Sunday 17 March 2013

adventures with Nissy

Spring had arrived.  It was a whole ten degrees above zero and the sun was shining.  A soft breeze tickled my whiskers as I did my daily inspection of the garden.  The daffodils were sproutin' and the primroses were greenin' up and I could hardly wait till their blooms were bloomin' with bright colours and fillin' the air with sweet scents.  That was Wednesday.  Two days later, it snowed.  MOUSES! 

I awoke Friday morning, ready to head out into the garden but stopped dead in my tracks when I looked out the window.  All I saw was white.  On the ground, in the sky and everywhere in between.  How could this be?  Where was spring?  Had someone chased it away?

I knew I had a mystery on my paws and more importantly, I knew that that mystery needed to be solved.  I called out to peep #1.  "Peepers!  Prepare the teleportation device."

My brother Seville came running.  "Nissy, Nissy...  You promised I could tag along on your next adventure," he reminded me.  Never let it be said that I break my promises.  It was settled, Seville and I would head off in search of spring, together.

The peep was lookin' mighty sheepish as she explained how she couldn't find our teleportation device.  Apparently, it was lost.  Perhaps it had teleported itself off to some remote location, she suggested. 

"That's not how it works!" I cried in frustration.  "The device stays put," I said.  "The teleportee, teleports...  not the teleporter."  The peep shrugged and headed off.  What a peep.  MOUSES!

Seville and I exchanged glances before heading into the kitchen cupboards.  Obviously, we were gonna have to build our own teleportation device.  Bowls, an egg beater, fryin' pans...  hmmm...  what else?  Ice cubes!  I instinctively knew that ice cubes would be necessary for this adventure.  Seville boosted me up so that I could reach the freezer section of the refrigerator.  I got the door open just as a whole whack of stuff came tumbling out.  Clearly, the peep had been negligent with her keepin' of the refrigerator tidy duties.  We rescued the ice cubes and put them in one of the frying pans.  "Now...  let me think 'bout this...  anything else?" I asked.

"How 'bout a garden hose?" asked my brother.

"Really, Seville?  A garden hose?  Don't you think that's kind of silly?  Why would we need a garden hose to build a teleportation device?  But I'll tell you what we could use and that's a ladder.  But just how are a couple of cats gonna haul a big ol' ladder out of the garage.  Hmmm..."  I had my answer before I had finished askin' the question.  Seville and I would build our teleportation device inside the garage.  We hauled the necessary buildin' materials out to our new location.

A little while later, my brother and I looked up at our masterpiece.  Was it gonna work, I wondered.  It didn't look like our old teleportation device.  To be honest, it looked kind of precarious.  It looked a little on the wobbly side.  Of course, it was held together with peanut butter and sticky toffee.  "I'll head up first," I bravely said.  "Seville, you rev up the egg beater."

I began my ascent.  I was almost at the top of the device when I mistakenly put a paw in the frying pan holdin' the ice cubes but the ice cubes were no longer there.  Had they teleported?  Nope.  Turned out they had melted.  I slipped and I skidded and I tried to grab a ladder rung with my tail but that didn't work 'cause my tail lost its grip and I came tumblin' down. 

I bounced off the bottom ladder rung and Seville tried to grab me.  The velocity and power of my bounce was such that he couldn't hold me down.  No, instead he came along for the ride.  Together, we soared across the garage before landing in a potted rose bush.

I struggled to stand up on my paws but something was holding me down.  I felt dizzy and there were stars spinning 'round my head.  SUCCESS!  The teleportation device had worked!

I momentarily saw a host of golden yellow daffodils and warm rays of sunlight and a little man dressed all in green holding a calender in one hand and watering a flower bed with the other.  And the sun shining through the spray of water was creating a beautiful rainbow.  Hmmm...  imagine that.  Maybe we did need that garden hose after all, I thought.  Then everything went dark.

I opened my eyes to find Seville peering down at me.  "You okay, Nissy?  You took quite a tumble there.  Thought we cats were supposed to always land on our paws."

"Under normal circumstances, yes, we do.  But add the science of teleportation into the mix and who knows what will happen," I explained.  I stretched a hind leg and gave the root of my tail a rub.  "Are you okay, Seville?"

"Oh yes.  I landed on top of you and hardly felt a thing.  By the way, you've got a bit of rose bush stuck in your fur."

"Thanks," I muttered.  "The good news is, I saw spring.  I was there.  It's bein' held hostage by leprechauns, I think.  But it looks like they're gonna free it in a few days.  I saw a calendar with March 20th, circled.  That's this Wednesday so we won't have long to wait.  We might need to fill a pot with some gold, though.  Don't know why I think that.  I just do."

