Wednesday, 3 December 2014

tried and true

Hey there!  Hmmm... Probably a little too casual.  Scratch that.

How ya doin', dude?  That one is definitely too casual. Plus, I don't know if he ever goes by the name, dude.

What's up, pussy cat?  Nah, that's for cats.  Not really appropriate for him.

What to do...  What to do...

I guess this is one of those times when it's best to go with the tried and true.  It's an oldie but a goody and, I suspect, it'll be perfect for this occasion.

Dear Santa...  Yup, that's gonna work, for sure.

Dear Santa, Nissy here.  Just droppin' you a note 'cause Christmas is right around the corner.  You all ready for Christmas, Santa?  Got your lists all ready and whatnot?  Got any big plans?  Well plans other than what you'll be doin' on Christmas Eve, of course.  Flyin' around the world in one night is about as big as anyone's plans can possibly get, I suppose.  Any plans other than that? Mrs. Clause doin' the big dinner thing with turkey and whatnot?  Just you and the Mrs. or will the elves and their families be join' you, too?

Hmmm...  Perhaps I should just get down to business and give the ol' guy in red my list.  I should do that right now.

Bet you're all wonderin' what I've asked for, from Santa, this year.  Bet you're all wonderin', for sure.

I finally got my letter ready to mail and it's a good one.  Got my paws crossed that I've been a good boy.  Good enough to have at least some of my wishes answered.

First thing I asked for is nip.  I bet you saw that one comin'!  I love the nip.  Actually, my whole fur-fam loves the stuff so it makes the perfect gift, for sure.  Of course, the traditional nip mouse is always welcome under our Christmas tree.  I asked Santa to bring one for each of us along with a biff bag or two.  You know, so that we'd each have our own.  Nip mice aren't really the best things for sharin' on account of the slobber effect, you see.

I also asked Santa to bring a couple of those long fabric kickin' bag thingies with the nip.  He brought us a couple last year but, unfortunately, they need replacin'.  Someone went and peed on 'em.  It wasn't me!  Or should that be I?  Anywho...  I was not the culprit.  I'm not exactly sure who it was although I do have my suspicions.  Should have run a DNA test at the time.  Yup, should have run a test before Ol' Peepers threw out all the evidence.  MOUSES!

Next on my list to Santa is a portable DNA testing lab.  Yup, I need one of those, for sure.

Did you know that when a cat calls up the RCMP, askin' them to do a DNA test on a peed upon nip toy, they laugh at you?  Well they do.  Trust me, I know.  I figure that if I have my own lab, I won't have to ask 'em again.  And since their lab appears to be somewhat busy - too busy to run tests on peed upon nip toys - perhaps they'll wanna hire me to do some testin' for them.  It's worth a shot. Plus, I'll work for nip.  Pretty good deal, if you ask me.  Especially if one has a good supply of the nip.

My new brother, Anderson, asked specially for the third item in my letter.  I really don't think Santa can make this one happen but I promised Andy that I'd ask, anyway.  As some of you may have heard, Andy got himself neutered the other day.  He's wantin' his boy parts back.  Well that's just not gonna happen but, like I said, I promised and you know, a promise is a promise, so I added it to the list.

I felt it necessary to ask Santa to bring somethin' for the peeps, too, so I asked him to bring 'em some extra nip.  The peeps aren't really into the nip but I figure that I can take any extra stuff off their paws for 'em.  Yup, my fur-fam and I are willin' to help 'em out with any extra nip, for sure.

I know that Peep #1 would love some seed for some white-flowered plumeria on account of my ten-pin flowerpot bowlin' event not goin' over so well, last year.  Well actually, we cats all enjoyed the event, thoroughly.  The plumeria plants though...  well...  not so much.

Suffice it to say, the peep could do with some more seed for some white-flowered plumies but honestly, it's not that important.  It belongs pretty much at the bottom of my list.  Plants aren't actually required for flowerpot bowlin'.  We really just need the flowerpots.

That reminds me.  I should tack on some new flowerpots to my list for Santa.  Did you know that clay pots break when they roll around on the sun room floor and bang into one another?  Well they do.  Trust me, I know.  MOUSES!

