It was about nine o'clock, Atlantic Time, when I was settling in on the couch in the family room, next to peep #1. I knew that those two NCIS shows would be coming on any minute and I figured, they would be good for a couple hours of snuggling and tummy rubs, not to mention the chin scritches. Bliss.
That's when I noticed what I noticed. Lying on the couch, on the other side of the peep, was some yarn. The yarn wasn't alone. There were a couple of knitting needles there, too. Also, something that looked a little like an oddly shaped blanket but was far too small to actually be a blanket. Hmmm... the plot was thickening. Thickening like a white sauce bein' prepared for a salmon souffle but, I suspected, not nearly as tasty.
The peep gave me a scant few seconds of behind the ear scritches before picking up the funny looking blanket that really wasn't a blanket, along with those two knittin' needles. The writing was on the wall. The peeps hands were going to be too busy, occupied with the yarn, to be providing me with my necessary tummy rubs and chin scritches and whatnot. And I had been so looking forward to those tummy rubs, too. MOUSES! How could this be? How could she do this to me?
Then I thought to myself... maybe the peep is starting her elfin' early this year. Maybe she's makin' nip toys for us cats. Knitting up nip toys is always acceptable. I'm perfectly willing to forgo a few nightly tummy rub sessions if my abstinence means nip toys. Of course, I would prefer that the peep knit the nip toys on her own time - and not mine - but sometimes these things cannot be helped. Sometimes, I suppose, a peep has just gotta do what a peep has gotta do. I have accepted this. But to be honest, I couldn't quite see how that funny looking blanket that really wasn't a blanket could be turned into a nip toy.
I reached out a paw and gently touched the funny looking blanket that really wasn't a blanket. It was soft like a blanket all right. Hmmm... interesting. But something was still amiss.
Now, I'm a well-educated kitty and I know my shapes. Blankets can be rectangular or square or even round. I suppose, they could even be triangular, if one was into triangles. But this thing wasn't any of those. It was just weird. Weird as weird could be. And I still wasn't seeing where the nip would go. Not that blankets usually contain nip but I was beginning to think that if this was somehow a blanket, it was the weirdest looking blanket on the face of the earth and a little pocket of nip would likely be its only saving grace.
I touched it with my paw again. This time, the peep noticed. "Nissy..." she said, in a low voice. Apparently, this blanket that really wasn't a blanket was not available for touching. I withdrew my paw. Instead, I ran through my substantial cat expression repertoire in my head. Hmmm.... inquisitive ears, wide eyes and a soft mew. Yes, that would do the trick quite nicely. And it did.
The peep explained to me that the funny looking blanket that really wasn't a blanket really WASN'T a blanket. It was, in fact, a sweater. Well, I must admit, that explained a lot. It didn't have any sleeves yet, and so was unrecognisable. Although to be honest, I wasn't quite sure that the addition of said sleeves was gonna make it any more recognisable. Thought I'd give the peep her moment of glory though. Let her think she was on the right track with the sweater thing.
Then it struck me. The cold hard facts hit me like a tonne of nip falling from the sky and landing on the tip of my nose. The peep was gonna be playing with yarn during my tummy rub time and she wasn't even makin' anything for me. Not for me... not for any of us cats! I couldn't believe it. I'm telling you, you could have knocked me down with a chickadee feather. Yes, a feather that small! You could probably have knocked me down with a hummingbird feather although, if I'm bein' honest, I'm not actually sure that hummingbirds have feathers. Never been close enough to one for a proper inspection, you see.
I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe my eyes. What oh what could the peep possibly be thinking? What could possibly have made the peep think that she could play with yarn without me? And not even makin' anything for me? MOUSES!
Your tummy rubbins and chin scritches are going to take a BIG hit, Nissy.
ReplyDeleteMayybe you could just hide that stuff when she goes to the litter box!
ReplyDeleteIt is sad that peoples have to do that--our people make stuff NOT FOR US all of the time!
ReplyDeleteCareful, Nissy. She could be making a sweater for YOU!
