Wednesday 28 November 2012

bloody Wednesday

The following is a true story, told to me by the peeps.  It's seems appropriate to post this today as today is the last Wednesday of November, otherwise known, in my house, as...  Bloody Wednesday. 

The origins of Bloody Wednesday began a few years ago, when my Auntie Primrose was taken to see the doctor for her annual check-up.  Auntie Primrose has never been one to enjoy visiting the doctor.  She has had some issues with doctors in the past.  She has had those issues since kittenhood but still, once a year, she must go in for her vaccinations and whatnot. 

The peeps rarely crate the Prim when goin' to see the doctor.  Instead, they usually put her on a leash.  You see, Primrose is a very nervous cat and by the time the peeps get her into the carrier, she's in such a mood that the doctors can't properly examine her.  They can't listen to her heart or check her teeth or anything.  At least not safely.  And don't even mention the whole temperature taking business!  Remember, this is the cat that once ended up on my peep #1's head while at the doctor's office.  I think I told you 'bout that incident.  And remember how two of her doctors left to find new careers?  Yup, that's my Auntie Primrose!

So this particular time was, I am told, a little better than most...  at first.  My auntie had settled into my peep #1's arms quite nicely.  I doubt she was purring or anything but she wasn't complaining and that's a good sign with the Prim.  The peep sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room - directly opposite the desk - and all was well.  Or at least that's what they thought.  Duh duh duh duhhhh....

At some point, a man came into the hospital to collect his dog.  One of the staff members brought the dog - the very big dog - out from behind the desk.  There is a secret passage or something that leads from the exam rooms and kennels and whatnot to said desk.  Secret passages are neat stuff, you know.  Anywho...  the staff member handed the dog's leash to another staff member who handed it to the man picking up his dog.  Well, my peep #1 was watching all this and not thinkin' a whole lot 'bout it, as is typical peep.  She saw the man drop the leash.  Yup, that's what he did.  He DROPPED the leash.  So then, the very big dog was effectively, loose in the hospital.

Of course, the dog - the very big dog - decided to come on over and visit the peep.  He probably wanted to visit my Auntie Primrose, too.   Well, Auntie Prim was having NOTHING to do with that!  She wanted out of my peep's arms right there and then.  I'm pretty sure she was planning to climb some walls or something and find a perch out of that dog's reach.

My peep hung onto my auntie for dear life.  She was terrified that if Primrose got loose, she might get lost.  What if someone opened the door and she made an escape outside?  My hospital is on a busy road.  She could get hurt out there.  So my peep hung onto Primrose but Primrose dearly wanted the peep to let her go.  But the peep wouldn't let go so Primrose bit the peep.  Not once...  not twice...  but fourteen times.  Yup, they counted the bite marks afterwards.  That's how they knew.

The peep jumped up and ran down to the very end of the hallway, still clutching Auntie Primrose and leaving a trail of blood all the way behind her.  A little pool of the stuff collected on the floor, right at the end.  The dog was in hot pursuit.  Off in the distance, peep #1 heard peep #2 yelling at the incredibly stupid and oblivious man, "GO GET YOUR DOG!!!"  I left out a couple of words there 'cause Nerissa's Life is a family-friendly blog.  Anywho...  you get the picture, I am sure.

Then, like magic, an exam room door opened and peep #1 was ushered inside.  Primrose was hastily shoved into one of their carriers and was she ever in a mood.  Let me tell you, when the carrier is a-rocking, don't you come a knocking 'cause there be one cranky cat inside there for sure!  The peeps hands - both of them - were washed and cleaned and treated by my doctor.  Ointments were added and then they were both wrapped in doggy bandages and by that, I mean, bandages meant to be used on doggies.  Then my doctor wrote a note for the peep doctor at the peep emergency room to make sure he or she knew just what might be inside a kitty's mouth.  Personally, I'm thinkin' teeth would be found in there but maybe the peep doctors are unaware of such things.  Who knows...  Then the peep was sent off to the emergency room and my Auntie Primrose spent the night at my hospital. 

But let me tell you one more thing.  When the peep doctor saw my peep's hands, do you know what he did?  Do you?  He laughed!  He laughed at the peep!  Yup.  Said something like, "Boy, she really got you good, huh?"  Imagine that.  Never in my whole life has my doctor ever laughed at me.  She wouldn't dream of it.  Not in a million years.  A million cat or human years.  Not ever.  My doctors know better.  My doctors are smarty-pants smart after all.  But I can tell you who isn't smart.  That stupidity-dupity man of obliviousness who started what is now known - all across the province of Nova Scotia, I would imagine - as Bloody Wednesday!  MOUSES!!!

