Sunday 17 July 2016

too hot to handle

Hey Peepers!  Pass me another niptini, would you? And toss in an ice cube or two.  That last one was kinda warm. MOUSES!

Last week was SO hot...

Sounds like a good openin' for a joke or somethin', doesn't it? Thing is, I'm in no mood for jokin'.  It has been way too hot for jokin', so I'm just gonna have to let that one go.  Yup, gonna have to let it go, for sure.

Peepers, I appreciate the iced niptinis and all, but enough with the cuddling, okay?  I'm too hot to handle.  MOUSES!

Does no one out there realize I have a fur coat?  MOUSES!

You know, I almost - ALMOST - feel sorry for those two long-haired marmie brothers of mine, on account of their havin' fuller coats than I.  Of course, Anderson does have that lion cut going on, which might help with the heat, a bit, although it is startin' to grow in.  Yup, he's lookin' kinda shaggy, for sure.

Shaggy...  Hehehehee...  Remember Shaggy from that television show, Scooby Doo?  Scooby Doo's pal, Shaggy?  Well Shaggy's hair and Andy's fur are a lot more similar lookin', these days, than you might think.  MOUSES!

But back to the heat.

So last week, it was hot.  I know it wasn't nearly as hot as where some of you cats out there live, but for us Canadian kitties, it was hot.  It was SO hot...

Oh yeah, I was gonna let that one go.  MOUSES!

Truth be told, the actual temperatures probably weren't all that bad, but Ms. Humie Humidex came along and made 'em intolerable.  Humidex shumidex...  Humidecks.  Hmmm...  And speakin' of deckin', I was ready to deck someone, for sure!

Luckily for the peeps, I'm a pretty good-natured kitty and was able to refrain from deckin' anybody. The same, however, cannot be said of some of my fur-sibs.  MOUSES!

Let me put it this way.  Hmmm...  No, let me put it that way.  Mmmm...  Nope, let me put it....

Oh what the mouses.  Thing is, we had some cranky kitties at my house, and that is for sure.

Why just yesterday, Rushton went over to Tobias to give her a sniff.  Well Toby was too hot for sniffin', so she gave him a hiss.  Rushy thought he'd push his luck, and kept on sniffing, which was a mistake, 'cause the next thing we knew, Toby was on her back, hissin' and spittin'.   But Rushton was too hot to think straight so he just kept on sniffing and then Toby made a run for it, raced toward the house, and jumped through the kitchen window, with Rushton hot on her heels...  Ummm... Paws?  Whatever.  Rushy was close behind, but because of the heat, his end of the chase kinda petered out, and he sat at the back door waitin' for a peep to let him inside.  You know, to continue the chase.  Yeah, like that was gonna happen.  MOUSES!

Rushton did get inside with the help of the peeps, but there was no more chasin' to be done, so he went back outside to do some more sniffing.

Anderson has declared that it's so hot, he thinks it's Hawaii, and is takin' up hula dancing.

It's true!  Andy does this thing now where he lies flat on his back, hind legs stretched straight out, tummy totally exposed, and front paws over to one side, at the ready to hula.  Problem is, once Anderson gets himself into that position, he falls asleep and THAT, my friends, is a problem, 'cause when Peep #1 sees him like that, she kisses his tummy, and let me tell you, this last week has been WAY TOO HOT for kissin'.  MOUSES!

And then there is Tess.

Tess has been cranky as cranky can be.  That one has been growling up a storm, for sure.  Of course, we all know better than to blame the heat for Tess' crankiness.  Cranky is Tess' middle name, you see.  Yup, she was born cranky, for sure.  MOUSES!

Mason and I had a smacky-paw fest...  almost.  The intent was there but let's face it, it was too hot for smackin'.

And the peeps are bein' affected by the heat, too.  Peep #1's clothes are gettin' shorter and her hair is...  uh...  well...  hmmm....

To tell you the truth, Peep #1's hair is pretty much indescribable.  It's not shaggy like Andy's.  It's uh...  Well...  Well it's lookin' kinda frazzled and that, my friends, is puttin' it mildly.  She claims it's the humidity that does that to it, but so does stickin' your finger in an electrical socket.   MOUSES!

You know, if it weren't so darned, moused-up hot, I'd check out the electrics in the house to see if the peep and her hair blew any fuses.  MOUSES!

