Wednesday, 22 February 2012

and I said, "whaaaaa?"

I had been hearing the peeps talk about this raffle thing they were organising for the Valley Waag Animal Shelter.  Day in, day out...  it's all they were talking about.  I was getting kind of tired hearing about it, to be honest.  I was starting to just tune them right out...  but then, I heard something of which I really did not like the sound.  It sounded really, really bad.  Evil, one might say.

Peep #1 said she was gonna raffle off a cat.  I thought to myself, "how can this be?"  The peep is gonna get rid of one of us?  She's going to let one of us go?  To someone else?  Oh, the horror!  I couldn't believe my ears.  And you know I've got those cute, adorable, very sensitive ears.  They've never failed me before.  At least, never with anything as serious as this.

I knew I heard what I heard but I just couldn't fathom it.  It didn't sound like a thing the peeps would do.  It didn't make any sense.  And yet...

I kept a low profile for a few days.  Didn't want to be the one on the chopping block.  Didn't want the peeps to choose me to be in the raffle.  It`s not that I wanted any of my brothers or sisters to go either.  I just really didn't want it to be me.  I was hoping that because I've become so famous with my blog and everything that the peeps would keep me.  I had all four paws crossed...  which is pretty difficult to do without falling down, let me tell you.

So, a couple of days later, I made an appearance in the family room.  I went over to peep #1 sitting on the couch, watching the television.  I noticed that she was working on some knitting and I thought to myself, "darn!  I've missed out on all the fun with the yarn."  And then I thought, "maybe that's for the best 'cause she might still be figuring out which one of us she's giving away."  Then I took a closer look.  She was just finishing up her little masterpiece.  And that's when I saw it.  And when I did, my heart burst with song.  With the song of pure joy...  and purrs, of course.  I purred and purred and purred.  Jumped right up onto the couch and rubbed the top of my head under the peep's chin and everything.

The peep had knitted a cat!  That's right, a knitted cat!!!  Of course, this was the cat to go into the raffle.  This was the cat they were giving away.  It wasn't going to be me or any of my family.  It was going to be this knitted cat.  All of a sudden, everything made sense.  All was right in the world once more.  My ears had not let me down...  and neither had the peeps.  Oh, glory be!

I should have known.  Really, I've got two pretty good peeps...  most of the time.  They would never have given any of us away.  That would have broken their hearts.  Yeah for the peeps!

The pattern for the knitted cat was created by this really neat designer from the UK.  Alan Dart is his name.  Apparently, knitting is his game.  And speaking of games, I really should have helped the peep play with the yarn.  She did pretty well but...  well...  you know...  I probably could have done better.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I could.


  1. That is completely adorable. My mom said she wishes she knew how to knit when she saw this! Beautifully done by your peep! xoxox

  2. OMC - that knitted kitty is ADORABLE!! (and we are glad you guys aren't being auctioned off - MOL)

  3. I love the knitted cat!! very niceee :)

  4. Wow! That's talent! What a cute, fuzzy kitty - both of them! :)

  5. Your Mum is very clever to be able to knit that kitty - ours is somewhat "unable" to knit!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Your Mom sure is talented! That's a really nice little knitted kitty! Maybe you could ask Mom to knit one just for you?

  7. We love that beautiful knitted kitty! It is certain to be a `hit` when it gets to be raffled.

  8. Now you know your Mom would never raffle one of you!!!

  9. Love the knitty kitty! Your mom is very talented. High paws!

  10. Beautiful!!!!
    Now no need to worry and your Mom is so talented.

  11. yea!!! so glad everything turned out okay.

    Have a happy day.

    pawhugs, Max

  12. ::PHEW:: We were on da edge ov owr seatz , chewing owr clawz,,,, Ohhhh soooo relieved!, dat none ov you were bein giffin away ^..^, but da Knitty Kitty iz really Cute :)
    Purrz to All you Happy Kittiez ^..^ ~ xoxoxoxo

  13. Meowza that duzn't even look like nitting! Its furry nice but most impawtantly Iz so releeeved that you iz nawt going to a noo howse! That iz da most horribuls thing evar an I knows cuz we moved an it wuz horribuls even if I duz like mai noo howse but we all iz togethers an we haz teh same Herz. *purrrs* to your own howse!

  14. OMC - That kitty is so adorable. WEll, maybe not quite as adorable as you, but it's hard to get any cuter than you are. Whew, I was getting worried there for awhile that you were going to lose your happy home.

  15. We seriously think you kitties are too cute over here to give away so we are relieved to find out it was a knitted cat, which by the way is the cutest stuffed cat we've ever seen, so your Mom did a great job. Now you can go play with the yarn!

  16. What a pawsome kitty !!!!!
    Your Mom does great work :)
    Naturally your Mom could never part with you
    or your siblings :)
    That is a great raffle gift! Good luck.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger, Treasure and JJ

  17. Dunno, I'd be jumping for joy if I had siblings and the peeps were gonna give one away. Then I'd get more attention. I mean, why would they give ME away.

  18. Wow! That knitted kitty is great!! We bet it will raise lots of $$!

  19. Hi Nerissa and thanks for stopping by our blog! We are happy to meet you. Glad you are breathing easier after the knitted kitty scare. Your mom's pretty talented!
    How many cats are you there? We read a bit of your blog to get acquainted and I count 3?
    Seville is quite the poet, by the way!

  20. I love that knitted kitty! Someone is going to be very lucky!

  21. Whew! You are all safe!!
    Mommy never really learned how to knit,so no knitty kitties here.

  22. Glad to hear that you are safe :)
    The knitted cat is VERY cute and I´m sure the person or cat who win´s it is going to be very happy !!!

  23. You really dodged a bullet, Nerissa. Thank COD.
    ..surely there must be SOME yarn left.
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

  24. OMC! I cannot believe your human made that, it is so cool!! Lucky raffle winner!!

  25. Nerissa, I would have made the same mistake, misunderstanding and all.

    But what a cute kitty. That did take a lot of work and it is adorable.
    I hope she has a lot of luck with it at the raffle. Purrfect choice and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

    Thanks fur visiting our bloggie, too!

    Tom, Mom Julie & Mittens

  26. Phew, you had me really worried as I was reading. Then I found out what cat was up for the raffle. Well done humans. Good luck with things and hope you get lots of $$$$$.

  27. Gorgeous Nerissa!! Me and Charlie say "phew! That was a close one!" LOL! But seriously - the knitted kitty is just amazing - your peeps are lovely and so talented!

    Take care

  28. Nerissa what a well written story. Whew it was a mystery but thankfully it ended happily!! Peep #1 does a very nice job of knitting kitties which by the way are the best sibs 'cause they don't eat your foodables.
    Hugs madi

  29. Wow ! your peep did a great job ! and of course she would never give you away, be sure, lol !


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