Sunday, 23 September 2012

pooper scoopers!

You know...  I tried to be helpful and nice and where did it get me?  It got me to a place where I don't want to go again.  That place where your tummy feels all yucky and sick inside like just before you're about to hork up a fur ball or something.  Yeah...  we won't discuss the something bit, okay?  Nerissa's Life is a family friendly blog, suitable for all ages.

I was gonna do a blog post on this guy I know.  We'll call him...  Elliot.  That's not his real name, of course, but I don't wanna be referring to him as 'him' for the rest of this post.  Anywho...  Elliot is pretty famous in his own right but you know how it is...  one can always do with a little extra good publicity, right?  So I got in touch with this Elliot's peeps and asked them 'bout it and they said something like, "Sure Nissy...  you can do a story on Elliot.  We'd love that!"

So I thought to myself, "Hmmm....  how can I make this article interesting and fun?"  At the same time, I wanted Elliot to be able to tell the world all he wanted to tell.  So I asked Elliot's peeps to send along the information he really REALLY wanted the world to hear.  Maybe a couple of quotes or something...  his basic philosophies...  stuff like that.  I promised to work it into my blog post along with, of course, a little of what I call, Nissy flair...  and Elliot's peeps agreed...  and I waited.

So all was well in my little world until the other day when the peep turned on the computer for me so that I could read some of my friends' blogs.  You can just imagine my disappointment and heartbreak when I saw Elliot's picture plastered all over the blogosphere.  I had been scooped! 

That's right, while I was patiently waiting for the necessary information from Elliot's peeps to arrive, another blogger had come along and scooped me.  And not the good kind of scooping like when my peep #1 comes along and scoops me into her arms and smothers me with kisses and tells me she loves me and that I'm the centre of her whole wide world.  No, this was the bad kind of scooping like what the peep does after one of us cats has used the litter box and left...  well, you know... 

I don't blame the other blogger one bit.  I don't even blame Elliot...  or his peeps.  I blame myself.  I should have been right in there writing that article the moment I thought of the idea.  Had I done that, I would have had it written weeks ago!  But no...  I snoozed and therefore, I lost.  Okay, the past form of lose doesn't rhyme with the past form of snooze.  MOUSES! I'm having a rough time of it here.  Nothing seems to working out for me at all!

How am I ever gonna convince CNN that they need a silver tabby like me as well as that silver fox - AKA Anderson Cooper - they already have if I am so easily scoopable?  They're never gonna want me as a reporter if other cats and peeps are scooping my stories right out from underneath my very own paws.  Sure, if I ever hear back from Elliot's peeps, I could still do the story but do I really want to do a boring old, now redundant, story on my blog?  I'm not sure that I do.  My readers expect more from me than that.  Know what I mean?

I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't pay to be nice.  Nope...  doesn't pay at all.  Next time I see a potential story, I'm just gonna write it and I'm gonna write it right away.  That's what that foxy Anderson Cooper would do, I am sure.  I'm gonna dig up the dirt myself and use it as I see fit.  I'm not gonna make efforts to accommodate anyone else if that means interrupting my dirt digging skills.  I'm just gonna get the facts about all the Jacks and write about them.

Yes, if I wanna play with the big boys, I'm gonna have to think like them.  If I wanna be a hard-nosed reporter, I'm gonna have to harden up my heart a little.  I can't harden up my nose 'cause I've got that adorable pink little nose and there's just no way anyone can get past the adorableness of that, I think. 

Next time I see a potential story, I'm gonna be on the ground, running on all four paws.  I'll be digging up the dirt with those very same paws and then running back to my computer to type it up, as quick a flick of my tail.  Yes...  that's my plan for hereon in.

Now if you'll excuse me, I noticed that the peep potted up some freesias the other day and brought them into the sun room.  Those pots are big and absolutely filled with dirt.  I'm just gonna go see if I can dig up a little something in those pots other than the freesia corms the peep put in there.  I'm sure there will be something of interest.  I'm just sure of it.  But if not, I'll check out the litter box.  There's always dirt to be found in a litter box, you know.  Always.  Kind of goes without saying, actually...


  1. Well, maybe "Elliot" will need a follow up story? Or maybe a after the fame - has "Elliot" changed story?


  2. Oh No you were scooped. That is just terrible. That doesn't seem fair since you very nicely ask for the details and they gave it to someone else. Those were norty kitties. Hope you have a great Sunday.

