Sunday, 16 June 2013

the good, the bad and the odd

News...  I've got good news, I've got bad news and I've got some odd news, as well.  Where shall I begin?  Hmmm...  let's see...

The other night, I was watchin' a movie with the peeps.  It took place in Tasmania which, if you didn't already know, is an island off the coast of Australia.  The movie was kind of scary but I was gettin' chin tickles and behind-the-ear scritches so I didn't particularly care.  Eventually, I fell asleep so I'm not really sure what happened.  Probably though, some peeps got eaten by the monsters before and after some other peeps fell in love and then the few who survived were likely rescued at the last, possible moment savin' them from gettin' eaten, themselves.  That's usually how those things go.  As I said, I fell asleep so I really don't know.

Anywho...  as I was bein' lulled to sleep by the tickles and the scritches, I overheard a conversation between the two peeps.  They were discussing this place called Tasmania.  Peep #1 was pretty sure it was a state or province in Australia.  Peep #2 was positive it was near Australia but a country in its own right.  Then they started talking 'bout New Zealand.  I have no idea where New Zealand fit in, to the conversation, 'cause it certainly wasn't part of the movie.  But as you know, peeps get so easily distracted so, I suppose, it was only a matter of time before they talked 'bout something else.  Had I stayed awake any longer, their minds would probably have wandered over to Santa Clause or something like that.  One never really knows how a peep's mind works.

Oddly enough, when I woke up the next morning, I had Tasmania and New Zealand on my mind.  Those peeps must have washed my brain in my sleep or something.  Given me subliminal suggestions of some sort.  I just had to know more 'bout these two places.  So I headed on into my office and turned on my computer.  A few clicks later, I had my answers.

Turns out Peep #1 was right 'bout the whole Tasmania thing.  It's an island state that is part of the Commonwealth of Australia.  I must admit, it was a little confusing and if I was confused it's no wonder the peeps were.  The site talked about states and territories and other islands and all sorts of stuff.  I typed in, Tasmania-Australia relationship, thinkin' that would tell me the whole truth and nothin' but it.  No such luck.  Google sent me to a dating site.  So not the information for which I was looking.

That's when my my mind turned to the business 'bout New Zealand.  "Now, what were those peeps of mine wondering about?" I asked.  Oh yeah... they were wonderin' to which continent New Zealand belonged.

Now, as we all know, the business of continents has drifted into my mind on more than one occasion.  I have peeps and cats - not to mention dogs, bunnies and turtles - reading my blog from six of the seven continents.  That's right...  I have fans in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa.  I've kind of given up on gettin' any penguins to read my blog in Antarctica.  As I understand it, most penguins don't have Internet access.  Unfortunately, I have come to the realization that Antarctica will be a no-show, blog wise.  Such a pity.

Anywho...  I had to find out about this New Zealand.  A few more clicks on the computer and I had my answers.

Well...  I sort of had my answers and that, my friends, is part of the bad news.  Talk about confusion!  For every source I found, I found a different answer or at least a variation of some sort.

Turns out that New Zealand is not part of the continent of Australia.  Well, the peeps and I knew that anyway.  No news there.  Some peeps said it wasn't part of any continent at all but I found some other peeps who said that no, it is part of the submerged continent of Zealandia.  Zealandia?  That's right...  Zealandia.  I asked myself, "Is this an eighth continent and if so, why have I never heard of it before?  And is it anywhere near Atlantis?" 

And that, my friends, is the bad news.  This whole Zealandia business opens up the realm possibilities of submerged continents.  You all know how I wanted to have fans on all of the continents.  If I can't get a penguin in Antarctica to read my blog, how on earth am I gonna get anyone to read it from some continent under the ocean?  I mean...  who lives on a submerged continent?  Fish, that's who.  And fish don't have computers.  I know that for a fact.  At least that's what I heard...  Gosh, I'm never get readers on all the continents now.  Talk about bad news.  That's news of the worst possible kind, I think.

But I do have some good news.  Zealandia is only partially submerged.  New Zealand is above the ol' sea level and New Zealand has cats and peeps and...  and...  and INTERNET ACCESS!  What's more, I have friends in New Zealand.  I have good friends in New Zealand.  Friends who read my blog.  So, Zealandia might be mostly submerged but I have readers from the dry parts and am I ever so pleased about that.  That's good news for sure!

Okay...  now here comes the odd 'cause I just know you were wantin' to hear about that.

They say that this thing called Zealandia is a continental fragment that broke off Australia and then sank.  This all happened sometime between sixty and eighty-five million years ago.  Well, sixty million years ago is pretty ancient history, right?  And Peep #1 is pretty ancient.  I call her ancient all the time so it must be true.  So I find it extremely odd that she didn't know about all this breaking up and drifting and sinking and stuff.  I mean...  wasn't she there to witness it all happening?  Very, very odd.  Don't you agree?


