Wednesday 28 January 2015

the nissmobile!

Nerissa the Cat reportin' from Nova Scotia.  Let me remind you that you heard it here first, folks.... WE HAVE SNOW.

What's that Peepers? You say I can't tell my readers they heard 'bout Winter Storm Juno here first, 'cause Winter Storm Juno is pretty much over? But it's still snowin' out outside.  I can see the white stuff comin' down, right now.  All the schools are cancelled, too. Surely...  Really? Awww...  MOUSES!

FINE.  So peeps didn't hear 'bout Winter Storm Juno from me first and they probably all already knew that we had snow but I'm bettin' no one knew 'bout the other stuff I'm bloggin' about today and as luck would have it, it's storm-related, for sure.

First of all, let me tell you 'bout the new doggy catwalk.

All mornin' long, I've been watchin' the dogs of the neighbourhood struttin' their stuff down the catwalk, also known as the street in front of my house.  These doggies have been sportin' all sorts of winter garb.  The 2015 collection includes everythin' from dressy jackets for a night on the town to more practical, cold-weather apparel such as the lovely fleece-lined grey jacket worn by the friendly neighbourhood mutt.  A jacket that keeps the cold out while remainin' stylish is a fashion-must, this season, for sure.

Unfortunately, every fashion show has a gate-crasher or two.  A husky was seen streakin' down the catwalk in his birthday suit.  That's right, folks, we had a naked Husky wearin' nothin' but the fur God gave him.

Thankfully the peeps accompanying him were not naked, too.  MOUSES!

Also spotted on the road, this week, was a snowmobile.  That's right foks, yesterday afternoon I was witness to a snowmobile racin' down the road in front of my house.  The very same road that is also doublin' as a catwalk for the first doggy fashion show of the season.

Truth be told, I'm not sure if snowmobiles are allowed on the road.  I don't even know if they're licenced but there it was, drivin' in all its glory.  That snowmobile sped down my street not once but twice, yesterday afternoon.  Not sure what the hurry was.  Everythin' was closed.  Nothin' was goin' on.  After all, we were in the middle of blizzard 'round here.  MOUSES!

But seein' that ol' snowmobile gave me an idea...

The night before, I  had fallen asleep listenin' to the news.  I know, not a good idea for me to do.  Previously, doin' stuff like that has led to cheese-snackin' induced dreams involvin' the Royal Canadian Mouseland Police but when I fell asleep Monday night, I had not snacked upon any cheese.  There were no dreams of sugarplum mice for me.

Anywho...  as I drifted off to sleep, I was listenin' to a reporter drivin' around New York City, talkin' about how no one was allowed to be drivin' around the city.  You know, the traffic ban and whatnot.  I was a little confused on account of his drivin' around in a car durin' the traffic ban and... well..  bein' traffic.  I assumed some sort of exception had been made for the press or somethin'.  I was hopin' there had been an exception made for the press 'cause there's nothin' worse than endin' up on the wrong side of the news when you're supposed to be reportin' it.  Kind of embarrassin' to be pulled over for bein' in violation of a traffic ban while you're busy reporting 'bout there bein' a traffic ban in the first place, if you know what I mean.  MOUSES!

So the reporter drivin' around durin' the traffic ban was still weighin' heavily on my mind.  Weighin' heavily on my mind like a seventeen pound marmie brother lyin' on my favourite nip mouse and refusin' to get off it.  And then I saw the snowmobile and that's when I thought...

That's when I thought, I need one of those!

And always bein' full of good ideas, I had another thought.

And I'll call it...  the Nissmobile!!!

The Nissmobile will allow me to get out and about with my fellow cats, reportin' on the news of the day.  With a Nissmobile, I can be right there, askin' the man on the street for his opinions and thoughts on important stuff like science, education, politics and the availability and access of nip to all cats, everywhere.

And when there's a storm like this Juno character, with my Nissmobile, a little inclement weather won't stop me.  I'll be out there with all the other reporters, zippin' about the streets.  Zippin' about durin' the traffic bans while in my Nissmobile!

