Sunday, 20 October 2013

I thought I saw a puddy cat...

...who thought she saw a squirrel!

ATTENTION:  We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for...  SQUIRREL TV!

Wow oh wow.   I never ever thought I'd see it happen but the other day, there was a squirrel in my backyard.  MOUSES!

Fall is upon us and every fall, stuff falls.  The leaves fall from the trees as do the acorns.  The squirrels don't fall but they do scurry around gatherin' up all those fallen acorns to take them away to make nut pies and whatnot.  It's a busy time of year.  It's a crazy time of year.  It's a nutty time of year.  And now, it's a squirrelly time of year, too!  Squirrel TV is bein' broadcast from my very own backyard.

Just what is so crazy 'bout Squirrel TV?  Well, for starters...  it has never before happened in my backyard.  In the front yard, sure.  Squirrel TV is on from dawn to dusk in the front yard all summer long but never out back. 

Those squirrels have always liked the big ol' oak tree at the end of our driveway.  They're there all the time.  They run up the oak tree and then back down.  Then back up again and once more, back down.  Sometimes they run straight up.  Sometimes they kind of run around the tree trunk, almost going in circles around the tree.  It's pretty fun to watch, actually.  Squirrel TV has some great programming on at this time of year.

But never before has Squirrel TV appeared on the channel in the backyard.  Up until now, that channel has been reserved for Bird TV.  Somethin' weird is in the air, I should think.  In the air...  on the ground...  everywhere!

Never before have the squirrels been out back but lately, they've taken a liking to some of the trees out there.  It's weird 'cause in the backyard, there are no acorns, you see.  There are a couple of oak trees but for some strange and unfathomable reason, they almost never produce the 'corns.  That would be one reason why Squirrel TV has never before appeared in my backyard.

The other reason would be my family.  I mean...  I do live with ten other cats.  A squirrel has gotta be pretty nutty to venture into a backyard belongin' to eleven cats.   A squirrel willin' to do that would have to be crazy.  Absolutely crazy!  Crazier than all the other squirrels makin' nut pies, I should think.  And that's pretty mousin' crazy, if you ask me. 

Now one might say that squirrels are kind of inherently nutty and I would have to agree with you on that.  It's a proven fact, you know.  Allow me to impart a little bit of squirrel law to you.  Squirrels inherit nut trees from their parents and the nuttiness is passed down from generation to generation.  An oak tree can live for many squirrel generations and it, along with all the acorns it produces, belong to the direct descendants of the squirrel who planted that first acorn.  Squirrel Law 101.  I aced that course...  of course.

But back to my backyard.  Even though there are no acorns back there and even though there are eleven of us cats..  squirrels are venturing into our territory.  Crazy beyond belief kind of crazy, if you know what I mean.

And the squirrels coming into our backyard are grey.  They're grey and they're big.  As big as my sister Tess.  I kid you not.  They're the big ol' grey squirrels that have sort of invaded Nova Scotia but up until now, my backyard has escaped the invasion.

Well let me tell you Mr. and Mrs. Grey Squirrel...  my sister Constance knows who you are and she knows where you live.  She was out sunbathin' the other day and saw you running about in our backyard and she's not happy 'bout the situation.  She's not happy at all.  You had better watch out for my sister, Connie.  She is a force with which to be reckoned, for sure.

Mr. and Mrs. Grey Squirrel, you may have chased away all the little red squirrels from our neighbourhood but my sister is no red squirrel.  She's not gonna be chased so easily.  Nor am I.  Nor are any of us.  We're ready for you and we're prepared to do battle.

I'm applying for a court injunction as I write this blog post.  I have proof that your ancestors did not plant the acorns that produced the two oak trees in my backyard.  Those trees predate the invasion of the grey squirrel so clearly, someone else planted them. 

What's more, my back and side yards have mainly maple trees - not oaks - and you have no claim over any of those maples.  Squirrels may never lay claim to a maple tree except, in rare instances, when the branches of said maple are an easement to access trees you do in fact own.  But in this case, easements do not apply 'cause you don't own any of the other trees back there.  Ipso facto, you have no right to be anywhere near any of those maples.  No right to be anywhere near them at all.

I am confident that the court will rule in my favour.  I hear that Judge Jay is presiding over the case and even though he has been feeling rather blue, as of late, he's gonna perk right up when he sees the opportunity to bring Bird TV back to the airwaves in my backyard.  Yup, that's gonna perk him right up for sure.

So enjoy broadcasting your Squirrel TV in the backyard for the next few days my friends but by the end of this week, we should be back to our regularly scheduled Bird TV on that channel.  If I wanna watch you squirrels, I'll sit out front 'cause out front is the appropriate place for Squirrel TV.  That's a fact, for sure.

Come on over kitties.  There's plenty of room.  I'll have the peep pop up some corn and we'll slather on the butter and sprinkle it with a little nip.  Yummy.  And maybe afterwards she'll serve up a little roasted squir...  Nah, she probably wouldn't do that, bein' a veggie and all.  Perhaps she'll serve up a little nut pie.  I hear the squirrels have some great recipes.  Wonder if they'll share...