Sunday 25 November 2012

show's over...

There was an incident. 

I was being extraordinarily generous with the computer and allowed the peep to use it for a bit to do some of her own writing.  I figured that as I was all caught up with my blog posts and I had visited my pals in the blogosphere, I could afford the generousity. 

Even though I wasn't working myself, I decided to hang around in the office with the peep.  There are windows in there from which I can view the driveway.  From those windows, I can see that nosey neighbour cat if he's comin' over to score some food.  Not that he needs to eat here or anything.  He has a couple of peeps of his own and they take super-duper good care of him and everything.  He just likes to come over and see what my peeps are serving, I suppose.  Also, I think he likes the drama.

Usually, I use the big bay window for my viewing purposes.  From there I can see right across the road and supervise both my driveway as well the driveway belonging to that nosey neighbour cat.  But to look out that window, I need to be sitting at my desk and I couldn't sit there 'cause I had given the peep permission to use my chair along with my computer.  She had plunked herself down in that chair and there was just no getting her to move.  MOUSES!

Just what was a cat to do?   I decided to look out one of the two smaller, side windows.  They have ledges whereas the bay window doesn't.  No chairs needed.  So I hopped right up onto one of those window ledges and that was when the incident occurred. 

Now, you're probably thinkin' the incident involved that ol' nosey neighbour cat.  Under normal circumstances, you would probably be right.  There's always a bit of drama when nosey neighbour cat comes around.  This time, however, he was nowhere to be seen.

As I hopped up onto the window ledge, I discovered that where there should have been plenty of room for all four of my paws plus my rear end, there wasn't.  Plant pots were occupying the very same space as what my rear end wanted to occupy.  Now I fully understand the laws of physics and the thing is, two objects of mass can't possibly occupy the same space.  At least not at the same time.  It's just not possible.  Leads to all sorts of time and space warping catastrophes and I really wasn't in the mood for one of those, that day.  So, in a matter of nanoseconds, I quickly calculated just what objects of mass would have to be removed from the window ledge to make room for my object of mass.  That would be my rear end.  It wasn't a difficult calculation.  I knew almost immediately that the answer was two.  Two plant pots would have to go.

So there was a bit of a crash and maybe a little smash but in the end, my cute little butt was sitting just where it wanted to be.  You've heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement?  Well this was the Occupy Window Ledge movement of Nova Scotia.  And let me tell you, when all was said and done, the window ledge was occupied by none other than me.  Success!   And just as it should be, my friends.  Just as it should be...

Of course, to the ol' peep, this qualified as an incident.  Oh the fuss she made.  Ridiculous, really.  The cyclamen weren't bothered one bit by falling to the ground.  They've been sleepin' all summer.  The peep says they are dormant.  Well la-dee-da with the fancy terms.  All I know is they were sleepin' before I knocked them to the floor and falling on the ground didn't wake 'em up.  So, obviously, they weren't too bothered by the whole thing.  Unlike the peep.

The peep's face was all silly looking 'cause she had her mad on.  I just looked at her and reminded her that it wasn't my fault.  Am I now supposed to defy the laws of physics?  Physics is what made it necessary to knock down those pots.  I also pointed out to her that, like I said, the plants were still sleepin' so I couldn't understand what her problem was.  But the peep still had her mad on so I had to take matters into my own paws.  I said, in a firm but not too unkind voice, "Show's over...  nothing to see here...   move along little doggy...  move along."  That actually didn't go over too well, now that I think about it.  I think it might have been the doggy reference...

You know...  it's the peep's own fault for putting the pots there in the first place.  She should have known I might need to sit up on that ledge if she was gonna occupy my chair.  Peeps never think these things through, you know?  They can be so silly and...  and...  well let's face it...  pretty darned stupid at times.  But truth be told, I am glad I didn't knock down any pots up on the other ledge.  The ol' peep planted me some pansy seeds in those pots so that I'll be able to have some pansies in the winter.  I like pansies.  They're my favourite flowers, I think.  Plantin' those seeds was pretty nice of the ol' peep so maybe...  just maybe...  I'll forgive her for all the fuss she made 'bout the incident.   At least, I'll think about forgiving her...  maybe.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

apparently, I'm a falcon

And the peep is a crow!