Once the snow and ice are all gone, I'll get the peep to attach some wheels to the Nissmobile, allowin' for four-season travel.

And the Nissmobile sure will come in handy durin' my publicity campaign to get the Prime Minister of Canada to appoint me to the Senate.  I, Nerissa the Cat, wanna be Canada's first feline Senator, for sure.

I'll be able to hop into my Nissmobile and travel to all four corners of Nova Scotia, askin' the peeps I wanna represent, what is most important to them because I, Nerissa the Cat, know and understand the importance of the Senate and the duties of Senators.  I understand that Canadian Senators represent the people from the provinces in which they reside and not the politicians who appoint them.  Oh my gosh, I even know in which province I reside.  Believe it or not, not every Senator has.  MOUSES!

So if you happen to be in Nova Scotia this year and you see a cute little sterling silver - some say platinum - tabby cat zippin' about on the streets, you can rest assured that that tabby cat is me.  Me, Nerissa the Cat. Nerissa the Cat in my Nissmobile.

Whether I'm reportin' the news or spreadin' the word 'bout my campaign for a Senate appointment, there will be one thing you can count on above all else.  I, Nerissa the Cat will be the cutest reporter/politician on the street. After all, only the cutest will be allowed to drive the Nissmobile,

And you'll hear me hollarin' far and wide...  #Niss4Senate - Tell the PM, today.  Please?


  1. dood...if we iz ever in yur town we will bee happee ta yell... vote nissy 4 senate... when we see ya... !!!! { how due we get ta wear ewe live } ??

    ♥♥♥ heerz two a wild whitefish wednesday !

    1. I'll send you the teleportation coordinates. You have a teleportation device or shall Seville and I pick you up? purrs

  2. I think that should be a done deal. As soon as your Peeps read this they need to make it so.

    Nissy, I recommend watching the PBS children's shows till noon or more. Mom calls them my baby shows. I LOVE them. Seriously.

    1. I'm gonna check out those shows, for sure. Thanks! purrs

    2. Hmm, wes pretty balmy here in Calgary. Right now its warmer than it was last MAY and or September. Less snow too! But just in time for Ground Hog Day, wes supposed to gets some snow. Does yous want to get on your egg beater with your Nessy Mobile and visits - er campaign for the Senate?

    3. I'd love to! Yup, I was thinkin' that too... The addition of eggbeaters will allow my NISSMOBILE! to teleport, for sure. purrs

  3. haha good there was no naked peeps with the naked husky. Snow sure is all around. You get quite the show, all we get is snow plows and garbage trucks.

  4. If we lived in Nova Scotia, you would have our vote for Senate and for reporting. I like the dog runway description- except for that Husky being naked. A Nissymobile would be great- make sure it has a roof.

    1. The best part is, you don't have to live in Nova Scotia to support my quest for the Senate. You can contact the Prime Minister from anywhere in the world. He has a twitter account and everythin'. purrs

  5. I dunno, all dat sounds like it are way too cold to go out in. I'll stay snuggled inside.

    1. I must admit that I have been spendin' a lot of time indoors, as of late. The white stuff is rather cold on the paws, you see. purrs

  6. We are on the other coast in Seattle and it's sunny and kinda warm????
    Noodle and crew

    1. That's what I've been hearin'! Sunny here today but warm it is not. purrs

  7. Well I think the idea of a Nissymobile sounds purrfect! Now, to find something to move that marmie brother of yours off that mousie.....

    1. If we work together and give him a shove.... MOUSES! purrs

  8. Oh I miss snowmobiles but we'll hop on nissymobile anytime. We only have about a foot of snow. MOUSES I've been in the U.S. so long I can't remember how many centimeters!