What Peep #1 would really like for Christmas is a book about growin' nip.  I've searched the Internet, high and low, lookin' for a copy of Growin' Nip for Dummies but so far, I've had no luck.  It appears that this book has not yet been written.  If someone doesn't write it soon, I'm gonna have to do it myself.  I'm hopin' though that my lack of findin' a copy is actually due to it bein' out-of-stock or somethin'.  You know, 'cause of its high demand and all.  Believe you me, a book about growin' nip would be very much in demand, for sure.

And speakin' of books in demand.  Have you all read Herman's latest book, Finding Mya?  You all know Herman, right?  He's my best friend.  My best friend forever.  You know, my BFF.

Anywho...  Herman wrote the most amazin' book.  It's called Finding Mya, he can't live Happily Ever After without her.  I had the pleasure of readin' this book before it was ever published and, in fact, I even wrote one of those recommendation blurby thingies that appear on books.

Finding Mya is wonderful.  You're gonna laugh and you're gonna cry.  I know I did.  The story is so touching and loving.  But it has more than its fair share of suspense, too.  It's a real page turner.  Once you start, you won't stop readin' until the very end.  Yup, it's that good, for sure.

I, of course, already have a signed copy but if you're lookin' for a great gift for peeps out there who love cats, a copy of Finding Mya is perfect.  You can get a copy on Amazon, I do believe.  Hmmm..  Where did I put that link?  Let me see...  Got it! You can get your very own copy of this wonderful book, right here.... Finding Mya on Amazon.

I wonder if Santa has that link.  What if he doesn't?  I had better mention that at the end of my letter to him.  You know me, I like to be helpful.

But back to my letter to Santa.

So for this year, I asked Santa to bring my fur-fam and me some nip and a portable DNA lab.  And a book on growin' nip for the peep and maybe some white-flowered plumeria seed if he finds any lyin' around at the North Pole.  I figured that that would cover all my bases but then I remembered the most important request of all.

Well, most important, right after the nip.  I mean, I HAVE TO HAVE MY NIP.

I asked Santa to bring loving homes to all the kitties out there who don't already have one.  There are an awful lot of homeless cats in this world and the best gift anyone could ever give any of them is a warm, safe home with loving peeps.

But it really isn't a good idea to get a kitty right at Christmas time.  And whatever you do, don't put 'em in a box and wrap it up.  That works well for cartoons and stuff but NOT for real, live cats. MOUSES!

And please remember, there's so much noise and stuff goin' on in homes on Christmas Day.  All that hullabaloo is pretty scary for a kitty.  Best to introduce kitties to their new homes either before or after the holidays.  And, of course, it's never a good idea to give someone else a kitty as a gift. Peeps do that all the time and the next thing you know, those kitties end up right back at the shelter after the holidays.  So sad.  So very, very sad.

So how 'bout this?  A prettily wrapped-up box with a note inside, promising to take a special someone to a local shelter to adopt a kitty after the holidays.  Wow.  That's just about the best Christmas present anyone could ever get or give.  Well...  the best gift right after nip but you know, hard to top the nip thing.

So I'm hopin' that Santa will leave lots of notes under Christmas trees this year.  Lots of notes with promises to adopt kitties who need homes, thereby givin' those kitties, the gift of a loving home.

But if you wanna beat Santa at his own game - and you know you do - how 'bout goin' to your local shelter before Christmas?  How 'bout goin' to your local shelter today or tomorrow or sometime next week and adopting a kitty right now?  That will give the kitty plenty of time to adjust before the holidays AND that kitty will have a loving home for the holidays.  It's kind of a win-win-win situation.  You get a new, loving family member and the kitty gets a safe, loving home and you get to beat Santa at his own game.  You get to beat Santa to the punch.  You get to out-do the great Clause, himself, by givin' the very best gift of all.

Well, the very best gift right after - or possibly tied with - the nip.

Hmmm...  Beat Santa to the punch.  I wonder if there's nip in that punch.  Interestin'...  Better add another win to that win-win-win thing 'cause a bowl of nip punch is a win for all, for sure. MOUSES!


  1. Your Santa letter was well though out, Nissy. Good luck with getting ahold of one of those nip growing books!

    1. Thanks. The peep really needs one of those, for sure. purrs

    2. great Santa letter!

      Noodle and crew

    3. Thanks! Got my paws crossed for that nip. purrs

  2. Nissy that is a great great list. The best was asking for homes for all the homeless animals.
    By the way, nip is very very easy to grow and very hard to kill. Our Mom grows it. Just order some seeds and water them a little bit. Ours made it through some freezing weather but it came back.
    Have a great Wednesday.

