Wednesday, 17 May 2017

how rude

So I was walkin' down the hallway the other day, when I kinda sensed someone lurking behind me.  Spinning 'round on my paws I exclaimed, "HOW RUDE."

The peep, bein' a peep, didn't apologize or anythin'.


Peeps, they have no sense of civility at all. Why, I have more civility in just one of my little claws, than most peeps have in their entire bodies.  MOUSES!

Of course, ol' Peepers here tried to defend her actions.

"Yeah, yeah," and I glared at the peep. "Just 'cause a cat can look at a queen, it doesn't mean you can look at me."

"Why not, you ask, oh furless one? 'CAUSE YOU'RE NOT A CAT.  MOUSES!"

Sometimes you've gotta explain the little details to the peeps.

And even then they're not likely to understand.


"What?  WHAT?  What's that you're babblin' on about now?"

"Oh.  That.  Well..."

"Well while it may be true that if peeps were to go around sniffin' other peeps...  You know...  Parts unknown, the same thing does not hold true for us cats."

"Don't complain to me, Peepers.  It's just the way of the world.  A cat's gonna do, what a cat's gonna do.  Fact is, when you live in a multi-cat household, the time is gonna come when you're gonna see some cat sniffin' some other cat's butt.  Just be thankful we don't go around sniffin' yours.  MOUSES!"

Like I said, sometimes you've gotta explain the little details to the peeps.

And you've ALWAYS gotta explain the big ones to 'em, for sure.  MOUSES!

You know, rudeness comes in all forms.  Peeps starin' at cats - thinkin' they're entitled to stare - is especially rude, but they can be rude in other ways, too.  Why just the other day...

Just the other day, Peep #1 was whippin' up some cream and she didn't even bother to ask me if I'd like a spot.  Now if that isn't rude, what is?

"What?  WHAT?  What are you babblin' on about now?"

"Look Peepers, I may BE lactose intolerant, and maybe I CAN'T have any cream, but what harm would it do for you to ask if I'd like some?  You know, to offer me a little somethin' special, so that I might politely refuse?"

Like I said, peeps, they're as rude as rude can be. MOUSES!

And speakin' of rude...

Oh.  Wait a minute.  That might have been me.  MOUSES!


Anyway, like I was sayin', peeps are as rude as all get out, but there is NOTHIN' rude about one cat sniffin' another cat's butt.

Well, sometimes...  Yeah, SOMETIMES the cat whose butt is bein' sniffed....  Well sometimes that cat might disagree.  But honestly, butt sniffin'?  It's just somethin' we cats do.  And somethin' we cats ARE GONNA CONTINUE to do, no matter what their peeps might say.

"What?  WHAT?  Peepers, are you STILL babblin' on about silly nonsensical nonsense?"

"No.  Not at all.  Not even in the least.  Do I have to explain EVERYTHIN' to you?"

You know, it's a real wonder that ol' Peepers here can get herself up and dressed in the mornings. MOUSES!

"Okay Peepers, I'll explain.  It's like this.  When a cat is walkin' about the room with his tail held high, it's on account of said cat feelin' confident.  Now if said cat should happen to hop up onto the chesterfield or somethin', and accidentally turn 'round so that his butt ends up in your face, said cat is not bein' rude at all."

"On the contrary, it's more like uh...  Ummm...  Well..."

"Well it's more like a situation of your face bein' in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Speakin' of which...  Like I said before, it's not polite to stare.  So although I'm not bein' rude if I should happen to accidentally stick my butt in your face, you are most certainly bein' VERY rude if you should happen to stare at my butt."


"It's bad enough you're always pokin' around in our litter boxes.  Do you see us pokin' around in yours?"

I'm tellin' ya, that ol' peep of mine is the VERY DEFINITION of rudeness, for sure.  MOUSES!


  1. Very good! I enjoyed reading this! 😊

    1. Hi Andy! That you? My pal from over on FB? I'm so pleased you enjoyed the post. I LOVE hearin' stuff like that. PURRS.

  2. I think there are some peeps in our neck of the woods who go around smelling each other, MOUSES!

  3. *snicker* I think others must feel that way, too...including Maggie, Grizelda, Chloe Jo, and George. Hugs.

  4. MOUSES! Will Peeps will never learn Seville?

  5. Maybe we cats should write an etiquette book for humans. It might help them.

  6. dood... we think peepz R just gel uz they canna go round smellin each otherz buttz.... ??

    frank lee tho.. now that we stop N think bout it fora breef minit.....

    uh...scratch that...

    noe, now they will bee gel uz they canna scratch like we due....

    ewe had it rite all long...peepulz R just plane rood.....peer ree ud ~~~~~♥♥

    1. They are. They really are. Peeps are rude as rude can be. MOUSES!

  7. Peep's are definitely different things to us cats mate.


  8. Good point, we are very rude to poke around in your litter boxes.

    1. Yeah. Why the mouses do you do that, anyway? purrs

  9. How rude ! We often wonder if humans know the word "polite" or "privacy". Purrs

    1. Privacy? A species that insists on takin' pictures of us while we're doin' our laundry doesn't even know the meanin' of the word. MOUSES!

  10. How rude, indeed! Sometimes you have to wonder about peeps, I guess. And yep, there's cat butt sniffin' going on over here, too. It's a cat thing!

    1. It is. Cats are gonna be cats and we're gonna sniff each other's butts, for sure. MOUSES!

  11. Oh my, you'd have thought there would be classes in these things, Butt Etiquette 101, for example...
    Purrs, ERin

    1. Hmmm... Maybe there are! Gotta sign ol' Peepers up, for sure. MOUSES!

  12. Humans! What are you going to do with them? Just put up with it, we guess, since they do provide the food and all (even if they sometimes rudely don't offer special treats). :)

    1. But they 'could' provide the food bein' a little less rude. purrs

  13. Stupid humans! They've clearly never read Butt Etiquette for Dummies!
    ps - thanks for linking up to the Showcase :)

    1. Butt Etiquette for Dummies...



  14. Our kitties would definitely agree, and don't even get them started on the rude behaviors of canines!

  15. I suppose we have to be thankful for small mercies, I mea thank goodness peep's haven't decided to supply us cats with underwear! or put those black stripes across our butts like they do to hide someones identity on TV....
    Purrs, Erin

  16. When will humans learn to mind their bees wax?

  17. Maybe you need to teach a class- "How to be a well-mannered peep." Sounds like it is needed.

    Thanks for joining the Pet Blogger Showcase!

    1. Oohhh... I could do that! I could do that, for sure! purrs

  18. Your post got me thinking. With all the discord in this world, maybe we should be sniffing about. Just sayin'. Thanks for joining our party!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.