So the peep was reading this magazine called Woman's World the other day and in it were horoscopes.  At least that's what they called them but they weren't fortellin' the future or anything like that.  Instead, they were giving peeps the keys to their happiness.  Well...  happiness for peeps starts with a cat on their lap.  I could have told them that.  Anywho...  these were special horoscopes 'cause they included all these pretty pictures of animals.  That, of course, is what attracted me to the magazine enough to sit up on the couch next to the peep and take a gander at those horoscopes myself!

According to this Native American horoscope, I'm a falcon.  Who knew?  I thought I was a cat.  But the rest of the stuff was kind of fitting.  I'm supposed to be full of energy and I am...  except of course when I'm napping but that kind of goes without saying, I think.  I'm supposed to have clear judgement and I have that.  Helps me write my blog and all, you know.  Oh, and people look to me for leadership.  Hmmm...  well that one I might have to work on a bit.  I will inform my fellow fur family members of this tonight.  I will inform them that they need to follow my lead a little more than they do.  Of course...  a lot of their non-following stems from the fact that they, too, enjoy a good nap and it's hard to follow somebody when you're busy napping.  Hey...  wait a minute!  Just wait a cock-a-pickin' mousin' minute there!  Maybe they are following me after all.  Maybe they're following me by takin' lots of naps.  Well, that makes total sense, don't you think?

Now for the peep.  According to this magazine, she's a crow.  I find it odd that we're both supposed to be birds even though I'm a cat and it is now suspected that ol' peepers might be part cat - anyone who read my blog post "remembering" fully understands why.  Of course, the other part of her is peep and birds kind of make peep-like noises.  So maybe it all makes sense, after all.

Well, the peep is supposed to have ingenuity and be charming with an affable nature.  She is supposed to be well suited to be a diplomat.  They've got that part all wrong.  My peep could never be a diplomat.  Oh yeah...  it would work out just fine for a while.  For a while she'd molly-coddle whomever she was diplomatting but then all you-know-what would break loose when she lost her patience with the diplomaticums and told them exactly what she thought 'bout the situation.  Yup.  Now that I could see.  Actually, I think maybe I have.

But truth be told, there is a bit of crow in the ol' peep.  She's quite fond of shiny, sparkly things.  She's always hanging them off her ears and stuff.  Okay...  no stuff, really...  just her ears.  Two extra man-made holes in her head, apparently, are enough.  Personally, I think that two might even be two too many but as long as she gets no notions of havin' my ears pierced, I'm okay with her wearing the sparkly-warklies herself.  Although...  I would look quite handsome in blue topaz or pink sapphires.  Hey, why stop with topaz and sapphires?  Diamonds come in those colours, too!  Maybe I should add something like that to my list for Santa?  Nah!  Don't really wanna get my ears pierced.  Honestly, I don't at all!

And just what did the horoscope say was the key to my peep's happiness?  This made me chuckle.  It said she should treat others with patience and cut them some slack 'cause things might not come as easily for them as for her.  Yeah...  like that's gonna happen.  Did I mention 'bout what would happen after she molly-coddled the dimplomaticums?  How she'd tell 'em what she thought even if they didn't wanna hear 'bout it?  Just thinking about it makes me fall over my tail laughing.  Hehe...  hehehe....  hehehehe...  Oh my gosh...  Hohoho...  I just can't help myself...  hehehe...  hehehe...  hehehehehe...  Someone slap some sense into me with my tail!  Please!!!  Hehe...  hehehe...  hehehehe...  Oh it's too much!  It's just too much I say!  Hahahahaha....

Sunday 18 November 2012

abused to the ninth degree!

Today's previously scheduled post has been rescheduled so as to bring you this important breaking news...  my sister Mason was abused to the ninth degree!  Yes she was.  She really and truly was and by none other than the peeps.

It all began last Wednesday morning.  The peeps were up to something.  I just knew it.  I couldn't pay a whole lot of attention to them though 'cause it was a publishing day for me and I had work to do on my blog.  I had almost forgotten my suspicions until I saw peep #2 with a carrier in tow.  That's never good news, you know...  the carrier being brought downstairs.  If it's upstairs, in the hallway, everything is fine.  Hunky-dory a-okay kind of fine.  In fact, a couple of us cats have even been known to hang out and take naps in the carriers...  when they're in the upstairs hallway, that is.  But whenever one comes downstairs, it's bad news all 'round.

