Wednesday 1 May 2013

I'm starving!

Well, the day has arrived.  Here I am, sittin' in my hospital bed, waitin' for my doctor to come and operate on my knee.  She's in the building, I understand.  She's supposed to be somewhere around here.  Probably operating on some other kitty right now. 

My surgery isn't scheduled for another hour, I think.  Any moment now, a nurse is gonna come in and shave my knee.  Hopefully she won't be shavin' any other parts of me but just in case, I gave myself a really good bath, this morning.  I washed from the tip of my tail to the tips of my ears and everything in between.

Luckily for me, they allowed the peep to leave me my laptop.  They weren't gonna but ol' peepers explained that I needed it in order to keep in touch with my pals.  I explained it to them, too.  "I need my pals!" is what I said and I said it just like that.  Next thing I knew, I was bein' given the password so that I could log on with their wireless.  SWEET!

While I'm in the system, I might just see if I can create an electronic record of my doctor recommending my bein' served the Fancy Feast and those yummy Whiskas pouches, more often.  After I post my blog, I'm gonna see if I can figure out how to do that.  Bet I can.  Just gotta think about it for a bit.  And if I don't get it done this morning, I'll work on that after my operation.  I'll have plenty of time 'cause I don't think I'm gonna be goin' home until tomorrow, or something like that.

And speakin' of the Fancy Feast and the pouches...  I'm starving!  Yeah, I'm starvin' to death over here.  Literally!!!  I missed breakfast.  Gonna miss lunch, too.  Anybody headin' over to the burger place down the street or the chicken one at the corner?  I sure could do with a little somethin' for my tummy.  The peeps gave me my supper yesterday and then a snack later on but at nine o'clock all the food dishes were removed from the kitchen.  There was only water left.  A strappin' mancat such as myself can't survive on water alone.  Even prisoners get bread!  Not that I'd want bread but my point is that they get something.  Anything.  Actually, at this point, I'd even take the bread.  Did I mention that I was starving?

Hey, wait a minute....  I'm on-line right now.  Hehehe...  All I've gotta do is order something.  Hmmm... there's a pizza joint next door.  Wonder if I can find them on the Internet...

Anywho...  if you haven't heard by now, I had a little accident last Friday night.  Came in with a sore leg.  First thing Saturday morning, as soon as the clinic opened, peep #1 called and made me an appointment.  Dr. Teresa took some funny lookin' pictures of me.  They say that a picture says a thousand words.  Well, the two pictures she took of me said that I had torn all the ligaments in my right knee.  I think that means that there's nothin' holdin' my leg together.  That can't be good, you know.  MOUSES! 

My doctor is gonna put some artificial ligaments in my knee to replace the ones I broke.  Hope they're of a better quality than the ones I had 'cause, as you might have heard, I tore those ones to bits.  Or was it shreds?  Either way, they're pretty much useless now so I need some new ones.

I heard the peeps say that I've got the best surgeon in the hospital.  Hope they're right about that.  I think they are.  My peeps wouldn't let a doctor who wasn't good operate on me.  I'm positive 'bout that.  They love me way too much to let anyone but the best near me!

And speakin' of bein' loved...  I've got some of the best pals in the whole wide world and they love me, too.  Just look at all the gorgeous cards I've received.  The top one was made by Maggy, Zoe and Ann.  You might know them as the Zoolatry Girls.  They posted this beautiful card of me on the Tabby Cat Club blog so that everyone would send me purrs and prayers today.

My BFF, Herman from It's a Wonderpurr Life, sent me the card showin' me workin' away on my laptop, publishing my blog and whatnot.  Yup, Herman knows you can't keep a bloggin' investigative reporter such as myself down.  Sore knees or not, I'm gonna get my blog to the presses!  The electronic presses, that is.

Last night, I recieved this stunning card from the lovely, and pretty stunning herself, Savannah or Savannah's Paw Tracks.  I just love how she shows me in her card how much she loves me.  Looks like she loves me lots!  Makes even a mancat like myself go a little pink in the ears.  Yes, it's true...  real mancats do blush.

My pal Cody from CAT CHAT sent me an e-card but I couldn't figure out how to post it here on my blog.  Apparently, tech support at the hospital is just as shoddy as what I've got at home.  Someone should write a book called "Blogging for Cats" or somethin' like that.  Hey, I'm a writer!  Maybe I should write that book.  I would, of course, have to bring in a technical expert.  Somebody who knows the techy side of the blogosphere.  Hmmm...

But all is not lost.  If you head on over to Facebook, I've pinned the card from Cody to the top of my fan page, Nerissa's Life.  It's a really neat card.  Musical and everything.

Oh-oh...  here they come.  I see a nurse out in the hallway.

