Sunday, 10 November 2013

my dad, Jacob

A week ago, yesterday, I lost my dad.  My dad, Jacob.

We don't know exactly how old my dad was but think he was gettin' up there in years.  The peeps first spotted him a couple of months after I was born and he was fully grown then.  Not just barely fully grown they say.  They think he could have been five or six when he first appeared on the scene, ten and a half years ago, so that would make him at least fifteen.  Maybe sixteen.  Maybe even older.  And, of course, havin' lived out on the streets for a while, well...  that would have aged him even more.

My dad was the neatest dad, ever.  Of course, he was a cat like me.  One of the many reasons he was so great.  He wasn't feral like me, though.  My dad had been abandoned.  That made it easier for the peeps to get him inside so even though they met my dad after they first saw me, they had him inside the house before I decided to come live with 'em, too.  For as long as I've lived in this house, my dad has lived with me.  This last week has been the first time we've ever been apart for more than a few days and I miss him a lot.

But I don't want this to be a sad post.  There's enough sadness in the world these days as it is and I really don't want to add to it today.  So instead, I'm gonna tell you 'bout some of the happy and funny things about my dad.  That okay with everyone?

Let's start with how my dad was trainin' for the Olympics.  He always said he was gonna go compete in the Olympics some day but never actually made it there.  The main reason for this, I believe, is that the sport in which he wanted to compete had not yet been invented.  Hmmm...  that's not quite right.  It was invented...  invented by my dad.  Just not yet accepted as a sport with the International Olympics Committee.  MOUSES!

My dad invented the running long-high jump that occasionally, for higher scoring, included acrobatics.  He was very good at it.  He was fearless.  My dad would come runnin' into a room - any room - and race across the floor, jumping onto whatever piece of furniture stood in his way.  Usually, it was the coffee table onto which he would jump.  Never did he bother to look to see if anything was on the coffee table.  Nope.  He just ran and jumped, landin' on whatever might be there.  Whatever or whomever...  The rest of us cats soon learned not to hang out on the coffee table when my dad was in training.  One thing for him to land on a book or somethin' but quite another thing for him to land on one of us.  Hmmm...  my side smarts just thinkin' about that time when...  well...  you get my drift, I am sure.

Occasionally, my dad would do the death-defyin' double jump.  This would involve jumping onto the coffee table before taking a second massive leap, catapulting himself onto a peep on the couch.  The peeps would cheer him on when his landings were successful.  Okay, they weren't so much cheers as they were screams and cries but volume wise, they could have been cheers.  Just not really cheery in spirit, if you know what I mean.

No cat in my family has ever done the double jump twist with a successful peep landing as well as my dad, Jacob.  He would have been a gold medallist, for sure.  Next thing you know, his picture would have been on boxes of cereal and he would have been famous.  Too bad 'bout the sport not yet bein' recognised by that ol' committee.  Too bad, for sure.

We think that when my dad developed Pulled Tail Syndrome, it may have been the result of an Olympic training sports injury.  That was a scary time for all of us.  We thought we were gonna lose him, then.

One night, two or three years ago, my dad came inside dragging his hind legs behind him.  They weren't hurting him or anything but he couldn't use 'em.  He couldn't walk on them at all.  As you can imagine, this was a bit of a problem.

Seemingly without pain, my dad dragged himself into the kitchen for food and water and then back into the family room to sleep.  The peeps stayed with him all night, knowing that first thing in the morning, they would all be heading over to the hospital.  They figured my dad must have had a stroke or something and that the end was near.  They wanted to spend that last night with him, giving him lots and lots of love and attention.

First thing in the morning, the peeps took my dad to the hospital.  Well, all three doctors put their thinkin' caps on and had a massive consult and the final diagnosis was Pulled Tail Syndrome.  I had never heard of it myself and the first thing I wanted to know was just who had pulled my dad's tail.  Apparently, Pulled Tail Syndrome does not always involve the pullin' of a tail.  We now believe that my dad was trainin' for the Olympics outside on the veranda, slipped or somethin' on the railin' and fell backwards onto the concrete floor, landin' awkwardly on his tail or somethin' like that.

Anywho...  the next morning my Doctor Teresa called Peep #1 and told her, "He's one hundred percent better.  I put him down on the exam room floor and he took off across the room!"  That was my dad.  He wasn't gonna let a little ol' sports injury interfere with his trainin' schedule or anything.  Another night in the hospital and some pills and he was back up and training like nothin' had ever happened.

When my dad wasn't trainin', he could often be found snuggling up to the peeps or one of us cats.  I spent many an hour, nestled in next to him on the couch in the family room.  He spent a lot of time with my sister, Tobias, too.  Toby loves havin' someone lick the top of her head for her, probably because that's one of the most difficult spots for us cats to wash.  Usually, she pesters me to do such things but my dad was always willin' to fill in when necessary.  He treated Toby like she was one of his own kittens.  He was a lovin' dad to us all.

