Wednesday, 30 May 2012

oh, don't be like that

So I was watching television with peep #1 the other night when someone said, "Oh, don't be like that."  That's when the peep told me how she just hates that expression.

At first, I didn't really understand why anyone would hate an expression.  Hate going to the doctor?  See that.  Hate being treed by a big dog?  See that, too.  But hate an expression?  Well, that's kind of silly. They're just words, after all.

But then I thought about it some and realised, the peep was right!  Yeah it happens...  occasionally.  I thought about all the times I've heard this expression used and came to some pretty conclusive conclusions.

This is how it always goes...  Person A says to person B, "Oh, don't be like that" usually, to belittle person B's response or attitude towards something.  But person B's attitude is almost always a response to something person A said or did!  Had person A not done whatever they did in the first place, person B wouldn't feel the way he or she does.  In other words, it's not about 'not being like that' but rather, it's about 'not agreeing with me.'  Person A should really be saying, "Oh, don't disagree with me."  But, of course, that wouldn't be quite so belittling, would it?  That wouldn't really work with that condescending tone that so often accompanies the "Oh, don't be like that" phrase.

So I really think that the peep is right about hating this expression.  It's kind of a nasty one, when you think about it.  But what is she gonna do about it?  If someone says to her, "Oh, don't be like that," she can't really turn around and say to them, "Oh, don't be like that!"  I mean, that would be a little hypocritical, don't you think?  You know...  'cause of her vowing her hatred of the expression and all...

My suggestion to the peep is that she always answer those words with, "Like what?  You mean, don't disagree with you?"  That should turn some tables, I think.  At least, that's what I would do if someone said that to me.  Of course, no one ever has said that to me.  Being a cat and all, I'm usually right about stuff.  "Right on the money," they say.  People usually just know not to disagree with me.  I mean, like, I'm wrong 'bout stuff maybe once in a blue moon but what are the odds that that one thing I say is the time I'm gonna be wrong?  The odds are pretty slim there, my friend, so it's best we just keep moving right along...  At least, that's what I tell the peep.  Hehehe...

I'm also gonna suggest that the peep become more familiar with the expression I created.  You know the one...  "MOUSES!"  Not nearly enough people or kitties are using it, I'm afraid.  I don't think I've ever heard anyone use it but myself and that's just not good enough.  The two peeps with whom I live - at least - should be using it.  I mean, it's a good expression, I think.  Short, concise and to the point.  Even easy to spell.  Just sort of rolls off the tongue.  I'm really surprised it hasn't been picked up by Websters or something like that.  Hmmm...  I'll have to work on that one.

Now listen up my friends, I am vowing this, right here and right now...  I will never, ever, NOT EVER, not even in a million years, say to the peep or to anyone else...  "Oh, don't be like that."  I am hereby boycotting that expression, in support of the peep.  And in its place, I will always use, "MOUSES!"  How 'bout you?  Can I count you in?


  1. my mom said, that she hadn't looked at it that way but it IS an admonition not to think or react the way your own instinct tells you too. It's just another way to say "Agree with ME!".

  2. Oh we like that idea a lot. That is why you said Mouses in your comment to us. That is terrific. That will get some funny faces on peeps. Take care.

  3. Of course you can count me in !!
    MOUSES :)

  4. We'll have to remember to make Mum say mouses in future!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. "Mouses" it is. So much more descriptive!

  6. LOVE it! ... and the possibilities/versions are endless:
    Holy MOUSES!
    For crying out MOUSES!
    What the MOUSES!
    Go to MOUSES!
    MOUSES me.

    See? And no MOUSES were harmed in this comment.
    Given my legal woes, I felt it important to mention.
    ; ) Katie

    1. And don't forget... "she sure as mouses..."

      I'm so sorry 'bout those legal woes of yours. You are in my thoughts, Katie. Everything will turn out okay, I think. purrs

  7. Well Mommie's favorite saying when she is put out is "Snickers", but she could probably change it to "Mouses".

    1. I have to admit, "snickers" sounds pretty good, too.

  8. Oh yes,nMOUSES works fur me too!

  9. Nerissa my sweet girl you are wise beyond your years!!
    Well said! Mom and I will say mouses too! Mom told me that she cannot remember ever saying that phrase..and wonders why anyone would say it too

