Now, let me introduce you to the candidate with the mostest... the dapper and debonair Tuxedo Stan!!! Stan is representing the Tuxedo Party of Canada in the upcoming municipal elections. What a guy! Always dressed up to the nines. Yes, each and every one of his nine lives is dressed. Just look at that suit! Hmmm... I wonder who his tailor is.
... It all began on a dark and dreary... ah, who am I kidding. It was a Saturday. I don't know what the weather was like. It was May 29th of the year 2010 but I don't know what time. Stan didn't tell me. That day, an abandoned, pregnant mama kitty went into labour at the Atlantic Cat Hospital. Little did she know that one of her four baby boys would rise to such fame, just a short two years later.
There were big plans looming ahead in Stan's future. In the spring of 2012, he was approached by the Tuxedo Party executive and asked if he would run for mayor of the City of HRM. Now, if you've never heard of HRM before, it used to be called Halifax. Halifax and Dartmouth and I'm not quite sure what else, all amalgamated and became what is now known as the Halifax Regional Municipality. Hmmm.... HRM could also stand for His Royal Majesty. Very fitting for Stan, I should think. But I digress...
It is unclear as to whether or not one of Stan's credentials for candidacy was his tuxedo suit but I do believe Stan wishes to represent all cats, tuxedo or otherwise. Speaking as a tabby cat, I think Stan would treat me as his equal. Plus, I have an in. My mama was a tuxedo.
The Tuxedo Party is a movement of grave importance. There are so very many homeless kitties in HRM... so very, very many. It's not right that this issue has been ignored for so long. The Tuxedo Party is getting the word out to the world about these poor, unfortunate babies. As they say, "neglect isn't working" and neglect is pretty much what the powers-that-be in HRM have been doing 'bout this issue for a very long time. The Tuxedo Party's mandate is to "increase awareness of the plight of stray, feral and indigent cats as well as raise sorely needed funds for a local animal charity called Spay Day HRM." That's a pretty good mandate, I think. Better than anything I've heard any other political parties come up with. Don't you agree?
When elected, Stan wants to "fund a spay/neuter program" as apparently, "there's far too much indiscriminate sex going on in HRM." A program of this kind would help reduce the number of feral kitties born in the city, of course, but Stan believes it could do much, much more. There has been an increase of violence in HRM, as of late. Pick up a paper, turn on the news... it's everywhere. But as Stan says, "studies have shown neutering tomcats decreases their aggressiveness" and he "can't see why it wouldn't work for humans," too. I must say, I agree.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Stan has the other candidates running scared. Did you know that he was initially invited to participate in the mayoral debate and then... ever so rudely... UNinvited? He was snubbed, for sure. But Stan has a proposal for those scaredy-cat candidates who aren't really cats at all. He suggests they "withdraw from (the) race." He says, "there's no shame in surrender in the face of overwhelming defeat." And do you know what? Stan's right. He's way cuter than any of those other candidates. Way cuter... Probably why he was uninvited from that debate thingy.
But politics can be dirty. There's a "rumour going around Facebook that he's been fathering kittens in HRM." Now who started that? Dogs? Anyway, it's not true. I have it on good authority that Tuxedo Stan has been "neutered. His grandfather, however - Tuxedo Studley - may still be at large."

A very wise man once said something to the effect that society would be judged by how it treats the animals. Well folks, those animals are us cats. So if the people of HRM want to be judged well, it would be in their favour to do a better job of helping the feral kitties within their borders. Take a good look at the platform of the Tuxedo Party. You'll like what you see. I just know you will. And what you'll see is that Stan really is your man.
We heard about this! Why wouldn't a tuxie be the favored candidate? We all know that TUXIES RULE! Happy Sunday from Precious, our resident tuxie.
ReplyDeleteStan IS the man!!!.... and it's no surprise to me that he's a TUXIE!!! heh heh....
ReplyDeleteHe's got our support! ...he just better not horn in on my Cat Ruler of the World responsibilities! ; )
Great post, Nissy! xo
Katie & Glogirly
If we lived in Nova Scotia, Stan would TOTALLY have my human's vote! Or else... 'cause we know who wears the fur around here!
ReplyDeleteExcellent post Nerissa, and good on Stan. It's good to see a politician with such sensible policies - the humans seem to do such a terrible job of everything. Mum says she would vote for Stan if he would run in the Brisbane City Council elections. (I would run, but being supreme feline overlord just takes up so much of my time, and then of course there's my blogging and modelling careers - you know what that's like. We famous cats just never get a break.)
