Sunday 30 March 2014

gonna be a big day

Tomorrow is gonna be a big day at my house.  A really big day, for sure, and do you know why?

Tomorrow is gonna be a big day 'cause tomorrow, we're havin' a birthday. Tomorrow, my Aunties Primrose and Blossom are gonna be seventeen-years-old.  Can you believe it?  SEVENTEEN.

I don't know what the peeps have planned or anything.  Don't know if we'll be havin' a party or not but whatever we're doin', I suspect there will be nip.  Yup, you can't celebrate a seventeenth birthday without a little nip. I think it's a law or somethin'.  And if it isn't already a law, it sure should be.

Since my aunties are gonna be turnin' seventeen and all, I thought I might tell you about some of their uh...  ummm...  escapades?  Yeah...  escapades.  That's a good word for it, I should think. Let's see...

The following are true stories, told to me by my peeps.

As you probably know, my Auntie Primrose has a bit of a reputation with the local doctors.  You do remember my post entitled, "bloody Wednesday," do you not?  Truth be told, I suspect that some of the doctors arrange their vacation schedules around Prim's check-ups.  Nothin' better than bein' on another continent when Auntie Primrose is due for her vaccinations.  I also suspect that some doctors have even changed fields due to encounters with the Prim.  There was the one who went to work for the Department of Fisheries and then that other one who decided to train further in order to specialise in birds only and then that other one who just up and moved.  MOUSES!  Exactly what has my Auntie Primrose been up to?

Once, when Auntie Primrose was seein' the doctor, just for some shots I think, the nurse stood out in the hallway and said to my Peep #1, "I'll just stand out here in case she makes a lunge for me." MOUSES!  You'd think my auntie was a lion or somethin'.

This, by the way, was the very same nurse who used to make Peep #1 hold Primrose whenever anything was bein' done and once, when they needed to put her under to get a urine sample, my peep had to apply the gas 'cause the nurse was too scared of Primrose to do it. Of course, that particular nurse was also afraid of mice.  Imagine bein' afraid of a little mouse.  Talk about a scaredy-cat.  No self-respectin' cat would ever be afraid of a little mouse.  No, only peeps are afraid of mice.  MOUSES!

We don't go to that hospital anymore.

But the doctors at that hospital were super good even if a little nervous of my aunties.  There was this one time when the doctor just couldn't get close enough to give Auntie Primrose her vaccines.  He tried and tried and tried but Prim was havin' nothin' of it.  She didn't even want Ol' Peepers to hold her.  She was all over the place. Finally, the doctor suggested that, in the basement, they had a net they used to catch wild animals. Perhaps that would work?

Well, when the doctor was off in the basement lookin' for the net, Peep #1 caught Primrose and picked her up in her arms.  When the doctor returned, he found my Auntie Primrose nestled in, with her face buried in the crook of my peep's arm.  Luckily, what can't be seen, can't be feared so the doctor was able to come from behind and give Primrose her vaccinations without Primrose ever knowin' it was happenin'.

Apparently, these behavioural issues all began in their kittenhood.  My aunties all went into hospital together to be spayed.  Auntie Snowdrop was alive then so there were three of them.  All three were given a sedative before goin' under for their operations but they must have known somethin' was up 'cause when the nurse reached into the cage to bring one out and into the operating room, the other two rose up like snakes, hissing and spitting.  Do snakes spit?  Hmmm...  I've never seen a snake spit but that's what the doctor told Peep #1 the next day when she went to pick 'em up.  He also told her, he had used stitches that would melt on their own and that she needn't bring them back to have any stitches removed.  I wonder why...

You should have seen the look on that very same doctor's face when shortly afterwards, my Auntie Snowdrop was brought in 'cause she had torn a stitch climbing up the coats and jackets in the hall closet.