    1. 'Bout 30cm, I do believe. We're gettin' some more, this weekend. I wonder how much. purrs

  9. #Niss4Senate! Wow a Nissmobile that sounds great fun for sure, bet it would put a lot of dogs noses out kilter too! Purrs Maybe Seville could do a bit of chauffeuring for you on campaign trail? Purrs

    1. Yeah 'cause there will be no doggies drivin' the NISSMOBILE! purrs

  10. Oh I do like the sound of a need to be "close" to your general public and supporters once you get into the Senate so the Nissmobile would be the purrrfect way to get around!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. That's what I'm thinkin', too. I'll let you know once my NISSMOBILE! is here and you can come take a ride in it with me. purrs

  11. A Nissy Mobile that's what you need,brr sounds chilly at your place.....we might get a bit of the white stuff here tonight too,xx Speedy

    1. And today, the sun is shinin' and makin' it look all nice and warm but do you know what? It's cold. Very tricky that sun, for sure. purrs

  12. Mischief & Mayhem Central - Etude29 January 2015 at 12:12

    Oh, Nissy. Love the Nissmobile and that you plan to make it a convertible - though not the Human form of convertible. *giggles* Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures in the Nissmobile.

    1. But now that you mention it... Perhaps it should be the other kind of convertible, too. Hmmm... purrs

  13. Wow, that sounds like interesting stuff going on by your house for sure...that doggy catwalk, with all its happenings, snowmobiles, Nissmobiles..You got our vote for sure! #Niss4Senate
    Hope y'all are safe with all that crazy snow and weather, hope it is easing up for you now, take care everyone!

    1. We were all dug out and then do you know what happened? It snowed AGAIN! Yup, we're snowed in, once more. MOUSES! purrs

  14. Wow Nissy dat sounds like a pawsum idea. And yous know what? Yous did tell us 'bout da stowm furst. Weez not heard it called anyfin' udder than a blizzard, so there to yous peeps. MOL good luck wiff dat Nissmobile.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. And we had MORE snow today. Could you believe it? Guess winter is here to stay. purrs

  15. We're still MOLing about the streaking husky in his birthday suit. You have much better sightseeing in front of your house than we do!

    1. He streaked past my house again today. Next time, I'm gonna take pictures. purrs

  16. That is exactly the type of ride you deserve pal!

  17. A furry kind of Popemobile!

    1. Only better 'cause it will be cat-sized and I, Nerissa the Cat, will be in it. purrs

  18. Vote for NISS! Heck yea!!!
    We got dumped with snow too!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. You get more snow today? We had more All the paths the peep cleared are now.. GONE. purrs

  19. Nissy, my buddy, iffin it's a catwalk why are dogs walking on it?? That's like a misnomer or something? I like the sound of the Nissmobile, though, that sounds just the thing to run those dogs over!! just kidding MOL

    1. It sure is, my friend. Only cats should be walkin' the catwalk, for sure. purrs

  20. Yikes! Snowmobiles on the road??? That's crazy, Nissy. A Nissmobile, on the other hand, sounds purrfect!

    1. It IS crazy. I'm POSITIVE they're not supposed to be out and about with the cars. purrs

  21. That Nissymobile sounds like a great idea ! Purrs

    1. Doesn't it, though? I have just GOTTA get one, for sure. purrs

  22. Dude. You can DRIVE??? Wowsers...

    In other news, Mommy may be in your neck of the Nova Scotia next summer!

    1. Your mum is comin' to Nova Scotia? REALLY? Maybe she and my peep can get together. Will she be in Halifax? And regardin' the drivin', I'll have to get my license once I have my Nissmobile. purrs

  23. Sounds like a grreat idea with a Nissymobile !
    Over here we don't have any snow at all :)


    1. No snow? Awww... We got even more, today. MOUSES! purrs

  24. We got your back, Nissy!! Good luck with the senate race! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey Gang!

    1. Thanks, I'm gonna need it, I think. Haven't heard a peep back from that ol' Prime Minister, at all. MOUSES! purrs

  25. We also have elections here furry soon, Nissy! We are too young to vote, it seems, but we are going to be sure to make Mummy ask effury candidate that comes canvassing, what are his or her views on the all-impawtant question of "the availability and access of nip to all cats, everywhere."
    It's a good job you reminded Us of this. We aren't sure Mummy would have thought of it otherwise, even though She's a pretty decent and thoughtful Mummy, for the most part.

    1. Oh yes, that is just about the most important question of all. purrs

  26. would your Nissmobile happen to have 8 cylinders and go really fast?? Sweet!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.