Sunday 25 November 2012

show's over...

There was an incident. 

I was being extraordinarily generous with the computer and allowed the peep to use it for a bit to do some of her own writing.  I figured that as I was all caught up with my blog posts and I had visited my pals in the blogosphere, I could afford the generousity. 

Even though I wasn't working myself, I decided to hang around in the office with the peep.  There are windows in there from which I can view the driveway.  From those windows, I can see that nosey neighbour cat if he's comin' over to score some food.  Not that he needs to eat here or anything.  He has a couple of peeps of his own and they take super-duper good care of him and everything.  He just likes to come over and see what my peeps are serving, I suppose.  Also, I think he likes the drama.

Usually, I use the big bay window for my viewing purposes.  From there I can see right across the road and supervise both my driveway as well the driveway belonging to that nosey neighbour cat.  But to look out that window, I need to be sitting at my desk and I couldn't sit there 'cause I had given the peep permission to use my chair along with my computer.  She had plunked herself down in that chair and there was just no getting her to move.  MOUSES!

Just what was a cat to do?   I decided to look out one of the two smaller, side windows.  They have ledges whereas the bay window doesn't.  No chairs needed.  So I hopped right up onto one of those window ledges and that was when the incident occurred. 

Now, you're probably thinkin' the incident involved that ol' nosey neighbour cat.  Under normal circumstances, you would probably be right.  There's always a bit of drama when nosey neighbour cat comes around.  This time, however, he was nowhere to be seen.

As I hopped up onto the window ledge, I discovered that where there should have been plenty of room for all four of my paws plus my rear end, there wasn't.  Plant pots were occupying the very same space as what my rear end wanted to occupy.  Now I fully understand the laws of physics and the thing is, two objects of mass can't possibly occupy the same space.  At least not at the same time.  It's just not possible.  Leads to all sorts of time and space warping catastrophes and I really wasn't in the mood for one of those, that day.  So, in a matter of nanoseconds, I quickly calculated just what objects of mass would have to be removed from the window ledge to make room for my object of mass.  That would be my rear end.  It wasn't a difficult calculation.  I knew almost immediately that the answer was two.  Two plant pots would have to go.

So there was a bit of a crash and maybe a little smash but in the end, my cute little butt was sitting just where it wanted to be.  You've heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement?  Well this was the Occupy Window Ledge movement of Nova Scotia.  And let me tell you, when all was said and done, the window ledge was occupied by none other than me.  Success!   And just as it should be, my friends.  Just as it should be...

Of course, to the ol' peep, this qualified as an incident.  Oh the fuss she made.  Ridiculous, really.  The cyclamen weren't bothered one bit by falling to the ground.  They've been sleepin' all summer.  The peep says they are dormant.  Well la-dee-da with the fancy terms.  All I know is they were sleepin' before I knocked them to the floor and falling on the ground didn't wake 'em up.  So, obviously, they weren't too bothered by the whole thing.  Unlike the peep.

The peep's face was all silly looking 'cause she had her mad on.  I just looked at her and reminded her that it wasn't my fault.  Am I now supposed to defy the laws of physics?  Physics is what made it necessary to knock down those pots.  I also pointed out to her that, like I said, the plants were still sleepin' so I couldn't understand what her problem was.  But the peep still had her mad on so I had to take matters into my own paws.  I said, in a firm but not too unkind voice, "Show's over...  nothing to see here...   move along little doggy...  move along."  That actually didn't go over too well, now that I think about it.  I think it might have been the doggy reference...

You know...  it's the peep's own fault for putting the pots there in the first place.  She should have known I might need to sit up on that ledge if she was gonna occupy my chair.  Peeps never think these things through, you know?  They can be so silly and...  and...  well let's face it...  pretty darned stupid at times.  But truth be told, I am glad I didn't knock down any pots up on the other ledge.  The ol' peep planted me some pansy seeds in those pots so that I'll be able to have some pansies in the winter.  I like pansies.  They're my favourite flowers, I think.  Plantin' those seeds was pretty nice of the ol' peep so maybe...  just maybe...  I'll forgive her for all the fuss she made 'bout the incident.   At least, I'll think about forgiving her...  maybe.


  1. Oh no not the plants. But if they were all asleep, you are correct, what is the problem. Besides all peeps know that ledges are made for cats not plants. Our person is not allowed to put anything where we walk or might sit, not to mention lie down.
    Hope you have a great day.

  2. Oh me oh my. I think the fusses on these occasions have a lot to do with all the scattered soil everywhere. Humans are sensitive about that. Hope they were repottable.

