Sunday 7 October 2012

I think I broke facebook

Here in Canada, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  That's right, we Canadian kitties celebrate Thanksgiving in October rather than November.  Don't know why.  Just do.  Actually, at my house, we're celebrating today rather than tomorrow.  Don't know why we're doing that, either.  Just are.

I understand there will be some extra Fancy Feast in store of us cats and for that, we can all be truly thankful 'cause the peeps are havin' Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup.  They're veggies, you know.  That's why they're not eating the turkey or anything.  Personally, I'd rather have the Fancy Feast.  And for dessert, they're having Pumpkin Pie.  I watched the peep making those pies yesterday and I couldn't believe my eyes.  What a waste of good cream!  Yeah...  I saw her pour a whole cup and a half of whipping cream into the fillings.  Do you have any idea how many saucers-of-cream-for-the-cat that is?  It's a lot, I am sure.  Sure hope there's a little cream that has not been all pumpkinafied left for us kitties.  Got my paws crossed on that one.  We all do, I think.

Anywho...  Thanksgiving is a time for thinking about all for which we are thankful.  As I said, I'm thankful for Fancy Feast but there's lots of other stuff, too. 

I'm thankful for my peeps.  They're pretty good peeps, you know...  even if they are veggies.  And I'm thankful that I'm formerly - and not presently - feral.  Gosh, it's good to have a home.  And I'm thankful for all my fur-family.  They can be a bit much, at times, but really and truly...  I love 'em all.

I'm also thankful for having my very own blog and for all the friends I've made here on the blogosphere.  They're a great bunch, those friends of mine.  A lot of them are cats, like me, but many are peeps and then there are some dogs and bunnies and turtles and various other species, too.  Some of them have their own blogs and I'm thankful I get to read them.  Others don't have their own blogs but I sure am thankful that they read mine. 

I'm thankful for my BFF, Herman.  He has a blog, It's a Wonderpurr Life, but I actually met him on twitter.  In fact, I'm thankful for all my twitter friends.  What a great bunch, they are.  If you don't follow me on twitter already, you can...  you know.  Just look for @nerissathecat.  That's me!  Bet you had already figured that part out, huh? 

Oh, and I'm thankful for all my Facebook friends, too.  Another great bunch of cats, peeps and whatnot.  Love 'em all!  And I'm thankful that peep#1 got me my very own Facebook fan page.  What fun that has been.  It's called Nerissa's Life, just like my blog, in case you didn't already know. 

And speaking of the old Facebook...  I think I broke it.  Yeah, sorry 'bout that.  You see, a week ago, I did that article on my good friend Stan.  You know Stan, right?  He's the Tuxedo Party of Canada's representative running in the municipal elections in the city of HRM.  He's running for mayor and he really is the very best of the candidates.  Well anyway, that post was my most popular one ever!  Peeps and cats from all over the world read it.  In fact, I had over five hundred hits on my blog that very first day!  And boy-oh-boy am I ever thankful for that!  But here's the thing, ever since that post, my blog doesn't show how many likes I have on Facebook.  Nope.  Not a single one.  At least they don't show up for me.  So that's why I'm thinking I broke the Facebook.  Oh well...  these things happen, I suppose.  Oh, and I'm also very thankful I'm not the one who will have to fix it.  All of you should be thankful for that, too, 'cause if I was the one who had to do the fixing...  the fixing would never get done.  I can pretty much guarantee that.  And don't be counting on my peep, either, 'cause as you all know...  the woman is a technologically impaired duffer.  It's not just me who says that.  Everybody does.

And I've got something else super-duper special for which to be thankful.  This post...  this one you're reading right now...  is number one hundred for me.  That's right!  I've published one hundred posts on Nerissa's Life.  Isn't that neat?  It's kind of funny 'cause it feels like I've been blogging forever and yet, at the very same time, it feels like I just started yesterday.  Weird, huh?  I guess blogging has just become a part of me now.  And I'm thankful for that, too.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Nerissa! You truly do have a lot to be thankful for. We are thankful you are our friend. Enjoy your Fancy Feast!

  2. That is some very wonderful things to be thankful for! Congrats on #100, that is some might fine paw tapping!!!

  3. Congrats on your 100th post. That is great. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hope you get a little something from the dinner. Take care.

  4. We think a LOT of kitties would be thankful if FB was broked...just that much more time for pettings!

  5. never mind Nerrisa just enjoy thanks giving!

  6. Congratulations on your 100th post pal. Good job! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too. I'm thinking we should celebrate Canada's Thanksgiving and our own - double all that good food. Yum Fancy Feaszt.

  7. Concatulations on 100 posts, Nerissa, and paws up for having such a popular post about Stan! You do have lots to be thankful for!

  8. Concats on that 100th post, Nerissa! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving Day, too. XOXOXO

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, and see if you can get the peeps to try some fancy feast.

    100 posts is a great milestone!

    Even though we are not on FB, I was able to see your page and we see 117 likes there.

