Sunday, 14 October 2012

there were pieces left over!

So a while back, the peep got this little barbecue thing-a-ma-gig.  Just a little one to grill up an occasional veggie burger or portabello mushroom, she said.  She also got some charcoal and lighter fluid 'cause she said those would be necessary to do the cookin'.  Then she put everything away in the garage and pretty much forgot all about it.  You know peeps.

A couple of weeks ago, said barbecue was hauled out of the garage.  I was a little skeptical, at first, 'cause the barbecue grill thing came in a box.  Now boxes, as we all know, are inherently good.  I love a good box, myself.  But I thought to myself, that box isn't as big as the barbecue is supposed to be.  What's up with that?

So the peep empties out the box and I see a whole lot of little bits of stuff, here and there.   Pieces of black metal, pieces of silver metal, a chunk of wood that's supposed to be a handle and a bag filled with nuts and screws and whatnot.  From what I could observe, none of it was attached to anything else.  It was all in pieces.

The peep settled down on the family room floor with all the little pieces of things strewn around her.  She reached for a piece of paper that came with the box and proceeded to study it.  Of course, I hopped up onto the coffee table and peered at the paper from over her shoulder.  The first thing I saw were the words, "EXPLODED VIEW."  Oh my gosh...  exploded?  Uhhh...  are we sure this is an appropriate choice of words when we've got a technologically impaired duffer of a peep trying to put together a whole bunch of bits and pieces with the intent to fill it with flammable materials to grill up a veggie burger?  I'm thinking....  NO! 

I'm not quite sure how long the process of assemblage took but let me tell you, it felt like an eternity.  My eyes glazed over several times during the whole fiasco.  I might even have fallen asleep at one point.  The peep was putting things together here and putting things together there and putting things together just about everywhere.  I believe I also saw her taking some stuff apart again.  I'm not sure but the barbecue appeared to get bigger and then smaller and then bigger once more.  Surely that must have involved some disasseblage at some point.

The peep is like me.  We writer-types like our words.  So this exploded view of a diagram thingy just isn't for the likes of us.  I mean, hey Mr Chefs at Master Chef...  this peep of mine isn't a mastermind, you know?  Exactly what part of technologically impaired duffer is it that you don't understand?  'Cause believe-you-me, a technologically impaired duffer of a peep is exactly what I've got on my paws. 

Eventually, what looked like the barbecue in the picture on the box was standing in the middle of my family room.  But lying on the floor next to this barbecue, were some screws and nuts and stuff.  Apparently, after assembling the grill, there were pieces left over.  Hmmm....

I gave that ol' peep o' mine my most skeptical of looks complete with a quizzical ear pose and everything.  I raised one eyebrow - you know, those whiskers up above my eyes - and said to her, "You sure there are supposed to be pieces left over?"

The peep says, it's okay.  She says, everything will be fine.  I say, stand back.  Stand back and prepare to run.  Prepare to run very fast.  Very, very fast.  As fast as your little paws will take you, my friends.  Remember, there were pieces left over!

You know, it would be one thing if the peep had been putting together a table or something.  I've heard those sometimes come in boxes, too.  In fact, my television stand came in a box.  It was a really heavy box and too narrow for a cat to get into and be comfy or anything so rather useless in the most important of ways but I digress...  My point is that when the peep put together the television stand, there were no pieces left over.  Nope, not a one.  Everything that came in the box was used in the process of assemblage.  And had the peep screwed up with the assemblage process - which is a reasonably high possibility - in that instance, it wouldn't have mattered that much.   She wasn't going to be cooking with it or anything.  But it seems to me, that when you're assembling something that will require flammable materials, getting that assemblage right is somewhat important.  I'm not sure that there should be any pieces left over.

Well, my friends.  Hopefully the peep won't be doing a whole lot of grilling with this barbecue thingy of hers 'cause...  well...  did I happen to mention that...  you know...  THERE WERE PIECES LEFT OVER!



