Sunday, 6 January 2013

a is for autocatphalous

So this is 2013.  Pretty good so far, I should think.  Of course, the year is less than a week old but still, things appear to be on track. 

Everyone is busy makin' their new year resolutions and stuff.  Well, by everybody, I really mean, peeps.  Not necessarily my peeps but just peeps in general.  Peeps seem to be way more into making resolutions than cats.  It's kind of a peep thing, I think.  And I suspect some of those resolutions have already been broken.  After all, the peeps have had almost a week now in order to break 'em and you know peeps...  they break stuff all the time.

Although I haven't made any resolutions, I have set myself a challenge.  I'm gonna participate in the Personal A to Z Challenge.  What is that you ask?  Well, have a seat, put your paws up for a bit and I'll tell you all about it.

Remember...  way back in 2012...  when I was given the Blog of the Year award?  You remember, don't you?  I know it was a long time ago.  At least a couple months now.  Cats and peeps who were given this award could join a special group.  Quite exclusive, really.  Very much an honour, to be sure.  Well, in this group, I met a very nice blogger named Julie Fox and she had set up a challenge for herself and suggested others might join in.  Pretty interesting, huh?  I thought to myself...  I can do this!  So...  I am!!!

The idea of the challenge is to create a theme and to blog 'bout stuff within that theme usin' all the letters in the alphabet.  Right away I knew what theme I would use.  I would use words.  I love words.  I use 'em all the time.  And you all know how I like to make up my own words, right?  I do that all the time, too.  The peep chastises me for doin' so but I just ignore her.  Anywho...  I figure that if I make up words, cats and peeps out there will use 'em.  And if enough cats and peeps use my made-up words, eventually...  my very own words will end up in Websters or something.  What a plan!  Yes, just one more way in which we cats will take over the planet.  Hehehe...

So without any further ado...  A is for autocatphalous.

You may have heard of the word autocephalous before.  Or maybe not.  The various spell checks sure haven't.  I'm seein' red squiggles and yellow highlights all over the place here.  It's a pretty big word.  According to my three-volume Websters dictionary it means independent, self-governing and not under the jurisdiction of another...  or somethin' like that.  It has stuff to do with churches.

Well, I took one look at that word and realized that if there was anyone or anything more independent than even the most independent of independent churches, it's cats!  And we're self-governing, too.  Not to mention self-grooming.  We cats are certainly not under the jurisdiction of another anything except maybe another cat.  We're definitely not under the jurisdiction of another species.  The peeps like to think they're in charge but come on...  we all know the truth.

So we now have a new word...  autocatphalous.  And what does it mean, you may ask? 

Autocatphalous - the naturally accepted order of things, referring to cats as being the head of an entity.  Any entity...  household, business, entire world...  entity.  The naturally accepted order is that cats are on top.  In other words, the cats are in charge.  It's an adjective.

Here in my house, the state of the autocatphalous society has been recognized for quite some time.  We just didn't have a word for it until now.  Sure the peeps throw around silly little phrases like "be good" when they head out or "love one another" when there's a hissy-fit going on.  They like to say stuff like that to make themselves think they're tellin' us what to do but facts are facts.  We cats are independent by nature.  If we wanna be good, we'll be good.  If we don't, we won't.  The peeps can't tell us what to do.  That's just the autocatphalous nature of the world, I'm afraid.  It's life.  Live with it.

So there you have it...  the first of twenty-six parts to my Personal A to Z Challenge.  I'll add more posts for this challenge periodically.  Probably a couple a month.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go make up a word that starts with the letter B.  Hmmm...  B is for...


  1. hehehe a clever word suits you Nerrisa!xx Speedy

  2. And what a great word to start your A-Z challenge!! Me and Charlie and Gum-gum are tongue tied reading such a word out but they approve and I have no choice in the matter but to agree as to its potent meaning!! yay!! :-)

    Happy new year! take care

  3. Yup it is going to take us a week of Sundays to figure out how to say that word, but it is a terrific word. Especially if it means that cats rule. Good one.

  4. AutoCATphalous , I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that word and it somehow tast´s furry good in your mouth :)

  5. That's a good word, Nissy! It describes exactly what goes on in our house. Even though I'm the hooman mom, I recognize that the 5 furbabies are in charge. They do what they choose to do whenever they choose to do it. When they decide it's time to eat, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, I must drop everything and go feed otherwise complete chaos ensues. So yes, Nissy, I agree, cats rule!

  6. We love the word auto... Uh yeah... We love that word!

  7. Nerissa I would have never guessed the meaning of that word. I thought anything to do with a phalous was something else entirely. Its a good thing I got enlightened :) Good luck with the challenge I'll be back to learn more new words.

  8. You are so cute! I like your face. :)

  9. Autocatphalous is an awesome word, Nerissa - I am surprised no one came up with it before. We kitties need to be in charge of language, along with everything else.

  10. WOW, Nissy - you are so smart to think up a word like that. It must be those glasses you wear - they squeeze your head and keep all the brains circulating.

  11. We don't make resolutions because we think we're purrfect just the way we are...and how can you get better than that??

    Good luck with the challenge, Nerissa. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  12. We like that the werd has CAT in it, but the rest of it is too confusing fer us...

  13. Nerissa, dood. We're totally into that autoCat-*mumble* stuff too. Seriouslies!

  14. I think that definition is rather autobiographical, don't you? :)

  15. does that word mean I get tuna for dinner every night?

  16. Wow! You know what? You should add one more rule to your theme: no matter what letter the word starts with, it has to have the sequence c-a-t in it somewhere! (Oh wait, this is YOUR challenge. I guess if I want to make the rules I should have my own challenge. But I'm lazy--it's one a them conundrums, isn't it??)


  17. What a great thing to does Nerisssa! A-Z! Now that is something mes could gets into

  18. Hey Nissy....that's a GREAT challenge and a wonderful first word. If anyone is UP for that kind of challenge it's my favorite "wordmaster" Nerissa! Looking forward to "B" already - and I know it'll be a goodie.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  19. Can tomorrow's word be shorter please - you should see typist struggling to say it!! BOL

  20. Auto..what? I have to take more lessons to pronounce that word :D

  21. Hmm. I'm struggling with how to apply this to my own sitchuation. In my house there is one Human and one cat. Are we both autocatphalous or is that personifying the Human as a cat (I guess that would be Felinifying). I think I'll take a nap now and think about it tomorrow.

  22. I can think of a few words that already begin with "B" Nissy, but perhaps I will not repeat them with polite company. MOL I also have been know to make up words, but I think you have more expertise in this department than me. I may take up this challange myself. I have been rather neglecting my blog (or should I say me peep has) need to whip her into shape.

    Hugs and Purrs. X

  23. OH Cat Nerissa!! You are brilliant, what a challenge to set up for yourself!! I am gonna keep a record of all your new words! how exciting...and my autocatphalous household shall always be autocatphalous...(looks to Nissy with worried eyes...whispers...did I use it right Nissy???)

  24. Sounds like a perectly good word to me. The peeps tell me that sometimes I misuse words. They excuse me all the time.

  25. "Autocatphalous society"... love it. That's certainly the state of the union in my home ;)


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