You know...  on second thought...  maybe I'll just skip this surgery thing.  Maybe I don't need it after all.  Maybe I've changed my mind.  I think I might just break out of this here popsicle stand.  I could teleport out, I think.  Peepers!  Prepare the teleportation device!  Peepers!  PEEPERS!!  PEEPERS!!!   Anytime 'bout now would be good.  Beam me up and out of here.  Oh...  MOUSES!


  1. Dude!

    I've got two porterhouse steaks here for the both of us after you come out of your surgery! Man, they ought to make those liga-whatsists more durable. How the heck did you manage this, my furriend?

    So let me know how you like your steak! MomKatt likes it walking around & mooing on her plate ... just toss her raw meat, she says!


  2. Well, I can't believe I first one to comment on your bloggie - but my pal - I be on porch purring hard for you - you needs to be back on all 4s forthe wedding.

  3. Just keep thinking of all the treats waiting for you afterward. TREATS upon TREATS! And something tells us you won't even have to move to receive them. Will be waiting on our nip pillows for word that you're going to be fine. Purrs...

  4. Sending prayers to you, Nissy!

  5. My sisters and I are waiting right here for you pal, oh, and that loud noise you hear...our purrs, coming at ya!

  6. Oh my!! We hope everything goes well and we think you should milk this for all you can! Ask for treats, a new bed, new blanket, the works!

  7. Willy here sending you purrs n hugs! Pawprayers for quick and speedy recovery. Purrs!

  8. You will be up & eating in a couple of hours then you will be served in bed ;) many hugs for you & praying for you too HUGS

  9. The only "good" thing is that you won't remember any of this. We feel for you, starving, though, as we've been there pre-dental surgeries.

    We're purring hard for you and crossing our paws that all goes well, hoping your recovery will be smooth and speedy!

    Nicki & Derry

  10. You will be up & eating in a couple of hours then you will be served in bed ;) many hugs for you & praying for you too HUGS

  11. Hope the surgery is a success and you're home and walking soon.

  12. Oh, we hope everything goes well for you! Purrayers and pawhugs to you.

  13. I hope you do well during surgery.
    My dog had a big knee surgery a few years ago.
    After she recovered, she did fine.


  14. purrs - we are hoping for a quick successful surgery and speedy recovery!!!

  15. Nissy, buddy! Wishing you all the very very best for your surgery! You hang in there buddy and you'll be fine and ordering pizza before you know it. Thank you so much for sending the peep over to wish me a happy birthday. Really appreciate it what with everything you're going through and all!!! Take care, hugs and megapurrs from your pal Austin who is six today!! xoxoxox

  16. This will be worth TREATS and BRUSHIES and SPECIAL TREATMENT for a good long time! Sending you my furry best purrs this morning! XOXOXOXO

  17. Cadet Tinx aka @TinkieWeed on Twitta. I sed a speshull purrayer fur yoo az yoo hab yer surgree. Eberybuddy on Twitta is werryed abowt yoo cuz noebuddy noo on Twitta abowt dis surgree so PLEEZE keep us posted on Twitta on yoo progriss. Pawmise dat yoo Peep #1 will letz us on Twitta noe fings. Fanks an good luck. pee ess. Lil Bit is rilly werry abowt yoo. i fink yoo noze her.

  18. dood...we haz sneeked sum trout into yur room, chek under de bed, in de korner....noe..other korner...N we hope yur sir jerry goes veree well, st francis bee a watchin over ewe N him sends manee blessings...N we hope ewe bee on de road ta ree coveree ree sew quik ya getz a speedin ticket......thinkin bout cha N sendin purrz a fishes two ewe two day....XOXOXO frum all oh uz in de land oh trout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  19. Play on your peeps for sympathy and make sure you get your favourite meals every day. If the try and cut you down - limp heavily and meow mournfully - it usually works a treat.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  20. Here's to artificial ligaments and you vein all better very soon, Nissy. We hope you get something super yummy after your surgery. And that you get to go home soon. Purrs and kitty kisses, Simba and Audrey

  21. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hugs.
    Sue B

  22. We're purring your surgery goes smoothly and for you to make a complete recovery!

  23. We are sending tons more purrs Nissy that the surgery went well. We recommend tons of treats for your recovery. Hope it all goes well. Thinking about ya.

  24. Paws crossed that everything goes well for you, Nerissa! I am sending LOTS of healing purrs your way!

  25. We hope all goes well for you Nerissa so that you can eat soon!! Purrs of support and comfort from the Zee/Zoey gang

  26. Good luck Nissy and get well soon!xx Speedy

  27. We hope by now you are recovering from your surgery, Nerissa.

    Extra purrrrrrss from Billy White Shoes, from one bionic kittie to another.

