Sunday, 5 January 2020


Peeps; they can send a man to the moon, but ask 'em to provide reliable Internet service when the weather is iffy - like when it snows - and it's like you're asking 'em to reenact Mission Impossible or somethin'.


So I guess it's a good thing it doesn't snow on the moon.

Or does it...


So anyway...

So anyway, I've got Internet, I don't have Internet.  I've got Internet, I don't have Internet.  I've got...  Well you get the picture, I am sure.


Not only that, but the Bird TV is still on the fritz.  Yup, that's right.  Still no birdies at the new feeders.  Not since Christmas Day.



So obviously, I was gonna have to find somethin' else to keep me amused.

I was gonna play with some yarn early this mornin', but you know how that story ends.  It always ends the same.  It always ends with the peep sayin' somethin' about my needin' to stop slobberin' all over her yarn.

And truth be told, I wasn't even slobberin' all over her yarn at the time, on account of my not havin' gotten to the slobberin' part yet.  I was still at the rippin' the yarn apart with my claws stage when she went on her little rampage.


Then I thought I'd biff Rushton's tail for a bit.

Well, as you can imagine, that didn't go over too well with Rushy.


But then I remembered 'bout the peeps gettin' a puzzle for Christmas, AND I ALSO REMEMBERED, said puzzle was out on the dining room table.  Perhaps the peeps might require my puzzle-solving assistance?

Okay, so it's a different kind of puzzle solving than what I'm used to, as puzzles aren't quite the same as mysteries for which I am adept at solving, as everyone knows.

But still...

Turns out, my assistance wasn't required.

Or so they said.


'Cause truth be told, SOMEONE'S assistance is required on account of that ol' puzzle still lyin' there on the table in little piles of bits and pieces with no apparent headway bein' made.  I mean, I THINK they're supposed to piece the pieces together into one solid picture.  Isn't that correct?  CLEARLY, the peeps do not have the necessary skills or brainpower required to put that ol' puzzle together, whereas I do - you know, on account of my bein' a cat, instead of a peep  - and EVERYONE KNOWS knockin' puzzle pieces onto the floor helps get the creative juices goin' and uh...




So after my failed attempts at finding a way to amuse myself this mornin', I decided to take a well-deserved nap.  Well-deserved on account of yarn shreddin', tail biffin', and puzzle piece scatterin' being EXTREMELY tiresome work.

And they're appetite buildin' work, too.  So with a nap and a snack under my belt, it was once again time for me to find myself somethin' to do.

What to do, what to do...


The peep did some laundry the other day AND, if I remembered correctly, instead of puttin' it away like a normal peep would, she laid it out on the guest room bed.


And there's nothin' like rollin' around on clean laundry to get rid of any loose marmalade furs one might happen to have.

After that, I could perhaps continue my gravitational science experiment!  You know the one.  Do items of clothing fall to the floor at the same speed as sheets and pillow cases and stuff?  Do different items of clothing fall at different rates?  If a kitty uses extra force to knock a laundry item off the bed, does said item fall to the floor with extra speed?  Scientific stuff like that.


Yes, an afternoon spent conducting SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS on how the gravitational force of the Earth affects the speed at which items fall sounds like a very good way to amuse myself, for sure.

And if I could get myself to the moon, I could try conducting a similar experiment there.  After all, on a day such as today, it WOULD PROBABLY BE EASIER to get to the moon than find reliable Internet service 'round here.



  1. Well Severs, my Mom's still away at Grandma and Grandpa's, so that means I have very little access to the internet until she returns. I think you and I should form our own company to make sure that no kitty is ever without internet when they want to use it. Winks.

  2. That probably explains it Seville, they sent the human responsible for the internet to the moon.

  3. Wow, sure sounds like you have been so busy. Good idea knocking the puzzle pieces off the table. Bet that was great fun. You all have a great week.

  4. That stinks that your internet and bird t.v. are both on the fritz. I'm glad you were able to find something fun to do.

  5. It sounds like you really know how to keep busy on snow days!

  6. Reliable internet is a pain in the ass, which maybe why one never sees donkeys surfing the web? Anyways, maybe what you need is a new mystery story, or just a mystery? Maybe place an ad in the paper: Mystery wanted. Call Seville on XXXXXXXXX.

  7. Poor Seville. It sounds as if you have had a furry furrustrating day!

  8. Enquiring minds NEED to know!

  9. We like that experiment and will be recreating it here when the laundry comes back. Our Dad sends it out so we never get the nice warm basket of wash to leave our hairs in. If that isnt a New Year MOUSES I dont know what is my friend

  10. I must know- do clothes fall at the same speed as pillowcases and towels?

  11. Seville, I've heard on good authority that cats can time travel AND teleport themselves, so why not go on an adventure where there is internet 24/7? LOL!

  12. You are a scientific genius Seville. Really you are. Those ginger hair experiments could win you a Nobel pryze!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.