My brother and I headed back into the house.  We headed back in with a mission in mind.  We needed to find our old teleportation device.  Our new one appeared to be broken.  MOUSES!


  1. Oh Nissy, that sounds like quite a trip. Hope you aren't too sore. But nice try. Happy St. Patricks day. Have a good one.

  2. What a great adventure! We sure do hope that March 20th is not only the OFFICIAL first day of spring, but actually a WARM day too!

    Happt St Patty's Day, Nissy and Seville and everyone else.!

  3. My goodness, that really was an adventure! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

  4. What a nice journey the both of you had. I wish I could go along. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  5. What a wonderful adventure!
    ..we just love your St. Patrick's graphic!!! It's adorable!

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!
    Katie, Glogirly and Waffles 'O Too.

    1. Thanks! Herman made it for me 'cause... you know... my peep is a technologically impaired duffer. It's true! Everyone says so. purrs

  6. Wouldn't it be easier if you just stayed home and waited for spring?

  7. Squee! Your picture is cute. :)

  8. You know Nerissa you could always use a closet for traveling thats what us buns use Magic Closets and they don't disappear,great trip though,xx Speedy

  9. What an adventure! We love your St. Patrick's Day graphic, too. You kittehz need to find your teleportation device, ASAP!

  10. Oh my stars, such adventures!! But you SAW spring!! Wow, that's amazing!! We really hope these little green men let Spring go asap!! We hope you find your little pots of gold in exchange! Yay! Take care

  11. You lost us with Seville revving up the eggbeater...ha ha ha ha!!!!!

  12. What an adventure you had. Whew, it's a good thing no one got hurt. I think I need on of those teleportation devices - or wait - I have a magic tunnell, I just need to go in it and say magic words.,

  13. A wonderfur adventure. I am not sure you got to there but you sure were not here so maybe you were? Hmmm.
    Come on Spring

  14. FaRADAY: Oh my CAT! I NEEEDZ me one of those! *runs off to find teleportation paraphernalia*

  15. You had quite an adventure. Our spring comes and goes a bit, too. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  16. We sure hope Spring hurries up and gets here!

  17. What an adventure! Happy St. Patrick's Day :-)

  18. Sorry you kitties broke your new teleportation device, but it sounded like the short term use was worth it. Hope you get to enjoy spring soon. It was a high of 77 degrees here yesterday and a high of 42 degrees today. Tomorrow it's supposed to snow. SAY WHAT? Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  19. Leave the construction of teleportation devices to Professionals, Kitties. Never attempt this at home. You are very lucky no permanent damage was inflicted.

  20. If it is yous that asked about joining the FBI, Alls yous gots to do is ask! Then we submits your name to Control. They evaluates yous and Presto Yous gets your badge!

    1. Oh yes, I'm asking. I'm asking! I would LOVE to join the Feline Bureau of Investigation. Be right over...

  21. I think you need to get Dr Who to sort you out a teleport thingy!! Or maybe he already had?? mol Eggbeaters have come a long way, they now have intel inside :) That was quite a trip!

  22. I think you may need to rely on your mom on this one, boys.

  23. OMC! I wanna go on an adventure wif you guys! You sound like you haz a blast! Is spring really on its way? We had spring for 2 days and now its back to being rainy n chilly cold. No fun! I want my yard back! Haz a wonderpurr day!

  24. Could you PLEASE send the spring over here ??!!
    That sure was some adventure you had !!

  25. WOW, you sure had an adventurous day! Yesterday we had snow, ICE and high winds! One of the human sons just came home and he had to hold on to the storm door for dear life the wind was that strong...hay, that's what you need for your time machine, well, maybe not, a storm door as a portal, you might end up in OZ!

    Toy thanks you for his Birthday wishes=^Y^=

  26. That egg beater touch is ingenious! Hmm, I always thought the Leprechauns were the good guys, so much for that theory... Well, I'm very proud of you two, you gave it a really good go and we really enjoyed hearing the details!

  27. That was QUITE an adventure Nissy! I do believe those evil leprechauns continue to hold Spring in their tight little fists though - we have snow in our forecast for tonight (first day of SPRING????) AND next week as well. Sigh.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    1. Same thing here! Could you believe it? Schools closed across the province. Even the universities! THOSE LEPRECHAUNS.... MOUSES!

  28. Nerissa, granny has one Irish leprechaun in her cabinet, do you think he has the gold?
    Btw we don't have no sign of Spring either, today the wind came out of Siberia, so it was extra cold for my paws. Happy weekend :)


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.