Wednesday, 18 July 2012

make up your minds already!

So I'm sitting in my kitchen, minding my own business - I believe I was givin' the ol' tail a good wash down from top to bottom - when I hear peep #2 complaining.  I wasn't overly thrilled about this.  The complaining part, I mean.  You know, when a cat is in the middle of a bath, he or she doesn't like to be disturbed with the negativity of complaining peeps.  So I looked up from my laundry duties and gave the peep a cold, hard stare.  The kind of stare a complaining peep deserves.  You know what I mean?  And I said to myself, "What is it this time?"  

Peep #2 was complaining that the tea in the teapot had become cold because someone had forgotten to put the tea cosy on it.  Well, I'm not taking the blame for this one.  I can tell you right here and now that that someone was peep #2!  I don't make tea.  Personally, I don't like the stuff.  So why would I make it?  I might brew up a pot of the ol' nip tea but that's not the kind of tea the peep was talking about.  Besides, I had been busy with my laundry duties, remember?  Oh, and I think the first peep had an alibi of some sort, too.  I believe I had sent her out into my garden earlier that morning to do a little weeding.  And when I say little, I really do mean little 'cause she's a super rotten weeder.  She gets distracted so very easily, I think.  Seriously, I gotta get myself some new peeps.

So I was still staring at peep #2, wondering why anyone would think that I would possibly care about a pot of cold tea, when I realised something important.  My peeps can't make up their minds.  They don't seem to be capable of it.  I'm not sure if it's just my peeps or all peeps in general but there does seem to be a definite lack of mind-making-up ability present in the species.  Such an indecisive species, it is.  I should do a paper on it or something.  Bet I could earn one of those PhD thingies with that.  Certainly worth investigating, I think.

Anywho....   back to the complaining peep.  "It's cold...  have to make more...  blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..."  At some point, one just has to tune it all out, you know. So I did.

My mind wandered back to the indecisive nature of the species of the peeps.  You see...  here was peep #2 complaining - another characteristic of the species but that's another topic for another day - that the tea was cold.  But my peep #1 has been making cold tea all summer.  She likes it that way.  She makes big ol' huge pitchers of the stuff.  She even went out and bought a new pitcher to hold the tea and keeps that pitcher in the refrigerator.  The refrigerator which happens to be...  uhhhh....  cold?  Yeah, I think so.  And yet, it apparently still isn't cold enough 'cause before she drinks it, she adds ice.  And ice, in case you didn't know, is super duper cold.  It's as cold as cold gets, I think.

So here's my point.  On the one paw, I've got a peep saying the tea is too cold.  On the other paw, I've got another peep saying it's not cold enough.  Make up your minds already!  Oh my mouses!  What is a cat to do with those peeps?


  1. A cat is to do NOTHING with these peeps. THe peeps have to do everything for you If they are so silly and inconsistent that they can't get stuff right for themselves, just make sure they get the really important stuff done correctly. Like tending to your every whim.

  2. You are a true thinker!
    My mom makes a pitcher of cold tea every day. But when she makes that yucky coffee, she too complains when it is cold.

  3. Not much we can do with these peeps, just put up with them. They do feed us and put a roof over our heads. Peeps are very strange. We don't like tea either. Take care.

  4. Ahhhhh ~ The Joy of Tea!!!

    Basil say's get rid of the teapot, no more issues!!! MOL

    Enjoy your day :)

    Cathrine and Basil xox

  5. Hey, the more confused they get, the more likely they are to be confused if you have had dinner or not, so keep them confused :)

  6. that's peeps for you indecision is there middle name.xo Speedy

  7. People.
    You (usually) can't live with them.
    You (usually) can't live without them.
    Staring is fine, if peeps notice.
    If that doesn't work, d disproving meow might be required.

  8. Sheesh! I'm glad my human drinks coffee... and it's always hot. One less thing to be annoyed about.

  9. Peeps are difficult. We kittehz like our (the peeps) tea, cold. It's nice to have a drinkie while they have their heads turned!

  10. I think peep #2 should give the tea to peep #1 and then go make a fresh pot. Problem solved :)xx

  11. Truly, it defies comprehension, doesn't it?

  12. We've given up trying to understand the Beans. They get too mant weird ideas.

  13. Humans! Honestly Nerissa, I don't know how they have managed to survive this long. They really don't know how to take care of themselves! Tea, coffee, hot, cold. Who cares? Smart animals drink water, and occasionally cream.

  14. I'd say her first offense is drinking tea PERIOD. I'm with Sparkle, I only drink coffee...usually hot...sometimes with ice!

  15. Thank the big CAT in the sky that my huMum doesn't like tea or coffee for that matter or she would never remember to feed me - xxx's with love

  16. well, Mr Nerissa...ya can't really 'fire them'...'cuz who knows who you would end up with...I say practice a tad bit of 'toleranc' (vocab builder)...and retrain the peeps

  17. Nerissa, there is no living with peeps! Nothing is ever right!

  18. Our Mommy drinks coffee....ICED. She says tea....just ain't HER cup of tea. Whatever that means.

  19. Tell your peeps to get a Keurig machine that makes either hot or cold tea one cuppa at a time!

  20. MOL MOL Mom&DadKatt are both java-heads, with MomKatt being "THE" java-head in our household. I mean, shots of espresso at 10 PM and she STILL falls asleep on the couch 30 min. later! :) :)

    But yeah, they gripe a lot sometimes ... like you said, you just have to tune it out & distract them by rubbing on their ankles or something. I do that to MomKatt & she immediately breaks off her complaining, says, "AWWWW!" and I get LOTS of attention.


    PS - MomKatt likes tea, too. Dark ones, mostly, like Earl Grey & English Breakfast.

  21. Nerissa I totally agree with you.....peeps/humans are a confusing (and confused) lot. Being superior beings though we should just try and be tolerant of their strange long as the food and treats keep arriving regularly - well - I personally am willing to put up with some of the confusing behavior. :D

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  22. Yuk! Tea!! Yuk Yuk!! We’re with the coffee brigade on this one. Nerissa, you need serious peep counselling …. no what I meant to say is your peeps need serious counselling! Oh … whatever! My heart is with you bro >^..^<

  23. Best to just rise as regally and as stylishly as possible above your Peeps confusion, lovely Nerissa!!! :-) Take care

  24. A tea cozy? You mean those things actually have a purpose besides collecting dust in the corner?

    Anyway, isn't making things hot again the main purpose of a microwave? That's all my Human does with that thing: reheat her coffee.

    Peeps are sooooo incompetent.

  25. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all the support you gave me during Alex's last few days... It means so much to me and it meant so much to my sweet boy.

    1. You're more than welcome. I only wish things had turned out differently.

  26. Love the way the tip of your pink tongue is sticking out in the first picture. Truly eloquent.


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