Wednesday, 20 November 2013

techno duffer

As many of you already know, my peep is a bit of a techno duffer.  It's true.  Everyone says so.  Well actually...  they don't say she's a techno duffer.  Usually they say she's a technologically impaired duffer.  I came up with techno duffer as I needed somethin' shorter.  You know, 'cause I was havin' to type technologically impaired duffer so many times and there are a lot of letters in technologically impaired duffer.  That's a lot of letters to type.  Techno duffer saves me about eighteen key strokes.  Eighteen key stokes every time I use it.  That's a lot of key strokes and a great saving, for sure.

So you're probably wonderin', what has that ol' peep of Nissy's done this time?  I'm so glad you asked.

My blog post last Sunday went up kinda late and it was all the peep's fault.  That's right, my post went up late because my peep is such a big ol' techno duffer.  She's a techno duffer, for sure.

It all started early last week when I told Ol' Peepers that I would be needin' a picture of those paw-made nip mice that Poof won in the giveaway for my blogoversary.  Had I known those pictures were gonna cause such problems I would never have asked but I didn't know so I did ask and I, Nerissa the Cat, ended up payin' the price.  MOUSES!

Anywho...  Ol' Peepers took a paw full of pictures for me but didn't do anything else with them.  She just took the pictures and then put the camera away.  Now for cats whose peeps are more technologically-minded than my peep, this would not have been a problem but for me, it was, 'cause my peep is...  you know...  a technologically impaired duffer.  In other words, a techno duffer.

Sunday mornin' rolled around and I was busy at my desk, doin' some last minute edits on my blog post.  Little stuff like spell checks and whatnot.  Then I called out to the peep, "Oh Peepers!  I need those pics.  You know the ones.  The pics of Poof's nip mice.  I need to add one of 'em to my blog.  Hop to it, peep.  Time's a wastin'.  Oh yeah...  please?"

Obediently, the peep scurried over with the camera.  Okay...  maybe she didn't actually scurry but eventually, she did find her way over to my desk, camera in paw.

She clicked on some stuff, plugged the camera into my computer and turned it on.  The camera, I mean.  I had already been usin' the computer, if you remember so obviously, the computer was already on.

Next thing I know, I hear Ol' Peepers murmur, "Hmmm..." and then say, "MOUSES!"  Never a good sign.

I hopped up onto her lap to get a better look.  Right there before my eyes I saw the words...  import 745 pictures.  MOUSES!  Just how many pictures had the peep taken of those nip mice? 

I looked up at the peep.  You nuts or somethin'?  You been into the nip?  Crazy thoughts raced through my mind.  Crazy thoughts of my peep bein' crazy.  Crazy, crazy, crazy!  Crazier than a squirrel makin' nut pies.  Crazier than seven hundred and forty-five squirrels makin' seven hundred and forty-five nut pies...  EACH!

Next thing I knew, Ol' Peepers had imported seven hundred and forty-five pictures.  There were seven hundred and forty-five new pictures filed away in my computer.  Or were there?

Time would tell that she had imported only a paw full of new pictures.  Yes, the pictures of those nip mice were there but so were a whole whack of older pictures.  There were pictures of daffodils.  There hasn't been a daffodil bloomin' in my garden since April or May.  There were pictures of peonies.  The peonies bloomed in June.  My gosh, the peep had messed stuff up royally this time.

You're probably wonderin' why Ol' Peepers had gone ahead and imported all those pictures.  She must have known that most of them were repeats.  Again, I am so glad you asked.

The peep didn't know what else to do.  A techno savvy peep would probably have been able to figure out a way to get rid of all those extra pictures before importation.  But if you recall, my peep is anything but savvy when it comes to technology.  That's 'cause she's a techno duffer of the highest order...  emphasis on the duffer.  You might as well put an emphasis on the highest order, too.

So then I had to watch while Ol' Peepers slowly went through all seven hundred and forty-five pictures, deleting all the old ones that were repeats.  There were a lot of repeats.  Seven hundred and forty-five pictures minus one paw full of new pictures is a heck of a lot of pictures to delete.  About seven hundred and forty or so.  MOUSES!

The process of deletion took a while.  I had not one but two naps durin' that process.  They were short naps, I admit, but naps, nonetheless. 

Eventually, Ol' Peepers got everything sorted and I had my pictures from which I chose one to use on my blog.  Yes...  one.  One out of seven hundred and forty-five.

The fact of the matter is, I have THE WORST IT SUPPORT IN THE HISTORY OF THE BLOGOSPHERE.  I challenge anyone to find a peep more technologically duffered than my peep #1.  The dufferness of my peep cannot be challenged, I tell you.  My gosh, I even had to come up with a name for her.  That's gotta prove her duffy dufferness, for sure.  MOUSES!

And as a result of my peep #1 bein' such a techno duffer, my Sunday post went up late.  It was past noon, before I got it up.  I'm very sorry 'bout that.  I hope no one was disappointed.  But if you were, you now know who to blame.  You now know to blame that technologically impaired duffer I call my peep.  That's right...  techno duffer #1. 

Again I say, MOUSES!  And I can say it 'cause it's true.


