNR, that is where some of our funds to help cats comes from as well. Thanks for blogging this, it wil be passed on, always eager to help another fellow Cat Group.

    1. Sixteen hundred cats? You helped sixteen hundred cats? Wow-oh-wow! That's such a wonderful thing you're doin'.

      And Sue, did you know that I live in Annapolis County? We're practically neighbours! Neat, huh?


    2. Nerissa, I did not know that. I have been reading your blog for a little while now and really enjoy it. I have several cats here that sit and listen to me speak your blog out loud as I have a friend that doesn't do computers but knows me and the cats here and so I read it to her with a captive audience here as well. We LOVE your blog. Thanks.

    3. Awww... that's so lovely. Makes my heart swell up just hearin' you say that. Well... readin' you write that but you know what I mean, I am sure. purrs

  14. Thank you Nissy for your hard work to get the word out about Emily's Place. We appreciate every effort and we have butterflies in our tummies with the semi-final starting tomorrow! It's been a really long journey since September and our local members have worked hard to get the vote out. It's down to the last 10 days and we have got to get Top 10 in our category, so every single vote counts :) From all of the cats, families and volunteers at EP, we thank you for working so hard for us <3

  15. If peeps were more like cats think what a pawsome world this would be. I will get my staff to go and vote. Thanks for ending out the word. This is a furbulus thing to do. ~Willy @cybercat919

  16. What a great group, Nissy. Thanks for telling us about it!

  17. We're gonna go sign up before Mommy can whine about it!

  18. We agree a great group and tis the time to think of others.
    Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  19. That's a great group to vote on, Nerissa! We surely hop on over to vote...hope they accept Dutch votes. Pawkiss :)

  20. off to vote we go! You can put that into actual English if you want! *glares at typist*

  21. Super video Nissy and what a wonderful place "Emilys Place" is......thank heavens for pawsome folks like them to do so much good in the world for cats who need help.

    Happy Monday!
    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  22. Good post. And it's nice to read about an organization that tries to DO something rather than just sit around & gripe & complain! Hope you have a great Monday my furriend!


  23. Love that video. Emily's Place is sure a long way away but we like helping places like that, no matter how far. Thanks for sharing the link! Purrs...

  24. Be back this afternoon I hopes. xxoo

  25. Okey-dokey, Nerissa! We voted! Now the dumb Human Lady has to remember every day!!! Sorry we've been kinda scarce--the Human was sick (AGAIN!) and too much w-o-r-k! XOXOXO

  26. Great video for sure. Ok, we voted and will vote every day, they sound like such a great organization. Nissy, I only complain in the early morn to get my Human out of bed...

  27. You've obviously never experienced British peeps who simply love to complain all the time! About everything from leaves on the track to the wrong sort of snow to dirty cutlery to just about anything you can imagine... that would really make your whiskers twitch!

  28. Nerissa, you're right. Complaining and complaining won't do anything. Let's hope voting does!

  29. Emily's PLace sounds like such a wonderful rescue, Nissy. We just voted, and will continue to do so!

  30. Pawsome! Came from Savannah's and just tweeted. Thank you!

  31. Came from Savvy's place and tweeted from here and there. Good luck with this.

  32. Thanks so much for stopping by to wish Maggie May well for her appointment today. We hope to post a happy update this afternoon.

  33. We will be voting daily
    Thanks and purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.