So upon seeing the carrier, I made myself scarce.

Turns out, I had nothing to worry about.  The peeps were after my sisters Mason and Tobias.  Toby was nowhere to be found.  Nope.  Not a trace of her.  She had been in the kitchen, I'm told, just prior to the arrival of the carrier but she must have caught wind of it or something 'cause she simply disappeared into thin air.  Mason was not so lucky.

So the peeps arrive at the doctors' office and walk through the door, apologising right off the bat for having only one cat with them.  They were also, by the way, late.  Late by about ten minutes.  They had to apologise for that, too.  Or did they?  Maybe not 'cause...  they were actually early.  Early by about twenty-three hours and fifty minutes.  Could you believe it?  Peep #2 had made the appointment and had written the time down on the calendar for the wrong day!  The check-ups were scheduled for Thursday and not Wednesday at all.  MOUSES!

So my poor sister Mason was sent home, never having seen the doctor.  The peeps arrived home and I heard peep #2 say, "Well, I think that warrants a cup of tea."  Tea?  Tea???  What, all of a sudden it's the peeps who have been through the horrendous ordeal?  Excuse me...  I think my sister Mason is the one who deserves something especially nice.  She's the one squished inside the carrier.  If anyone is makin' tea it had better be nip tea, I should think.  Nip tea for my sister!

Now, had the fiasco that was Wednesday been the end of it, all would have been well but oh no...  Wednesday was only the beginning.  The beginning of the abuse, that is.  Next day, the whole schemozzle began once more.

Of course, there was no sign of Tobias.  Once again, she had managed to do the disappearing act half an hour or so before the appointment.  She's small, you know?  She gets herself hidden in little corners and whatnot, never to found again.  But poor Mason.  Once more, she was pushed and shoved and squished - I'm pretty sure she was squished - into the carrier.  Peep #1 went out calling for my brother Rushton 'cause she knew he was due up for his check-up very soon, too.  Poor Rushy...  the silly boy...  he came when she called.  So, of course, he was squished into carrier number two.

Mason was fuming.  Fuming so much she couldn't even make a sound.  Nope.  Not a single meow or cry was heard all the way to the doctors' office.  But I knew what she was thinking, alright.  I knew she was mad 'cause she was being put through the going-to-the-doctors ordeal for a second time in as many days.  And I knew that she knew darned well whose fault it was.  That would be the fault of the second peep!

When Mason and Rushton got to the intended destination, they set their plan into motion.  They got those peeps of mine back.  They made the peeps look bad.  Very, very bad.  You see..  some of us cats have a tendency to kick up a bit of a fuss at the doctors' office.  Makes the doctors and nurses there feel sorry for the peeps.  But Mason and Rushton held it together.  They did the mind-bending, never-saw-it-coming, we're-good-as-angels manoeuvre.  And 'cause they looked so good and angelic, in comparison, the peeps looked...  well...  atrocious, really.  Atrocious and rotten, I should think.

Rushton hung out on the examination table and was as poised and as regal as only a Rushton knows how.  Did you know his middle name is Tapio?  Means "King of the Forest."  He looks so very regal with that lion-like mane of his.  Doctor Teresa was quite impressed, I am told.  He's such an easy going guy when he wants to be.  He even purred for the doctor and purring is something my brother Rushy rarely does.  It was very soft and faint but he made sure the doctor heard it.  What would be the point, otherwise?

When it came time for Mason's exam, she got up on the table and pranced.  Mason is a real prancer when she gets excited.  She prances here and prances there.  Back and forth, back and forth....  I'm thinking of signing her up for Santa's team.  She could teach that other Prancer a thing or two, I am sure.  Oh, and Mason purred too.  She purred and purred and purred.  Even while getting her vaccinations, she purred.  Again, in comparison, the peeps must have looked like scum.  No...   they probably looked more like whatever one might find lurking underneath a patch of scum.

But the bottom line is this...  my poor sister Mason had been through the being-shoved-in-the-carrier ordeal twice in two days.  That's so wrong.  So very, very wrong.  It's abusive!  My sister was abused!!  Abused to the ninth degree!  One degree for every single one of her nine lives!!!  And all because the second peep, apparently, doesn't know how to use a calendar.  Don't peeps learn that sort of thing in school?  MOUSES!  I must have a couple of defective peeps, I think.  Yup.  That's what they are alright..  defective.  Only explanation I've got.  MOUSES!!!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

I couldn't believe it!

