Saturday, 2 November 2013



Did you hear?  DID YOU HEAR???  It's my second blogoversary.

That's right, exactly two years ago today, I wrote my very first blog post.  Wow, time sure does fly when you're havin' fun.

And now my friends... kick back in your seats, have a little nip of the nip, indulge in the fanciest of the fancy feast and let's have some fun 'cause today is a day to celebrate, for sure.  'Cause did I tell you?  IT'S MY BLOGOVERSARY!

Wow, so much has happened durin' the past two years.  Too much for me to mention everything here but there is one really, really big thing that I wanna celebrate 'cause it's the epitome of celebratory...  celebratory...  stuff to celebrate.

MOUSES! is a word.  Could you believe it?  I've invented a lot of words over the past two years but only one - so far - has made it into the Facebook and Blogger spell checks.  Unfortunately, I am still waitin' to hear back from the peeps at Oxford and Websters about gettin' MOUSES! into their dictionaries but I haven't given up.  I'll never give up.  I'll get MOUSES! in there eventually even if I have to teleport over to their offices, myself!  MOUSES!

So, in keepin' with the whole MOUSES! theme...  we're gonna celebrate my blogoversary, MOUSES! style.

First of all, I enlisted the help of the peep to create a brand spankin' new award just for the occasion and you guessed it...  the name of the award is...  MOUSES!

Acceptin' the MOUSES! Award is super easy.  Easy peasy, as they say.  You just have to do four things and they're all easy peasy things to do.

Firstly, you need to thank the blogger who gave you the MOUSES! Award.  Secondly, you need to post the award somewhere on your blog.  Thirdly, when acceptin' the award, you need to use the word MOUSES! in a sentence.  For this requirement, you may also choose to use one of the many variations of MOUSES! if you so desire.  You know...  like...  mousin', mouses, moused-up, etc...  Finally, you need to pass the MOUSES! Award on to two or more bloggers.  You can pass it along to as many as you like but please try for at least two so that the award is spread around the blogosphere and doesn' fizzle out or anything.  And you'll wanna pass the award on to bloggers whose work you read regularly and would therefore, sure as mouses recommend.  See what I did there?  Yup, you spotted it.  I used a derivation of MOUSES! in a sentence.  Lead by example, I say.  Lead my example...

Allow me to now announce the first ever recipients of the new MOUSES! Award.  PEEPERS...  drum roll, please... 

- Herman at It's a Wonderpurr Life
- Sammy at onespoiledcat
- Savvy at Savannah's Paw Tracks
- the staff' at Dash Kitten
- Spitty at Spitty Speaks
- Katie at Katie Isabella
- the Kitties Blue at The Cat on my Head
- Sparkle at Sparkle the Designer Cat
- Katie & Waffles at GLOGIRLY
- Nellie at Cat from Hell
- Flynn at Our Life by Eric and Flynn
- Mario at Mario's Meowsings
- Layla at Cat Wisdom 101
- Austin at CATachresis
- Texas at Texas, a Cat in New York
- Timmy at Tomcat Commentary by Tim
- Purrla at Singapore Kitty
- Speedy at Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny
- Maxwell, Faraday & Allie at A Tonk's Tail
- the crew at Colehaus Cats

But the fun doesn't end there.  No sir, the fun is just beginning 'cause...

That's right, I got the peep to whip up some knitted mice along with a couple fabric biff bags and she's in the process of stuffing 'em with nip as we speak.  Ol' Peepers used autumnal colours and they're really quite pretty and, of course, the nip is of the highest quality available.  Totally organic and everything.

Now, who out there would like to win some mice stuffed with the nip?  I know I would.  What's that Peepers?  Oh yeah...  I'm not eligible to win 'cause I'm supposed to be the one giving them away.  MOUSES!

Anywho...  I know there are some cats out there who would love a selection of paw-made nip mice so let's get this giveaway started.

