Wednesday, 29 August 2012

a rough week

I almost didn't post today.  Thought I might give the peep some time off for sick leave.  But it would have been the first post I've ever missed since I began blogging way back last November so...  the peep said she would suck it up and help me with today's post anyway.

It all began late Saturday night.  Cat fight!  It was outside on the street.  Street fights are the worst, you know?  No rules or anything.  I do my best not to get involved in stuff like like that but apparently, not all cats feel the same way.

Well, the screeching began and the peep grabbed the flashlight and ran outdoors.  There they were...  nosey neighbour cat and that cat who came back...  Carson.  They were growling and hissing and spitting but not yet fighting.  The peep was concerned the most for Carson 'cause we still haven't figured out whose cat he is and she was worried that if he got hurt, who would help him?  Nosey neighbour cat can be a real scrapper at times so she opted to pick up Carson.

About halfway down the driveway, it happened.  Everything seemed fine but then...  then...  then that cat who came back - who my peeps now call Carson - did it.  He bit the peep.

Well, the hospital situation isn't too great here in Nova Scotia.  When they don't have a doctor to man the ER, they just shut it down.  The peep didn't even bother calling to see if the ER was open or  not 'cause she thought there was a good chance that it wasn't and it was late at night and peep #2 wasn't home and she would have had to have driven herself.  Seriously, my hospital never closes.  There's always a doctor on call for me.  I suggested to the peep that she go see my vet but oh no...  that wasn't good enough for her.  Silly peep.

So she cleaned out the wounds and watched all her blood go down the drain.  I have to admit it.  My peep was very brave.  Didn't hear a single meow of pain out of her all night.

By Monday morning, the peep was ready to go see the doctor.  She was so ready, in fact, I think she was even open to the idea of seeing mine.  There was no doctor at the local hospital until eight that night so it was my hospital or she could drive to one at the other end of the valley.  Personally, I would have opted to go to my hospital - they're very experienced with cat bites, you know - but instead, the peep managed to squeeze in an appointment with her own doctor at his office.  He's pretty good, I hear, but he can't possibly be as good as my doctor or my peeps would take me to him, too.  Of this, I am sure.  Peeps always want the best for me, you know.

So now, the peep is on antibiotics and pain medication and is currently practising for when the one-handed litter box change becomes an Olympic event.  She's getting pretty good at it.  She's also doing the one-handed typing thing which seems quite awkward, if you ask me.  I doubt it will ever become an Olympic sport.  Too weird, I think.  Good thing I write my own blog, huh?  And if the infection isn't gone by tomorrow she'll go back to her doctor and he will personally take her to the hospital to give her an IV antibiotic or something like that.  I've had IVs before and for me, they always shaved off some of my fur on my leg.  Hope they don't have to shave the peep's head or anything.

We cats are taking good care of the peep.  As you know, I never sleep with her at night.  That's my sister Constance's job.  But the last couple of nights, I've been right there snuggled in beside her along with Connie and my Auntie Blossom.  My dad took a running leap like he so often does but he landed right on the peep's sore hand.  You should have heard the howls.  The peep  unceremoniously dumped my dad onto the floor and he walked away, tail between his legs, complaining the peep could be so ungrateful.  Oh yeah, and the peep wasn't too pleased, either.

So I'm sorry if my post isn't up to my usual stuff but it has been a rough week, you know?  Hopefully, by Sunday, the peep's hand will be better and I'll have less nursing and doctoring to do for her.  For now, I think I'll suggest to her that we go take a little nap.  When in doubt, nap.  Always a good idea.  But I'll make sure my dad curls up down by the peep's feet this time.  Cats who take running leaps onto beds and couches and other pieces of furniture are not to be trusted around peeps with sore hands.  No...  not to be trusted at all.


  1. oh poor peep....and the medical situation is just sad. mom has been bitten before and it is terrible. while we are glad Carson was saved, it is never good to stick your hands in there - mom says grab a bucket of water and the cats will run when they get soaked. take good care of the peep and we hope her hand is better soon

  2. Oh my gosh, what an adventure! Take care of your peep! We are glad she got treatment and is on the mend. Wow. It could have been so much worse.