    1. So far my first peep has TOTALLY FAILED on the nip-growin' front. Sure, she has a freesia, grown from seed, bloomin' in the sunroom right now but nip? The woman is useless. She REALLY needs that book. purrs

  3. Aaaaaw Nissy hope yous get lots of nip. Dat is a pawsum gift fur sure. And those kickers awe purretty cool too. Weez asked santa fur furever homes last year too. Hims didn't do so good at dat but hims did arrange fur a foo shelters to empty out fur da holidays and all da kitties to go into foster homes. Weez fawt dat wuz da second bestest fing to a furever home. anyways, weez'll ask santa to be sure and bwing yous and yous furmily dat nip.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Yup, foster homes ARE as good as forever homes. FOSTERIN' SAVES LIVES, for sure. purrs

  4. When you get your DNA kit...and with a letter like that you are bound to...could we please send you the scratch mat,because someone puked on it AND the scrunchy bag that tweets like a bird ans they still haven't owned up.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

    1. You bet! Once I identify the culprit who pees on the nip toys, I might just open up a DNA testin' service. Cats are gonna love that! purrs

  5. book does sound awesum....we toll de food serviss gurl ta chex it out ♥♥♥ and why did we think nip wuz gonna bee furst on yur list......AND ya noe andy iz rite...coz it DOEZ make a dood wunder...WEAR...hiz parts ther like a sekrit storage facillatee sum wear with nothin in it...but....well, ewe noe......R parts !!!


    1. Hmmm... I'll have to snoop around a bit, the next time I'm visitin' the doctor. See if I can find that storage facility. Won't be a secret much longer. purrs

  6. Santa is very clever and I'm sure he knows exactly what to do for you pal!

  7. We really think that "How ya doin', dude?" would be a great opening to a letter to Santa. It sure would get his attention!

    1. You know, I think you might just be right about that! purrs

  8. lol sounds like you really need that DNA tester, have to bring that pee culprit to justice

    1. Sure do! Hopin' Santa brings me that portable lab. purrs

  9. Nice letter to Santa, I hope you get everything on the list. Your friends book sounds good. I think you need to write the book on growing the nip.

    1. Herman's book IS good. Super good, in fact. I'm sure you would love it. purrs

  10. I'm MOLing about Anderson's request. Not gonna happen.

    1. Yeah, Santa can do a lot but that? Probably not. purrs

  11. Nip growing?? Now THAT would be FAB for you!!!
    Love your santa letter!!! Adorable!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. I know! Especially since I'm savin' up my bottle money to invest in nip futures. purrs

  12. Nissy we think that is an excellent letter you wrote to Santa and since you have been so good we bet you get lots and lots of nip. We too hope Santa leaves a lot of notes for kitties to be adopted after the holidays. We don't think Andy will get his gift so could you maybe add a second choice for him in your letter? Hugs and nose kisses to all of you! Pooh and Mumsy

    1. Yeah, Andy probably isn't gettin' his boy parts back but I'm sure there will be a nip mouse and biff bag with his name on it. It's his first Christmas here. I'm not sure that he's ever had a gift from Santa, at all! purrs

  13. Nice letter, Nissy. Santa is going to have a great time reading it, for sure. We know we did!

    Hope you get that nip, and that DNA kit sure will come in handy.


    1. I'm really hopin' for some nip, too. And I really NEED that DNA lab. Hope the big guy realizes that. purrs

  14. A brilliant letter - I do hope Santa takes care of everything on your list!

  15. Well Nissy I think you have a purrrfectly reasonable request or two on your list to Santa....definitely. Nip? Gotta have it.....DNA kit? Very useful!......Humans adopting a "Christmas kitty"? the PURRFECT gift for a home to a kitty or two at the holiday is the gift that keeps on is endless.