That's right folks...  I couldn't believe it!  I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it with my very own eyes and heard it with my very own ears.  It was the most unbelievable thing, ever.  Ever, ever, EVER!  And, of course, it involved the peep.

So I'm lying on the little roof outside the kitchen window that we cats treat as our sunbathing beach.  The sun was shining and it was very mild for a November day in Canada.  Comfortable but not too hot.  And it wasn't raining for once so outside time was
especially nice.

I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the peep at first.  Yeah, I saw her walkin' past with that big ol' garden spade of hers but I figured I could leave her alone for at least a few minutes.  I mean...  how much damage can a peep do in just a few minutes?  Usually I like - or rather, need - to supervise the peep's gardening endeavours but I figured that just this one time I could rest up and enjoy the sunshine.  It had been raining so much as of late, I needed to get a little colour on my nose.

A little while later, I was still lying on the roof beach when I heard "Arrggghhhh!" and "Ewwwww!" and "Friggity-frack-da-frew!" noises emanating from, where I believed at the time, the far side of the deck.  MOUSES!  Just what had that ol' peep of mine done this time, I thought to myself.  Leave a peep alone and unsupervised for just a few minutes and all you-know-what breaks out.  I slowly climbed to my paws and went to investigate further.  No need to rush, I figured, as whatever mischief she was doin' she would likely still be doin' when I got there.

I arrived at the far side of the deck to find nothing but grass.  Hmmm...  I thought.  Where did the ol' peep go?  Then I heard some clunking noises from under the deck.  Under the deck?  Who would be under the deck?  Then came more clunking and scraping along with some muttering under the breath type sounds.  Again, hmmm...  Only we cats go under the deck along with, perhaps an occasional member of the raccoonista gang that believes our subdivision falls in their territory.  But cats and raccoons don't mutter under their breath.  At least they don't do it in the manner I was hearing.

I peered under the deck and, lo and behold, I was almost knocked over by surprise.  Yup.  All four of my knees buckled.  Do cats even have knees?  I couldn't believe it.  I just couldn't.  I took one paw and used it to wipe my eyes.  Thought maybe I was hallucinating or something.  Perhaps I had stayed out in the sun for too long.  But no.  I blinked a few times and my vision cleared and I realised that what I was seeing was real.  There, under the deck, was...  are you sitting down?  There was my peep!

Peep #1 was on her hands and knees under the deck digging a gigantic hole.  A hole way bigger than a cat.  She wasn't using the spade.  She was digging with her front paws!  Or maybe what she was doin' was more like scooping out than digging.  Of course, the spade would have been pretty useless under there as the deck is only three or four feet high.  The handle on that spade alone is way longer than that.  What's more...  she couldn't stand up to use it. 

Although she was still muttering and sputtering, I felt I had to ask the peep just what on earth she thought she was doin' under there, digging that hole.  The answer came as a bit of a shock, I must admit.  Apparently, the peep was digging a hole to uncover the septic tank thingy so that the man with the big ol' truck could come and clean it out.  But here's the thing...  the real question that must be asked...  WHY WOULD SOMEONE PUT THE SEPTIC TANK UNDER THE DECK?

I kind of think that was the real reason for all the peep's moaning and groaning.  The fact that someone had been so stupid and nincompoopy to do such a silly thing as put a septic tank under a deck.  Something that would have to be dug out every few years.  Dug out by her.  Awfully difficult for a full-grown peep to work under those kind of conditions, I think.  The conditions found under a deck, I mean.  I'm told the previous owners of the house didn't actually put the septic tank under the deck but rather, they built the deck over the septic tank.  I say...  SAME DIFFERENCE!  Still means I end up with a moaning, groaning, sputtering and spewing peep digging holes under decks like she was a dog burying bones or something.  For mousin' sake!  My ears can only handle so much.  Did no one ever think 'bout that when they were hammering on that deck?  Probably not.  'Cause you know peeps.  Never givin' a second thought to us cats.  MOUSES!

Sunday 11 November 2012


Today is Remembrance Day...  a day for remembering all those who have fought in wars to protect and defend us.  Some have fallen. Others have not.  All are remembered in our hearts. 

I've never fought in a war myself other than an occasional spat with that Nosey Neighbour Cat.  That doesn't really count, though.  Peeps will sometimes say that a cat has been at the wars, if the cat is lookin' ratty and whatnot but still, I really don't think it's the same thing.  But my Peep #1's daddy fought in WWII. 

