Sunday, 4 November 2012

cupcake city

Everyone who knows me, knows I love the bling.  No...  that's not true.  Actually, I LOVE THE BLING!  Better, don't you think?

I'm so truly fortunate 'cause I've got some pretty super-duper fantastic pals here on the blogosphere and they've been kind enough to award me with two new awards!  I'm just so ecstatic 'bout this 'cause, as I might have mentioned before, I'm quite partial to the bling.

Anywho...  both of the awards feature cupcakes.  So in honour of these cupcake awards, I'm including a picture of my best cupcake pose.  You like?  Come on...  you know you do.

My good pal Sammy from over at the world-famous blog, onespoiledcat, gave me this cute and adorable One Sweet Blog Award.  I really like it.  I think he thinks my blog is sweet or something.  You know...  that's a pretty nice thought.  It's pretty nice of Sammy to think that way about my blog.  I think his blog is really sweet, too, so if you haven't read it yet, you've just gotta check it out, okay?  It's a really good one!

Now, awards usually have strings attached.  That's pretty appropriate 'cause you need some string to hang your pretty awards up on the wall.  And if there's any leftover string, you can always play with it.  I love a good string, you know.  This particular award requires minimal string which is really good, I think, 'cause it means there will be lots of string left over for playing. 

All I need do in accepting the One Sweet Blog Award is to thank Sammy.  THANK YOU SAMMY!  And then I just need to include a link back to his blog - which I did up above - and pass the award along to five other bloggers. 

So...  Drum roll please...  The nominees are...

- the Two Siamese at DeccaCats
- Felix and Jasper at Felix and Jasper Blogalot
- Eric and Flynn at Eric and Flynn's Adventures
- the Gang at Whiskers and Purrs
- everyone at Life from a Cat's Perspective

Congratulations everyone!  You've all got the sweetest of sweetest blogs.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!

And apparently, my pal Speedy thinks that my blog is not only sweet but that it's super sweet.  Pretty neat, huh?  Speedy gave me this lovely Super Sweet Blogging Award.   For those of you who haven't yet met Speedy, you've gotta check out his blog, Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny.  That's right!  Speedy is a bunny and a pretty darned cute one at that.

In accepting this award, I need to thank Speedy.  THANK YOU SPEEDY!  I also need to link back to his blog which I did in the above paragraph and then answer five questions 'bout myself.  Finally, I need to pass the award along to ten more blogs.

I'll answer the questions first.

#1  Which do I like best... cookies or cakes?
      I've never had one but I've heard of a wonderful thing called a fishcake.  I'm pretty sure I would
      like that best.
#2  Which do I prefer...  chocolate or vanilla?
      Vanilla for sure.  Chocolate can be deadly for us cats, you know.  Vanilla ice cream, on the
      other hand, is scrumptious!
#3  What is my favourite sweet treat?
      Did you say there was vanilla ice cream in that bowl?  Here...  let me help you clean it all up.
#4  When do I crave sweet things?
      I don't really crave them but if there are any to my liking available, I will have some.
#5  If I had a sweet nick name, what would it be?
      I'm not overly fond of it, but the peep often calls me Nissy-poo.  I guess that's a sweet
      nickname...  if you're a peep!

Now...  Another drum roll please...  The nominees for the Super Sweet Blogging Award are...

- the Crew at Colehaus Cats
- the Trout Talkin Tabbies at Trout Towne
- the peep at God's Little People
- Patchy at The Five Cats Chronicles
- Nicky at Nicky's Garden
- Pernille at My Little Cat World
- Feebee at Feebee the Tortoiseshell Cat
- everyone at Katiez Furry Mewz
- Mick at Fuzzy Creatures
- Shaggy and Scout at Little Cat Feet  

Congratulations again!  You too have the sweetest of sweetest blogs.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!  Yippidy-do!

You all might think that finding fifteen blogs that are sweet would be easy and if that's what you think - well, by golly - you'd be right.  There are a mouses lot of super-duper sugary sweetie pie cupcake worthy blogs out there.  But, finding fifteen blogs that haven't already received these two lovely awards is a little tougher.  So...  if I accidentally have given you an award you've already received, please take the other one.  And, if you've already received both of them, well...  then have another.  Then you'd have a matching set!  You can never have enough cupcakes, right?  I should think not.  They're just little.

And as a matter of fact, why doesn't everyone take one of these cupcakes!  My peep made 'em for a bake sale last week for the Valley WAAG Animal Shelter.  Pretty cute, huh?  Yummy too.  Hey peep o' mine....  oh peepers...  oh peeper cheepers...  you got any ice cream to go with these?  I'll take the vanilla, please.


  1. Thank you so much Nerissa for awarding me the Super Sweet Blogging award. I love the cake cupcakes,my mum likes em too. Purrs and Hugs xxx

  2. Congrats on those two yummy awards. Did the Peep eat all those cupcakes?? Ours did. Hope you have a super Sunday. Take care.