Well...  maybe not always.  My dad could get jealous.  I remember my dad gettin' awfully jealous over that cat named Willoughby.

Willoughby was a cat who lived a couple of streets over in our subdivision.  Officially that's where he lived but he was always over at my house, honin' in on my territory.  Eventually, we just gave up and accepted him into the fold.  The peeps did manage to convince Willoughby's parents to get him neutered but when they realised that a year later he had never been back to see the doctor for shots, the peeps gave up and took him themselves.  He was always at my house, eatin' my food and cuddling up with my peeps anyway.  As far as he was concerned, he was one of us.

My dad, however, disagreed.  One day, Willoughby was in the livin' room gettin' chin scritches from a visiting peep.  Now you have to understand, my dad had sort of staked his claim on this particular visitin' peep.  They were buddies.  Well, my dad took one look at Willoughby gettin' all that attention and he was off.  He tore through the living room, soared through the air up onto the coffee table, immediately jumped from there onto the couch landing near the visitin' peep and Willoughby and attacked Willoughby like he had never attacked anyone before.  There was blood everywhere.  A trail of blood was left as Willoughby high-tailed it out of the livin' room.  To be honest, I don't quite remember what my dad did after that.  Probably snuggled up to the visitin' peep or something.  My own personal peeps were busy tendin' to Willoughby and cleanin' up the blood.

I always wondered if that attack had been motivated purely by jealousy or if perhaps, my dad had gotten into some bad nip.  He did like his nip just like I like mine.  But I've never seen a cat react to the nip like that before and I've never seen one do so since so I'm thinkin' that maybe my dad was just jealous.  Every cat is allowed to be a little jealous now and then.

Really though, that vicious attack was quite out of character for my dad.  Normally, he was a kind and lovin' cat, always making time for the rest of his family.  He was a great dad.  He was a wonderful dad.  He was the best dad ever and I'm gonna remember him, always.


  1. Nissy, only a Dad as great as yours could father such a wonderful kitty such as yourself...Jacob sounds like one of those one-in-a-million kind of guys, and of course for you he was a one-and-only. We have a 13-tail salute for your Dad, and remember, he's still there, in you.

  2. Nissy there is a lot of sadness all around and today is one for us too, but we sure did enjoy hearing all about Jacob and your fondest memories and those great pictures. Deep purrs and onward and up, righto.

  3. I am really so sorry to hear about your Dad, such a great Mancat. Hugs from all of us.

  4. Your Dad sounds like a wonderful and smart guy Nissy. He also was very handsome and we are thrilled to know that he had all that love from you and your family. Big hugs to all of you.

  5. WOW , your dad sure was a GREAT mancat !!
    May he rest in peace ♡♥♡

  6. Aww, this is a lovely write, and at the right beginning, I didn't realise that it was Nissy's dad that I was reading about.

  7. What a beautiful post celebrating your dad's life. He sounds like an amazing guy. We know you loved him and will miss him but clearly his memory will live on in your heart. Lee and Phod

  8. Purrs to you and your family, Nerissa. I lost my dad just about a year ago, but we weren't anywhere near as close as you and your dad were. In fact, I just barely remember him now. But he was pretty awesome too.

  9. Me has a sad. :( Rest in peace, Dad Cat.

  10. What a great Dad! He may not have joined the Olympics but Willoughby made sure the training did not go to waste. ;) Did Willoughby ever came back to visit?

    1. Visit? He was practically LIVIN' at my house but then one day he mysteriously disappeared. We think the daughter of his parents came and got him when she returned home from school. purrs

    2. What a great tribute to your dad Nissa. He sounds like quite the guy. I'm especially impressed with his athletic abilities. Too bad he didn't make it to the Olympics!

  11. Sorry about your Dad Nerissa. Sounded like quite a character ;)
    We are glad you have lots of happy memories of him.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  12. Wow. I bet Dad Jacob and Mama Cat over Cult of Otis could have been great in training together. Nama Cat is still training hard at 14 years old!!! Your Dad raised you well Nissy. I never knew my Dad or Mom. Lucky you. Paw hugs

  13. Your dad was a great character Nissy. He was very handsome too.

  14. What a wonderful tribute to a good cat dad. Purrs from our fur gang to you and yours.

  15. Nissy, a post of great and gentle courage, and great pride and joy, about your Dad, you were lucky to have him around, and we are lucky to see him through your clear eyes.

  16. Nissy I'm so sorry about your Dad.....I never knew my cat Dad but yours sounded like a fine, loving and very smart guy. Someone to be very proud of. The story of "pulled tail syndrome" is amazing - he didn't let it bother him one bit did he. That kind of spirit is something that he obviously passed on to you. You handled your surgery like it was no big deal - just like he did. The Bridge is a better place for having him join the crowd up there.....and he will truly always be with you in spirit - cats like him never really "leave the room".....they stay with you and watch over you always.

