Sunday, 12 May 2013

Tobias was a mama


That's right...  here in Canada, and many other parts of the world, today is Mama's Day.  Today is the day we set aside to celebrate all the mamas, mothers, muzzers and mummies out there.  It's a great day, for sure.

Last year, on Mama's Day, I wrote all 'bout my very own mama in a post entitled, "mama's day".  My mama's name was Madison and she was just about the best mama on earth.  Now, she's just about the best mama in Heaven.  I know that she looks down upon me, from up there, and keeps watch over me, day and night.  That's the kind of mama my Mama Madison was.

My peeps are very much into the philosophy of havin' all us cats altered so that we can't ever become mamas or dads.  My peeps love kittens as much as the next person - maybe even more - but they love cats, too.  Peep #2 says that kittens are cute - obviously - but so are cats.  Peep #1 says that too many of the kittens born today will end up at kill shelters in the not so distant future so, there will be no kittens for any of us kitties.  We will forever be the kittens in our peeps' eyes.

Sometimes, however, plans work out differently than planned.

Many years ago now, my sister Tobias came to live with us.  She had been livin' outside for three years before the peeps convinced her to come inside.  Toby was a truly feral kitty.  Terrified of all peeps...  even mine.  For the first year, she wouldn't even let the peeps see her.  They just caught glimpses now and then.  Eventually, she allowed them to see her and then even hear her.  Then, one bitterly cold night, Tobias came inside.  She lived in the basement for the next few months.  Not because the peeps kept her down there like a prisoner or anything but rather, 'cause she was still too scared to let 'em touch her.

Now for the three years Toby had been outside, the peeps thought she was a little boy...  thus, the name.  They soon learnt otherwise.  Tobias went into heat!  What to do?  What to do???  The peeps couldn't catch her to take her to the hospital to be spayed.  She wouldn't let 'em near her. 

Plus, my older brother Calista, who was just about as feral as feral can be, had never been neutered.  Peeps couldn't catch him if their lives depended upon it.  He had started coming into the house and they were seeing the day in the distant future when they might be able to pick him up and take him to the hospital but that day had not yet come.  So they formulated a plan...  a plan to keep Calista away from Tobias.  The two must never meet.

Like I said, sometimes plans don't work out like planned. 

One day, one of the peeps thought Calista was outside when he was actually in and opened the door to the basement.  That's all it took.  Toby was preggers!  MOUSES!!!

Oddly enough, that pregnancy sort of saved Tobias' life.  The peeps had been gettin' more and more worried 'bout Toby accidentally gettin' out of the house.  She was ready to make an escape, first chance she got.  I know, 'cause she told me.  No one could touch her, never mind catch her.  If she spotted either peep approaching her, she'd dart away like a kitty Flash.  But almost the very day after Toby met up with Calista, something changed.  All of a sudden, Peep #1 was allowed to touch her and even pick her up.  Peep says it must have been hormones, or somethin' like that.

At the end of May that year, Tobias gave birth to little Aristotle.  I say little 'cause he was a baby but...  peeps say Ari was the biggest newborn kitten they had ever seen!  Almost the size of peep #1's hand, she says.  The peep should know, too, 'cause she was there as the actin' midwife or something.  I know all 'bout this midwifery business now 'cause I watch Call the Midwife with the peeps every Sunday on PBS. 

My sister was an amazin' little mama.  I wasn't allowed downstairs with her and Aristotle but the peep says Toby was wonderful.  She loved up her baby like no mama had ever loved a baby before.  The peeps now believe she must have been preggers many times while livin' outside but all her babies died, shortly after birth.  Ari might have been the very first baby she ever had the chance to love up properly.

Ari grew and grew and the peeps adored him to no end.  Peep #1 says he would get up and toddle towards the sound of her voice.  She says he was a really special kitty.  So bright and lovable and cute and...  well...  you know...  all the wonderful things we kitties can be.

Unfortunately, when Aristotle was exactly four weeks old, the unthinkable happened.  He was just fine early that morning but a few hours later, he couldn't even hold up his head.  The peeps rushed him to the hospital but there was nothin' the doctors could do.  There was fluid around his heart.  They said it might have been some sort of congenital thing.  Ari went to live up in Heaven that very same day.  The peeps came home crying.  Tobias was crying, too.

But for four short weeks, Toby had been allowed the chance to be a mama.  To have her baby with her and love him up as only a mama can.  She can't have any other babies now but still has the memories of her beloved Aristotle.

I suspect that Ari is up in Heaven now with my mama.  I know that my mama will be takin' excellent care of him, there.  After all, my Mama Madison is his grandmother.  Remember?  Calista, Ari's dad, was my older brother.  Today, of all days, Ari will be up in Heaven with Madison and Calista.  I bet they're all chasin' butterflies through sun drenched fields of nip with soft breezes caressing their fur.  And every now and then, Ari will look down upon his mama, Tobias, and my Mama Madison will look down upon me, her son, and they'll see us lookin' right back up at 'em...   sending our love and best wishes for Mama's Day.