  3. Oh, Nerissa! We are so sorry someone scooped you. But you see, you still have that kind heart hidden inside of you, and you'll never be able to totally harden it. And that's what makes a famous world known reporter, anyway. A little heart.

  4. its not so much that you need to harden your heart its just Speedy super fast Speed is need that's all and I think you can do that after all you're streamlined like me.x Speedy

  5. Oh how frustrating and disappointing. Is that why you wanted to throw up? Better luck next time.

  6. Well, fur what it's worth, I think you would be the most excellent repurrter!

  7. Like with anything, when it comes to blogging, you have to know when to break the rules! 'Cause getting outscooped is no fun. :-(

  8. We think you need to leave a "deposit" in those pots, and leave the scooping to the peeps!

  9. Rats!! We still think you would be a good reporter because you have something Mom calls integrity :)
    Now,go "check" those pots ;) heehee

  10. learned an important lesson, Nessy...that ain't gonna happen to you again! No way!!

  11. I confess I am....clooless. I have absolutely no idea what this is all about. Was it Mitt Romney's 47% remark? Taht anti-Islam movie? The Giants clinching the division title? The tiger-jumping man?

    So I guess now I'll have to watch Anderson C some more. That's okay. My Peep just LUFFS him.

    Oh, I guess you were talking about a KITTY story? The Cat Ruler of the World Contest? And I guess the crazy tiger guy is kind of a kitty story too.


  12. Mes feels for yous!
    Scooped and Pooped on

  13. Oh Nerissa! That's life, mate. It ain't fair. You need a scoop? You can get one down the store! Best kind!!

  14. Hi Nerissa. No you are not crazy ;)
    You did know that we live in Halifax
    (just outside actually, in Lake Echo)
    Mom usually puts links to places on the blog,
    so thanks for reminding her!
    Way back in February when Metro Transit went on strike
    was when we discovered that we both live in Nova Scotia.
    Yup, we ARE practically neighbours!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  15. Just dropping by to say hello. It's almost time for Anderson soon...the Human pays for cable tv just for CNN and she only wants CNN because the Silver Fox is on it. It's embarrassing because she's old enough to be his mother and he's gay anyway! She needs to pick a more appropriate love-object. Not ME either!!!

    1. What's more... I've heard he might be a 'doggy' person...

  16. it would be "new" to me because I have no clue who Elliott is so I must not be following the blog you are talking about

    1. Well... Elliot isn't his real name. No, I think I'm past that whole thing. And do you know what? I STILL haven't heard back from his peeps. MOUSES!

  17. We're so sorry your got scooped in a bad way. You can write about us. No one's interested in what we have to say! Ahahahaha!

  18. Lesson learned, Niss. Ya snooze ya lose. Brilliant ideas are only brilliant when you act on them and not wait for them to mull like you're making cider. But that's okay! You got your tail scorched this time. You won't let it happen again. In fact, I bet you snag a super scooper real soon. You are a pawsome repurrrtor! Yay!

    1. Nope. It's NEVER gonna happen to me again. Never ever EVER! purrs

  19. You should have done your post anyway Nerissa, I bet it would have been better than whoever scooped you. (Unless it was me, but I haven't done any posts about anyone famous lately.)

  20. maybe you could do an opposite story. I'm just going to use an example right here. but say you wanted to do a story on President Obama and somebody scoop that story then you should go and write a story about Mitt Romney. While everybody else is focused on a President Obama you can focus on Mitt Romney. so find the person has opposite of "Elliot". good luck

    1. Thing is... I'd still really like for 'Elliot' to win his election but it all just hurt my feelings, you know? But a story on President Obama... I'D LOVE TO DO THAT! Don't suppose he'd be interested in a story by a Canadian kitty like me, though... But hear this Mr President... if you're ever visiting Nova Scotia... give me a call, okay?

  21. Dear Nerissa
    I came to thank you for coming to my birthday party! We also wanted to let you know we are taking a blogging break. We will be around, but we may not be commenting or posting much.

  22. Nerissa, no way I am not interested in what you repurrt! Be steely, don't let anything past you...tell us the facts!

  23. So is this destined to remain a mystery? Or will you someday reveal all in a Globe-style expose?

    Anderson--Doggies??? Oh nooooooooooooooooo.

  24. Awww Nerissa, you are a superb reporter! I'm sure your story would have been way better than that other blogger's anyway!

  25. FaRAdaY: oh i'm all about doing litter box scoops - they're more fun anyways! We just know your story woulda been PAWEsome - and still will be if you choose to write it!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.