  28. Nerissa we are purrin our little heads off for you.
    We hope you're back home in no time and using those new ligaments to pounce and run and play.


  29. Purrs & Hugs for you Buddy coming your way....wishing you all the best.
    Miss Kitty & Mum XO

  30. The boys are sending motor boats of purrs and mom is sending reiki to your knee! Get well soon!
    Harry, Dexter adn Tipp

  31. Sending lots of Purrs & Hugs your way Buddy. Wishing you all the best
    waiting to hear good news!!! Kitty XO

  32. It's the peep, here.

    I just spoke with Nissy's doctor. He's doing well. The artificial ligaments are in place. He has received one treatment of laser therapy and will receive another, tomorrow. He won't come home until Friday, I'm afraid.

    Nissy is on pretty heavy-duty pain meds but he does have his laptop in the hospital with him. He likely won't be on-line today but perhaps, a little, tomorrow. Will have to wait to see how he's feeling.

    Thank you EVERYONE for all the purrs and prayers you have been sending Nissy's way. I know he appreciates each and every one of them and that they're all helping him to get better. My little blogmeister will be back to his old self before you know it.

    Peep #1

  33. We're so happy that things went well! We'll keep up the purrs and prayers until you're home and feeling good!!

    The Florida Furkids

    pee ess - Mom posted this on FB 'cause we were all wondering how things went.

  34. Oh that is good news indeed...For sure the guy is gonna be out of it tonight, but when he wakes up tell him his pal Gizmo is sending super healing thoughts to get that knee working again ASAP!

  35. Hey Peep #1!!!...waves paws...hey, hey...over here!! In Nor's Savvy, Nissy's BBGF (best blogging girl furriend)...Thank Cod I see an update just above my comment. far so good it seems. And I just know he will be sending out some more mews, ummm, "news" as soon as he gets down from those pain meds...betcha' he is higher than a catnipped cat!! Give my buddy some soft paw pats, 'Kay? Thanks Peep #1.

  36. i am so glad Nissy's op went very well. He is a good guy!
    Sorry he wasn't able to keep his laptop [he does need to rest & not be up all night tweeting - *wink wink*]
    give him a big hug tomorrow during visiting hours [it was my highlight of my day when I saw Shorty when he was hospitalized in 2010]
    Give him a double dose of nip when he gets home.

  37. We just came over to wish Nerissa well in surgery and see this wonderful update!! We are so happy things went well and we purr they continue to do so :) We can't wait to hear about rehab ;) heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  38. I am so grateful to get here and see this. I just read Nissy's blog a minute ago and now I see he is recovering. I have been very worried about him so mom and I will be watching and waiting. Xxoo

  39. Thank you Peep #1 for keeping us all informed xxx's and *healing purrs* for Nissy

  40. Awww you are sooooooooooo sweet! We posted on our blog today for you too!!!!
    We are praying that all went well with the surgery!

  41. oh wait! I just read your comment!! The ligaments are in place...that is a good thing!!! I am sorry you have to wait til Friday but better to be safe!

  42. Mez an mez furr-iendz willz be sayin pawyerz all alond da wayz an mez am gad to herez ur operationz iz ober frum whut mez wead u iz a twooper an will do gweat wif any an allz fherapy!!!

  43. Glad to hear surgery went well. We suspect that's the easy part. Sending gobs and bunches and barrels of prayers, purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  44. So happy he came through it so well! I bet he'll got lots of sleepies with the pain-killers. Sounds like they are taking excellent care of your baby! (Oh, and sorry I called you "baby," Man.)

  45. Top Peep #1 so very happy to hear the good news that as of tonight he is doing well. I'm purring he gets well quick and heals so nothing ever happens to those leg-a-mints ever again. Poor Nissy!

  46. We are thinking of you and hope for a speedy recovery. Power of the Paw! Lee and Phod

  47. Nissy, we heard your surgery went well. That's terrific! Now we purr that you heal quickly and you're up and running again soon!! :)

  48. Good luck to you Nerissa! That sounds like a really cool surgery, I've never done one of those before. Well, not cool for you I guess :(

  49. Sending lots of healing purrrrrrrrrs to you, Nissy. I do hope those new and improved knee ligaments really are all they boast of and that you'll have no more problems with your knee. Purrrrrrrrrrrs.

  50. I send u a hug. (((Hug)))

  51. We hope all goes well and that you get some super food soon.. Big hugs and slobbers to you :) xx00xx

    Saint Mollie and Alfie

  52. POTP to you Nissy and we hope all goes well and you are home soon and back on your feet in super quick time. Thinking of you.
    Keep us updated.
    Best wishes Molly

  53. Sending you loads of hugs so pleased to hear everything went well and friday isn't too far away - I bet they will have missed you loads and should get you lots of welcome home, post surgery presents!!