Then the other day on the news comin' out of Ottawa, I heard there were some peeps at one of the trainin' places for police, who were fired or suspended or somethin', on account of their walkin' around the office, naked.  Yeah, you heard that right.  NAKED.

Now truth be told, when I first heard 'bout these naked police peeps, I figured the heat was makin' me delusional or something, 'cause I've never heard of naked police peeps before.  Oh sure, I've heard of peeps in their nighties, out late at night with hair looking like it's electrified, causing someone to be inclined to call the police.  But naked police?  NEVER!

But then I heard it again and knew it was true.  I'm thinkin' that maybe they were just hot 'cause the humidex was gettin' on their nerves, too.  Humidexes can do that, you see.

Those police peeps should do what I do.  Kick back in front of a fan, sippin' on iced niptinis while gettin' a peep to comb up any loose fur.  Of course, you don't want that same peep actually handling you, 'cause when the humidex soars, you're too hot to handle, for sure.  MOUSES!


  1. Dang Seville, nake police? I'll bet it hurt when they pinned their badge on!

  2. it has been too hot here too. We have wanted to do nothing. We hope it cools down a little.

    1. So do I. A kitty needs some respite from this heat, for sure. purrs

  3. The heat makes everybuddy a little cranky. Hopefully it will cool down soon. :)

  4. Naked police! Really? It really must be HOT! It's hot here too. Our mom hates it and it makes her grumpy. At least she doesn't chase any of us around. Mom puts ice cubes in our water dishes. It helps. Have you tried that? Try to stay cool. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Really. It was on the news and everythin'. And then, just to be sure, I checked on-line and there it was. Two naked police! Well reports of 'em, anyway. There were no pictures, thank goodness. purrs

  5. It's been hot here, too, Sivvers. But people walking around naked at the office? The heat must've made them crazy, or something!

    Stay cool, friends.

    1. I know! I mean, we cats can get away with bein' nekkid on account of our fur but peeps? NEVER! purrs

  6. I hope it cools down some where you are, Seville! It gets hot here, but at least there's rarely humidity.

    1. We've got the humidity, for sure. When cats rule the world, we're gonna have to do somethin' about that. MOUSES!

  7. Oh I say, sounds like things need to cool down everywhere, especially in that Police station. Has your peep thought of a hair cut to stop the frizz and frazz look? a sort of reverse lion look maybe? purrs ERin

    1. Hmmm... Shorter her hair is, the wavier it gets at the best of times. Not quite sure what a short cut would do. Let me think about that for a mo... Hmmm.... MOUSES!

  8. Hmmm ... sounds like you've got plenty of entertainment at your house despite the heat ... cue up those Niptinis and enjoy the show, right? :)

    1. Yup, I'm about as... *hiccup!* about as... *BURP!* I'm nipped. PURRS.

  9. After all the rain we've had this "not summer in the UK" it's suddenly turned very hot!!

    1. Isn't that the way with the weather? Never a happy medium, for sure. MOUSES!

  10. Seville, quite an entertaining post!! But seriously -- especially the naked police -- way too funny!!

    It has been quite hot here as well, but truth be told, I would much rather have the heat than the cold!! I do not like to be cold. I agree that the *humidex* sucks, but I'll take the heat over the cold ANYTIME!!!

    Did you get the pic of the Bonito Flakes I posted on your facebook page??

    kitty kisses, {{{hugs}}} and head bonkies too from all of us here in the Ricciardi Clan household. . . love you!! ♥♥♥

    1. I'll see if I can package you up some of this heat. Stand by for teleportation in three... two.... one... MOUSES!

      I couldn't find the picture, Diane. I looked everywhere! Did you post it in a reply or a separate post?

      But I did Google 'em and saw a picture on-line! Freeze-dried, they said? I'm gonna send the peep to the store, tomorrow, to see what she can find. PURRS.

    2. Seville, it was a separate post, but as tired as I have been lately-- plus I was rushed for work at the time, I am beginning to think I forgot to click *post* -- oh well. . . but, yes, all you really needed to do was *Google it* and now to send your peep for some. I do keep mine in the fridge to keep them even fresher! ♥♥♥

    3. Keep in the fridge? Good plan! Especially with all this heat. purrs

  11. It's been super duper hot here too....fur coats are NOT good in the summer - you're right! Fine and dandy in winter but short of lying in a big pan of ice cubes, how do we cool off? Too bad we can't just zip these coats off to keep cool isn't it?

