Sunday 27 October 2013

messin' with whisks

I knew something was up.  I couldn't quite put my paw on it but I knew that somethin' was amiss.  The peep was up to somethin' and peeps bein' up to stuff is never good news for cats unless, of course, that somethin' is somethin' we told 'em to do.  This, unfortunately, was not the case.  I haven't told Ol' Peepers to do anythin' out of the ordinary as of late.

It all began yesterday.  Truth be told, I believe it began long before that but my suspicions were first aroused, yesterday morning. 

I softly padded into the kitchen and overheard the two peeps talkin' to one another.  They hadn't heard me enterin' the room so I stood quietly and listened in on their conversation.  Had to make sure no one was talkin' about trips to the doctor or anythin' like that, you see.  One must always be wary of bein' ambushed by peeps, stuffed in a carrier and taken against one's will to the doctor.  No mention of the doctor but the subject of the calendar was brought up.  Now, I know from past experience that peeps tend to write down the times of doctors' appointments on calendars.  This was going to require some investigation on my part.

I gazed up at the wall.  There was the calendar, dangling down, taunting me but remaining just out of my reach.  Not this again, I thought.  Last time I needed to look at that calendar, I had to get a boost up from my brother Rushton.  I glanced around but Rushy was nowhere to be seen.  Probably outside chasin' leaves or somethin'.  MOUSES!

Could I scale the wall, I pondered.  Probably not.  A cat could seriously hurt himself tryin' to scale walls.  Better not attempt that.  Much easier to scale a peep.

Like a flash, I appeared by Peep #1's feet.  I looked up at her with that look I reserve for just such occasions.  Success!  She reached down and scooped me up in her arms, lavishin' the kisses and cuddles upon me.  I squirmed like a worm.  Ewww...  peep kisses.  MOUSES!

Once settled in her arms, I telepathically controlled my peep to walk me over to the wall holding the calendar.  Like a robot, she acquiesced.  I glanced over her shoulder and peered at the dates.  Nope...  no...  uh-uh...  nothing 'bout doctors on that page.

I was just about ready to will her to turn to the month of November when I realised that she was still jabberin' away to Peep #2.  "We gain an hour next week, not tomorrow," she said.

Gain an hour?  Oh, it's the time change thingy.  Just peeps fiddlin' with clocks and time zones and whatnot.  I squirmed in her arms again, lettin' her know I wanted down.  Nothin' to worry about after all.  WRONG!

Walkin' into the sunroom, a glimpse of white caught my eye.  What's that?  Hmmm...  a Christmas cactus?  No, it can't be.  We haven't even had Hallowe'en yet.  Christmas cacti can't be bloomin' at this time of year.

I glanced over at my brother Seville.  He had an awfully smug look on his face as he sat there, hangin' out on the chair next to the peep's gardenia.

MOUSES!  The gardenia was covered in flower buds.  I inspected it more closely.  Eighteen, nineteen, twenty...  I stopped countin' at twenty.  This can't be right.  Buds on the gardenia at this time of year?  Surely not.

Then I looked over at the plumeria that have managed to infest my sunroom, taking over all the best sunpuddles.  Even the big ones are still kind of small so it's pretty easy for me get my nose right in there and check 'em out.  Needed to make sure they were headin' into a state of dormancy like they're supposed to do every fall.  What's this?  And this?  Leaves?  New leaves?  They're pushin' out leaves at this time of year?  MOUSES!

I raced to the window and looked out.  I needed to make sure that it was, in fact, still fall.  It sure did look like fall out there.  Many of the trees were already bare and the lawn was strewn with leaves.  Whew, fall was still here.  I hadn't napped through an entire season or anything like that.

I thought for a moment.  Outside it was fall.  The calendar said it was October.  But inside I had a Christmas cactus blooming like it was December, plumeria throwin' out leaves like it was summer and a gardenia full of buds like it was somethin'...  well I wasn't quite sure what that somethin' was but I was pretty sure it wasn't fall.  What the...

Then I remembered the conversation between the peeps.  The conversation about that hour bein' gained.  An hour...  a unit of time...  time..  WHISKS!

I ran into the kitchen and hopped up onto the island.  Pullin' open a drawer with my paw I peered inside.  Where were the whisks?  WHERE WERE THE WHISKS?  I looked around, frantically.  There was a whisk over on the counter.  What had he done?  WHAT HAD HE DONE?

"Sivvers!"  I cried aloud. 

The peep looked over at me, somewhat amused.