Before I go any further, I promised the peep that if I blogged about this, I would add the following disclaimer.  Her daddy was super-duper young when in the war and he was kind of older when the peep was born so...  don't be thinkin' the peep is too ancient, okay?  Well, truth be told, she is ancient.  She just doesn't want peeps and cats out there thinkin' she's more ancient than she really is although I kind of think that ancient is one of those absolute terms where you either are or you aren't so...  let's face it...  ancient she is!

Anywho...  the peep's daddy was a signalman on a ship in the Canadian navy during WWII.  He was barely eighteen years old and stuck on that big ol' ship, far far away from all his family, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  That had to be kind of scary, I think.  Not to mention cold.  Icky.  And wet, too, 'cause of all the icy water that would spray up on deck.  More icky.  He used to tell the peep that his eyelashes would get ice crystals and kind of freeze together from all that icy spray.  Can you imagine what that would do to a cat's fur?  Not nice to think about at all.  Brrrrr...

Her daddy was the youngest peep on board so the Captain kind of took him under his wing and looked out for him.  That was pretty nice, I think.  Yeah...  really nice, actually.  Especially since, he kind of needed looking after.  Now let me tell you why...

I have been told, and have no reason to believe otherwise, that the peep's daddy had a bit of a sleep walking problem.  Yup.  You're getting the picture, aren't you.  A peep wandering about the deck of a ship in the middle of the big ol' ocean in his sleep.  Now, this is not a good thing.  Not a good thing at all.  Luckily for me, he never fell overboard or anything 'cause if he had, there would have been no peep #1 to convince me to come live inside.  No peep #1 to help me come to know the luxuries of life as a kitty with a home.  Thank goodness he didn't walk right over the edge of that ship, huh?

The peep's daddy had another sleep-related issue as well.  He used to be able to sleep standing up.  When you think about it, it makes sense.  If a peep can walk while sleeping, standing should be a piece of cake.  A piece of fish cake.  And they were in the middle of the ocean and everything so I'm sure there were plenty of fish around to make those cakes.  Wonder if that's why he was so good at it?  Hmmm....   

You know...  sleeping on your paws is a talent many of us cats have.  I do it myself on occasion.  Sometimes, after a hard day of supervising the peep, I'll be so mousin' tired that I'll just fall asleep right there on my paws.  It always starts by my closing my eyes for a bit just to rest 'em.  Next thing I know, I'm rudely awakened by a peep laughin' at me and commenting on how I've fallen asleep standing up on my paws.  Peeps can be so rude, you know.  They really shouldn't make fun of a kitty like that.  I mean...  the supervision of peeps is an extremely taxing job.  It's no wonder I get tired!

Hmmm...  now let's think about this...  If cats can fall asleep on their paws and the peep's daddy was able to fall asleep on his, I wonder...  could it be...  Could it be that the peep's daddy had some cat genes in him?  And if her daddy was part cat, then she would be part cat, too.  Right? 

This would explain a great deal 'bout my peep.  This would explain why she pulls her hair back into a tail-like appendage.  I say tail like 'cause it's really not as good as the tails of us cats.  Plus, it's attached to the wrong end of her.  But it's the best she can do, I suppose.  It would also explain 'bout all that caterwauling she does when she goes to her choral society practices although no self-respecting cat has ever made such hideous noises as my peep makes when she's caterwauling.  Again though...  best she can do, I guess.  Oh, and it might even explain why she likes to dig and delve in the garden like she does.  We cats enjoy a good digging and delving in the garden, ourselves.  It's lots of fun and you never know what you might find out there.  All sorts of fun stuff, I think.  No...  I know.  'Cause I've dug up lots of things myself and it was fun!

So there you have it.  My peep must be part cat.  I'm pretty sure she is.  And it's all due to her daddy.  He must have passed along those good genes.  Now that I've figured all that out, I'll be sure to remember it forever.  But at eleven minutes past the eleventh hour of this eleventh day of the eleventh month, I will be remembering just her daddy.  I will be thankful he came home from that war, safe and sound.  Let us all remember at least one person who did, okay?  Along with everyone who didn't.  And while you're all remembering, say a little prayer for them and send along some purrs.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

I ownz it!

I ownz it!  I ownz it!!  I OWNZ IT!!!  Pardon the kitty speak but I was just so excited that I accidentally reverted to my native tongue.  Since I'm a kitty, kitty speak was my first language.