  10. Our expression when we are annoyed is "oh, mouse-droppings"!

  11. got your back on this one nerissa.


    emma and buster

  12. We like MOUSES! very much!! take care

  13. very interesting thought. At the beginning of the post, I thought, what a common phrase, but the more I pondered it, I realized I hadn't heard it in a long time. I'm thinking that those around me might say it to a small child, maybe to get them to be more open when they are being stubborn..

    of course now I'll probably hear it everywhere and I'll start replying "mouses" and wont that just be amusing! :)

  14. --mouses--
    sounds great to us Nerissa!!!


  15. What a philosopher you are, old chap!!! Got a bit lost roundabout person b though! I use another word, but it wouldn’t get into Websters I don’t think!!! You are as safe as mousies, though that’s for sure :)

  16. Nerissa, once again you have proven that we kitties are SO much smarter than humans are!

  17. Don't be like that.....maybe I will..........MOL!! (in reference to using Mouses!!)

    You could say "you're cool like that"....I have to say, sometimes if someone is exhibiting prejudice or something else and they are mentioning it to me, I may say "don't be like that", in that instance I see nothing wrong with it. Or...if someone is being mean to me I may say "don't be like that"....I would rather say that than kick the living you-know-what out of them...I have been known to have quite the temper, but I digress....guess I better stop "being like that!" :)

  18. Well we don't like an phrase that SILENCES someone. Especially someone's opinion and it would seem that , "Oh, don't be like that" is code for , " I don't want to hear what you have to say unless you are agreeing with me! "
    We'll say , Mouses! But we like Crazypants Cracker Jax 'cause that is what the people who say that are !! :)

    the critters in The Cottage xo

    1. Oooh.... I like "Crazypants Cracker Jax," too! purrs

  19. We know what you mean and you are right! The mom here has a number of sayings she hates, starting with "gone missing". Only newscasters use it, and just how lazy can you be! Was it stolen, lost, kidnapped? Its not quite in the same category as the saying-that-must-not-be-said that you mom dislikes.

  20. My Human 'greez. Because it's like, "No? Well, how would you like me to "be"? Like you? Like Mitt Romney? Like Cher? Justin Bieber? Who??"

    Also, I think sometimes people mean, "Don't react like that! How dare you be _____ (sad/mad/offended)" when the person should have known VERY WELL what sort of reaction he was going to elicit.

    So THERE!

  21. I wish saying 'mouses' is all it would take...sigh...peeps are just too complex...and too worried about 'blame', 'being a victim' and being 'in control'...words we animals use are things like 'for the pack'; 'take care of family'; etc...peeps in the at least the work place, don't seem to get that stuff...just sayin...and only distracted and probably went off course...but all that stuff Nerissa talks about is probably why my huMom is now retired MOL

  22. Smart kitty Nerissa! And human too!

  23. You're so right on the money about that silly expression. Of course, can't imagine anyone attempting to argue with a cat anyway! MOL You can count me in - Mouses!

  24. I love MOUSES! I started using it.
    I don't know about expressions. You actually listen????

  25. Nerissa, you are so wise!
    To those peeps who belittle others, I say "Mouses to you!"

  26. You got it. Mouses sounds good to me.

    I stopped by to thank you for your purrs and condolences on the passing of Casper. I really appreciated it. Thank you again.

  27. I love mouses - they sure are tasty.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  28. Also, what's up with "Oh snap!" The Human isn't even really sure what it means. Is it like "Oh wow"? Or more like "Oh shoot!" (or some word sort like "shoot" anyway ;-)

  29. Thanks for your sweet comment in my blog:-)
    Have a nice weekend:-)

    Pernille xxx

  30. I quite often use that phrase if someone is being unpleasant, not necessarily to me. I know what your owner means though, some phrases just get annoying if they are over used. Not a problem that cats have.

  31. Hey, I'll say "mouses," instead of "DBLT." (see, I didn't even want to type it out, I don't like it any more than you do.)

    Tom xx

  32. We're in, there are a lot better ways to express yourself besides falling into the easy habit of a snarky comment.

    Nubbin wiggles,


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.