Wednesday, 24 October 2012

the squirmy wormy

My sister Mason is a squirmy wormy.  Peep #1 has called her that ever since she came here to live with us.  This is 'cause when the peep picks her up, Mason squirms and squirms and squirms until the peep will put her down again.

Once, when having her annual check-up at the you-know-what, even Doctor Sarah called Mason a squirmy wormy.  And that was kind of weird 'cause Doctor Sarah hadn't heard my peep call Mason that.  No sirree...  the doctor came up with that description all on her own.  Guess this proves that Mason really is a worm who squirms.

Well, all that came to a screeching halt the night before last.  My peep was sitting at my computer in our office, doin' something or other.  I'm not exactly sure what the something or other was but I don't think it involved workin' on my blog.  MOUSES that peep of mine has nerve!  No, I think the peep was doin' some of her own writing.  If you want to call it writing.  I'm not sure I would.  Anywho...  that's when the momentous event occurred. 

The peep was sitting there at my desk and felt a claw in her leg.  Yup, that's what I said.  A claw was in her leg.  She looked down and saw that Mason's paw was on her leg but a claw was extended.  And as you know, Mason has those extra toes so I think she might have extra claws, too.  Well this particular claw went right through the peep's pants and everything.  Now I wouldn't have been too thrilled 'bout this myself but the peep seemed to take it in stride.  She leaned over and scooped Mason up into her arms.  Not the easiest thing to do, by the way, 'cause Mason is a pretty big girl.  But the peep managed it all right.

Of course, I knew what would happen next.  I knew that Mason would start a-squirmin' and a-wormin' her way out of the peep's arms.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I realised that I was wrong.  It had never happened before.  Not ever.  I mean, what I saw had never happened before.  I wasn't talkin' about my never having been wrong before.  Although...  if I think about it...  I'm not sure that I ever have.  I really can't think of any particular occasion.  Anywho...  I honestly didn't believe that what I witnessed, the night before last, would or could ever happen 'cept maybe in one of those alternate universe thingies.  You know the ones.  But truth be told, I've never actually been to one so I really couldn't say for sure.  But I've heard weird things happen in them so I'm open to the possibility.

Mason...  my sister Mason...   who had never not squirmed up a storm before...  curled up in the peep's arms.  She settled right in without a squirm in sight.  She got the top of her head and behind her ears and under her chin scritched.  And she got some of those kisses the peeps like to give.  It really was an unbelievable sight.  My sister Mason in someone's arms and not a squirm to be seen.

Then last night, it was even worse!  The peep was on the couch in our family room.  Of course, my sister Constance was right there next to her, lookin' for some tummy rubs.   Connie really likes the tummy rubs although she says they're more like massages than rubs.  My dad Jacob arrived and curled up next to Connie, usin' her as a pillow.  Then came Mason.  I was sitting on the coffee table so I had the best view in the house for what happened next.  Mason hopped right up onto the couch and then onto the peep's lap! 

I thought for sure we must really have entered one of those alternate universe thingies after all.  I thought perhaps my peep had somehow managed to alter the space time continuum with all that time and space travelling caterwauling she was doin' the other day callin' for my brother Seville.  Yeah, I watch Star Trek.  I know stuff.

Anywho...  Mason spent the rest of the evening curled up on my peep's lap, purring up a storm.  The world seemed to have stopped spinning and time was at a standstill.  Mason had stopped squirming.  Instead, she had become...  become...  she had become a lap cat!  I would never have believed it had I not seen it with my very own two eyes.  The world's number one squirmy wormy is now a lap cat.

Well this morning, before writing this post, I sat down next to Mason and we had a little chat.  Apparently, Mason has decided that it's time to mellow.  She says she's getting a little older now.  Peeps say she's probably almost five.  But I'm nine and a half and I haven't mellowed in my old age.  Actually, I don't think I'm old.  Not old at all!  But Mason has decided it's time to settle down and enjoy the scritches and whatnot.  Personally, I think it's foolish.  I know how this works.  You let peeps cuddle you once and they'll be wantin' to cuddle you all the time.  Hope Mason understands just what she'll letting herself in for.  I think she's gonna regret it.  I mean...  who wouldn't?


