Wednesday 17 April 2013

crazy peeps

The peeps went to Halifax, yesterday.  Both of them...  together.  MOUSES! 

Halifax is kind of far away, I think.  I've never been there myself but I've heard stuff.  I've heard stuff about it bein' kind of far away.  Also, I know for a fact that whenever one of my peeps goes there, they're gone for almost the entire day.  Thus, I have deduced that it really is kind of far away. 

The first few peepless hours are okay, I suppose.  I always take this opportunity to get in some power naps without anyone disturbing me, wantin' cuddles and kisses and whatnot.  But then lunchtime arrives.  Although the peeps always leave plenty of snacks and stuff, it's just not the same as bein' served your meals on a silver platter with the good china.  Not that I am, currently, served my meals on a silver platter with the good china...  but I'm workin' on that.  Could happen, eventually, if I play my cards right.  Hmmm...  I had better get myself a deck of cards, I should think.

So after some snackin' from our regular ol' dishes, I usually do a little investigative work.  No peeps means no limits.  Tops of counters, tops of dressers, kitchen table, etc...  Now, to be honest, I go all those places, anyway.  But with no peeps to give me questioning looks, I can delve a little more deeply into the mysteries of the universe.  Mysteries like...  why does peep #1 have multiple bottles of stink on her dresser?  Is not one bottle of stink, enough?  Why must she make herself smell like roses and lily-of-the-valley and who knows what else?  Also, just how many cats can climb up a pair of pants hangin' in the closet before something gives?  Or, why does plastic not break when knocked off the kitchen counter like glass and ceramic?  You know...  mysteries.

Investigative work can tire a cat out so after that's all none, it's usually time for more naps.  Also, it's about then when I start missin' all the interruptions from the peeps wantin' cuddles and kisses and whatnot.  I try to get in a good sleep and hope that, when I awake, my peeps will be home.

Well, that's just what happened yesterday.  I woke up from my late afternoon nap just as the peeps were comin' in the door.  And let me tell you...  I had some mighty grumpy peeps on my paws, for sure.  Don't know why they bother going to Halifax if it's gonna upset them so.  Makes absolutely no sense to me.

Peep #1 was the grumpiest of the two.  I understand that she had been the one doin' all the driving.  Well, I can certainly understand how a two hour car drive might make one grumpy.  Two minutes is enough to get me complaining and unfortunately, my doctors' clinic is more than two minutes away.

The first peep was complaining up a storm 'bout the crazy peeps out on the road, yesterday.  Now, believe you me, I know all about crazy peeps.  I live with a couple of them, myself!  But apparently, there are even crazier ones out there than mine.  And they become even crazier than crazy when driving their cars.  Who knew?

Coming home yesterday, ol' peepers was stuck behind a string of cars for...  for...  for practically, forever.  She said the driver way up at the front of the line would be goin' one hundred kilometres an hour for a bit, then slow down to eighty, then back up to one hundred, then down to fifty...  Everyone was tryin' to pass him and, eventually, they all did.  Even the peep.  The peep got a good look at him, then, and said he was the grumpiest lookin' man on earth.  His hands were glued to the steering wheel and there was a sneer frozen on his face.  I narrowed my eyes and tried to imagine this man, supposedly lookin' even grumpier than how my peeps were looking at that moment.  Hmmm...  I found it difficult to believe that could be possible but if it was...  scary!  Grumpy Cat, you might have some competition on your paws.  But there's more.  Once my peep #1 had passed the grumpiest man on earth, she saw that he had only one headlight.  Or, at least, only one of them worked.  I think he might have been workin' with only half a deck of cards, too.  MOUSES!

Poor peepers.  Driving into the city had taken its toll, as well.  This massive truck loaded up with a whole whack of bundles wrapped in pink stuff passed her, at some point.  A few minutes later, they came to a hill.  Well, of course, the truck driver had to slow way down on the hill and put on his flashers.  So the peep passed him.  That's reasonable, I suppose.  But then, five minutes later, the truck was passing her again.  She said she was goin' the speed limit so he must had been drivin' way too fast to catch up and pass her.  Once more, they came to another hill and buddy-in-the-truck was down to seventy.  So the peep passed him.  Only to be passed again by him, ten minutes later.  MOUSES!  All this unnecessary passing and whatnot.  I'm just glad my peeps got home, safe and sound.

I've heard 'bout all these crazy peeps out on the road, before.  I've heard about them from my peeps, of course, but I also sometimes watch Judge Judy.  Lots of information 'bout crazies to be found there, for sure.  From all I've heard, I have come to the conclusion that there are some pretty crazy peeps in the world.  Crazy, crazy, crazy...  Crazier than a squirrel makin' nut pies.  Crazier than a whole whack of squirrels makin' nut pies.  And the craziest part?  The craziest part is that, apparently, they all have licences to drive!  MOUSES!


