Sunday 4 March 2012

oh, he's so gonna be in trouble now

At least, you'd think he'd be in trouble.  But oh no, not Seville.  He gets away with everything!  Hmmph!!!

Many of you know how I have two marmalade brothers...  Rushton and Seville.  They're both pretty nice guys.  I get along with them...  most of the time.  But they don't really like each other all that much.  I don't know why.  They're both marmalades.  They could start a club or something.  But no, instead they have agreed to disagree which usually means a lot of growling and an occasional hiss or spit.

The other morning, the two of them got into one of their moods.  You know...  face to face...  nose to nose...  growl to growl.  Peep #1 gently moved in between them and said her usual - and oh so fruitless - spiel, "Love one another...  you're brothers...  yada yada yada..."  We all tend to tune her out after the first few seconds.  Then, the peep bent down and tickled the tops of their heads.

Rushton, being Rushton, looked up at the peep with his wonderfully angelic face, enjoying the top 'o the head tickles.  Seville, on the other hand, stood up on his hind legs, reached out with both front paws and took a swipe at the peep.  All claws were out.  They had to be.  The peep squealed.  Aw, who am I trying to kid...  she let out a scream so loud I'm surprised they didn't hear it on the space station.  Got her hand out of the way mighty quickly, too.

Misdirected aggression...  that was what she called it.  Give me a break!  I call it bad behaviour.  But oh, no...  like I said before, that Seville gets away with everything!  I thought for sure he'd be in trouble this time.  But no, the peep even made excuses for him like, "I should have known better" and, "It was my own fault."

I took a good look at the peep's hand.  Oh, you should see it.  There are at least eight distinct gouges in the skin.  Five look like one very big paw did 'em all at once.  The other three are split between her thumb and the other side of her hand.  And one is super long...  gotta be at least a mouse's tail length.  Don't know how Seville managed that.  He's a talented scratcher.  I have to give him credit where credit is due.  The peep will recover.  She's been through this kind of thing before.  She knows the drill.

I guess with Seville, once he gets his mad on, he's gonna lash out.  The peep was foolish to volunteer him her hand.

I have to admit that I don't really get this misdirected aggression thing though.  Probably 'cause I'd never dream of scratching the peep.  Not ever!  I love my peep way too much to hurt her like that.  But don't let my good nature fool you.  Anyone else out there who dares to hurt my peep should watch their back.  I'd be on it in a second with all claws out...  if you know what I mean.  No one - and I mean no one - messes with my peep.  Except...  apparently...   for Seville.  Hmmph!


  1. Seville and my Archie look VERY similar! Sorry to hear about the cat spat, hope your mum's hand will be better soon.

  2. We're sending you mom purrs to heal her hand. They are lucky to have you, Nerissa, to commentate these events.

    Have a great Easy Like Sunday.

    pawhugs all around, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  3. Oh dear they hoomanz nevar lerns duz they? Iz duzn't see eny reezon enycat wud evar ...wats that werd? sheeth? they clawz? I pawsonally nevar duz that thing so if I show mai paw wunce, shayme on me. *softpaw* fur your mom tho an I sure you will protekt her accept frum Seville cuz its nawt hiz fawlt.

  4. That Seville is a Mama's Boy! He can do no wrong. Boy does HE have it made!

  5. Nerissa I know what you mean. My sisfur Sassy gets away with murder!

  6. Oh my ouchy! Just have an Easy instead and all will be fine!

  7. Seville best watch his p's and q's what goes around comes around...I say this from experience. You see I'm not a big fan of my human sister. WHY? (Probably because she reeks of a male feline but he gets car sick so he stays home). Well there is only room for one Diva under this roof. When she and her hubby come to visit, she invades my space, tells me she was the first Diva. I tell her to talk to the tail the face is busy. Well when they were here at Christmas. I decided enough was enough so when she passed by me I hissed at her and raised my paw. She turned around raised both her hands at me like paws and let out the most gosh awful hiss I've ever heard. Scared me to death. I had no idea two leggers could hiss.
    Hugs Madi

  8. My Pawrents is always sporting at least one scratch - from ME! If they is petting mes, and they stops, me grabs, bites and claws! If me has had enough and they don't stops, me grabs, bites and claws. It keeps them on their toes! Me will also scratch if me is waiting for my dinner and they did not put it down fast enough, if me wants something or just to keeps them in line! No misdirected aggression there, mine is always directed.

  9. Nerissa
    Wow Seville did get mad with Rushton. My brother Ping is a sweet orange boy, he doesn't try to hurt anyone, but he sprays. Believe me that doesn't make Mom happy.


  10. We hope our comment posted...or did blogger eat it?

    1. Totally the peep's fault. She had the computer turned off for, like, an entire day so, I was late 'moderating' the comments.

  11. Oh dear! Poor peep! But I always blame myself too lol

  12. Our ORNJ broffer Felix is the same way...claws first, ask forgiveness later.

  13. None of us have ever taken a swipe at my human. But if we did, she would blame herself too. I think this is a good quality for humans to have, personally.

  14. Ouchie. Our Mommy's hands is well drawn on...especially by Boomer. But HE gets away with everything too....hmm....then again, we ALL get away with everything when it comes to Mommy. Heehee.

  15. I hate to admit this Nerissa BUT I have been known to take a swipe at my peep from time to time and SHE claims it's misdirected aggression but I think it's just because I'm getting cranky in my old age. Yep - that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

    Kitty Hugs

  16. True confessions: On rare occasions, I take a good swipe at my Mom and cause the old bandaid box to make an appearance! I don't MEAN to hurt her - I'm just playing...really I am.....she doesn't get mad at me - she says I'm just cranky in my old age!! :)


  17. Ouch! I hope Seville apologized to Mom!

    Critter Alley

  18. yeah, there's somethin' about marmalades, an seville seems to haff it in spades. the only kitteh in chez pierce who efurr really damaged our mommer was orinch, too. he took a flyin' leap wif claws an' fangs extended, thinkin' he was gonna git the dawg standin' behint mommer. he din't even SEE mommer until she knocked him loose of her thigh where he was clingin' like onna tree. she dunno who was howlin' louder, her or the kitteh! seville oughtta make nice on yer mom--it wasn't her fault. it's that redhead temper!

  19. Oh noes...oh noes...these things do happen but it is so hard when they do. :-(((

  20. I am impressed. I may have a crush on this Seville. Anyone who could scratch like that … Wow! Oh yeah, the peep should've known better.

  21. Oh Dear.....^..^
    We are furry lucky owr "peepz" luv us no matter what we do to dem :)

  22. One doggie person just checking in on the catsworld. Great stories.

  23. Just checking in on the ecatsworld from the doggie world. Mighty interesting things going on.

  24. Looking for someone to accompany a rescue Peke from Ottawa to NS on a flight in the cabin. Would any of you kitty folks know of such a kind soul?
    Thanks Jean


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.