  1. Well fancy your sisfur Mason not being a squirmy wormy any more. Be careful though you might have to join the queue for scritches.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Wow! That's definitely alternate universe stuff.

    We bet your mom was thrilled, though. :-)

  3. Whoa. We just know your Mom was happy about this though, that's how they are. They get all gooshy about stuff like that.

  4. Mowzers, was Mason body snatched, ya think?!?

  5. Nice post Nissy!!!

    BTW I'm finally getting the P.A. to post the award you gave me!!! (better late than never!! MOL)

    Many thanks for that, it's greatly apurreciated!

    Purrs and headbonks


  6. maybe she decided she was missing out,but you mummy must had loved it,xx Speedy

  7. My sisfur Gingy is a swirmy wormy I don't know if she will every change.

  8. I, too, am a squirmy wormy. No picking me up. But, I will sit in someone's lap if they don't appear too interested in the idea of me sitting in their lap.

  9. I'm twice Mason's age and I'm STILL squirmy! If I am sleepy and my human scritches my tummy, I MAY give her about 15 seconds of pick up time, but that's about it.

  10. Lola is a squirmy wormy, but every so often she has non squirmy moment. They never last long though.

  11. Traveler is a squirmy wormy, and a very squirmy one at that! Mason deserves some extra treaties! :)

  12. First off, Star Trek is the best!! 'nuff said.
    I'm so glad she's decided to be a cuddley buddy rather than a squirmy wormy!
    Gosh, Star is 13 and when you try to pick her up she splays all five of her pointy ends and acts like you're trying to kill her, or in the case of her daddy, acts all put upon while she gets cuddles and scritches... She only wants on us when it's HER idea. Sounds like Mason as decided, all on her own, that she wouldnt mind some pets now and then. We think that's awesome!

  13. WHOA! Talk about amazing! Now if only June Buggie would try to quit running outside when I go out to pee.

  14. Like the squirmy wormy, we sure are that and will stay that way for most of the day. Simba sent us to your shore, saying you also live in NS.

  15. Nerissa, I detect a tinge of jealousy there? Come on! You want to be a lap kitty too....come on....admit it! purrr...meow!

  16. Me too!
    But Lego can't be hug for a long long time~~
    But hey, being a squirmy wormy is normal, right?

  17. Cocco was a squirmy wormy in the beginning until he became obsessed with being held tightly! There is hope yet!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  18. Oh dear Cod! The time/space warp has claimed another resister. Iam a PROUD squirmy wormy and I am 8 years old. I HATE stories like this because it gives my Human HOPE and that's just sad. Not.Gonna.Happen!!! Although, my Human did not think I would ever become such an eager eater either. But that lap-sitting dealio? Nope, nefur gonna happen!

  19. Squirmy wormy's got it's place but you know, the whatnot scritches, we mean, c'mon! What's not to like about those? Purrs...

  20. Maybe Mason just realized that she was missing out on some good lap time and scritches by being a squirmy wormy.

  21. We wish Mica Moo would stop her squirming. We'll have to have a talk with Mason and see what the secret to unsquirming is.

  22. it's life Jim, but not as we know it!!!! How will you recover? Mason has been inhabited by an alien!!! mol

  23. Sounds like Mason has discovered the wonderful world of warm laps - and the benefits of allowing the peeps to pet, scritch, rub at will! I have to admit to being an occasionally squirmy worm myself but now that I've reached "a certain age" I find the human touch and loving eye contact with my Mom (and even - fasp - occasionally my Dad) to be much more REWARDING! Mason knows what I'm talkin' about!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  24. Well it does happen and laps can be such a wonderful thing!!!

  25. Laps are great and it is important not to squirm. Cuz that makes the lap squirm...

  26. Mom calls us squirmy wormies all the time but we do stop when it's snuggle time!!

    The Florida Furkids

  27. squeeeee!!!...there is hope for ME Nerissa!! I so wanna get in Mom 's lap, but I am so scared...I walk around her lap at night, meow, then eventually get on the couch near her, not touching....oh no...but I just know I would melt into her lap...Mason give us both "hope" paw pats, Savannah

  28. Hello sweet furiends, Mason, I came back to contemplate your sweet face again. My Human is looking askance at me, saying If Mason can learn to lap-sit, Spitty, why can't YOU!!!???


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.