Sunday, 2 February 2020

I'm back!


Sort of.


If you recall, in my last blog post written way back when, I explained how I had technical problems comin' out of my wazoo.  Now I don't rightly know what a wazoo is, but I'm pretty sure that's from where my problems were comin'.


So anyway...

So anyway, ALL MY PROBS can be traced back to ol' Peepers and her total lack of technical Internet knowledge and complete and utter computer incompetency but unfortunately, it is I, Seville the Cat, who is sufferin'.

I'd say I was sufferin' in silence but you know me, silent sufferin' is simply not in my nature.

Like I said before:


The new computer is up and runnin' and I'm beginnin' to adjust to it, I guess.  Darn thing is awfully sensitive though.  I told it it was a piece of you-know-what-from-the-litterbox yesterday mornin' and as a result, it got all touchy and started cryin' and...

Wait a minute.  I don't think that's the kind of sensitivity I meant.


Anyway, a cat drops a loose whisker on this here keyboard and the next thing you know, said cat has written multiple paragraphs of nonsensical nonsense.


And I still haven't figured out how to copy and paste on account of there not bein' any right and left click thingies for my claws to grab hold of, and sometimes a kitty NEEDS to copy and paste the latest recipe for Cheddar and Nip crackers and such, you know?

Of course you do.


And then there's my book.

Duh, duh, duh, duh...

It's still on the old computer, I'm afraid.  The data transfer didn't work properly and my book, unlike the peep's stupid files, came out as gobbley-goop.


And if you think all that's bad, wait 'til you hear 'bout the next part.

Somewhere along the line, the password to our old Wifi got changed.  The peep says she didn't do it.  I know I didn't do it - I think - but try as I might, I couldn't for the nine lives of me get on-line with the new computer.

So we had to get a new modem.


Peepers managed to set that up yesterday and on the plus side, our Internet is now WAY FASTER than it was before.  Faster like in the difference between a turtle and a roadrunner, for sure.


And now today, the security services are back!  Yup, they're installed and everythin'.  I watched while the guy from the phone company remotely took control of the computer and...  Remotely...  Sounds mysterious, doesn't it?


Mysterious or not, I watched the little arrow thingy move this way and that across the screen.  I tried to catch said arrow but alas, it was as elusive as the little red dot.


So now, on a Sunday afternoon, here I am.



And HOPEFULLY by Wednesday I'll be more used to this here new computer.

'Cause boy-oh-boy do I have stuff to share.



  1. Sounds like there was a bit of weasel syndicate interference to me!
    Something in your book they don’t want to come out? Maybe Elections Canada hired them or something!?
    Glad you’re back!

  2. I'm glad you're back. I hope the computer problems work out for you soon.

  3. Well, there is progress! I'm sure you'll be up to speed... eventually.

  4. dood....we hope ya due knot haz any thing comin out de wazoo....tek knee call ore other wize !!! YEOWZZERZ ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  5. I know about the sensitivity thing crikey you only have to look t a compter the wrong way and....

    I am glad you are back and, yes, these things are a pain in the whsker but - it's great to see you back!

    * Huge Hugs *

  6. Well, after some setbacks, it looks like things just may be looking up for your writing now, Seville! Yay!

  7. Welcome back! I am sure you will get it all figured out.

  8. That new puter thing is such a pain Seville. We just got a new one and it took furever till they sent the video gizmo to get our two monitors back. Dad keeps a Chromebook as backup and we like that as our puter. We cant wait fur your book and hope the files are not flyin


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.