The contest is open to all cats (and dogs, bunnies, peeps, etc...) WORLDWIDE.  You don't have to be a blogger to enter.  ANYONE can enter.  All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post with your name, making sure I have a way to contact you if you're the winner.

You can earn extra entries, too.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!

Earn an extra entry if you like my page on Facebook (if you haven't already) AND share 'bout my giveaway there.  Just leave a separate comment here on this blog post sayin' you did so.

Earn an extra entry if you follow me on Twitter (if you don't already) AND tweet 'bout my giveaway there.  Just leave a separate comment here on this blog post sayin' you did so.

And earn one more extra entry if you leave a comment on this blog post and in that comment, you use MOUSES! in a sentence.  You can use the original MOUSES! or any of its variations such as mouses, mousin', moused-up, etc...

All entries must be in by midnight Monday November 11th, Atlantic time.  I'll be doin' the draw on the 12th.  MOUSES!


  1. Mouses! Happy Blogoversary, Nissy! Dance the day away.

  2. The award seems awesome- I hope it gets passed on to everyone in the blogosphere!

  3. Happy Blogoversary! Wow...handmade nip stuffed mouses!!!!! Whoa. I think because it's your blogoversary you should be able to keep a few for yourself. purrr

    Cory and family

  4. Happy blogoversary, Nissy! That's a great Mouses award ... a terrific way to celebrate YOU. :)

  5. Happy 2nd Blogoversary. What a terrific award. That is a pretty one. And of course we would like some nip stuffed mouses. We love the mouses. Take care.

  6. Well I'll be moused! Thank you my my best mousin' furriend ever! I already follow you on. FB and Twitter. But I will be back in a mouse flash to let you know I shred your pawsome giveaway on Twitter and FB. Mouse hugs, Savvy

  7. Congrats! Your use of Mouses is truly encouraging to wordsmiths everywhere! - Crepes.

  8. Well MOUSES to you today my friend Nissy! What a grand Blogaversary celebration you have going here and it's a pleasure to be part of it. I love the new Mouses Award and am honored to be nominated. I will post it on my bloggy with pride AND pass the Mouses Award on to at least two of my bestest buddies as well. Here's to MANY MANY more blogaversaries Nissy.

    Kitty Hugs (and Mouses), Sammy

  9. Happy Blogoversary, Nissy!
    What a fun new award too! : )

    Enjoy and celebrate!!!
    Katie & Glogirly

  10. P.S. ...that Waffles, well he's all moused-up.

  11. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!

    MOUSES!! I forgot to tell you..... HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ragdoll Mommy~

  12. Happy 2nd Blogoversary Nerissa !!!!
    Mouses,you are right, time does fly by :)
    We look forward to lots and lots more posts too !
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  13. Oh Wow Nissy Congratulations on your second blogoversary,Thank you for giving me your awesome Award,Mouse's this is so exciting,I nad I would love to win one of your nip mouse's for my cousin Guinnivere at my grandma's,Thnkas Nissy,xx Speedy

  14. Mouses! This is totally exciting! Mes lives that yous is celebrating by giving things away and me is so furry honored that yous gived mes the MOUSES! Award!
    Happy 2nd Blogoversary and now me shall sing the song!
    *•.¸¸♪♫•Happy 2nd Blogoversary to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•¸¸.•*
    ¨*•♫♪ Happy 2nd Blogoversary to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy 2nd Blogoversary Dear Nissie and Mommy!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy 2nd Blogoversary to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
    Kisses and thanks

  15. Two years MOUSES!!! doesn't time fly. Psst Nissy if I win a mousie I let you have the nip. *wink wink*

  16. Two years MOUSES!!! doesn't time fly. Psst Nissy if I win a nip mousie, I'll let you keep the nip. MOL >^..^<

  17. Happy 2nd Blogoversary, Niss! I'm so proud of you for all you've accomplished with your blog. You are a pawsome writer and I'm proud to be your bestie. I'm also very honored you gave me the first MOUSES award. I promise to honor the requests of the award...after I finish helping mom clean up from flea bombing. Enjoy your pawty. Loves ya! Herman!!!