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. It sure is! Keeps on givin' and givin' and GIVIN'. purrs

  16. Great letter to Santa Nissy.
    Hey did you see the post over at
    Wow we got some new info on that pet for a gift idea.
    Last year we had Einstein come to us in October so had a new kitty for Christmas. What a joy he has been too. Thanks for everything my furend

    1. Three of my fur-sibs arrived for Christmas. Tess, Rushton and Seville all arrived at the door, needin' homes, sometime durin' the month of December. All in different years, of course. purrs

  17. Hey Nissy. Have you considered instead of bowling for flowerpots growing nip in said pots. Just think of it, fresh nip at your toesie tips at all times. We love your request for homes for kitties. Three of us were adopted in December but had been foster members of the household for 7 months to 2 years: Sweetie was the newest member to join our family

    1. Now if my peep could learn to grow fresh pots in the sunroom, I could learn to live with usin' up the sunpuddles, for sure. She REALLY NEEDS that book on Growin' Nip for Dummies. purrs

  18. that's a pretty good letter Nissy ,I am sure Santa will do his best,xx Speedy

    1. Hope so! Got all four of paws crossed that he does. purrs

  19. It'd be the best way to beat that Santa, if only I could adopt a kitty... :)

  20. Great letter to Santa, sweetie! We hope you get everything on the list. Especially the nip!! ;) MOL :lol: xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

    1. Oh yeah... ESPECIALLY the nip. I really NEED some more nip, for sure. purrs

  21. Pawsome letter you have wrote to Santa !
    I'm sure he will do his best !!


  22. That's a pawsome letter, and we hopes all of your wishes come true. BUT mom bean is not allowed to adopt another kitty. Says us! MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. That's what we were sayin' to the peeps but next thing I knew, I had a new brother. MOUSES! purrs

  23. I totally agree with Brian, Santa Paws knows JUST what to get you and it ain't more EGG BEATERS!! ya buddy

    1. No need to ask Santa for eggbeaters or whisks. Seville knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a weasel. purrs

  24. Once again...Nerissa, yous has totally made mes laugh!

  25. Wow Nissy, that's a great list of reminders for humans, and a pawsome letter to Santa ! Purrs

    1. Thanks, my friends. So tell me, you think Santa will bring me some nip? purrs

  26. Hmmm, we didn't know plumeria had seeds. Of course ours hardly ever flowers either. It's red we thinks, maybe pink. It's been awhile since it bloomed. And our Mom could use that Growing Nip for Dummies book too, every nip plant she buys dies.

    1. Yeah, I think they have to bloom before they get seeds or somethin'. And what is it with peeps and nip? My first peep is HOPELESS when it comes to growin' the nip. MOUSES! purrs

  27. Great idea about going to the shelter early for a kitty so it has time to adjust before all the excitement and upset. We got our letter off to Santa. Will publish it Monday, just in case the letter gets lost in transit. You know how the post office can be this time of year. :)

  28. Happy Caturday. The book sounds good and I can't believe there isn't a catnip book!

    1. I know! Peep #1 seriously needs one 'cause I really need the nip. purrs

  29. Nissy, this is a seriously dear blog. Seriously. XXOO I enjoyed every word and so did mommy.

  30. Thank you Nerissa for the extra push for loving homes for Kitties. I just rescued a bengal/savanna for my own house. She is 8 and been bounced around a lot. They are different and sound different, play different. A lot of people don't realize this, they get one as they are magnificent to look at. Anyways , her name is Leah and she is now here with us in her forever home here at The ARC. Getting along well, adjusting well. Take a few mornings to figure her out, she woke me this morning at 6 am with a very loud and long war cry. Woke me out of a dead sleep to a sound I hadn't heard for a long time, way back when Good Luck Charm (savanna cat) came to stay. He woke me in the same manner for about a week. Anyways, may lots of kitties find their forever homes this season in an appropriate manner. Hugs Nerissa from Sue and the Cats at The ARC (adoptable rescued cats)

    1. Yeah, homes for all the kitties needing 'em would be the very best gift of all. Well, that and nip, of course. And yoo-hoo! for Leah!!! Super glad to hear she has a good home now and that this one will be FOREVER. You beat Santa to the punch! Tell me, was there nip in that punch? purrs

    2. Always nip in the toys and punch and sometimes even the blankets here. Sometimes I sprinkle the floor with it too. The cats really like it that way!!!!! Neat way to get cats to drink more water too LOL, drop a small pinch in the water bowl.

    3. Nip in the water bowls? MOUSES! The peeps have never done that for us. We've been so deprived.... purrs

  31. That's an awesome letter to Santa...Clooney Claus can help you out with the nip but the DNA Lab I gotta leave to that other guy...

    1. Peep #1 says the DNA lab might not be somethin' Santa brings but I'm still hopin' for one. I really need that lab, for sure! purrs

  32. That's a great letter for Santa Paws!

    I hope you get everything that you have asked for!

  33. I couldn't refrain from commenting. Very well written!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.