    Special Hugs, Sammy

  17. We're sorry your Dad had to go OTB. It's nice that you have such great memories of him.

    The Florida Furkids

  18. What a wonderful Dad you had, he left you with some catabulous memories. We are so sorry for your loss ((((hugs))))

  19. Thank you for sharing about your Dad Jacob, Nissy. He sounds like an amazing cat. We are sorry he had to go to the Bridge, but what wonderful memories you have of him. Hugs, purrs and prayers.

  20. So sorry to hear your dad passed over the Bridge. What a wonderful and handsome kitty he was.

  21. We're sorry to hear about your dad, Nissy. But this is a great tribute to him. You're lucky you got to know him. Most of us never met our dads.

  22. We're so sorry about your dad, Nissy. What a wonderful tribute to him.

  23. So sad to read that your dad has gone to the rainbow bridge Nissy. Lovely tribute to him. He may be gone but will not be forgotten.
    Best wishes Molly

  24. Sweet Nerissa what a wonderful tribute to your wonderful dad, Jacob. We are so sorry he is not longer with you. We enjoyed reading about him and his training, and what a handsome mancat, oh, my! Hugs and nose kisses

  25. Nerissa, how terribly sad to hear that about your dad. We are sorry for your loss but what a nice way to honor him.

  26. Don't blame it on the nip, Nissy. Your dad had character and attitude! What a dude. Now that pulled tail thing sounds kind of scary. I'll have to watch Pusia a bit more closely cos she seems to be in training for something - and not doing terribly well at it! Sorry to hear that your dad finally went to the cat basket in the sky. No doubt you and your peeps will miss him... sniff sniff. Lovely post as a tribute to him. Whoever abandoned him missed out on at least 10 glorious years of his fun!

  27. Sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a great dad. Very handsome.
    Sue B

  28. nerissa....we all iz sendin R sinceeerst sympatheez two ewe...trooly; we bee veree sorree ta hear bout yur dad....him iz one awesum and handsom dad kitteh...God's speed two ewe Jacob; pleez ta look up gram paw dude N sauce; they will bee mor N happee ta show ewe round heaven N help ya sneek inta de snax bar


  29. We had a boy cat that looked just like you Dad!!!

  30. Your Dad sounds like a cat I would have been proud to know and run about with. I dont know if I could have kept up with him but I would have tried
    What a guy cat
    Purrs for that fine Memorial Nerissa

  31. Your dad was One Fine ManCat, and he even had a real ManCat Name, too--Jacob is a quality Biblical-type name any ManCat could be proud of. Ahem. (Course, my name is Spitty, so who am I to talk, right?) It sounds like your Dad had a pretty fine life and I bet he'll be waiting for you right at the front of the crowd at the Bridge someday (a l-o-n-g time from now!) XOXOXO

  32. Wow, your Dad sounds like the coolest Dad ever! Sending you Nissy and your family our gentlest purrs and our thoughts of love for your loss.

    Be Well Sweet Jacob

  33. We are so sorry to hear about your dad. You made a beautiful tribute post to him. He sounds like one pawsome dad and feline!
    Purrs and hugs,
    Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

  34. We are all so sorry to hear about your Dad, Nissy. It sounds as if he was one Cool Cat. And that was a beautiful tribute to him.

    Purrs and headbutts to comfort you and your peeps.

  35. Nerissa, I am so sorry about your Dad. How lucky you were to have him all this time and to live in the same home with him as well. I know you and your Peeps will really miss him. He will be waiting for you as all of our brofurs, sisters and mommas and daddies are. xxoo

  36. Your dad sounds like he was the coolest dad ever! Thanks for sharing him with us. Headbonks and hugs! Purrs...

  37. He sounds amazing! Sending you a hug

  38. Your dad sounds fab, sending a hug

  39. What a fine tribute. Your peeps gave him a wonderful life, and he was loved and lauded as an amazing Olympic athlete and a terrific mancat and dad. We are very sorry he is gone.

  40. Nissy, your dad sounds as if he was a great kitty, and we know you and your peeps are going to miss him bunches. We are glad your have so many terrific memories to comfort you when you are missing him the most. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  41. I never knew my Dad so what a privilege and honor it was for mew to grow up with him and learn from his wisdom. What a remarkable mancat he was- athlete, father, hunter, snuggler, an all around Renaissance mancat. I am sorry for mewz loss and send mew and mewz family purrs of love. He will always be with mew in spirit Nerissa, and one day mew will see him again where he IS getting a chance to be on the Olympic Mousie Team at the Bridge. He will be watching over mew until then, making sure his boy is all right.


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.