ReplyDeleteMOL, we like Brian's idea! Actually, we're a little relieved it's not for a new kitten or something like that! ::shudder::
ReplyDeletesigh......some cats peeps just can't be trusted to keep with the routine
ReplyDeleteThat knitting thing takes FOREVER, I hear! Fortunately, while my human knows how to knit, she has not done it in my lifetime - paws crossed that she does not pick it up again.
ReplyDeleteThis doesn't sound good, not good at all. You may have to go on strike to get your full quota of tummy rubs and ear scritching.
ReplyDeletedood...let her go a head with de sweaterz...and let her waste like 593 hours makin de sweaterz....then let her wear de sweaterz N all de peepulz will say, goodness, what a love lee sweaterz...then her will like de sweaterz even MOR....then when her haz washed de sweaterz N it be layin like on de table ta dry
ReplyDelete( insert sum jaws mewsic heer )
claws at reddy
N SHREDD !!!!!
We just know you and Seville will come up with the bestest invention ever to tackle this problem!! The sweater must be defeated! Yay! Take care
Oh wow, sometimes I don't know what my hoomins are doing either. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, is the sweater for you? Mum only does blankies and scarfs.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she is knitting a sweater with POCKETS to store nip in.....then the Peep can be a human NIP TOY
ReplyDeleteTime for YOU should have been priority...knitting? Yep, I also second Brian's suggestion. The Peep really oughta know better when it comes to getting ALL the attention!!!
You never know the sweater may be for you - that might be why it has no sleeves?!
ReplyDeleteBOL i'm looking forward to the photo
It's scandalous!!
ReplyDeleteHi Nissy! Have been TRYING to comment on the last few bloggies and today FINALLY the little "ID window" where I type in my Wordpress address is here.....YAY!!......I think this new thing with your peep knitting instead of doing the belly rub thing is - well - insulting! If you have had her attention at night in front of the TV for QUALITY TIME (aka tummy rubs and snuggles) and all of a sudden she's knitting (and not even something for YOU!), well - this calls for some kind of protest. Definitely. Let me know what you come up with - there are more of YOU around than the peeps after all...majority rules!
ReplyDeleteKitty Hugs, Sam
We think a strike is in order. Withdraw all lovies until the knitting gets it. Have a terrific Thursday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
I think you should sent her over to March Sweater Madness.
ReplyDeleteThat way she may actually win a prize for spending time away from her duties to you and perhaps even share her prize with you.
Did I mention there may be treats in it for you??? Hmmm?
DeleteI don't believe you mentioned treats. Please tell me more. purrs
DeleteIf I have to resort to bribes for the sake of a sweater, I am willing to travel that slippery road.
DeleteSweaters are also excellent for snuggling into when the peep isn't available. Zeus and Knit Wit concur!
DeleteI'm still not convinced it IS a sweater. Looks awfully strange for a sweater. Looks awfully strange for an ANYTHING. One sleeve - if that's what it is - is finished. Looks to me like there are just pieces stickin' out all over the place. Weird, that's what it is. Weird.
DeleteOh no, that's not good at all!
ReplyDeleteOink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
Oh Dear Nissy*Speedy's mum reaches over for a little scritching*xx Speedy's mum
ReplyDeleteHey Nerissa!
ReplyDeleteWe are finally getting back to blogging even though we have some sad news over at our place :( Wanted to stop by and send purrs though!
Buddy, Are you SURE the sweater isn't for you? Really sure? I mean, I can't hardly IMAGINE that your Mom would interrupt your close, personal cuddling and bonding time for some other reason. No, it can't be. It MUST be for you.
ReplyDeleteLOL... :D Sweaters are made for kneading, Nerissa, maybe your peep doesn't know.. yet..
ReplyDeleteummmm...I don't know Nissy, I really really like stuff made with those knitting needle might wanna encourage the peep to do something for say maybe yellow or some color like would go great with your furrs...just a thought, Paw pats, Savannah