  1. Oh my gosh!! We are glad you all survived!! And pieces being leftover doesn't sound very safe!!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Your TX furiends,

  2. Doesn´t sound good at all that PIEVES LEFT OVER from such a dangerous thing as a Barbecue !!
    Run Nerissa RUUUN !

  3. Hey Nerissa,
    Am curious. Would those pieces left over cause an explosion? Have you tested it? purrr....meow!

    1. Peep 'says' no but who can trust a peep? I mean... she's the one who had all the leftover pieces, right? It's not a gas grill so I think it might be okay. But I also think the whole thing could fall apart on her 'cause... you know... there were pieces left over!

  4. I would plan escape route - you know just in case

  5. Oh dear, pieces left over. But I betcha that it will work. Sometimes they do send extra pieces. We can't wait to hear if the grill worked or not. Take care.

  6. I am of the opinion that the box filler peeps cannot count very well and all will be well. Please keep us posted.

  7. Maybe if peep has missed all those bits, it will fall apart before it has a chance to explode. I found a screw on the floor beside peep's bed but his head hasn't fallen off yet and he hasn't exploded either.

  8. That DOES sound frightening! I am not sure I would trust that grill.

  9. HA! That sounds loke my Dad, he would have pieces and part left over tooa,

  10. Extra pieces are good. Mebbe you can sell them on EBAY ta some Peep with too FEW pieces...

  11. My mommy had pieces left over from putting my daybed together. Almost as scary as something that can explode, but not quite. Keep alert!

  12. I don't think I have ever told you just how handsome I think you are. You are VERY handsome and very mancatly looking.

    Now. Your peep is one you can be proud of even with pieces left over. MINE will not lift her claws to do ANYTHING that requires assembling. She whines and anguishes until someone helps her. I'm frankly embarrassed for her many times.

    1. My ears just went all bright pink. I blush easily. purrs

  13. Hi Nerissa,I would keep a safe distance when the peeps go to use the bbq!Got a new admirer there pal?..hehehe..Speedy

  14. OMG!!! Run for the hills …….. !!

  15. Dad bought a new grill for our new home. It came in a humongous about 5 feet by 4 feet, no Nissy, seriously, it did! Finally, this week, Dad sat in the garage for like hours and hours...and then I see him wheel this gigantic black and silver monstrosity out to my patio...and I hear him tell Mom..."there were some pieces left"!!!! Nerissa!!!!...what should I do???...did your left over pieces come to my house???

  16. Oh Nessia - if iI were you, I'd run for my life. Pieces left over for something that will cook food isn't good. Clear the area and run for lives!

  17. You are so photogenic but be careful xo

  18. Hey, better to have too many pieces than not enough! woo woo!

  19. Maybe they gave your mom extra pieces if case she lost some. We don't understand why peeps grill anyway. The first time our mom did it, she didn't know how much fluid & coals to use. She put the grill on the patio under the deck and had 5-6 foot flames. She almost set the deck on fire!

  20. Well, shoot Nerissa! MOUSES! I thought you meant there were pieces of FOOD left over, like bbq'd chick-hen or sumfing. But scres and bolts? What good are those, my furiend??? Darn.

  21. MOL! That is a scary prospect! In that last picture it looks like you're praying that you dont get all blowed up!

    1. And that's EXACTLY what I'm doin'! That's EXACTLY why I picked that picked that picture to use. You're so smart... purrs

  22. If my human tried it "exploded view" would be the finished product!

  23. Uh oh. You really have to keep careful watch over your hoomins when they are assembling things. They get it wrong otherwise.

  24. nerissa..pieces oh any thing left over meens bad mews...even pieces oh fish coz itz use a lee scales.......we hope yur mum doez knot try N sear up 75 slices oh flounder in one setting coz "pieces left over" iz gonna meen flounder on de grounder and a side leg lookin like this


  25. Oh my goodness, your peep really need a good snoopervisor.

    Hey, our human said the left over pieces is like buying a good blouse or pants, there is always extra buttons that come with it, hehehe.

    emma and buster

  26. Has anyHuman used that fing yet? Did it a-splode?

  27. Hmm....left over parts usually is a very bad sign BUT you say this "equipment" has been used a couple of times with no repercussions (or explosions) so perhaps those were OPTIONAL parts left over????? Let's hope so!

    Kitty Hugs (and good luck), Sammy


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.