Wednesday 4 November 2015

facing fear

So the peep has joined a local writer's group. Apparently, she was invited.  Invited.  The peep!  Can you believe it?  Don't they know that I, Seville the Cat, am the real writer in this here family?  MOUSES!

Anyway, Peep #1 joined this writing group and sure enough, right off the bat, she came begging - yes, BEGGING - to me for help.  Her exact words were, "Help!"  Okay, that was actually her exact word but you get my drift, I am sure.  MOUSES!

I have discovered that Peep #1 isn't used to writing stuff in her own voice.  When she writes, she writes fiction and hides behind either the plot or the characters or sometimes even both.  She never writes really serious stuff as I do and that, my friends, is why she needs my help.  As you all know, I write serious stuff all the time and when doing so, I use my own voice.

Dare I say it once more?  Sure, why not?  MOUSES!

So the scaredy-cat peep...

Hmmm...  Scaredy-PEEP is more like it.

So the scaredy-peep came running to me, begging for my assistance.  Figures.  We've been down this road before.

I, not being one to mince words simply said, "Give it here, Peepers.  I'll see what I can do."

Of course, the peep then complained, saying she simply needed help and wasn't asking me to do her homework for her to which I replied, "What do think I am?  Some kind of teacher?  MOUSES!"

Peep #1 then stomped out of my office in a huff as I called out behind her, "You'll get my bill in the mail!" although to be perfectly honest, I'll probably just paw it over to her and save myself a stamp.

So here I am, writing Peep #1's writing assignment for her.

Now Peep #1's writing assignment was about fear and/or courage.  Fear?  Courage?  Rather apropos, if you know what I mean.  Well at least the fear part is.

So let's get down to business and talk about this here thing called fear, shall we?  Let's talk about the peep's inability to write using her own voice.  Why she apparently can't do that.  Well the answer is clear.  It's all about fear.

That's right, the peep is too scared to write using her own voice.  Too scared to let other peeps see or hear what she really thinks and probably way too scared to hear any replies.  So when Peep #1 writes, she uses characters and plots to get her message across. Kind of a roundabout way of doing things if you ask me.

Now the peep would argue that I, Seville the Cat, use humour behind which to hide but quite frankly, I have to disagree.  I know there are peeps out there who do that but that kind of thing is simply not for me.  Firstly, I'm not a peep; I'm a cat.  Secondly, I use humour to entertain and not to hide.

If I were to hide behind something, I'd hide behind a piece of furniture or an appliance.  Or better yet, underneath one.  I mean, what is gonna protect me more?  A big ol' chunk of steel and wood or a little wee joke?  Seriously, think about it for a minute, would you?  Peeps can see right through jokes whereas they cannot see through carbon steel.  MOUSES!

Why just last week, my sister Constance had to visit the doctor again.  Yeah, she's been going there every week ever since she broke her leg but that's beside the point.  The thing is, Connie doesn't like going to see the doctor because - you guessed it - she's afraid.  She's scared.  It's all about fear.

But when Constance is scared, does she hide behind a joke as the peep falsely accuses me of doing?  Or does she hide behind some made-up character's voice as the peep actually does?  Of course not!  Connie is a cat and therefore, she's smart.  That's why when Connie hides, she hides behind furniture and appliances and the like.  In fact, last week Constance hid behind the chest freezer, the upright freezer, the trunks under the stairwell, underneath the living room chesterfield, behind those big old trunks a second time and even up on the ledge leading into the basement although truth be told, that last spot turned out not be a very good hiding spot at all as the peep could see her, plain as day, even if she was out of reach.  Bottom line is, forty minutes later, Connie had to go visit the doctor after all.

Now the lesson to be learned here is...  Peep #1 is way more persistent than anyone ever thought.

Scratch that.  A better lesson to be learned is that if you're going to hide, hide somewhere where you'll actually be hidden and not behind something silly like humour or someone else's voice or...

Nah, scratch that, too.  The REAL lesson to be learned here is that the best way to face fear is to do exactly that.  To simply face it.  Let me explain.

Six months ago, after my brother Nerissa's death, I was handed the reigns of this here blog, Nerissa's Life.  It was scary.  Scary as all get out.  I had never written a thing before in my life and now was expected to come up with a blog post twice a week, every week.  I didn't think I could do it at all.

But did I run?  Did I cower and hide?  Did I ask the peep to write my blog posts for me?


I sat right down at the computer and tried to figure out how to turn it on.  Yeah, that part was hard, I have to admit, but once I had tackled the whole on/off switch thingy, I started writing right away.  I wrote and I wrote and I WROTE.  I wrote as much as my little paws could handle.  And once that was done, I discovered that I, Seville the Cat, could actually write after all.  There had never been any reason to be afraid.  There had never been anything to fear.

Six months later, I will admit that every now and then, I still do get a little scared about writing. Sometimes I'll find a topic I think might be too much to handle.  Sometimes I can't find a topic at all! Yeah, that can be really scary, for sure.  But as with all fears, the best way to overcome them is to face them.  To just go ahead and do it and that is exactly what I did.