  3. Concats on two very pawsomely SWEET awards! *snags cupcake* Mmmm, NIP laced! SCORE!

  4. I loved your list and congrats! We think you are soooooo sweet too!

  5. Congrats for the other award too Nerissa,and those cup cakes look yummy,xxSpeedy

  6. Thanks for the cupcakes pal. Congratulations on your many awards. You deserve them because you do have a near bloggy,.

  7. I've eaten one of those cupcakes. Tasty!

  8. Congratulations on your awards. Loved the list.. Hugs GJ xx

  9. Con-cats from us on your super sweet awards!
    Stop by our blog because we gave you one too.
    Kisses and purrs xx
    Sherlock, Ash and Traveler

  10. Congratulations on your awards. I love those kitty cupcakes.

  11. Congrats on the 2 great awardies! And we LOVED those kittycakes yer Mom made!!!

  12. Concats on your awards and thanks for passing one on to us. Those cupcakes look yummy.

  13. Concatulations! We think you're pretty sweet, too. That pic is just lovely and says "come hither" to us! XOXO

  14. Thank you so much for thinking of us!!
    You are sweet!

  15. Such wonderful wonderful awards, Nissy-poo!! Yay!:-)

    Take care

  16. Hi Nissy!!! Thank you for sharing so many new blogs for me!! I have visited several already and they are lots of fun. You always earn your sweet awards, ahem, BLING, cuz your blog style is so much fun! paw pats, Savannah

  17. ConCats Nerissa!! Two awards!!! Score :)

  18. Whoo! Hoo1 me has a sugar rush from just visiting your blog! Concatulations, and extra special kisses

  19. congratulations!!! Now you have me really confused! We received both of these but all along we thought they were the same award so now we are so confused that instead of blogging about them we are probably just gonna pass......these get super cumbersome after awhile...yes they are nice but.......

  20. Concats on teh sweet awards! I duzn't mind if I duz take a cupcake, they iz so fancy! Thanks you *purrrrs*

  21. Concatulations on your awards, Nerissa!

  22. Mieow Nissy!
    Concatz on your Sweet Awardiez! ^.,^
    We agreez wif Nellie , it'z a Sugar rush jus vizitin you....hehehehe

    We got'z owr power back, and good thin too!! It'z getting furry C O L D owt dere fur or not!!! ^..^ Dis jus addz insult to injury da mom sayz :\
    This iz jus AWFUL fur All thoze who have lost their homez......

    Well , da mom sayz we will post soon aftur she catchez up wif herself ^..^ ??? Fankz fur your Puurayerz and good thoughtz, dey musta wurked cauze we Safe & Sound and Blessed~

    ♥♥xoxoxo♥♥ ^..^ x6 +1 :)

    1. I'm so glad you've got your power back. That storm must have been just awful for you. Hope things get back to normal, soon. I'll send more purrs, okay?

  23. Congratulations on your award, Nerissa -- and thank you, thank you for nominating us for the One Sweet Blog Award! We do accept and will be posting our formal thanks, link and nominations shortly. Does this mean we get to put the cue cupcake image on our site now? (Can you tell we're excited??) - Trouble & Mischief

    1. It sure does! I have mine in my post and then permanently, along the right-hand column of my blog. You can use yours however you wish. It's yours! CONGRATULATIONS!!! purrs

  24. We are deeply humbled by your nomination of our blog, Nerissa. Thank you, thank you! We accept the award and have posted our thanks to you on our blog, linked again - and named our five nominees. Are we allowed to use the One Sweet Blog Award on our site now? (Can you tell we're excited??) -- Trouble and Mischief, the DeccaCats

  25. Concatulations! And yes we love your cupcake pose here!
    Purrs of peace!

  26. Whoa--your Peep is super excellently talented. Is her name Martha?

    We think those cupcake awardies are furry nice, nerissa, just like you.....Nissy-poo! ::ducks and runs::

  27. Thank you so much for the award, that's very sweet of you. I haven't been blogging for a while, so now I have to catch up, and visit some more blogs. Take care.
    Hugs from Pernille <3

  28. Thanks Nissy! I appreciate the award (: Congrats on both of yours!

  29. Well Nissy - you're up to your whiskers in cupcakes huh? I'm with you on the vanilla ice cream thing....sounds good. I'm also "with you" on the bling addiction - can't have too much bling I say. You deserve every bit you get my friend.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  30. About the vanilla ice cream....I think it's sort of okay, but really I'd rather the Human just buy me a nice container of heavy whipping cream and let me have at THAT. But she doesn't because she says it gives me "the runs" so I hardly ever get milk or half and half and when I do, it's just some mean little half-teaspoon or something.

    Hey--am I KING or am I KING? GIVE ME CREAM, WOMAN!!!

  31. THANK YOU so much for your Super Sweet Blogging Award! We are truly honored and thankful. As soon as our Mom gets caught up from her trip last week, she promises to get it posted right away! Thank you again, and congrats to the other winners as well as yours! Purrs...


I love hearin' from my pals. I really, REALLY do. PURRS.