  1. I am what you call you PEEP!!! I never put a finger on a computer until I started to blog in 09!!

  2. MOUSES, we're duffers too. Our peeps would like to escape to a desert island with NO WIFI!

  3. Well our Person is also one gigantic duffer. So your Peep is not alone. Take care.

  4. We'll put our Mommy up against yours. She's flat out obsolete! MOL!

  5. Well, my peep isn't a complete techno duffer, but she sure has been a slacker lately with my blog blaming it in her work. Wow, 745 pictures!


  6. IZ de pik sure oh de mouz !!!!!

    MOL ~~~~~~

    1. That was posted on my Sunday post. I daren't ask Ol' Peepers for another! purrs

  7. In my house it's my dad-person that is the techno-duffer !
    He shouts for help efurrytime he is at the compooter *mol*
    So I'm glad it's my mom-person that handles my blog and photos !

  8. Oh both look more than a little unimpressed with your peep. Sorry to hear that, but your peep has to make a few mistakes to learn from them-be patient with da peeps. They are a little slower than we animals are, and it IS up to us to teach them new things =)

  9. oh my...I just never ever realized peep #1 was so, umm..well so much of a techno duffer...what you have to bear Nissy, I am so sorry. But, your nip mice photo was very nice I must say. Wish I had won those...'course I wouldn't do much with them cuz as you know....I don't do the nip too much...

  10. Oh dear Nissy! Gald my Mama is not a techno duffer! Me-Ommmmmm

  11. MOL, I am not quite as bad as your peeps although I am pretty sure I'm a card carrying techno duffer.

  12. Adorable! Love the shades!!! I am a brand new blogger and this is my first blog hop, so if you get a chance, please hop on over to mine :)

  13. Bwahaha! It would have been quicker to move the photos she wanted to keep into a new file and just deleted the old file with all the photos in one go. That is what I would tell my mum to do. It is hard work keeping an eye on the Peeps.

  14. Haha. Practice makes perfect. Love the cats.
    My WW entry is #88. Come by and vote for us?

  15. Our Mom ain't no great computer wizard herself. When Dad bought her the Macbook Air right before we started our blog, she was totally inept, always having used a PC. She is slightly better now, but not too good with importing photos either, unless she has e-mailed them to herself from her phone. At this point, both you and we are probably stuck with our current PAs. Guess we'll take our direction from you, Nissy. Mouses! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. I am a techno duffer too. I always have to have my son come and save me if he can.
    Sue B

  17. I feel yur Peep's pain as a TID. My Peep lost almost her entire NaNoWriMo stuff due to corrupted data. She leakey-eyed all over my furs...

  18. My human DOES have a clue about technology… but not quite as much as she thinks she does. ;-)

  19. Techno that's what we can call the mom. :)

  20. I challenge you Nerissa: Have your techno duffer go mano a mano (mouse-o a mouse-o) with *my* techno duffer and we'll just see who REALLY has the worst IT support in the history of the cat blogosphere.

    Oh, And I did go back and check out that special, one-out-of-seven-hundred-forty-five pictures. Meh.

  21. Hmm, I wonder how she compares to all the pets out there who can't even get their humans trained enough to run a blog? ;-)

  22. Well we must admit, we had to google the word 'duffer.'
    ...I'm surprised I didn't see Waffles' picture next to the definition.
    ; ) Katie

  23. You just can't get the staff these days Nissy and mine is a slacker and a techno duffer too. What are we to do???? LOL.
    Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  24. All I can say is I'm glad my dad works in IT!

    Nerissa, I thought of you last night. Our kitty Lacci caught none other than . . . a mouse! Mamma was very sad for the poor little guy but what can you do. I was just watching the action.

  25. We can relate to the frustration, Nerissa. Our human is technologically impaired, too.

    Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

  26. Don't feel like you're the lone ranger in the "poor help from staff" department is a perfect example.....Mom didn't help me get a Friday blog done before she went flying off for an overnight trip yesterday morning I swear.....we train them and think maybe they can handle responsibility - then WHAMMO!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    1. I was WONDERIN' where today's post was but... buddy... it's Thursday. MOUSES!

  27. Goodness Nerissa and we thought our Mum was rather dim but even she can get the pictures from the camera. She saves them in a file called "My Pictures" which technically isn't right as they're our pictures but we let that pass without a to do about it as our paws can't get round all the twiddly bits. Have you considered sending her to night classes?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  28. WOW, that is a lot of photos to go through. That would drive my Dad crazy, but hey, it's a short trip!

  29. I would agree that your peep is the worst but typist new game is to take pictures, download them off the camera (clearing the camera in the process) and then go to use them the next day and being unable to find them. This has now happened to her twice!! *holds head in paws*

    1. So I've got EXTRA pictures while you have none.... MOUSES!

  30. Maybe your human needs a techno-dufferness elimination training as a Christmas present? ;-)

  31. Wait, you had to go through ALL of those pictures? You probably need a nice long nap now, Nissy!

  32. Hey, Does your Human (1) understand what a blog hop is? and (2) can she help you participate in one?

    If the answer to either of these questions is "Yes," then I reiterate my challenge from Thursday.

    1. Well... I DID participate in my first blog hop last week but... I had a lot of help from 'other' kitties' mums. purrs

  33. My hoomins need help sometimes too. Hee hee. :)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.