"There's nothin' amusin' about messin' with whisks!" I told the peep.  "Sure, it's all fun and games for a while.  All fun and games until someone gets tangled up in the wrong time-space continuum, that is."

The peep didn't reply.

I ran back into the sunroom and looked out the window.  Where there had been blue sky minutes before, menacing clouds had appeared.  A storm was brewing.  A nasty time front was approaching.  An angry time front was approaching.  What had Seville done?  What had he done? 

In an obvious attempt to screw around with the time lines within the house, tryin' to get stuff to bloom when stuff shouldn't be bloomin', he and the peep had been messin' with whisks.  Who knew what damage they had caused and whether or not said damage would be permanent.  A shiver ran down my spine and as a cat, I have a really long spine.  The tip of my tail was still tingling as the rain started to fall.  It had begun...


  1. Our gardenia bush is blooming too. But now that it is cold, it probably will quit that nonsense. Hope the storm wasn't too bad Take care.

  2. Oh dear Bast Nissy what is going on???

  3. Oh yea, that time change thing is just plain weird...and confusing!

  4. Oh oh....we don't quite like the sound of where this is heading...we think we'll head UTB until we hear next from you.

  5. Who knew kitchen tools could wreak such havoc in the paws of amatuers? We checked our house, and all our whisks (and whiskers) are present and accounted for, thank Cod.

  6. Oh no we are very worried. Our plummeria is still blooming too and it is OUTSIDE, we has a bunch of other flowers blooming but we thinks paws crossed they bloom in the fall. Messing with whisk is dangerous business.

  7. yep we had ours today most confusing!xx Speedy

  8. It's the day of the moving hour today - oh no! Are we going to lose sleep this time or get a bit back Mum?
    Luv hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Oh no - it's the day of the hour change - will we get more sleep tonight or will we be deprived of some - we can never remember which was it goes!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. No, no... still one more week to go. The peeps will fiddle with the clocks NEXT Sunday. Not today. purrs

  10. The lady loves daylight savings time so she can get another hour of sleep, but it sounds like crazy things are going in with the different blooms and the whisks too. Yikes!

  11. Hoo Cat
    That explains the odd happenings we have had here in PA
    We really need to get the word out to the peeps about the risk of the whisk
    Yes Whisk Risk is Real!
    Nerissa, we will stand behind you in getting the word out.

  12. "...I telepathically controlled my peep to walk me over to the wall holding the calendar."

    Hee, hee!

  13. So the secret is out! Telepathically controlled peeps!

  14. So that explains all the strange things happening here too. Mousies!

  15. Here did my humans sleept to 10:00 today !
    Over here is a storm on it's way to hit us tomorrow , so I guess all the leaves will blow away !

  16. We wish we had telepathy to control our people. Lee and Phod

  17. Oh Nose!!!! It's your peeps with the whisks that have caused this blimmin storm that's hit the UK … well it is about to, so I'm told!!! I knew it had to be a human messing around with time warps and whisks and stuff!!! Mouses!!!!!!!!!

  18. Nerissa....takes the whisks to the backyard and bury thems! Then yous will get snow soon!
    (it is snowing in Calgary today)

  19. Mom is going to have to check our Gardenia bushes. Our plumeria are still flowering bt the flowers are not lasting as long.

    The Florida Furkids

  20. I think the time change is different in Great Britain and Europe. If I'm right they fall back a week earlier than we do.

  21. Oh dear Cod, Nissy. Do you has a basement? Cause I fink you should go down there and take a really, really, REALLY long nap. Better safe than sorry.

  22. Geez Nissy, can things get any nuttier?

  23. Uhoh.....those whisks can be dangerous things messin' with time and the natural order of things. However, I'd say having gardenias in bloom is a special treat this time of year so GO FOR IT. I know it's not right - but they sure do smell great!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  24. It's a good job we have you to figure out what's going on as I would never have figured out all that!

  25. We love it .... more sleep time. Downside is the early darkness. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  26. That time change is not right and too confusing!

  27. Now we thought whisks didn't really work for any of this time warping kind of stuff. We thought you had to have an egg beater, or is that just if you want to time-travel. We are not very well schooled in all this fancy stuff you do. We are, however, are looking forward to that extra hour of sleep. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

    1. Easy peasy... Egg beaters are for teleportation. Whisks are for time-traveling. purrs

  28. Oh boy Nerissa OH BOY OH BOY!!!

    Silver Kitten

  29. Hi Nissy,I've just given you an award,xx Speedy

  30. Sounds kind of better bury the calendar, Nissy :) Pawkisses :)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.