  3. Hope you're feeling better. We love cats but those bites are serious business.
    Sometimes a soak in warm salt water can help with mild infections.

  4. Our Mum says ouchie - she has had the same happen to her (by a cat who came before us). She had to return to the hospital after a few days (as even though it had been well cleaned and she was on aunty biotics her hand was worse. They had to open a theatre especially as cat bites are very infectious and operate on her hand there and then.
    She says to tell your Mom if she's unsure about her hand to go back straight away.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Oh dear. Deep cat bites are not good for our humans. And maybe she should have gone to your hospital! Once my old sis Sophie bit my mom when Mom gave her a shot in a bad place, and both of them went to our vet! Dr. R. made my mom wash the bite out with antiseptic for like 15 minutes! Dr. R. recommended that she go to urgent care, so Mom did, but they were 1.) on the verge of closing, 2.) wanted to give Mom a tetanus shot and 3.) was going to report Sophie (who was terminally ill) to the city for them to take her away for quarantine!

    Well, let's just say Mom said no to the shot in the end, was the last person to leave, and there was no one at the desk to leave the paperwork with.

  6. Oh no Nerissa,I hope your peep is feeling better I know how she feels after getting my war wound as my mum like's to call it stitched up so I'm sending you peep super sized Speedy snuggles and bunny kisses to help her feel better,xxSpeedy

  7. Hope the peep is feeling better. Good thing she's got you to help her, Nerissa.

  8. I am so so sorry about that bite and your mom just trying to help. Oh I know it must hurt and hurt. Carson was still riled up and made a mistake but that doesn't take away from what happened. Please keep us updated. I swear, I would have asked MY mom to go to my Dr. too in that situation. xox

  9. Sending hugs and well wishes your way. I know how the bites can hurt. Whiskers has nailed me a time or two.

  10. OH!!! Take care of the peep, Nerissa. Seriously, she needs looking after! It really is a good job you don’t need her to blog though!

  11. Oh dear Nerissa!!! I am so sorry to hear about what happened :'(
    That Carson should be utterly ashamed of his self! How dare he attack your peep when she was just trying to help him!

    Continue to keep an eye on your peep and do your best--she's conting on you. Give her plenty of purrs and headbonks
    Every thing'll be okay lots of love and purrayers coming your way!

  12. Oh ouchie for your peep! I hope it gets better quick!!!
    Did Carson escape the noisy neighbor cat? Poor fellow

  13. Oh Nerissa.
    I bit my Momma.
    She knew right away it was infected.
    Next day she saw her DR (it was a Friday).
    The DR said if the area grew bigger (and she drew a circle on Mom's hand) to go to the ER. It got bigger and bigger and went outside of the circle, so Mom ended up in ER.
    So it was a four figure cat bite.
    Thankfully we aren't yet covered by govern run medicine (soon...sigh) so she got good treatment quickly.

    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

    1. Actually, if we lived in the city, there would have been an ER open all night. But I'm a country cat and out here in the country, the ER and outpatients are staffed by family doctors who already have a full patient load. Working in the city becomes much more appealing to do

    2. Sorry... blame the one-handed typist. Anyway, working in the city is much more appealing to new doctors, because of this. But in the country, there are dangerous professions upon which city peeps depend. Government needs to recognise they but won't because they all live in the city and that's where most of their votes are. Pretty short-sighted, I should think. If there were enough coutry doctors, our ERs would be fully staffed and my peep's doctor wouldn't be working 'til 8 and 9 at night. She often sees his car outside his office late and... he makes house calls to elderly peeps! Need more doctors like that, I think.

  14. So sorry to hear about your peep. I hope she is taking this seriously because it can be quite a problem. those big sharp pointy teeth seem to almost inject nasties into the body.. I'm sorry to hear about that hospital.. but it is good that at least YOUR hospital takes things a little more serious.

  15. Oh my we feel so bad for your peep! We are hoping that she didn't have to go to the hospital after all. Those bites and scratches can be quite dangerous. Thank goodness she has you to take care of her.
    We are sending purrs for her speedy recovery and you know what? Your blog didn't miss a's as stellar as ever!

