Sunday, 10 February 2019

that feelin'

You ever get that feelin' you should be apologising to someone about somethin'?

Yeah, neither do I.


Actually, that's not quite true.  I often do get the feelin' I should be apologising to someone about somethin', but the thing is, whenever I try to figure out WHY I'm feelin' that way, I can find ABSOLUTELY NO REASON, whatsoever.  I can never think of anything I've done that would warrant my apologising to anyone.


So the other day I was sittin' on the chesterfield in the family room, sandwiched between the peeps, when all of a sudden Mason appeared, wanting to sit up there with me.

Okay, so she didn't so much want to sit up there with me, as she did with the peeps, but you know, that's a to-may-to to-mah-to kinda thing.


So anyway, there I was on the chesterfield and try as I might, I could think of no way the four of us were gonna fit up there comfortably.   OH SURE, if I wasn't stretched right out to my full length so that I was occupying not only the centre cushion, but parts of the other two cushions as well, well then there might have been room for all four of us.  But the thing is, I WAS stretched right out to my full length so that I was occupying not only the centre cushion, but parts of the other two cushions as well, so OBVIOUSLY, there was no room at all.


Well the peep, bein' a peep, encouraged Mason to jump up anyway, and...

And let's just say, that wasn't the best of ideas.


So after Mason went off in a huff on account of my reachin' out a paw to gently tell her, "No, no Mason Dear, there simply isn't enough room," in the sweetest voice I could muster, the peep gave me a look.

You know, one of THOSE looks.  "You need to be nicer to your sister," said she.

And I said, "Yeah, yeah, tell it to the marines," which is kinda funny when you think about it, on account of my not knowin' any marines.

But anyway, I thought about it for a bit and wondered if maybe - just MAYBE - I should actually apologise to my sister.  And I was about to do just that when I thought better of it and decided that no, I did not need to apologise to anyone at all, for if ANYONE was needin' to apologise, it was the peeps, 'cause quite frankly, if EITHER ONE OF 'EM had gotten up off their lazy butts to go sit on the floor, there would have been plenty of room for Mason up on the couch with me.


So a little while later...

A little while later, Peep #1 decided to get up for some reason.  I think she was goin' to use the little girls' room but APPARENTLY, as I was told the other day, I am no longer allowed to blog about peeps' bathroom habits.  Not that I was technically allowed to before, but you know, I did it anyway, because...  Well...  Because I'm a cat.


So off the peep went to goodness-knows-where and that, my friends, was my opportunity to make amends for whatever I might-but-didn't-believe-I-actually-did do to my sister.  "Mason!  QUICK!  Here's your chance to get up here and stretch out on the couch!!!" I yelled.  Then, of course, I clarified that statement, letting her know she could now curl up in the spot left by the peep, but under no circumstances could it interfere with my bein' stretched right out to my full length so that I was occupying not only the centre cushion, but parts of the other two cushions as well.


So up Mason jumped - Jumped.  Hauled.  Whatever. - and before I knew it, she was curled up in the spot left by Peep #1 at the end of the couch.

And then...

Then. Returned. The peep.


"But...  I only...  What?  Ugh...."  Yup, that's exactly what the peep said, although not necessarily in that order.


The next thing I knew, Peep #1 was sittin' there ON THE FLOOR, on account of there no longer bein' room for her up on the chesterfield.

Yup, right down there on the floor.

Where she belonged.


Funny thing though, afterwards, I got that odd feeling again.  You know the one.  The one where I feel like maybe I should be aplogizin' to someone about somethin', but AS USUAL, I couldn't fathom why.



  1. Well Seville, we think you handled that quite eloquently. I have read your story to the Serenity Cats and they all gave their nod of approval for your actions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey, our Dad sits on the floor frequently cause the good spots are taken!

  3. That was nice of you to offer the warm spot where the Peep had been sitting to Mason. Just tell the Peep, "move your feet, lose your seat" .

  4. I don't think any apologies were necessary, Seville - I think it all worked out just as it should have!

  5. WellI cant see where you went wrong at all, Seville. Mrs H sits on the floor all the time if I let her. Of course sometimes I don't as it isnt too good for old biddies to get cold on the stone slabs, but it does mean she is closer to my plate of snacks if I need them.

  6. Life can be so complicated, Seville! Too bad you couldn't just take the WHOLE THING, then there would have been no dilly-dallying!

  7. I am confused! You LET your peeps sit on the chesterfield?
    There's your first mistake!

  8. this is too much. Seville, you are one very cheeky boy. Poor peep #1 should never have to sit on the floor unless it is HER choice. Are you sure you were stretched out and not just so chubby that you took up a cushion and parts of the other two? I wonder.

  9. I definitely think one of the peeps should have moved :)

  10. Don't worry, Severs, you don't need to apologize for ANYTHING. We pussycats do not apologize, 'cause we don't do ANYTHING wrong EVER. Winks.


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