    And if your still not being fed proper let me know and I will send you some your way

  54. Granny and I are still purraying for you, Nerissa. Hang in there, Sweetie. Here's a double Pawkiss :)

  55. Well Nissy my good man - thankfully we hear your surgery went well but I'm sure you've got a long road of rehab ahead of you! You will need to behave (which we all know is NOT going to be easy) - just keep that laptop handy and keep us posted because we all care and we're all worried about you! It's what we do - right? Care? Worry? Well I'm sending tons of healing energy your way....feel it?

    Kitty Hugs, Your Friend Sammy

  56. Just stopping by to say we hope the surgery and recovery are going well!!! Sending you lots of healing vibes and purrs!
    Maggie May

  57. Dearest Nissy

    I was so so sorry to hear of your accident! Many apologies for not being around, there have been many unpleasant happenings in my families life for the last few weeks.

    Anyway, I do hope mew make a supurr speedy recovery and I'm sending mew my furry bestest healing purrs and meows.

    Your pal

    Basil XOX

  58. Nissy
    Me is on tenderhooks awaiting to hears ho0w your surgury went! Me has been purraying for yous!

  59. Nissy dood! How you holding up over there???? We're all on pins and needles about this surgery thing!

  60. Oh Nissy, we so Sorry to hear 'bout your leg ^..^, we be sendin lotza purrayerz da your surgery goes well an you get sumthin to eat real soon...... Good Luck bud~

    Headbonkz & kisses from da girlz ^.,^ ♥♥xoxo

  61. Well, come one, Nissy kittie. How'd your sergery go?

  62. Purrs and hugs ! We're glad to read that everything seems to go well. Get well soon ! Loupi and Zorro

  63. Hey Nissy!! Are you awake? Just checking on you buddy, seeing if you are ok? Missing you. You rest up and we'll see you when we see you!! xxx

  64. Healing wheeks and whiffles to you for a speedy recovery Nerissa!

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  65. Hey all! It's me... Nissy! I've hacked into the hospital's wireless connection. Can't stay on for long 'cause there are nurses millin' about outside my room. Don't want them to know I'm tryin' to order a pizza from the restaurant next door.

    The peeps sent Fancy Feast and Whiskas pouches with me but I haven't eaten any of them. Then today - if you can believe it - someone tried to FORCE FEED me something I didn't particularly like. Should have had some of the grilled chicken FF, I think. I'm hoping the place next door has Fancy Feast Grilled Chicken pizza. Do you think they could?

    Okay... gotta run. Hear people outside my door. Don't wanna get caught...

    Oh, hello! Nope. I wasn't doin' anything. Not anything at all...

    Blog to you later, my friends!


  66. Force feed you? What an OUTRAGE! You will eat when you are ready! A boy might like to be in his own home, eating from his own dish, eating at his own pace, after all. Sheesh!
    Don't these Stabby Place people know NUFFING???

    I'm sorry Nissy--I couldn't stop my Human from telling your Human to kiss you for her. Ewwwwwww.

  67. Oh, Nissy,

    What a pest, to have to have an operation. I had one last week and I think it really sucks. I hope you're feeling better now.

    Love from Trixie (and Caspurr - I keep fur-getting my little brofur).

  68. I've been following along on twitter... glad you're recovering!! xo

  69. Nissy, glad you were up to posting a quick comment. That's not NICE of them to try to force feed you. Maybe your pain meds make you feel a little queasy. But try to eat a little, since we hear not eating is bad for the liver.

    Purrrrsssssss. Me and Audrey

  70. Nissy, My Good Man, SO very delightful to hear from you! I am thrilled you are home and getting all the attention you so richly deserve! I am sorry you must wear a Cone of Shame, but you know, the Peeps probably put out a boatload of the green paypurs (are they green in Canada, too?) to fix you up, and it would really be a Bad Thing if you chewed up your stitches or sumfing. So I guess you gotta bear with it. Since you will get the good fudz now, and all the kissies, it'll probably not seem so bad. I hope you can sleep snug and warm and comfertabuls (well, as comfertabuls as you can get right now) in your very own home with your very own Peeps tonight. XOXOXOXO from Me & the Human

  71. We heard you was home! This is the best news we've heard all week! Make sure to utilize your servants to cater to your every whim!
    Purrs and Reiki
    Harry, Dexter, Tipp and Mom

  72. Nissy, you're back home. Thank Cod! Sending purrs your way for fast recovery.

  73. @stellamaybel says "purrs for you, glad you're ok"

  74. Yow now we nose what happened to ya to land ya in surgery!! Wow Nerissa ya shure went thru alot n ya iz so brave!! Now me nose why Savannah LUBZ ya so much!!!!
    Yer furendz Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.