Although Primrose is the most feared by doctors far and wide, Auntie Blossom has had her moments.  Like that time when our new doctor made the mistake of reaching into the carrier to pull Blossom out.  Normally, this would be a perfectly reasonable thing to do but let's face it, when my aunties are involved, normality doesn't always apply.  There was hissing and there was spitting and I'm pretty sure an attempt to slash human skin was made.  That was when a nurse was brought in to help get a hold of Blossom.  A nurse wearin' those long leather gloves like you'd wear if you were wantin' to hold an eagle or somethin'.  MOUSES!

And, I believe, she pooped.  My Auntie Blossom, I mean. Not our doctor.  Not the nurse, either.  Auntie Blossom pooped right there in the carrier as the doctor and nurse with the long leather gloves were gettin' her out of it.

Yup, that's the ol' standby of my aunties when visitin' the doctor...  poopin'.  And, they tell me, it's best if it's super stinky poop, too.  The stinkier the better, they say.  My aunties swear that that's the best way to distract a doctor or two.

They've pooped in their carriers, on the exam table and once, my Auntie Primrose even pooped outside in the waiting area.  Imagine that.  She got herself into position right in the middle of the floor and...  well...  she pooped.  There was some person there, whom my peep didn't know, who thought she should inform Peep #1 that it appeared to be that Prim was gettin' ready to do her business. Ummm...  yeah...  like my peep didn't already know that.  MOUSES!

At home, my aunties are actually very well behaved.  They never hiss or spit at the peeps at home. Sometimes at the rest of us cats, sure...  but never at the peeps.

Once, Auntie Blossom did lead Peep #1 on a wild goose chase when she was up on the roof of the house, cryin', and the peep thought she was stuck under the deck and Peep #1 went crawlin' about under the deck lookin' for her and dodging spiders but that's another story for another day.

Oh, and then there's that time when Auntie Primrose really did get stuck under the deck 'cause she panics sometimes and the snow was blockin' her way out and she kind of forgot how she got in under there in the first place but that, too, is another story for another day.

Maybe I'll blog about those escapades on my aunties' next birthday, next year.  Yeah...  good plan.  Great plan. Fantastic plan, for sure.

In the meantime, please join me in wishing my Aunties Blossom and Primrose a VERY HAPPY SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY.  May their day be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip.  Lots and LOTS of the nip.


  1. Awww this is fantastic news Nissy,Happy birthday to your Aunties,xx Speedy

  2. Aunties, mom and I are totally completely impressed with your prowess and acumen! NObuddy can begin to approach your awesomeness. So happy birfday to any and all Aunties who are having one and smooches to you, Nissy.

  3. We boyz are furry impressed with the VET techniques of your aunties! We's takin' NOTES! Happy #17 to them - that's AUSPICIOUS!

  4. Happy birthday to your dangerous aunties LOL.

  5. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to Aunties Blossom and Primrose from all of us!

  6. Happy birthday to Primrose and Blossom! Wow, what a spirited pair!

  7. Happy birthday Primrose and Blossom. Here's to many years more.

  8. We sure wish your Auntie's a wonderful birthday tomorrow and good for them for making it until 17. But it sounds like they knew how to take care of themselves. They sure had that vet where they wanted him or her. So hope all of you have a great day tomorrow.

  9. Happy birthday ,oldsters! Got to love oldsters,they have great stories to tell!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxx

  10. Wow Auntie Primrose has quite the touch to have them change fields and move many Mouses. These Aunties have quite the reputation a very Happy Early Birthday to both Aunties on 17 that is very pawsome for two Grand Ladies.

  11. Awww Happy Birthday Primrose and Blossom a day early, just in case I don't get over here tomorrow. They sure have lived quite the life and managed to make it to seniorhood in spite of bad things happening.

  12. Oh Happy Birthdays for the Aunties for sure. I am sure they are known all around Canada for their veterinary visits...yep...probably the subject of many a research article...bless their little sweet hearts...purrrs, Savvy

  13. Nissy your Aunties do NOT like going to the Vet! MOL we had a good laugh or two or three at their ahhhh tails!

  14. Happy birthday to your aunties. They sound very spirited.

  15. Awwww wishing your beautiful aunties Primrose and Blossom a beautiful and wonderfully perfect day! Such fabulously feisty felines!! Take care

  16. Happy Birthday Aunties! I hope those strong fierce natures means that they will have many more birthdays. When our Angel Gracie pooped at the vet we just called it the stool sample that the vet asked us to bring.