  18. Well I'll be totally mousificated!!! ConCats on your 2nd blogoversary, Nissy. It seems like I've known you forever!!! I love the Mouses award. I am smiling from 'ere to 'ere that you included me in your blogging buddies. Mouses !!!! Thanks, buddy ........ Now, let me at the niptinis ....... :) xox

  19. Thanks for coming by; and yeah we have a few things blooming, but remember..... I am also from Florida. Lol

  20. Im back...I just shared on my FB fan page and 'course I already follow you

  21. I sent a Tweet tellin' my followers 'bout your Mouse'in great give away and 'course I already follow you on Twitter

  22. MOUSES! Just got word that Heidi Q tried to leave a comment to enter the giveaway but Blogger was bein' all boogery and wouldn't let her. I'm leavin' the comment for her.


  23. Double MOUSES! Just got word that Cat F. tried to leave a comment but Blogger is bein' as boogery as Blogger can get and wouldn't let her. So I'm leavin' the comment for her.


  24. Concats and Happy Blogoversary!!!!

  25. MOUSES! Has it been 2 years already? Happy 2nd Blogoversary, Nissy!
    Love the Mouses Award!

  26. Happy Blogaversary...belated...

    Our lazy MOUSIN' Mommy finally let us at the computer! We ordered you some extra special kitchen implements to celebrate.

  27. Happy Blogoversary Nissy! Thank you for giving me your brand new award. Mouses! I was so excited to see it. I love anything to do with mouses.

  28. Happy Blogoversary Nissy. I, Derby have been at it for 8.

  29. MOUSES! This just in... Tina S. had to post her comment on FB 'cause Blogger was bein' boogery... AGAIN! I'm postin' for Tina here and just lettin' you know, she used MOUSES! in a sentence and everythin'.

    Oh Blogger... you try me so. MOUSES!

    1. MOUSES! We never give up! Thank 's Nissy, purrs Tina

    2. MOUSES! We never give up. Thank s Nissy. PURRS

  30. MOUSES!! We never give up Thank:-)Thank! Thank' s Nissy! Purrs Tina

  31. Happy blogoversary!!! Here is me and Gumtree and Charlie's song for you:

    Ain't no mouses high enough, ain't no mouses low enough, ain't no mouses wide enough to keep us from you-hooooo!!

    LOL! Take care

  32. Happy blogoversary from Magic and Red. We don't really do MOUSES in sentences we prefer them between our jaws...!

  33. You are sooooo good to me! Thanks bunches Buddy!

  34. You are soooo good to me! Thanks Buddy!

  35. Nissy, my very first comment was my thank you for passing this Mousin' great award to me! I just wasn't clear 'bout that...s'cuse me buddy. I have it on my side bar already and will share it and pass it along next Thursday, pawromise. I left you a little somethin' somethin' on your FB page *wink*

    1. No probs, Savvy! Just wanted to make sure you knew 'bout your award and all. purrs

  36. Happy Blogoversary!!! We think that's a great award and a pawsome giveaway!

    The Florida Furkids

  37. Happy 2nd blogoversary, that is a purrfect idea for an award!

    And my kitties would definitely love to win some nip mice!

  38. MOUSES! Back again to let you know that I follow and shared your post on Facebook!

  39. Also, we follow you and shared on Twitter as well! Triple mouses!

  40. Nissy! Congrats on your 2nd Blogoversary! Here's to many more years of blogging!!

  41. Oh no...we pushed the button before our final word...MOUSES!!! :)

  42. Happy Second anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The longer you keep at it, you will be LIVING, BREATHING AND DREAMING OF MOUSES...........oh and you know where to find me......MOUSES!