So as I sit here at my desk, I'm wondering...  Should I press print and give this here text to the peep to hand in or should I go tell the peep that to overcome her fear, she needs to face that very fear itself. She needs to write about something serious, using her own voice and she needs to do it on her own.

I'm torn.  Torn between doing the right thing and pressing delete or doing the wrong thing, handing the peep this text and earning a little nip money on the side.  Decisions, decisions...  What to do?  What to do?

Hah!  Nip money always trumps all else.

"Oh Peepers....  I have your assignment for you.  And please pay with cash.  I don't accept cheques.  MOUSES!"


Yesterday was a bittersweet day at my house.  Yesterday would have been Nissy's fourth blogoversary had my amazing brother still been with us, writing this here blog.  Yesterday was a day that should have been full of celebrations but instead, it was marked with such sadness, for we all miss Nissy so very much.  purrs


  1. Good for you for helping Peep 1 out, Sivvers. And we still miss Nissy a lot. Can't imagine how it is for your peeps. Purrs and nosekissies.

  2. Sometimes when I face fear you can see the fear on my face. Love ahd hugs from all of us on a bitter sweet Blogoversary. We miss that Nissy too.

  3. Oh goodness, that is sad about it might have been Nissy's Blogoversary. Big hugs to the Mom and all of you. Seville you did well with all that writing. Good for you. Good story. Have a great day.

    1. Yeah.. It would have been his fourth and maybe even his best, yet. purrs

  4. Happy blogiversary. I know it was hard when you were missing your star. I am so glad, Nissy's brother has been able to continue the blog.

  5. dood....furst off.....

    MOUSES.......for nissy.... that waz ♥♥♥♥♥

    thurd...connie...we hope ta cod yur legz feelin WAAAAAAAAAAY better; sew ya due knot knead ta haz feer bout goin two de place oh eeeeeeeeeevil & de next time ya see de freezer..... ya can haza look see whatz IN it, sted oh hidin bee hind it

    P} dood........we think yur doin a grate job oh followin in nissy's paw printz...nothin ta bee scared of all........

    less oh cours peepz putz.... yur foodz dish ~~~ ♥♥♥

  6. Purrs to you and your family. This is a sad blogoversary indeed. And tell your human that being scared is no excuse to avoid writing - most writers write scared at one point or another. Although my human says that the scariest part is hitting "send" - up until then, it's all a rehearsal!

    1. Writing scared... I think she has that part down pat. MOUSES!

  7. Peep #1 MUST start writing in her own voice; you my feline pals stay close to her and give her purr power. Mom L had to grab a tissue realizing this would have been Nissy's 4th Blogiversary. He and I were so close together. I miss my buddy so, so much

    1. I miss him too. Wish he was still here with us all. purrs

  8. Well Seville, Life is worth Celebrating. When Peeps pass away they sometimes have Celebration of Life get togethers instead of the other more mournful things. You have Celebrated Nissy's life by carrying on with the Blog so Hats off to you my friend,,,, keep on celebrating, you are doing an amazing job. As for your Peep #1, nip might be where it is at, but your Peep will find her writing skills, I am sure of that. Hugs and Purrs from us here at The ARC

    1. Maybe what the peep needs is a little nip herself. Interesting... purrs

  9. You are doing an amazing job Seville. We are sure Nerissa would be so proud of you. We miss him too.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. I sure do hope so. I want to make my brother proud. purrs

  10. Well, believe me, all of us miss Nissy with all our hearts so at least we're all "together" on that point Seville. But I also have to say that you're doing a FABULOUS job with the blog since Nissy left for the Bridge. Also, tell your peep good luck on the writers group - my Mom joined one once and lasted about three meetings before she realized it just wasn't "her thing"......hope your peep enjoys her group though!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  11. Happy Blogoversory. You are loved...

    Noodle and crew

  12. We are still all very sad that Nissy has gone! But Seville you are doing a terrific job, really! I don't know about the peep finding her voice! I think she just needs to open her mouth and let it all come out!! You can edit and put it in some coherent form that other peeps will understand! Nip remuneration sounds fair to me!!

    1. Open her mouth and let it all come out? That sounds like what happens when she caterwauls. Surely you're not suggesting that. MOUSES!

  13. Nissy is very missed. You are doing an excellent job though and you are a good writer. I would hire you to write papers for me if I needed to write papers. XO

  14. Nissy is so very much missed but we agree with everyone else, you are doing a wonderful job with the writing Seville. No one expected you to replace Nissy, as you are both special cats in your own individual right.

    And we are certain your human will do just fine...

    Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

    1. I'm hoping she will AFTER I stock up on the nip. purrs

  15. Sivvy, we have to say MOUSES! We miss Nissy so much too! We love you, you are doing a wonderful job being you! You make sure the Peep is paying you in primo nip or gourmet cheese!
    Marty and the Gang

    1. Cheese money! Another thing to think about, for sure. purrs

  16. Happy Blogoversary, it should still be celebrated in memory and in celebration going forward!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.