  1. Oh, we'll be right over. We LOVE squirrel TV!

  2. Squirrel TV in combination with corn sprinkled with nip sounds like heaven.

  3. We are looking forward to watching your live squirrel TV channel. See you soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. We have squirrel TV too and the ferals never seem to bother them!

  5. I get squirrel TV but only one channel with tiny black squirrels no bigger than a kitten. They do same thing. Run up tree. Run down tree. Grab dog kibble from raccoons. Repeat. Boring!

  6. We love this time of year and super-sized squirrel TV!

  7. We wish we had Squirrel TV. We have Tree Shrew TV but it isn't the same...

  8. this is great extra tv for you Nissy!xx Speedy

  9. You're nuts, Nissy! … in the nicest possible way :)))) xox

    1. Hmmm...

      Oddly enough, you are not the first to say such a thing.


  10. Our whole neighborhood is one big Squirrel TV! We only have the fox squirrels though, no red or gray ones.

  11. Oh Mousies is right! We has squirrels in our backyard too, but they have always run around back there even tho we don't have NUTS around! The only NUTS around here live right in this house with me - big NUTS! he he

  12. I LOVE squirrels!! I do not have very good squirrel TV here, which is a shame. When I was in Cali, though, I had a walnut tree in my yard and that sure kept those squirrels busy!

  13. We have NO squirrels, at all...we'll be right over!

  14. We would subscribe to your yard station! We have nasty squirrels around too! Lee and Phod

  15. We love squirrel TV at our house.
    Sue B

  16. We have Squirrel TV in our backyard often. However, the dog likes to chase them much more than our kitties do!

  17. Nissy, we've got lots of squirrels around here. And they have been going nuts lately...really putting on a good show!

  18. Our bird and squirrel TV surrounds the entire house. We like it that way just fine. We can watch from anywhere.We don't even have oak trees any more. They were over 100 years old when 60 mph winds took out one and the other died. Our dad feeds them sunflower seeds plus they like to dig up and eat Mom's bulbs. That gets her pretty angry. Nissy, we think you should be grateful for bird and squirrel TV no matter which channel is playing where. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. I only get to watch squirrel tv on the computer. We don't have many squirrels here in Utah.

  20. Well, I can only wonder what yer complainin' about, my good furiend?!! I mean, I don't have ANY squirrels (or any yard either, but I digress). Squirrels in front, squirrels in back, for all you know, squirrels to the left and squirrels to the right! What's not to love??? I dunno Nerissa. Maybe you been into too much nip of sumfing.

  21. Quite agree! Time to make a stand against the grey squirrel! Strange that those oaks don't produce acorns. Well at least squirrel TV will keep you all amused...

  22. Wow sounds like you got one of them fancy 360 tvs - I thought they only had them in very posh cinemas!!

  23. We will be right over for some squirrel TV and a chase. LOL lucky you. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  24. The season of squirrels....same here Nissy....tons of them - of the grey variety around here. Our trees RAIN acorns - you can get brain damage walking in my yard. These are TAAAALLLLL oaks too so the acorns have a nice long HEAVY fall to the ground (or someone's head). Anyway, our squirrels get fat on sunflower seeds from the birdfeeders all summer so they can pack away those acorns pretty good. We're glad when they do - fewer of them for Mom to fall over/trip on/roll across!

    Kitty hugs, Sammy

  25. My Mom is a SQUIRREL fanatic and she said the heck with ME coming over and watching Squirrel TV, SHE wants to come over! Love, Cody

  26. We don't get many squirrels since MomKatt got the "squirrel flinging birdfeeder"! Hee! But I have lots of Bird TV channels.

    Hope you have a great day, Nissy! XOXO


  27. Oh my goodness, you all ought to come here as well. Our Squirrel channel is VERY full of adventure! xoxox

  28. Hmmm. Not an expert on squirrels (I live too high to have squirrel tv). But we have lots of them here they tell me. Grey ones. No red ones.
    Maybe we should import some red ones from Iowa?? Mommy has relatives in Iowa and that's all they have down there. Red ones. Maybe we should ask those relatives (who are probably nutty like mommy) to mail you some?

    1. Hmmm... not sure if 'mailin' squirrels is a good idea. You might have to buy 'em a ticket on an airplane. Or a train... purrs

  29. Our cats love Squirrel TV too and they watch it all year long here--every day!!!
    They enjoy it as much as you do!!!

  30. Squirrels are the best entertainment! We have more chipmunks here but plenty of acorns falling so we hope the squirrels come to eat them and get our kitties' tails going :-)

  31. Wow! Another channel. I only have bird tv that almost always go blank. I also don't have fish channel, more so a squirrel channel. I'm missing a lot.

  32. squirrel tv sounds very exciting

    urban hounds

  33. We don't have squirrel TV here * jealous *



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