  43. Happy Blogoversary. May you have many more. My kitties would love to win some MOUSES!
    Sue Brandes

  44. I already liked you on Facebook(Sue Brandes). Shared your post.
    Sue B

  45. Following you on Twitter(@katsrus2003) and tweeted.

  46. Happy Blogoversary Nissy! I even brought you a mouse to … celebrate. At least I thought I had one … or maybe that's the one I ate?? Well, it's the thought that counts.

  47. Wow, Nerissa! I am honored to be in this first batch of Mouses Awardees! And you know what? I made the Human get our post about it all ready for tomorrow already! (Didja like how I used All Ready twice like that?? and the right ones, too??) We wish you a wonderful 2nd Blogoversary--you make our lives happier every single day! XOXOXO

  48. Heh heh. I knows U lubs teh grammar, Buddy.

    1. Seriously.

      The peep got me this cute little paw-sized book on grammar and I'm lovin' it almost as much as I love the nip!

  49. Congratulations on you 2nd Anniversay..MOUSES :) Pawkiss :)

  50. Well, I am really annoyed at Feedly! If you hadn't come by my blog to let me know to stop by, I would have never known about your blogoversary post and award because Feedly did not show it in my list of feeds! What can I say except MOUSES!

    1. Well, it's a good thing I did stop by then, huh? But think of it this way... Feedly gave you an EXCELLENT reason to use MOUSES! in its original form. purrs

  51. Happy Blogversary to you. We hope you have many more. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  52. Happy Blogaversary!!!! woo woo woo!

  53. Concatulations my pal! And well done a brilliant post and a fab award - I knew it would be! Can't wait for the next two years!

  54. Happy Blogaversary Nissy! And have a good Monday!


  55. Did you say, "Mouses?" Thank you for sharing your Mouses with us! We LOVE the Mouses! We love YOUR Mouses! We're willing to bet the Niblets would really love the Mouses right about now because they are just about at that age!

  56. Happy happy blogaversary! Me-Ommmmmm

  57. Happy happy Blogaversary!!! It get's you at about 2 years and you can not stop!! Well it did us anyway!!
    Thanks for your visit to our blog!!

  58. Happy Blogoversary my friend! Two years of wonderful posts!!! Congrats on the nice award too!

  59. Happy Blogoversary Nerissa! Well done for sure! Purrs of peace to you today.

  60. Happy Blogoversary, Nissy! We promises to share any MOUSES with Poof!

  61. Happy Blogoversary! Have a mice one!

  62. BREAKING NEWS... Okay, maybe it's so much news as it is status quo. Anywho... Blogger is, once again, bein' boogery. Wouldn't let my pal Dash Allen leave a comment so I'm leavin' one for him! purrs

  63. Oh Blogger... you try me so! Skylar the Therapy Cat tried to enter but couldn't leave a comment 'cause Blogger is bein' boogery. MOUSES!

  64. And Sabrina had problems leavin' a comment, too! Blogger... you need to stop bein' nasty to my pals. It just isn't right. They're my pals, for mousin' sake!!!

  65. Yahoo! Happy Blogoversary! What a great award :-)

  66. Blogger! Blogger!! BLOGGER!!! Stop bein' so boogery. Please?

    Ginger and Pooh Bear, I'm enterin' you both in the giveaway and I am so very, VERY sorry that Blogger wouldn't let you comment on my blog. I don't know what's up with that Blogger at times like this. Might need to giver Blogger a paw-smack or somethin'. purrs

  67. Well, you had my congratulations for your blogoversary yesterday, today Batschi, Vlad and Schnurri would like to add to that with....hmmm...hang on... what was it again... rats...erm, no, HAMSTERS....uhm, no, miau!!!! (german for meow).....MICE! That's it, yay, mouses, weren't told about your celebrations, wishing you loads of nice MICE!!!

  68. Happy bloganniversary xxx

  69. Happy blogoversary!

    Noodle hugs

  70. Happy Blogoversary!!!!! We thought we had moused up and got our comment in to late but then we saw the cut off date was Monday November 11th and we realized today was only the 5th. So we won't fire our Mommy after all. Hope you have a great blogoversary, Socks is going mousing if you would like to join him in our backyard.