  1. Why do the peeps put themselves through all that when they could have had a long bath and a snooze.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xcx xx

  2. There definitely are some Kerazy people out on the roads. Glad your peeps got home all right. Just give them a snuggle, then they will be in a better mood. Take care.

  3. Oh, Nissy, I know nothing of these types of things, but my humans sure do and they tell me they know what your peepses were going through. We hope you cutted them some slack for few hours.

  4. So true Nissy. Our Pops has a leg off from a Hit-N-Run Peep From the big state of Ohio. That was way before my time. He says it is not safe out there so tell the peeps to be careful!
    Glad you had a good day.
    We have to think a bit about that china thing too!

  5. That is exactly why I don't like those car rides, they are crazy scary on a good day!

  6. Yeesh! I hope whatever they went on that trip for was worth it... Hope they gave you plenty of snuggles and treats to make up for leaving you too.

  7. We sort of like when our people are away for a while--we can explore the kitchen and make sure there aren't any goodies left out. :-)

  8. Mommy had one British lady tell her how lovely our country's people were...until they got into their cars. Then they grow little horns and a forked tail. MOL!
    Well, we're mighty glad your peeps got home safe and sound.

  9. dood...we looked this up sew we noe this iz drivin distance ta halifax iz: 35,987 miles N we like turned it inta kilometerz for ewe N we got this:


    we due knot haza cloo what a kilometer iz but we due noe ya knead sum stand bye trout for de next time they go outta towne...

  10. I am glad they got home safely and mum says she so understands about the roads. Hugs GJ x

  11. My hoomins like to go outside, too. Sometimes I get to go, but usually I take naps until they come back. :) It's fun when they are home too.

  12. MOUES is right - *shudder* and what's RILLY crazy is that they CHOOSE to get INTO those awful cars. What's up with THAT?

  13. aiiee!! Nerissa, you are so right! Who let these crazy peeps have a license to drive? wait a cotton pickin' minute...they don't have to get a license to bring one of us to live with them...but they do have to get a license to go be crazy behind wheel...hmmmm...somethin' to think about ya know?...

  14. Think the least your Peeps could have done is phone you when they are away for the day Nerissa!

  15. Uh... You should try riding in the car when momma drives. Shhh... Don't tell her i said that. Tee hee... Peeps here drive like crazy, i wonder why... =)

  16. And they are all talking or texting on their cell phones. Flying anywhere sucks these days but so does driving. Glad Peep #1 and Peep #2 arrived home safely, even though they were grumpy. Hope you gave them lots of snuggles and cuddles and vice versa. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josettte

  17. Why the heck do the peeps hafta go places anyways?? They should be content to stay home with us.

  18. Peeps need to know their place. At home, taking care of their sweeties! Kits and pups.

  19. If yous had not says Halifax, mes would has thought your Peeps was on the road to Kelowna with MY Peeps! They too had the s l o w drivers and the guy in the semi who would pass on the flats and show on the hills! And then there was the "big City Drivers" who was IDIOTS from Alberta! Did your peeps has those too?
    PS Me is so happy me is a cat!

  20. Myself, I make it my policy never to get into a "car." I remember only too well what happened to me last time I did and the least of my worries was traffic, Buddy.

  21. Oh dear but maybe they should have stayed at home with you. Anyway glad they are back home now. Forgive them Nerrisa they are just human. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  22. Sometimes I think those crazy people got their drivers'licence by the Internet. They're a danger to all the peeps!

  23. I think of the two, it sounds like you had the best day even though you were alone! Let me know how the campaign to eat from the finest china turns out!

  24. Daddy hates driving too,he say's there are too many cars on the road,xx Speedy

  25. love the investigative work you did while your peeps were away. As for the driving peeps? My Mom gets upset when she has to deal with them for just 5 minutes, let alone 2 hrs! Glad your peeps are home safe and sound!

  26. Want me to come hang w/you?

    MomKatt said, this morning, on her way to work, there was a lady behind her (driving the car) who kept raising something to her mouth. When they were at a stop light, MomKatt could see ... that what she was raising was a SPOON! She was EATING something w/a spoon AND DRIVING!

    Talk about "MOUSES!" Some hoomans are REALLY stoopid. MomKatt said if she'd been a cop, she'd have pulled that woman & yanked her license! (And the spoon!)


  27. Cars take you places! That's all I'm saying!

  28. One does wonder, I suppose, why the Peeps feel the need to subject themselves to this trip to Hellifax if getting there is so irritating? I mean, *I* do not go anywhere irritating--somehow my fudz and toyz just come to me. It's like. . .magic!


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.