  16. Ugh, cat bites can be pretty awful! I hope your human's gets better soon - but she would be wise to get the IV if it is not seriously improved. This is one of those wounds you do NOT mess with!

  17. Oh My Cat! My Mom asks did she get a tetanus shot? My Mom got bitten and so did her brother when they were trying to trap a feral cat. The Dr immediately gave them tetanus shots. And they were really bitten! I hope Peep #1 get better really soon. paw hugs to family Nerissa, Savannah

    1. The peeps both ALWAYS keep up their tetanus shots like clockwork. Peep #1 is always in the garden, as you know, and you could get it from just a tiny little scratch from a rose bush or something and not even know you got scratched. Peep always says, by the time you know you've got tetatus... you're dead.

  18. Sorry your Mommie has a boo-boo. I am sure Carson is sorry today about it.

  19. Iffen its a record yer going for, yer on yer way. We miss a day every few months ourselfs. But mostly, we enjoy yer posts, an iffen ya miss a day, its OK.

    1. Well... I only post two days a week as it is, so I'd hate to miss one of them. What if peeps out there forget about me and stop reading my blog?

  20. Your poor peep! Our mom has been bitten a couple of times by the cat that came before us. She's had to go to the doctor, but never the hospital. We hope your peep heals quickly.

  21. I hate cat fights too. I've tried all sorts of things to break them up, but usually from a distance or with a stick. After your experience, I'll be especially careful, as a full on cat bite doesn't sound good at all!

    I hope everything heals up nice without any complications.

  22. Nerrisa, I don't know much about kitty cats. There used to be three in the neighborhood who were very friendly, but they have moved to new neighborhoods, so there is nobody for me to ask, but is there a danger of rabies from kitty bites? I know rabies is very, very serious. I don't want to worry you or your peep, but I think it is important to eliminate that possibility.

    1. Perhaps elsewhere... I don't know. But here in Nova Scotia, we don't have rabies. Besides, Carson wasn't rabid. He was just super upset.

  23. We are purring for your Peep, Nerissa! How horrible! Those bites can be quite dangerous. Please keep us posted!


  24. Oh my goodness gracious. Your poor peep. That sounds like a very painful bite. Our mum has been pretty lucky and while she has some scars has never been bitten badly. We are sending huge recovery purrs, and hope it all clears up and heals very very quickly. Smooches!

  25. Sorry to hear about your peep, and hope she feels better soon. It's no fun having to do your blog when you don't feel well enough.

  26. Oh dear! We hope your peep didn't get anything icky from that ungrateful kitty sounds to me like your peep was just trying to help him out from the clutches of nosey neighbor cat - he may have just been in "attack mode" and didn't realize your peep was doing him a favor! At any rate, hope your peep is OK and recovering quickly. I agree with you that we cats and dogs even (!) make EXCELLENT care-takers of peeps. They can be SOOOOO pitiful and helpless sometimes don't you think??????

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy and my Mom sends your Mom a "people hug" !

  27. We are purring for your peep! What a brave thing she did. We hate to say it, but cat bites are very dangerous. Carson was probably under a lot of strain and really didn't mean to do that. We are purring your peeps hand is better soon!

  28. Your poor Mommy! Me bited Mommy a couple of times. The first time Mommy's arm all swelled amd she had to has special drugs! It was awful! She even got lumps under her arm! The next time, me bit her harder and worse and she had nno problems at all. Her vet said it was becasue the 2nd one bleed much more. The blood washed all the yucky cat mouth stuff out!
    Kisses for your Mommy!

  29. We hope your peep has recovered from her "incident" with Carson by now. Perhaps a blog award will ease the pain? I nominated you for Addictive Blog Award this morning..... come see me when you can get away from nursing duties at

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  30. Awwww Nerissa... I hope yo human feels better now.
    Sending purrs

  31. Mowzers, Nerissa! Good thing you didn't hafta do kitteh CPR on her or anythings. But we bet you were standing by just in case...!

    You make sure her hand heals real good - those cat bites can send those humans to the hospital for days!!

  32. Hope your peep is healing up real quick after the catbite !
    Sending (((purrs)))


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