Now I bet you're all on pins and needles, wondering just what it is that I own.  First of all, might I suggest that you get off those pins and needles?  That has gotta hurt and I don't want anyone getting hurt over this.  This post is supposed to be fun.  Fun with capital letters kind of FUN.

Okay, down to business...  This month is my one year blogoversary.  That's right!  It was way back in November of 2011 when I started my blogging career and and it's been a wonderful, fantastical ride ever since.  Sometimes it feels like I just started bloggin' yesterday and at other times, I can't remember not blogging.  Guess I'm just a bloggin' cat, huh?  Blogging is in my blood now.  Hmmm...  I wonder if the doctor snuck in a blogging gene with my vaccinations last time I was in for a check-up...

To celebrate my blogoversary, the ol' peep has given me something very special indeed.  It was all Katie and GLOGIRLY's idea and I'm ever so pleased they mentioned it to the peep and me 'cause it's one of the best gifts ever.  Well, other than nip, of course.  But it's almost as good as nip and you all know how I feel about the nip, right?  I kind of have an addiction to the stuff.  So anything that's almost as good as the nip is pretty mousin' good.

I, Nerissa the cat, am now the proud owner of my very own domain.  Ever neat, huh?  I ownz a piece of the Internet.  I own my own name.  I own my very own domain. 

It took the peep a bit of doing.  There were a few technical problems setting it up.  And you all know my peep with technology, right?  It's like oil and water, my friends.  It's like she thought she was makin' salad dressing or something.  At first, stuff didn't work quite the way it was expected to work but the peep made a few calls and before I knew it - and before the peep had yanked all her hair out with frustration - everything was in place.  Everything was set up for my new domain name.

My old URL was hard to remember with all those letters and dashes and stuff.  Now, you just need to remember the name of my blog...  Nerissa's Life.  That's 'cause I now own the domain and I'm ever so proud of it.  It's like owning a piece of real estate.  A piece of prime real estate.  And you know what they say...  my peep is a technologically impaired duffer.  Oh, sorry 'bout that.  That's somethin' else they say.  Location, location, location!  That's the saying that applies here.  And the location is...  Nerissa's Life!  Yoo-Hoo!  YOO-HOO!!

That was a super-duper extra special gift my ol' peep gave me.  Don't you think?

But the celebrating isn't finished, my friends.  I have a special treat for all of you.  I've got a new award to hand out. 

I asked myself, "Hmmm....  now what do I love more than anything else in the world?"  Well the answer was pretty easy.  NIP!  So in honour of my first blogoversary, I'm introducing the new Bring on the Nip! award.  It's an award for celebrations.  Pretty neat, huh?

As usual, there's stuff you need to do in accepting this award but none of it is difficult.  Firstly, you need to thank the cat who gave you this award and link back to their blog.  Now, I don't have to do this 'cause...  well...  I'm startin' this shindig. 

Secondly, you have to tell everyone something you wanna celebrate.  Something good that happened.  That sort of thing.  It could be anything, really.  It could even be that you had extra yummy noms for breakfast or something.  In my case, I'm celebrating my first blogoversary.

And lastly, you need to pass the blog along.  You can pass it along to just one blog or as many as twelve.  I chose twelve 'cause there are twelve months in the year and, as you might have heard, I'm celebratin' my one year blogoversary.  Yup.  I've been blogging for twelve months now.  Did I mention that?  I can still can hardly believe it.

Now...  the first ever recipents of the Bring on the Nip! award.  Drum roll please...

- Herman at It's a Wonderpurr Life
- Sammy at onespoiledcat
- Katie at Katie Isabella
- Katie at GLOGIRLY
- Savannah at Savannah's Paw Tracks
- Stan at Tuxedo Stanley
- Mario at Mario's Meowsings
- Spitty at Spitty Speaks
- Speedy at Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny
- Basil at Basil the Bionic Cat's Blog
- Sherlock, Traveler & Ash at Feline Purr-spective
- Sparkle at Sparkle the Designer Cat

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you!  Congratulations for receiving this new award and congratulations for whatever you decide to celebrate!  And.... 

                                                                BRING ON THE NIP!

Sunday 4 November 2012

cupcake city

Everyone who knows me, knows I love the bling.  No...  that's not true.  Actually, I LOVE THE BLING!  Better, don't you think?