    1. Oh yes... that part is working. And I'm ever-so-thankful that it is. But up nearer the top of my blog, I have that sharing gadget thingy. It used to tell me how many people had 'liked' my blog on FB but now it just says zero. Every since last Sunday... Oh, I broke FB and broke it good!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry you don't get turkey. But Fancy Feast has turkey, don't they? Just cause your peeps are veggies, they can't deny you your Thanksgiving Turkey Day, can they????
    And concatulations on your 100th post!
    Yes, we in the States have Thanksgiving next month. But I can say early (for us) we are thankful for YOU!
    with love *blush*,
    and Mama Carol

  11. Concats on the 100th postie dear Nerissa! Happy Thanksgiving too xoxo

  12. We're all thankful for blogging kitties :)

  13. Happy Thanksgiving, Nerissa!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  14. Happy Thanksgiving!
    My peeps is doing Thanksgiving tomorrow. We is having Thanksgiving tomorrow! We is NOT having turkey either, because we had roast chicken a week ago. We is having roast pork instead. Now is it really Thanksgiving if yous don't has turkey?
    Nellie (in BC)

  15. Happy Thanksgiving, Nerissa! We luffed reading about all the things you are thankful for. I am thanksful for many of those same things, too.

    And I know you will be even MORE thankful if a tiny saucer of cream finds its way to your breakfast tomorrow!!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving and congrats on 100 posts!
    Yes your "likes" show so no worries, you didn't break anything.
    That was a wonderful list of things to be thankful for that is for sure!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving, Nerissa! Hope you ate lots of turkey~

    Pudding & Parfait

  18. Nerissa if you really have broke facebook you will get a whole bunch of new fans. Facebook could do with a good thump sometimes! Happy Thanksgiving and Con Cats on your 100th post xx

  19. Okay folks... I still couldn't see how many likes I had on Facebook so I took out the 'add this sharing gadget' and then put it back in, thinking that would fix it right up. No such luck. Now, it doesn't even show a spot where the likes would be. Maybe it was an old gadget? Anywho... I found another gadget for sharing my blog on Facebook & twitter so we'll give that one a little test drive. Plus, I added fish! Yeah... head on down to the bottom of the blog and you'll find a tank full of fishies. I think you can feed 'em or something.

  20. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Your peeps' meal sounds delicious.

  21. Hey buddy Nissy! First, high paws on the 100 mark. And I can see our "likes" number on your FB gadget, but all I see att bottom is the word fish Great post, I feel same way except I have not been tweeting for a while just cuz of moving. I miss twitter lots! Paw pats, Savannah

    1. Savannah, when you say you see the likes on the FB gadget, do you mean my badge that lists the number of fans on my FB page? I see those. But I used to see how many people had 'liked' my blog on FB on the 'share this gadget'. I can't see that anymore. And you're not seeing the cute little fishies. Oh no! Do you know what this means? It means, I broke Blogger, too. Oh bother...

  22. What a wonderful post, Nerissa!
    I am thankful for you and your blog, too!
    Lots of purrs

  23. Concats on 100 posts! Also concats on your bold attempt to blow up Facebook.....way to go guy. So TODAY is Thanksgiving there but you had yours yesterday huh? Well, as long as you got plenty of Fancy Feast and whatever ELSE you wanted, I'm sure you didn't mind celebrating a day early right? I have to wait until NEXT month for my feast...."fancy" or otherwise!

    Kitty hugs, Sammy

  24. Niss, my Thanksgiving isn't until November, but in celebration of your Thanksgiving, I want to tell you and everyone who reads this that I am very thankful to haz you for my BFF. You inspire me to be a better re-purrtor, and I enjoy your posts about your life and the life of your Peeps. Concatulations on your 100 post! And thankew for agreeing to be my best man at my wedding in June.

    Pal hugs and head bonks!

  25. Did the facebook police come to arrest you yet?

    Congrats on your 100 posts, too, since I neglected to say that yesterday! We've luffed them all!

  26. Nerissa?
    Does she know Risa?
    How about Sstan?
    With wife, Ruthibelle?
    And then there's Katie Isabella along with Spitty- Kitty and they all know the Empresa and " David King".
    But don't get it confused with " Lawrence Berkeley" or " Rene Colato". Because if you do, you involve " Roberto Grossatesta " and he's with " Billy Gunn".
    So, if you talk about breaking Facebook , it must be due to " Remy Gento" and their pal " Pthure"?
    It's all those cats Bundesland- Paroland- Depland- Onoland and something they all call Plopopl 106 working it in Fluart 5 with Vemplete 20; and it's really knocking the socks off of " Istanbul".
    And that's LA.
    Ask " The Rocce".
    He works those mines .
    With " Ace".

    1. Well... I know Katie & Spitty for sure. The others? Don't think I know them but I bet they know me. You know... 'cause I'm famous and all...

  27. Wow--how come I gotted mentioned in that great po-em up there???? I'm intrigued wif "Anonymous"!

    1. Guess it's 'cause you're so famous... like me! hehehe... purrs

  28. Happy Thanksgiving :) Did you get to lick the cream containers while the peeps were making the pies? :)

  29. MOWZERS! Concats on #100!! And happy Thanksgiving to you (kinda belated). Didja get any pie noms? Faraday LOVES pumpkin pie.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.