Sunday, 6 October 2024

happened again

Yup, that's right: it happened again.



I know, I know...  I know what you're thinkin'.  You're thinkin' Peepers, once again, did somethin' really super duper stupid.


Well, she probably did, on account of her doin' really stupid stuff ALL THE TIME, but I've sorta given up on keepin' track of all the stupid stuff she is prone to do.  It's just too hard.  There's just too much!

Stupid stuff she does, that is.


So for today's blog post, I'm not talkin' about any of that.

So what AM I talkin' about, you ask?

Good question!


What I am talkin' about today is what happened just the OTHER day.  The other day when Saffron was supposed to go to the vet.

You'll notice I said, SUPPOSED.  Supposed to go to the vet.

Yeah, it never happened.


'Cause about half an hour, maybe more, prior to when Peepers and Saffy Saffron Sassisfras would have to leave the house in order to get to Dr T's office in time, Peepers started lookin' around the house for Saffy.  That took all 'bout a minute.  Saffy was right there in the family room, havin' a little nap.

So EASY PEASY, it should have been.  Easy peasy, for sure.  Cat  was just lyin' there, waitin' to be grabbed and stuffed....

I mean, waitin' to be picked up and gently placed inside the carrier.




So the grabbin' part happened, all right.  But the stuffin'...

I mean, gently-placing-inside-the-carrier part, not so much.


Peepers was well-prepared, though.  Yup, she had the crate up on its end with the door hangin' wide open.  The plan was to feed Saffy into said crate, tail first, and then slam that door shut.


Well you know what they say about best-laid plans...



So there Peepers was, feedin' Saffy into the carrier, butt-end first, when all of a sudden she noticed that Saffron had his tail stuck straight out, preventin' the tail from gettin' tucked in.

And THAT'S when Peepers realised she was gonna have to readjust how she was holdin' him.  But how the mouses could she do that with only two paws?

I mean, hands.

But still, HOW?  She really needed a third arm to stick that tail of his in.

But as Peepers wasn't plannin' on growin' an extra appendage any time soon, she put Saffy on the floor to rearrange her holdin' position, and that was about when...

That was about when...

Well, that was about when Saffy used his super human cat strength to kick himself off the floor, way up into the air, in an attempt to get himself outta there.

But of course, Peepers was still holdin' on.

So that didn't quite work out.


Next thing Peepers knew, Saffy was usin' that same super human cat strength to kinda kick back at the peep, usin' her body to launch himself away and out of her arms, before skedaddlin' himself outta the room.

Peepers had to let go.

Probably on account of Saffy's super strong legs bein' attached to paws with super sharp claws.

And yes, Peepers got scratched.


It's not like it hasn't happened before.


As you can imagine, I was on the floor laughin' my tail off, watchin' Peepers' and Saffron's little comedy show.  Saffy trottin' past in one direction, with Peepers followin' behind.  Then Saffy trottin' past in another direction, again with Peepers followin' behind.  And then Saffy trottin'...

Well, you get the picture, I am sure.

Went on for at least half an hour!

Until Peepers put a stop to it, got on the phone, and called Dr. T.

So long story short, Saffron hasn't had his visit with the vet.




  1. That sounds like if was quite the battle Seville. Peepers 0 ~ Saffy 1.

  2. Saffy put on a fantastic show for you. Thanks for reporting on it.

  3. MOUSES! We're sorry getting Saffy to the vet hasn't happened yet. We hope Peepers is okay after Saffy's kicking off escape!

  4. You are lucky she didn't grab you instead to use the appointment. :)

  5. I saw the second part of tis first, so I best not spoil any of the outcome for visitors, or for Saffy for that matter.
    Maybe the peep needs to do practice runs with a plush cat, or, a willing demonstrating feline partner......
    Not that I'm offering, no sir.
    Have a wonderful week, vet visits permitting :)
    Toodle pips and purrs


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.