    Thank you for commenting on my blog. To answer your question, I can't get the cats at PAWS to pose. I just take my time while I clean the shelter and take a gazillion pictures. One or two always come out OK...

  17. We wish your Aunt Primrose and Aunt Blossom a very Happy Birthday! Hehe, they sure have fun stories to share. -Whipple and Pepper

  18. Your aunties sound great!!!! Happy birthday!!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. 17 is a great milestone! Happy birthday to your aunties, who know how to make a vet trip interesting for the peeps!

  20. Aunties Primrose and Blossom, you have the best birthday ever. And here's to another one next year, next year, and many more, in health (and snarkiness when ever you visit the vet). Help keep Nerissa on his tippy toes! And the love flowing, not blood!

  21. Happy Birthday Primrose and Blossom from the Gang at The ARC. May you have a spectacular day.

  22. MOL>>>Yer Auntiez' are just like me Nerissa!! Me spitz n howlz n growlz n peez n when me iz furry angree me poopz on da exam table too!! Hard to beeleeve me iz such a wild kitteh izn't it?? Primrose n Blossom are so purrty (just like me) n dat helpz lure da Vetz n dere werkerz into a false sense of seecuritee ;) Me iz a purrfect angel at home iz just me way of lettin da Vet nose me iz da *top Kat*...
    Happy Birfday to yer Auntiz Primrose n Blossom!!! May dey have many will hab sum 'nip in dere homor tonite, okayz??
    Yer furend,, Nylablue =^,,^=

  23. Wow, 17 years of age and they've had so many adventures and scared so many vet personnel. What characters. A very happy birthday to them both!

  24. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Primrose and Blossom.
    Happy Birthday to you. Seventeen is great. Concatulations to both of you and job well done on giving all those vets your best bad behavior. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. 17 is a great age! Happy birthdays to Aunties Primrose and Blossom!

  26. Happy Birthday to your Aunties Primrose and Blossom! They sure have some interesting stories.

  27. Mommy is VERREH pleased that Kona (who is also 17) is nowhere NEAR as fabled and feared as your Aunties!

    Primrose and Blossom, have a wonderful, nip-filled birthday, and go ahead...tell those vets how you REALLY feel.

  28. Please pass on my birthday wishes to both of them. I hope they have a lovely birthday and you all get some nip!!

  29. We wish your Auntie Primrose and Auntie Blossom a very Happy 17th Birthday!!!

    Those two sounds like quite the feisty ladycats ;)

  30. HAPPY HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY to Auntie Primrose and Auntie Blossom !


  31. Happy birthday!
    Tomorrow is my birthday too!
    Must be a VERY special day...


  32. First of all, HAPPY BIRFDAY to your beautiful aunties! I think they look younger than 17. What a pawsome age! So Concatulations to Primrose and Blossom.

    Second of all -- I no mind going to vet cuz they worship hoomans are supposed to, right? But my lil sisfur, Dori, widdled in her carrier. And mom said there has been a few of my fursibs who pooped in their carriers. I must agree. The stinkier the better, cuz that always leaves a HUGE impression.

    Best wishes to your fambly from mine!

  33. Happy Birthday - quite a great day to celebrate 17! Hope it's just wonderful :-)

  34. I wish a happy birthday to your wild aunties Nissy.
    Poor vet !

  35. Happy Happy Birthday to the two Grand Dames! May they celebrate in style and have more to come!
    Marty and Mom

  36. Autnies Blossom and Primrose, You are PAWSOME! I gives you the Spitty-the-Kitty vet-behavior seal of approval. I couldn't have done it all better myself! I hope you get every kind of treat there is on your birfdays!

  37. Happy belated birthday! We love older gals and hope it was purrfect in every way.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.