  71. We hope you approve of our use of MOUSES forms in our post about our awardie. What's the name of your tiny grammar book, Nissy?

    1. The one the peep just gave me? It's called, The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need by Susan Thurman. Perfectly paw-sized, for sure. purrs

  72. I furgot!!! I follow you on facebook as Ann Cluck and on twitter as @AnnCluck. I left a tweet about your bloggaversary and the giveaway today!!!

    Reply to:

  73. Happy blogaversary! And here's to many more years to come :-) x

  74. This was a great comment from Ann Cluck. I redid it ONLY 'cause Ann's email was included and Ann, I wasn't sure that you would want that out there for everyone to see. Everything else in the comment is exactly the same and I've written down your email so that I have it if you win. Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!! purrs

    HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY NISSY!!! I hope I didn't mouse up any of my entries :)
    Please reply to this email: ___ I don't want to mice my winning email.
    Ok, enough mousing around, BBBBAAAAAHHHHHAAAA

  75. Mouses! Happy Blogoversary Nissy. We are a little belated for which we apologize. It is the fault of those moused-up humans of ours who will not stay home. And the worst part about getting here late is that you gave us little mouse-loving (as in catching and eating) kitties the Mouses award. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We feels so honored to receive this award directly from you, the Mouses creator. We'll get the useless mom from her foreign location to post about it right now, since it is still Thankful Thursday. And, of course we want to be entered in the nip mouse giveaway. Mauricio would like to win one for his girl friend, Allie. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo (

  76. OMC !
    I´m so embarrassed that I have forgotten to wish you a HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY here on your blogg :(

  77. Thank you Nissy! And Happy Blogaversary sweet boy! xoxoxox

  78. Mouses! Happy Blogoversary, Nissy! It is a pawsome blog. Mom's been gone and she won't let me on the computer to write, I just sleep on it.
    ~Willy @cybercat919

  79. Mouses!! I just heard bout your giveaway on your facebook page! Nice to meet mew :)

  80. Okay my friends... workin' on the draw as we speak. Makin' sure everyone's entries are in but gosh, there are a LOT of 'em. Have to go over the list multiple times. Don't want to leave anyone out. What a GREAT event! purrs

  81. Okay folks... there were entries that went through on twitter and facebook but not here so I'm gonna mention them now just so everyone knows everythin' is legit. MOUSES! Blogger acts up at times.

    Basil the Bionic Cat, Shirley Summer, NylaBlue, Jan Price, Layla Morgan Wilde, Nutmeg's Crew, S. Gibb, The Duchesse, Smokeycat4, Gorgeous Gordon and Cool Cat.... rest assured, you are all entered in the giveaway. purrs

  82. Between the shares, the retweets, the comments and the use of the word MOUSES! in sentences, we have ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE entries.

    Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!!

    Now, for the draw...

    Stay tuned.

  83. Woo Hoo, Nerissa! You are one popular chap! That is so neat. Mouses!


    The winner of the nip mice is... Poof!

    Poof was entered by his pal, Carol Hoshall. CONGRATULATIONS POOF!


  85. Replies
    1. Poof is a little kitty in foster care, at the mo. He's gonna have his very own toys to take with him when he moves into his forever home. purrs

  86. Oh Nerissa, I am so so sorry to come wish you a happy Blogoversary only now :-( ***Hiding behind paws*** It has been kind of a rocky road on my human this past month and I have only had the computer for a couple of minutes then and now.
    Mouses! I still want to wish you a Happy Blogoversary. Congratulations on 2 successful, wonderful and mousesful years! Purrs and nippy cheers to the third year to come!
    And of course, thank you so much for the award: I am going to share it tomorrow!

  87. Congrats and MOUSES we just noticed our award! Thanks and purrs :-)

  88. Congratulations on your blogversary! I hope there are many years of successful blogging in front of you!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.