  1. Well Nerissa, that sure was a good lesson in geography. Glad we know all that now and glad you have fans in all those places. That is very exciting. Hope you are getting better. Take care.

  2. Hehehehe I don't think peep #1 is that old....hehehe....I mean that was around the time of the dinosaurs and she's not a reptile is she?,xx Speedy

  3. Nissy, we learned some things by reading your blog today, which is not surprising, because we usually do! But just to keep you thinking, what about when all these places were part of the supercontinent Pangaea? And Antarctica was part of it and warm, or somethin'. How that THAT fit in?

    1. Hmmm... I'm pretty sure that Pangaea had no Internet access but I'll check with the peep to see if she remembers. purrs

  4. Our Mum is so old she's seen th1s place caller Zealandia!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. she knows Nissy, she just isn't talkin'...that's my opinion and I stickin' with it...heh...heh...maybe you and I outta go check out that "Zealandia/Atlantis" connection...what'cha think?

  6. Wow, Zealandia sounds pretty neat!

  7. Great informative post! We didn't know this! Hope you have a purrfectly easy Sunday. XOXO

  8. Gee Nerissa, your head must hurt listening to your peeps sometimes ;)
    It is interesting,though, about Zealandia :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  9. Thanks for teaching us about these new place. We will have to check it out. Lee and Phod

  10. We think New Zealand belongs to the continent of Middle Earth! :-) Take care

  11. I didn't know any of that Nessy, but it was way interesting!

  12. Nerissa, all this stuff about New Zealand made my head hurt! All I know is that I have some kitty friends there, and there are also evil cat-hating people there who are trying to get rid of cats from this island! That's all I care about... my friends and getting rid of the evil humans.

  13. The reasoning is somewhat sound, but we think Zealandia probably has at least a few years on your mom. Ancient is one of those words that is relative to the situation. Go give your mom some loving. She probably didn't appreciate the comparison. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  14. Wow! And mes thoughts living in Cascadia was weird...but yous and mes still lives in the same country --

  15. We didn't know any of that but our heads are spinning now!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. We loves da geography lesson and we learned a lot we knows dat hoomans brains don't work right too we gots a mommy dat is really a bird brain and dats an insult to da birds!

  17. Mouses, Nerissa!!! Are you sure you aren't still taking drugs or something? Cause really, that all sounds like you got ahold of a bad batch of 'shrooms or some off-brand hashish. Geez, Dude, you better chill or you're gonna end up in rehab and then you'll NEVER get to run around and climb trees.

  18. When Zealandia was sinking, they must have confuse it with Atlantis..or the other way around. Nerissa, Granny says it's to long ago to remember, she hardly remembered what happened last week, let alone a million years... :)

  19. Wow that is interesting Nessy and it is cool to have friends on all continents. You are quite the boffin. LOL what was the film though? Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  20. Oh Nissy isn't the internet wonderful? We can find out so much STUFF surfing around getting answers to the questions that keep us awake (or put us to sleep!) at night!! It pays to listen in on peeps conversations - we learn the most lovely stuff. I'm sure you have fans EVERYWHERE (land, sea, ocean, outer space) by now my friend. You certainly have one here in Warrenton, Virginia!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  21. Makes my head hurt just reading about it never mind thinking about it!!

  22. Nerissa, if your peep #1 was there are the time, before the continent was submerged, she might have lived there, which would mean that you do have a reader from this now-submerged continent ;-)
    Have a great week!

  23. Nerissa you have too much time on your paws :)

  24. * Peeers across the Tasman Sea to Nerissa and waves * HI Nissy, iffen you needs to visit us in New Zealand we are WET at the moment - wet wet wet (edge of some tropickle storm or something). OK so mostly we are dry here - at the moment.

    And we are a fan fan of the blog ;-)

  25. Now honestly, it is just SAD that you got my Human to googling and finding out that there are a LOT of places that aren't part of any continent--like freaking Hawaii for example! That's just crazy talk and now she's all riled up about geography. Sigh.

  26. Wow nissy. I envy you for having so much time in your paws. Momma hardly touched her ipad the whole week.

  27. Hi Nerissa. Just stopping by to say hello and hope your leg is feeling good ;-) Will you be getting to run around a little bit more pretty soon? Are you still in lock-up??

  28. Now Nissy, you have made mum's head go all bent out of shape just thinking about Zealandia!!! What worries me is why is there a place called NEW Zealand? Is there an OLD Zealand? And where is it? Love, Austin xx

  29. Nissy, I have had some catching up to do I see. xoxox


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.