  3. We're struggling with the thought that your human had plants on YOUR window ledge in the first place. No, seriously. That's what hanging baskets are for. :-p

  4. ooops a daisy,never mind Nerissa tomorrow is another day,xx Speedy and Mum

  5. Oh dear sounds like a mess. But I agree the peeps should know not to put things where we want to sit.. Hugs GJ x

  6. Heck with the laws of physics, simple logics says the silly plant was in the wrong place! DUH!

  7. Well whatever was the peep thinking of by putting plants on YOUR window ledge! You would think she would know better by now and that you have first option on all prime spots.

  8. Brian is right and so is GJ. Who EVER said that putting plants where we traditionally (or not) sit is a good idea. It is NOT a good idea and there are always consequences. Ask your mom. She paid the consequences.

  9. Me neither see what your peep was fussing about ??
    I mean it was really stoopid of here to fill the whole window with flowers , right !!

  10. Uhoh.....window ledge incident huh? Well, surely your peep just HAD to know that sooner or later if she was in YOUR chair, you'd have to take a leap up on a ledge. Something had "to go" and it wasn't gonna be your butt! Sounds like you and the peep worked it all out though....I'm so glad. I'd say she probably learned a lesson wouldn't you???

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  11. "Incidents" like these are ALWAYS the human's fault for putting things where they are almost guaranteed to get in a kitty's way. Even worse, they never seem to learn. What will we ever do with these dull, hairless creatures, Nerissa?

  12. wow - 'dat should give the peep something to think about

  13. We knew it was the peep's fault as soon as we saw the word "incident"!

  14. Guess you showed her! Tell her to build a green house for the plants and give you your ledge back!

  15. This sounds like something we woulda done. And the mom woulda gotten as mad as yours. But like you's ALWAYS the human's fault. We hope your peep learned her lesson.

  16. Love that photo of you.

    Window ledges are for cats. Period. No way your human didn't have that thought pass through her mind when she placed those plants on the ledge. It is very big of you to forgive her.

  17. You said it yourself, Nerissa, that it was the peep's own fault!

  18. Oh the drama when the peep was in the wrong in the first place :/
    All flat surfaces belong to the cat(s) ! End discussion.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  19. Incident? I don't see any freakin' INCIDENT. Just a sensible kitty doing what a kitty's gotta do to keep up with this neighborhood watch.

    She needs to find another place to type, eh?

  20. Even as a hooman Mom of 5 furbabies, I know not to put things on window sills or anywhere else you little angels might want to sit. Like Brian said, it's just logic.

  21. Nerissa we heard the crash from here and we knew straight away your Mum was at fault (well aren't they always!). Of course in their eyes it's always anyone but them - poor deluded humans.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  22. well your rationale sounds perfectly like common sense to us! Where else is your bum to go?! thanks for visiting us. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  23. Uh oh! Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Take it easy on her. Purrs....

  24. Why would someone put something that was designed for your butt? That's just.. weird! MOL

  25. Thanks for suggesting asking Santa for the FF. Hey, it's waaaaaay better than new underwear, right??

    Has your Human recovered from The Incident yet?

  26. Disgusting taking over YOUR window ledge with plants, what good are plants they just sit there and do nothing. They don't keep down the rodent population, they don't keep the peeps in order. Well done Nissy. Hugs and Purrs. XXX

  27. Plants belong in da ground, not in pots. Not on window ledges that belong to us kittehs. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

  28. You calculated very quickly and acted fast! Your peep should be applauding, right? :-)

  29. Nerissa, Pal, nothing would make me happier than sending you some hots. But sorry to tell ya they are going away tonight and a Big Storm is coming for the next 3 or 4 days, maybe with wind up to 70mph, which is really crazypants around here. Thankfully, we ain't gots no roses or lilies to worry about, though. XOXOXO

  30. OH DEAR! We know how dat goez around here...... ^..^
    da mom thought she waz gonna keep her cyclamen in da house dis winter.....
    needless to say, she thought wrong! ^..^
    Larry removed dem from da window! , after da mom picked up da piecez, back down da greenhouse dey went! ^.,^
    like you said, "dey were sleeping" what'z da Big Deal!!

    Headbonkz Dude~

  31. Aww shucks. Maybe ur hoomin can put teh plants somewhere else?

  32. Occupy Window Ledge, Occupy Kitchen Counter...what's the diff? And WHY do the peeps have to YELL so much over what's purrfectly acceptable activity?!?!

  33. (not that we ever knock anything off the kitchen counter, mind you. No.)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.