I'm so truly fortunate 'cause I've got some pretty super-duper fantastic pals here on the blogosphere and they've been kind enough to award me with two new awards!  I'm just so ecstatic 'bout this 'cause, as I might have mentioned before, I'm quite partial to the bling.

Anywho...  both of the awards feature cupcakes.  So in honour of these cupcake awards, I'm including a picture of my best cupcake pose.  You like?  Come on...  you know you do.

My good pal Sammy from over at the world-famous blog, onespoiledcat, gave me this cute and adorable One Sweet Blog Award.  I really like it.  I think he thinks my blog is sweet or something.  You know...  that's a pretty nice thought.  It's pretty nice of Sammy to think that way about my blog.  I think his blog is really sweet, too, so if you haven't read it yet, you've just gotta check it out, okay?  It's a really good one!

Now, awards usually have strings attached.  That's pretty appropriate 'cause you need some string to hang your pretty awards up on the wall.  And if there's any leftover string, you can always play with it.  I love a good string, you know.  This particular award requires minimal string which is really good, I think, 'cause it means there will be lots of string left over for playing. 

All I need do in accepting the One Sweet Blog Award is to thank Sammy.  THANK YOU SAMMY!  And then I just need to include a link back to his blog - which I did up above - and pass the award along to five other bloggers. 

So...  Drum roll please...  The nominees are...

- the Two Siamese at DeccaCats
- Felix and Jasper at Felix and Jasper Blogalot
- Eric and Flynn at Eric and Flynn's Adventures
- the Gang at Whiskers and Purrs
- everyone at Life from a Cat's Perspective

Congratulations everyone!  You've all got the sweetest of sweetest blogs.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!

And apparently, my pal Speedy thinks that my blog is not only sweet but that it's super sweet.  Pretty neat, huh?  Speedy gave me this lovely Super Sweet Blogging Award.   For those of you who haven't yet met Speedy, you've gotta check out his blog, Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny.  That's right!  Speedy is a bunny and a pretty darned cute one at that.

In accepting this award, I need to thank Speedy.  THANK YOU SPEEDY!  I also need to link back to his blog which I did in the above paragraph and then answer five questions 'bout myself.  Finally, I need to pass the award along to ten more blogs.

I'll answer the questions first.

#1  Which do I like best... cookies or cakes?
      I've never had one but I've heard of a wonderful thing called a fishcake.  I'm pretty sure I would
      like that best.
#2  Which do I prefer...  chocolate or vanilla?
      Vanilla for sure.  Chocolate can be deadly for us cats, you know.  Vanilla ice cream, on the
      other hand, is scrumptious!
#3  What is my favourite sweet treat?
      Did you say there was vanilla ice cream in that bowl?  Here...  let me help you clean it all up.
#4  When do I crave sweet things?
      I don't really crave them but if there are any to my liking available, I will have some.
#5  If I had a sweet nick name, what would it be?
      I'm not overly fond of it, but the peep often calls me Nissy-poo.  I guess that's a sweet
      nickname...  if you're a peep!

Now...  Another drum roll please...  The nominees for the Super Sweet Blogging Award are...

- the Crew at Colehaus Cats
- the Trout Talkin Tabbies at Trout Towne
- the peep at God's Little People
- Patchy at The Five Cats Chronicles
- Nicky at Nicky's Garden
- Pernille at My Little Cat World
- Feebee at Feebee the Tortoiseshell Cat
- everyone at Katiez Furry Mewz
- Mick at Fuzzy Creatures
- Shaggy and Scout at Little Cat Feet  

Congratulations again!  You too have the sweetest of sweetest blogs.  Yoo-hoo!  YOO-HOO!!!  Yippidy-do!

You all might think that finding fifteen blogs that are sweet would be easy and if that's what you think - well, by golly - you'd be right.  There are a mouses lot of super-duper sugary sweetie pie cupcake worthy blogs out there.  But, finding fifteen blogs that haven't already received these two lovely awards is a little tougher.  So...  if I accidentally have given you an award you've already received, please take the other one.  And, if you've already received both of them, well...  then have another.  Then you'd have a matching set!  You can never have enough cupcakes, right?  I should think not.  They're just little.

And as a matter of fact, why doesn't everyone take one of these cupcakes!  My peep made 'em for a bake sale last week for the Valley WAAG Animal Shelter.  Pretty cute, huh?  Yummy too.  Hey peep o' mine....  oh peepers...  oh peeper cheepers...  you got any ice cream to go with these?  I'll take the vanilla, please.