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I know! Thank goodness for my niptinis. *hiccup!* PURRS.

  12. Replies
    1. Me too! But you know... My bet is that in the not-so-distant future, I'll be complainin' about the cold. Complainin' about the weather is a Canadian pastime, for sure. MOUSES!

  13. WE feel for you because it's pretty hot at this end too right now. It's 34°Ã‡ today and supposed to be 37° tomorrow! But we're lucky that the downstairs in our house always stays cool on account of it's half underground.

    The Chans

  14. Oh my stars, it's been hot here, too! Mommy has to leave the air conditioner on a timer for us because it's so hot. Maybe we kitties can get together and fan each other!

    1. Oh NICE! What a lovely mum you have. Lucky. I'm stuck over here with these two peeps... purrs.

  15. thank Ceiling Cat I don't allow handling cuz we are headed for some of that "too hot for words" temps too. We will hit triple numbers soon on the Fahrenheit scale. I think that's about 32-34C?

    1. Higher than that. I'm thinkin' you'll be gettin' near the forties. MOUSES!!!

    2. Just checked, Savvy. 40C is the same as 104F. MOUSES!

  16. I am curious, does the peep leave the kitchen window open for you all the time? I would be afraid to get birds in the house. And naked police? I think we will all behave.

    1. Yup, but only durin' daylight hours. At night, it gets closed and 'planked' on account of Rushton knowin' how to open it if not planked.

      So far no birds. Nissy used to bring chippies in and Connie used to bring small snakes. Peep would rescue 'em and take 'em back outside. But now with Nissy and Connie up in Heaven, there have been no 'invited' dinner guests.

      I think the peeps might actually be more concerned 'bout naked police comin' in although, truth be told, the window is too small for a person to get through, naked or otherwise. Plus, those two naked people weren't here. They were in Ottawa, I do believe.


  17. The heat makes everyone a little quicker with the whacking paw. Hopefully it will cool off for you soon and everyone's temper will settle down.

    1. I sure do hope so. Peep #1's hair must simply not be allowed to get any frizzier! Truth be told though, I'm not sure that is even physically possible as it's about as frizzy as frizzy can be. MOUSES!

  18. Dat sounds purretty hot indeed. We fur sure know what ya' mean 'bout da shorter clothes fur da peeps tho'. Mommy just keeps sheddin' 'em here. She doesn't even thinl 'bout puttin' on any daisy dukes, she just goes without. A shirt and undies is all she runs 'round in with all this heat. But guess we can't blame her, we would shed anythin' we could too.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  19. We've had nice but not hot weather with lots and lots of rain. Today it got quite warm (27C) but our sunny room was even hotter (32C). Of course Sasha lubbed the heat....he's the short haired skinny cat.

    Hope your hots disappear soon!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. When the sun shines in, it can get REALLY hot, for sure. And out on the deck? Not fit for man nor beast. MOUSES!

  20. I hope it cools down for you soon!

    1. Me too but until it does, I'm gonna keep on downin' these niptinis. purrs

  21. It has been really hot, and it's supposed to get hotter! Up to 41C with the humidex this Friday. We are glad we have air conditioning indoors.

    Thank you so much for celebrating my 10th Birthday with me! Purrs, Dragonheart

  22. Heat can make for some foul moods, that's for sure. We've been feeling foul ourselves lately, because our weather people on the news kept telling us it would be cooling down. But did it? Nope. We sure don't call 90°F temps and roughly 100000% humidity to be a cool down.

    We sure hope it cools down for all of you soon!

    1. Yeah, sometimes those weatherpeeps just say what they think you wanna hear. MOUSES!

  23. Seville, we're experiencing the scorchio weather too this week and it's hideous, we feel your pain dude - fur coats and scorchio heat are not a good combo! MOL


    Basil & Co xox

  24. Seville! Wes been BELOW average in the heat department here this year!!! Purrhaps its time yous and mes went to Ottawa to visit the Weather Department!!!

    1. Let's make a date, Nellie! Those peeps at the Weather Department need to fix this disaster, for sure. Maybe they need our help. MOUSES!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.