  1. Mommy has leaky eyes reading this. YOur peeps loe you ad all of your furblings so much. That makes my mommy and me so happy.
    Happy Mothers Day xox

  2. That was such a loving tribute. Happy Mother's Day to your human Mom and to all of the wonderful Moms everywhere!

  3. Your wonderful story bring tears to our Mom's eyes, sad mixed with happy. Wishing everyone there a wonderful Mother's Day today.

  4. Happy mothers day to your peep mummy and Tobias and mama's every in heaven and here,xx Speedy

  5. Happy Mothers Day to all the mamas your way!!!!

  6. So sad that wonderful Momma Tobias lost her little Ari...and one wonders how many before him. It's lovely that she "moved in" with you before she had him though so you could spend time with the little guy before he went to heaven with all the "before" kitties. This is the perfect story for Mom's Day Nissy....a Mother's love is a special love and it never goes away - ever. Tell your Mom we send hugs for Mom's Day!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  7. What a wonderful Mother's Day story, Nerissa!

  8. That is a great Mother's day story Nerissa. To bad Ari had to leave. That is so sad.
    So a very Happy Mother's day to your Mom Nissy. Hope it is a great day for her. And tell her thanks so much from us for helping all the feral kitties.

  9. We know little Ari is looking after his beautiful mama from the Bridge and we know sweet Toby will be very proud of how Ari is happy and healthy with his dad and grandma! Have a lovely Mother's Day, Nerissa! Take care

  10. A kinda sad, kinda hopeful story. Glad Toby got to mother right on at least one kitteh.

    We agree with the peeps. Toby probably lost a lot of kittehs, especially outside, especially maybe carrying some sort of bad genes. When she had Ari where everyone was safe and warm and dry, Toby decided to try really hard to keep little Ari safe.

  11. Me humom's eyez are weally leakin bad herz son just left too so dat madez her cry too and her grandson is gettin so big he will be 6 months old next week. Mommy say time flies... Happy Mother's Day to all de other mommy's out there! Purrs & Paw Waves!!!

  12. That was a nice story Nerissa.
    Now, Tobias will not have to suffer losing any more kittens.
    Purrs to her and your own mama kitty.
    Happy Mothers Day to your Mom !!the peep)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  13. What a nice story, made our mom's eyes all leaky. Happy Mother's Day to Toby. Y'know, Nissy, you got some pretty good peeps there. :)

  14. That is a very moving Mother's Day Story, Nerissa.
    Happy Mama's Day!

  15. Such a sweet story Nerissa... very sad. Hope your humom was a nice Mother's Day.

  16. What a lovely tribute to Toby and Madison. It's funny how kitty names seem to be interchangeable among sexes. We had a boy Madison and now have a girl Calista. What a blessing your kitties have been. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  17. that was so beautiful and please forgive me making a joke....but..."Nerissa" is a boy's name but sounds like a girl's name, and "Calista" is a girl's name but you named a boy cat that......what's up with the naming in your family??????!!!! You know me! I gotta say it! xoxo

    1. Let's just say that when it comes to namin' kitties, my peeps have got problems. purrs

  18. Oh we gotted all leaky reading about Ari the kitten--but then the Human and I told ourselves he'd had a wonderful life and kittens don't know how long they are supposed to live, so he enjoyed his time getting all loved on!

    Hope you are feeling better efurry day, Nissy!

  19. What a sad story, Nerissa :( but I hope you had a great day! How are you feeling, Sweetie?

  20. What a lovely tribute. We hope you had a wonderful Mothers' Day and have a marvellous Monday too.
    Best wishes Molly

  21. Nissy, that was a wonderful story! xx

  22. Thank you a lovely brilliant post as always!

  23. Fan'cat'stic photo's!!!

    Hope mew all had a purrfect day!

    Bestest purrs

    Basil xox

  24. dood...this bee one pawsum momz day storee....we loved it...hope ewe iz doin better....hope ya been orderin mor pizza piez....rock n toby...rock on ari.... XOXO ~~~~~

  25. thank you Nissy for telling Tobias' Mama story and for sharing again your love for your Mom Madison. paw pats, Savvy ps sor sorry to have been absent. And no end in sight cuz Mom is leaving in two days for Blog Paws...but then you knew that, huh?...wink, wink

  26. Awww, Nissy dood, that was a pawesome tail, err tale! We bet your peeps and you and Toby al miss Ari to this day. Thanks for your patience while our mum was away - she's now BACK (just in time to go haring off to BlogPaws, too *sigh*)

  27. That is a great story, if a little sad! Thanks for sharing it.

  28. What a great Story Nissy!
    me has a big tear!
    BTW, me hopes yous is feeling well enoughs to come to my Birthday Pawty. me has a special chair just for yous!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.