ReplyDeleteGood luck Stan and if I lived near you you'd get my vote
ReplyDeleteWe've never ever seen a cute politician before! This is a first. Vote for Stan the Mancat! Tuxedos rule, don't we know it!!
ReplyDeleteVery, very well said. We won't give up. There's no quitting on this very, very important issue. G0 Stan Go
ReplyDeleteStan, if I could I would vote for you and many times! You are THE Mancat.
ReplyDeleteNerissa, Fanks you for bringing this groundbreaking campaign to our 'ttenshuns. Can I vote by mail for Stan? I mean, I know I don't live in Nova Scotia, or even in Canada at all for that matter, but some things transcend national borders, right?
ReplyDeleteBut, uh, isn't Katie Cat Ruler of the World? Couldn't she just ORDER efurryone to vote for Stan?
I never thought about that! You're so smart, Spitty. I'll go talk to Katie right now...
DeleteI'd be voting for Stan if I could. Go Stan, an inspiration for all!!
ReplyDeleteStan we sure will vote for you if we can. You sound like the perfect world ruler especially if you are going to help kitties find homes. That is so important, especially the feral kitties. Hope all of you have a super Sunday.
ReplyDeleteHow long does it take to be a citizen who can vote in Nova Scotia? My mom would move us!
ReplyDeleteTogether we would campaign for the right for cats to vote, and spay and neuter days once a month or more....
Hey, I'm a Tuxie!
Go Stan Go!!! I do indeed think Stan is da Mancat!
ReplyDeleteIf voters fail to vote Stan into office maybe he could move here to USA and be pawsident. I'd vote for Stan. Stan! Stan! He's our man-cat. If he can't do it no one can!
ReplyDeleteYou cats are getting too much power. Us dogs better get it in gear!
ReplyDeleteWish Mom and Dad could have met Stan when they were in NS.
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
I saw something on TV about Stan last week. I know that there is a slim chance that he will win, but wouldn't it be too funny if he did?
ReplyDeleteWe'll vote for Stan in a heartbeat. Who can resist a man with the will and the connections to succeed?? (Besides, we're impressed with his dressing to the nines--all nine lives, that is :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck, Stan! Leave it to a cat to bring dapper once again to center stage!
Oh that is awesome! I hope he wins!
ReplyDeleteWow Nossy, I had no idea. But then I have been so out of it with our move to a new home. We are only five miles from our old home, but it is my first move with Mom and Dad. Scary. Very interesting info and I do think Katie Isabella outta to
ReplyDeleteBe able to put Stan in office...just sayin...paw pats Savannah
Hi everybody! Nissy here... Well, "Stan is your man!" has been a record-breaking post. 537 peeps and cats read it on its first day, alone! Can you believe it? I sure do hope everyone goes out and votes for Stan on the big day. And if you don't see his name on the ballot... just write it in. That's how that cat in Alaska got voted in as mayor the FIRST time.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Blogger is being all boogery and not telling me how many likes I've had on Facebook. I'm thinking maybe Facebook couldn't keep up, considering how busy my blog was yesterday. I think I broke Facebook. MOUSES!
This is an awesome post Nissy! Wish I could vote for Stan but unless he decides to truly rule the world and get those of us down here in the US of A involved, guess I won't be doing that! Something tells me he'd win here too though (tee hee). He's the PURRRRRRRRFECT candidate. Also, congrats on the bazillion views of this post everywhere - that's simply pawesome my friend!
ReplyDeleteKitty Hugs, Sammy
Stan is the man(cat) I support!
✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.
Stan is my Man! Me lives in Canada, but not in Halifax. Mommy's uncle lives in Halifax though!
ReplyDeleteMe is sending an email to Uncle George!
we'd vote for him!
ReplyDeleteWe think it would be too cool if Stan won!!
ReplyDeleteThe other guys are scaredy cats ;) heeheehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
I lost your bloggy when my software upgraded and swept my RSS feed away. I am SO glad I ahve you back again. (I forgot a lot of blogs I'm lame that way).
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you found me again, too! Welcome back, my friend. purrs
DeleteI duz hope Stan wins, it will be a paw forward fur kittehs all ovar Canada an teh werld!
ReplyDeleteYou know, maybe Stan would consider entering the US Presidential race? We don't really think either of the main candidates can really fix up the economy and our other problems--hey, Stan could be The Man! Honestly, I doubt he could do any worse than the Humans, right? Right!
ReplyDeleteTuxi rocks!!!
ReplyDeleteIf we lived in Nova Scotia you bet our mom would vote for Stan! She has a weakness for tuxies. He is a very handsome and capable mancat.
ReplyDeleteAnother great report piece, Nerissa!
ReplyDeleteI'm suer it's the best piece Stan had!